Hi there, translations do work, I’ve just created a custom MO file and added it to the site using the WPT Custom MO file plugin, What’s New translated to my custom script just fine.
I think yes it is still BuddyPress registration page because I am seeing the same texts for both registration page and BuddyPress backend loco translation setting.
WordPress 5.1
BuddyPress version 4.2.0
I created my WordPress website using a premier theme called WPLMS. I translated most of the website plugins by loco translation but I am facing issue with BuddyPress plugin, it is not translating the registration page and other related pages such as activating the account and so on… even though I manually translated the required texts into Arabic, I can see that it only works with the profile account page. And since it translating the login form which is part of BuddyPress plugin, I think there is an issue somewhere in BuddyPress. wish someone gets me to the right solution. thanks in advance
Great. I didn’t realize that (about translations). That sounds very useful. Thanks!!!
There’s two options, you could either overload that file, by placing your edited file in the wp-content/themes/your-child-them/buddypress/members/single
directory or the other option is to create your own translation of the BuddyPress text. This last option is preferred, in general overloading files adds to the admin burden as you will need to kepp track of changes in the master file.
To do the translation you would need to download PoEdit and follow this:
Languages and Translations
You just set up a translation of your own language which removes the text.
Also, to manage translations, use the WPT Custom Mo File.
This is handy because as you develop your site you are bound to come across other instances in BuddyPress and other plugins where you would prefer to change the text.
I am on BuddyPress 4.0.1 and WP 4.9.8. I use LMS and many other plugins, but my notification emails are not ok. Content is good but the tokens do not convert to a username or subject ( {{sender.name}} {{usersubject}} {{usermessage}} )
Site is Dutch (nl_NL). Is it a translation issue?
i am creating a website with BP and WPML. On the member-loop, i need to add some extend profile fields.
I created a custom member-loop and add a field like this :
bp_member_profile_data(‘field=Zones de travail’);
This field “zone de travail” is correctly translated everywhere except here, no way to get the value in the second language.
Is there a tip to get it?
Thanks for your help !
Let me show you the way to do it and maybe you are missing one important stuff and that is the theme translation. Please check the video I made for you to explain the working: https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cF6O0lY5iP
You have successfully created your account! To begin using this site you will need to activate your account via the email we have just sent to your address.
You can remove this message easily. Just install the plugin loco translate and find this message there and in translation just hit a space or you can easily write ‘Account is held for moderation’
I can’t find any information of how to translate the Cover Photo descriptions.
I need this one for example in german:
“Select an image from your computer to upload or change your cover photo. The image must be larger than 1140px in width and 452px in height (1140×452 pixels) to attain quality cover photo.
Click below to select a JPG, GIF or PNG format photo from your computer and then click ‘Upload Image’ to proceed.”
Any idea, where this piece of text can be found and replaced?
Thank you!
I have not tested it yet but after the translation please try to regenerate the mails.
Go to wp-admin > Tools > BuddyPress and run the “Reinstall emails” tool.
Reference: https://buddypress.org/support/topic/translation-email/
First replace the code for redirection with this code, remember that we have to just change the redirect code not the translation code.
function ps_redirect_next_group() {
if ( ! bp_is_user_profile_edit() || ! bp_is_my_profile() ) {
$group_id = bp_get_current_profile_group_id()+1;
if ( bp_get_current_profile_group_id()==6 ) {
// 6 is the last group id, please change if it is anything else
add_action( 'xprofile_updated_profile', 'ps_redirect_next_group' );
And now to show the button:
add_action( 'bp_after_profile_edit_content' , 'ps_show_button_after_step');
function ps_show_button_after_step(){
if ( bp_get_current_profile_group_id()==4 ) {
<input type="button" name="profile" id="profile" onClick="window.location.href='<?php echo
bp_displayed_user_domain()."profile/";?>'" value="Exit"/>
For the activation and welcome messages you can find them in Email menu in dashboard. Find the one that you want to edit and add your text there and then test.
If wants to do it with code then please check this https://websistent.com/custom-buddypress-activation-email/
Same for the translation. You can change the content there in the Email menu.
Please see: https://prnt.sc/l5n76g
Please check this: https://buddypress.org/support/topic/translation-email/
Just need to go to Dashboard > Emails and customize any email.
You should post on the bbPress forums:
bbPress handles the forum aspect of your site. It looks like Turkish should be supported based on the community’s translation efforts:
To change the email content please find the respective mail on emails tab(dashboard->emails). It will be ‘activate your account’ mail that you need to edit.
To change the registration confirmation you can use any language translation plugin like loco translate and find the message there and translate it to your text.
@prashantvatsh It does not work, the variables that it puts in the header are not included in the translation document. The system takes the user name and prints it in the header, what I need is to know where it prints to be able to change it.
Anyway thank you very much
I’m not sure. Perhaps there is something being lost in translation in your description.
Can you take screenshots or a GIF to demonstrate your problem? Perhaps it’s browser-related? Could also potentially be a plugin conflict.
Here’s a quick GIF I took:

Pressing on “Public Message” takes me to the Site-wide Activity page with the user’s mention name. I click inside the textarea and write something. Hover over the “Post Update” button and it’s the hand cursor. I click on “Post Update” and wait for it to post. It successfully posts (you can’t see the post because I didn’t increase the height of the GIF.
This is in Chrome.
the line esc_html__( ‘%1$s started the topic %2$s in the forum %3$s’, ‘bbpress’ )
presents the phrse “started the topic in the forum” to WP translation as part of the bbpress translation component. This means that you can create you own translation (alternative text) for the bbpress string using poedit and maybe WPT Custom MO File in order to get your system to use your translation for your site.
See https://codex.buddypress.org/translations/ and https://codex.buddypress.org/getting-started/customizing/customizing-labels-messages-and-urls/ obviously these pages are for BuddyPress, not bbPress but it’s the same principle.
can you please elaborate? have not heard of translation before.
Couldn’t you just change that via translation?
You can add fields via Users/Profile Fields, captcha would normally be added via a plugin. To change the text what I normally do is create a custom language translation file using Poedit.
Der Script buddypress/bp-core/js/vendor/moment-js/locale/pt.min.js ( sp.min.js) has Status Code 404 Not Found -> This causes a long page load time. The Website is https://elearning.faun.com/course/bedienung-funktionen/ I use WPLMS Theme and WPML Plugin for Translation. Please help me!
@filozof86 check inside theme translation string or contact with theme support.