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Search Results for 'activation email'

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  • #91829

    Hi Micah,

    Try this:

    And see if that works for you.


    I was easily able to create a new user on the backend, so at least that part worked fine.

    Just need to get the front end working. . . the test front end users never show up on the back end, and never get an activation email


    nope, not in spam folder. when I try to input the link while logged in as admin, it simply redirects to the homepage. the bp site is

    test user is not showing up at all and is not marked as spam.


    Are you sure that the email was not placed in a spam folder?

    Login as admin and go to

    There should be a marking stating the person is marked as a spammer. This comes from not activating the account from the email. It can be easily changed by pulling down from the admin bar.


    it is setup to accept new members, and I went through the registration process on the front end and it seemed to work just fine . . . until I never received the activation email.


    @slaFFik tried to create an account to test, did not receive activation email.


    Thanks Paul,
    I had define ( ‘BP_ROOT_BLOG’, 2 );
    but not define ( ‘BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG’, true );

    It’s working, kind of, but now there’s another issue.

    A user can now activate their account from the activation email if they use the register from the wordpress meta widget on the main site.

    However, if I try to use the buddypress toolbar signup from the main site, it just sits at the main site homepage. Previously that would take you to

    I think I’d like to not use the wp-register at all and somehow get the bp signup/login in the sidebar of
    showing on the main site homepage and allow users to signup either from the toolbar or from the sidebar. But I want them to be returned to the main site homepage instead of the buddypress homepage.

    Is this possible?

    Thanks for your help and patience in trying to understand what I’m trying to do.


    I’m also seeing the same issue using WordPress 3.0 and Buddypress 1.2.5. Zero BP plugins installed.

    Email gets sent, user clicks on it but still gets the activation code screen. Enter the code results in an error message about the code being incorrect.

    It’s not a very good first impression.

    Abbas Khalil

    The “Mail From” plugin solved my issue of not getting activation emails when users signed up on my website. A million thanks for the advice!

    NOTE: I did the ‘One Click Installation’ and the plugin works fine with this. No need to go through the manual installation as stated by some!

    I’m using WP 3.0.1 and BP

    Hosting: Hostmonster


    M W

    I have a problem with the mail-from plugin- whenever someone sends a Private Message it comes from the address set by the mail-from (which in our case is my address- now I am getting replies to people’s private messages because they hit Reply without noticing where it was going- this would not happen before because it came from no-reply


    If you are on shared hosting accounts, you will need to check and make sure that your ip address is not blacklisted on the major email filter systems. The problem with almost all shared hosting setups is they share ip’s among many sites. It could be a completely separate site using the ip that is blacklisted, which will affect you. Many hosts like dreamhost have entire blocks of ip’s that are blacklisted, and just because the domain name on the ip changes, it does not remove the blacklisted ip. I can almost guarantee that is the root cause of most people’s problems as I had the same problem years back. It was only after I went dedicated and purchased ‘clean’ blocks of ip’s that all my problems went away.


    Me too My issue remains the same.. I installed “Mail From” Plug in that solved the problem of sending the emails in the first place.

    but the big problem are hotmail.. doing EVERYTHING I couldn’t get through their SmartScan Security.. “Or so as I was told in another blog” BuddyPress should really make a solution to this or at least specify the cause if it’s not related to BuddyPress..

    it can me due to usage of free domains? that are listed at Microsoft’s BlackList? That can be my only conclusion.

    Hugo Ashmore

    @dinoraptor101 this thread is a year and 7 months old, generally old threads aren’t resurrected can you start a new post for any issues you are having.

    fwiw if email servers are rejecting out of hand you need to check your mail delivery notification for error codes that should tell you why, if no failed delivery notifications then you’re doing something else wrong, however this is not necessarily a WP/BP problem unless you can establish that absolutely no emails leave the server.

    Also check whether you have a SPF record issue – the likes of Hotmail will probably/possibly have implemented this policy.


    @BurtAdsit This is confirmed fact that Microsoft denies some emails even from getting into the junk??
    I have run several tests for the past 14 hours, and Yes hotmail/live/windowslive//msn all do not recieve activation..

    Now how do I MAKE them get it in that case?? Anyways you people know?? Should I set the email address I use to send as ( something ) or is there a work around?


    Thanks InsomniAK, it works for me. (Hosting company is “HostMonster”)

    Beck B

    I had two users apparently never get the activation email. (One is me, so I know it didn’t go through, but the other attempt belongs to someone I don’t know. They MIGHT have simply never opened the email.) My first attempt used a hotmail ( address. The other person’s is a personal domain.

    I thought I was having a problem with ALL activation emails, but when I tried a new user registration with a gmail address, it worked. I suppose I should test new user creation with some more email addresses and providers.

    In any case, if you don’t have tons & tons of new users, one thing you can do while “we” figure this out is to check the Users list under the WordPress settings (from wp-admin), as even unactivated users will show up there. Then visit any problem user in buddypress by manually typing in the address for their profile page (you know, something like Then in the admin bar, you’ll find an option along the lines of “Admin Options->Mark user as not a spammer”. That’s probably not the exact text.


    I get the activation email, it is just after you click on the link and sign in you stay signed in but the redirect takes you to a page which asks for a activation code.

    I will check my plugins, that might be the issue.

    Boone Gorges

    I’m surprised to hear that the members are still able to log in, even if they don’t click on their activation link. That shouldn’t be the case.

    In any case, you might start your search for the activation key message in bp-core/bp-core-signup.php. The function bp_core_signup_user() creates the activation key and hands it off to bp_core_signup_send_validation_email(), which creates the email. The content of that email message is filtered, so that you should be able to change the message without hacking the core files.

    Beck B

    Curious. I was convinced I had a similar problem, as I noticed one user marked spammer and then created my own test user but never received the activation email. HOWEVER, I just tried again using a gmail address instead of hotmail, and I got the activation email just fine. Suppose I’ll keep messing with this and check back in…..

    I’m trying to use/test the Welcome Pack in particular, so….we’ll see.


    its been a year but no reply. poor topic. lolz


    I think i know now whats wrong. The activation email is not being sent to the person registering. or in the first place even if a notice confirming is being display after a successful registration it wasnt really register at all (since no email have been sent) but when I tried to use another email address which is already in use the system noticed it so I think theres something wrong with the activation mail or something.

    Gabriel Fowler

    One thought: use plugin: BP Disable Activation, to remove the step of email activation altogether. You should still be able to get users’ emails when they sign up. I use SI CAPTCHA at registration to filter spam. My site is still in development, no users, so I can’t speak to these issues for you. Just a though as I said. Good luck.

    rich! @ etiviti

    Just some basic questions: multisite (which is important as a different process)? registration steps completed? data in mysql for a failed user signup? (check _users->”user_status” and _usermeta->meta_key->”activation_key”)

    I was pointing out the php file and functions – if you wanted see the flow of the signup. (wp_insert_user, setting user_status, generating and saving activation_key, sending activation email to user). You mentioned “My install of wordpress does send emails successfully, until I activate Buddypress (then it breaks).” BuddyPress uses the same WordPress functions to send an email – so nothing changes in that regard but maybe some weird oddity in your setup causing a null email address or some other unpredictable result.

    Hugo Ashmore

    Rich was asking whether you could confirm that an important stage was definitely being completed correctly as that helps narrow down the areas to troubleshoot.

    Using a tool such as phpMyAdmin (MySQL DB manager) find the table called ‘wp_signups’ and confirm that emails that should have been sent and received do indeed have a valid set of entries for registration i.e activation key.

    rich! @ etiviti

    everyone here is a volunteer and may not read every single thread or know the answer to every unique issue. probably does not help when being a bit off-putting.

    All sign-up steps work until the confirmation message? what is the status in the users table for the failed signup user? does each failed signup user have an activation key in the usermeta table? if so – that at least tells us the bp_core_signup_user process works up bp_core_signup_send_validation_email (which only builds the email message and executes wp_mail() )

    have a look in buddypress/bp-core/bp-core-signup.php at the functions and steps.

    if you are using multisite, then it is a different process

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