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Search Results for 'activation email'

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  • #303312

    So I’m having an issue where all emails except the registration email are going out from Buddypress. I’ve been digging through thread after thread looking for a solution with no dice. I have the latest version of buddypress installed as well WP Mail SMTP plugin installed configured appropriately with mailgun. Test emails work, password reset works etc. I’ve tried making a new template as well.

    If someone could assist I would appreciate it,
    thank you, Sophia


    Thank you so much for this awesome plugin! I’ve considered several WP registration processes and to me, none compare to the elegant solution of xProfile.

    Just in case someone hasn’t tried this: After improving my mail configuration. For the better part of a week, I was trying to resolve why all WP emails were received, except “account activation”. These emails came back as: “Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender …smtp; 550 This message has been reported as spam by other users.” I knew that they hadn’t been reported, because I was sending them to myself, during testing. Due to my trial and error, it turned out that your “Reinstall emails” …was the perfect solution to this problem!

    Kristian Yngve

    Hi Venuitus,

    Thanks for getting back with me with a suggestion.

    The thing is, I still want the email activation – to then that being it after clicking it.

    This plugin (old & very outdated), simply enable skipping the email completely, and just offers instant approval after the reg form -as it oversteps the email link (which I still want).

    Kristian Yngve

    Hi there,

    This is about: Not having to activate the activation key after the registration link:

    After registering, I am sent an email that I must click to confirm and complete the registration.

    How do I get that to be the end of the confirmation / activation process, rather than having to activate the key via a button? – (basically the key auto gets entered and activated upon link click)

    Many thanks for your help


    Hi everyone,

    My friend and I are having issues with our Activation Email. While we are also sending emails by another plugin which is instant. We are using our own Host to send the emails.

    Sometimes it gets sent straight away while some email providers it can take up to a day for them to get it.

    Looked around and they also mostly are about Not Sending ours send just some are really late.

    Does anyone else have this issue?

    BuddyPress 4.1.0 – WordPress 5.0.3



    So, I unchecked the “wordpress buddypress profile syncting” box and i was able to at least receive an activation email, which gets sent to junk mail…but once activated, i still can’t login.

    Now I am going to attempt to try registering and logging in after disabling the “allow users to login with wordpress”


    I’m not sure why but my registration page is suddenly not functioning properly.

    After completing the details at users are directed to the homepage rather than the page saying to check their emails for the activation link.

    Activation emails are not being set and the info they enter on the registration page is lost (i.e. they’re not added to pending members).

    I changed the copy in the on the registration page last week in the file at wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/members/register.php – but I tested the page extensively afterwards and it seem to work fine and I didn’t touch any of the code, I just edited the page text.

    It’d be great to get help soon as I’m currently running a promotion to join but no one can register so it’s kind of a nightmare!

    Thanks guys. 🙂


    Hi Ashley,

    I am still having my issue with this email activation reception. I didn t get update to my message
    Could you explain how you get your email please


    Update, I did finally receive at activation email. After I did a resend activation after the first registration activation didn’t arrive after approx 10 mins. But it does not seem very reliable in my early tests. I will tried on few more different email addresses just to get a measure of how well it performs in general. But since it is the first experience one has with the website, failures are going to kill the traffic quick smart 🙁

    IMHO, account activation is a core function that needs to be super reliable.


    I have the same problem. The lack of community support makes me feel this plugin may not be worth the effort.

    When you check the manage signups the new registered user is awaiting to be activated. It shows that an email has been sent. After you try and resend the activation email. It does trigger and add to the count – showing two emails sent. So it would seem most of the functionality is working. If I deactivate the plugin, my wordpress email notifications is working. I’ve checked the spam folder, and even tried non-gmail accounts and still getting no activation emails at all. However, I have received a buddypress notification when another member does a mention. So it appears some kind of small bug is the problem.

    Does any of the core developers for BuddyPress check theses support forums?


    bp_members_login_resend_activation_email() – On the login screen, resends the activation email for a user (function definition). I want to hide login screen from members and users. How I can change a page (like a “”) where will resend the activation email for a user. Thanks!


    I have even modified the original message in bp-core-functions.php

    There are 4 instances of that string in that file. Did you change all of them ?

    As you should know – editing core files is not a good idea.
    That string is in the buddypress.pot file.
    And it seems to be in the buddypress-fr_FR files.

    So I do not know why you are having issues.
    Have you tried using the Repair Tool – …/wp-admin/tools.php?page=bp-tools > Reinstall emails (delete and restore from defaults).


    I’m facing a problem with registration emails, which are not completely translated (into French).
    – buddypress-fr_FR.po and files are correctly located in Wp-content/languages/plugins,
    – only message title and recipient salutaion are correctly translated,
    – the following message: “Thanks for registering! To complete the activation…” is NOT translated.
    – I have even modified the original message in bp-core-functions.php (to a pure French message) but still the same English message is sent.
    – I cannot find anywhere else where this message is created?
    Thanks for help and regards,


    When clicking the activation link of the confirmation email, I see the activation link appearing in the url of the browser, and next the home page of the website is shown.
    The status of the new user in Users, Manage Registrations is still “pending”.

    Similarly, when I am in the Settings of Buddypress, Pages, when I view the Activation page, the home page is shown instead.

    How to make the activation work properly?



    I have a fresh install of WordPress + Buddypress.
    Wordpress : 5.0.3
    BuddyPress : 4.1.0

    All wordpress email are working: manual user creation ….
    Unfortunely, buddypress cannot send email activation when a user registers.

    Please, this issue is very critical because all stops now. Could someone help ?



    Ahh it says “Check your email for the confirmation link” so the problem must be that the activation link does not work. not that that passwords are incorrect.


    A lot of member registrations go unactivated on my site because the use mis-types their email address in the registration form.

    It’s a big problem because they think they have registered but they never receive an activation email and I have no way of contacting them to let them know.

    To avoid this I would like to add a required field to the registration form where they have to re-type their email address to confirm it is correct.

    Is there a way to add this please?


    Hi all,

    I have been reading about this topic but no definite answer is present.

    My activation emails are going directly into spam folders.

    When I send these emails separately they are fine so it’s something to do with how they are sent from the registration form.

    Any thoughts?

    Thanks in advance


    hi there,

    i have set up my website and when a new user registers ther are sent an activation email just fine however…. when they click the link and enter the key they are met with the Username already exists error. when i check my dashboard there are no member signups pending but when i check my data base directly i see that they entry has been put in there. This means that the users can never register as it seems the users are being placed in the database before they have activated their account.

    any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

    Mike Straw

    I’d like to be able to do the same thing. I don’t want to skip the activation email, but when the user clicks the link in the email it should activate their account and log them in rather than forcing them to click “Activate”, then click “Log In”, then log in.



    i’m on a new installation.
    Wordpress Version 4.9.8
    Unyson 2.7.20
    Woffice 2.7.8
    bbpress 4.0.0

    I’ve allowed the user registration, limited by the user email.

    When a new user register on the site, the site is sending the activation mail, but also emails telling the new user that the user X accepted his friend request, the user Y accepted his friend request and so on.
    At the moment i’m on the conception phase of the site with little number of users but i would like to correct this bug or missconfiguration.


    Hi BP Support Team,

    I do have the following problem: As part of registering process all of my users are getting redirected to the activation page asking for an activation key after clicking the link in their email. I have no idea why this is happening as I do not need to have additional activation key ( or any activation options). The email link is enough for me.
    I’m using BBPress version 3.2.0.
    I’m having the following plugins installed and activated:
    – Bbpress 2.5.14
    – Buddypress registaration options 4.3.5




    if they got an email it has the key. You can look in the database to see if the signup has assigned one.

    Under User you can resend them the activation key. currently there is no user side resend option, it requires admin access to do the resend.

    I use a request form as a work around to for resend requests.

    Arize Nnonyelu

    Doesnt work

    all the big people keep posting this link, it doenst work, everything is in order but it wont just work. Why not include the activation code to their email so that they can copy it. I activated someones email by copying it from the address bar, now i have a bunch of users piled up that cant activate i know its because they are not seeing it in the box and dont know that they can activate it via copying from browser address.

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