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Search Results for 'activation email'

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  • #113176

    Had exactly the same problem as mentioned by the OP. To repeat:
    1. User creates account.
    2. Clicks on Activation Link in email.
    3. Gets taken to a page that says Activation Successful. You can now Log in
    4. Logs in (login is successful) but is taken to a page with a message, “Please enter a valid activation Key” with an empty field below.
    5. If the user ignores this, he/she can start using all the BP features.
    6. This message appears only the first time they log in. Doesn’t appear on future logins.

    Have upgraded to the latest WP 3.1.3 and BP 1.2.8 and yet the problems persists. Any ideas.



    Yes I had the same problem. It appears the activation link is ONLY being sent to people with GoogleMail accounts.


    I also experienced this problem. It seemed that the e-mail’s were only being sent to Google Mail Accounts. To temporarily resolve this I just turned account activation off.


    ok try this :

    use this plugin to manually active users that are not activated yet :

    and use the below code in your functions.php .to disable email activation.

    function disable_validation( $user_id ) {
    global $wpdb;
    $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( “UPDATE $wpdb->users SET user_status = 0 WHERE ID = %d”, $user_id ) );
    add_action( ‘bp_core_signup_user’, ‘disable_validation’ );
    function fix_signup_form_validation_text() {
    return >false;
    add_filter( ‘bp_registration_needs_activation’, ‘fix_signup_form_validation_text’ );


    Ok it must be the activation because the number doesnt change with the filter.. Is there a way to re-send an activation email? How can I send this or where can I tell people to request it to be resent?

    Also, is there a way to change the registration so they dont have to activate it via email? I cant’ see the setting anywhere


    Firstly check your filter, choose alphabetical order and see if all members show, and also if your site require email activation, you will see some members under manage users but not in members directory because their email is not verified yet. hope this will help.



    I’ll try to help a little….
    1. Buddypress by default sends an email to user for activation. Your theme may not be pulling the “ and all the code thereafter. Check to see if switching to buddypress default fixes that.

    2. Yes you can create your own login page. The easiest was is using a plugin like Theme My Login, though you could always do your own custom stuff.


    I also had this problem and went through a deep analysis.

    The issue stems from the fact that Bluehost requires that the email be sent from an account that exists on the system. They do this as an anti-spam technique and they require this even if the mail is originating from within the system.

    Enter WordPress. PHP uses a mail function mail(). WordPress maps this to wp_mail() and pretty much everyone uses the wp_mail for the plugins within WordPress. This makes sense as it allows customization of WordPress mail at a relatively low cost of performance.

    Enter Buddypress. Buddypress places a filter upon wp_mail() such that all email originate from the user ‘noreply’ on the domain such that end users don’t reply to the notifications. Sounds cool.

    But remember that Bluehost does not allow email to be sent from non-accounts and that’s the catch.

    Using a foreign SMTP does not work for Bluehost blocks those ports. Using local SMTP will work but you need to provide the right setup and credentials. Finally, using mail-from plugin works since it filter’s the Buddyhost filter changing the email from address back to a valid Bluehost email account.

    Hopefully, this explains what is happening and you can choose which strategy you want to use to fix the problem.



    I just tried creating an account on your site and believe I’ve found the cause of the discrepancy between subscribers and members: no activation email is received so folks simply cannot activate their accounts.

    Check with your hosting provider to ensure that your email accounts are set up correctly for WordPress (Buddypress uses the same email routines as WP).


    Is this then an issue with Messages only? In other words, those who register on your site using email addresses that end with country code extensions receive activation emails?.

    Brandon Allen

    When a user registers, an email is sent out with an activation link. The user must visit this link to activate their account before they can log in. I’m in a hurry, so I can’t do it right now, but there are a few plugins, and even some code snippets on this forum that will allow you to bypass activation. It’s not recommended on a live site to help block spam users.


    In reply to: Avatars Not Working.

    Ok, the issue arrises when I ‘bp_core_activation_signup_user_notification_to’ and switch the confirmation email to someone other than the user… So, it’s something with the activation not be activated by the actual user.

    Hugo Ashmore

    You would know if you were using Multisite as setting up a WP install to run in Multisite mode is a manual procedure where you have to first add a line to wp-config then a new option appears in the dashboard to set up a network.

    If you’ve added users from the backend then log in as that user on the main site.

    Non receipt of activation emails could be any number of issues but generally it’s a server based one rather than WP and/or emails from the server are getting rejected by the receiving server if it thinks your server is not allowed to send emails from your domain name, also check spam boxes ion case they’ve been dropped in there

    Hugo Ashmore

    Then you need to enable site registrations, people then need to register, receive their activation email activate their account login and do something then they should appear in BP members directory. You will need to ensure BP settings allow users to create groups and that forums are setup.

    What type of WP install are you running? With multisite users are added under Network Admin users list in the dashboard and have to be manually added to main or other sites and given WP roles if required.


    @hnla and mercime

    I see. I just tried to create a demo account but for some reason buddypress has threw a wrench into things. Before, people where able to just click the register link and choose a username and login which would then direct people to a paypal page before they could access the site.

    Now, for some unknown reason, there is no way to access the site at all! You go to register, it comes up with the a buddypress from instead of the wordpress login page. Once you fill it out, it sends an email to you with an activation link. Once you do that, it takes you to the site but it is just as restricted as if you where a non-member and it doesn’t seem like there is any way to actually become a member like there way before. I’ll take some screen shots and post links.


    WP/BP versions of the install that got fatal error? To get better attention of plugin dev for group email subsription, post in this forum

    What theme are you using – bp-default child theme, custom BP theme or WP theme with BP Template Pack? If you change theme to bp-default theme, do you get a fatal error on activation?

    Don’t blame your permissions right away :-) BP Classifieds is compatible up to WPMU 2.9.2 and BP 1.2.1 only. Unless you’re on those versions, expect the plugin to break in current versions as there have been numerous major code changes since plugin was released a year ago.


    “If you make a new user account, does it work ok?”

    Well, yes and no. The user information is saved to the database, but as mentioned earlier, in two’s. I’m getting two of everything.

    1. When I submit the form field, and if there’s an error, I get two error messages for the same error (per field).
    2. I get two activation emails per user.
    3. I have two wp_users with same username
    4. Then when I click the members link, I have two members with the same name, avatar..etc. (at least this is consistent with wp_users :-) )

    And I just began to notice that my avatar uploads isn’t working either….do I need to start over? or create a DB hack where it deletes duplicate rows before sending an activation email?

    Some things are working, like when someone signs up, and activates their account, the cookies are saved and the login status is active. This is why I’m not sure if I just need to delete and re-create everything.


    This one worked like a champ…with my smtp settings in place ;)


    This is “not” the case, I was running a complete wp 3.1 site, activation emails worked like a champ, and even saw send activation emails in the settings, now with BP that seems to have been ommitted, and the activation emails fail…. seems like we got some buck passing here….


    Hello There, so im new to BuddyPress…Trying to set up a site and what i am finding is with this S2member/Buddypress Collaboration. Basically when i go on my site which i have set up and try to register as a general “subscriber or something it tells me an activation email has been sent but i never actually receive one.

    I have tried on multiple accounts but i am having no luck whatsoever. Any ideas?



    I have the same situation that activation emails are not sending in my installation as well. Did you solved that problem? If you could help me please…
    how to solve it?

    In my system forgot password mails are working….

    I don’t know whats the problem in activation mail…
    Please help me…

    Thanks in advance

    Luca Foss


    I figured that I can have a register page with the register fields that is independent of login status. The purpose of the register page is to “save data to the database”.

    Ever since I began this forum post, I solved some things. I created my join page (I’d have to really break it down how I did it). When a new user registers, his/her information gets saved to the database. Then the screen reloads saying that an “email was sent and to activate the account, click the email”.

    The email was sent to the make-believe user I created. When I clicked the email, it redirected me to the activation page where it encouraged me to login. HERE AT THIS POINT (step 1), I figured that I can run some conditional, where if someone else is logged in, the new user logging into his/her account would log the active user out. (step 2) At this point, once the new user logs and the active user is logged out, the avatar load process and the rest of the completion of the new account can take place.

    As long as all of the needed info is supplied to the db for a new user, it looks to me like this is the most important thing in establishing a new user. I shouldn’t be breaking anything (correct me if I’m wrong here). sounds possible to me… :-)


    or how can i disable users activations? I mean instant activation.

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