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  • #308279

    Hi @imath,

    Thank you so much for getting back to me. I’ve made contact with BuddyBoss and they have confirmed that it’s no theme issue.

    I have carried out the following:

    – Disable all plugins
    – Removed Custom functions.php on Child theme
    – Switched to Twenty Nighteen theme
    – Switched between BuddyPress Template Pack
    – Completed a BuddyPress repair

    The issue still persists.

    If I visit a hidden group then go to ‘activity’ scroll down to the bottom of the group ‘load more’. This will then load activity from other hidden groups.

    I’ve had to temporarily close the site until we have a fix.

    Appreciate your time and help.

    Mathieu Viet


    First I’m sorry to read about these issues. I’ve just tested the first item of your list with latest BuddyPress, WordPress and Twenty Nineteen theme.

    I confirm that when I’m on the activity page of an hidden group and after scrolling down to load more activities, only the activities of this group are displayed.

    Have you tried to deactivate all plugins except BuddyPress, remove custom code, and switch to a Twenty “Something” theme to see if you still had the issue?

    About 404 on posts page, is it when you click on a the link of an activity relative to a page (meaning you activated the Site Tracking component and added some custom code to track the page post type) ?

    About BuddyBoss Media, have you tried to reach their support team ?

    FYI, this support topic explains how you can trouble shoot in case of issues, I advise you to read it.


    Hey All,

    Im looking for a great looking simple free theme.
    Anyone have any ideas how to find such an elusive Free Buddypress THEME?




    any thoughts gents?



    I’m using BuddyBoss theme. I’ve made an entirely private site.
    Since the latest BP update I’ve had the following issues:

    – Hidden groups are showing other groups posts in the activity feed (when scrolling down the page to ‘load more’). We don’t want any group feeds being available within other groups.

    – 404 Error for Posts page

    – BuddyBoss Media (upload image icon) no longer displays for certain mobile devices.

    Would appreciate support or advice?



    so I have group called illinois with forum illinois.
    I would like to add subforums to forum illinois with city names

    My issue is that when I do this, my illinois group header disappears and it just says chicago. Picture attached of main and what happens after I click chicago. @buddyboss



    My users and myself are having a problem where we recieve friend request notifications, and can see the number of friend requests notifcations we have but when we go the the “Requests” page there are no friend requests to be found. The only thing there is a message that says, “No friend requests pending”.

    After some investigation I found that going in and manually changing the name of the user in the extended profile will make that specific user show up in friend requests. This is something that used to happen automatically.

    Is there a fix for this?

    Thanks in advance.

    I will try to answer as many of the Mod questions as I can here:

    Wordpress Version: Version 5.2.3

    Recently upgraded from wordpress version: 5.2.2

    Wordpress was functioning fine before I made this install. So was Buddypress

    Current Version of Buddypress: Version 4.4.0

    Updated Buddypress from Version: 4.3.0

    I have many plugins installed.

    Using BuddyBoss theme

    King Ding

    Go to the Settings > BuddyBoss Wall menu in your Dashboard.

    Doesn’t exist?

    You should now be able to go any user’s profile and write on his or her Wall.

    I’m not trying to post on someones wall?



    This post shares how it is possible to hide group activity on the main activity feed. Some easy method to do your activity:

    Activating User Wall Posting on BuddyPress
    Go to Settings > BuddyPress > Components.
    Make sure both “Friend Connections” and “Activity Streams” are enabled.
    Go to the Settings > BuddyBoss Wall menu in your Dashboard.
    Configure the options as required for your site.
    You should now be able to go any user’s profile and write on his or her Wall.




    I am trying to implement the Reftagger plugin ( ) on my BuddyPress site, and it works great except for on BuddyPress activity posts, in which it is not working at all.

    I’ve tried doing the Reftagger javascript manually ( ) running site-wide like this but same results:

    	var refTagger = {
    		settings: {
    			bibleVersion: "NKJV",
    			dropShadow: false,			
    			roundCorners: true,
    			socialSharing: [],
    			tooltipStyle: "dark",
    			customStyle : {
    				heading: {
    					backgroundColor : "#185d70"
    	(function(d, t) {
    		var g = d.createElement(t), s = d.getElementsByTagName(t)[0];
    		g.src = "//";
    		s.parentNode.insertBefore(g, s);
    	}(document, "script"));

    Can anyone please help me understand why it’s not working for BP activity posts?

    By the way, I am using the BuddyBoss theme.


    I agree with breatheheavy about support being bad. For example I have created a ticket back in july stating that View version details for theme updates do not show any info.
    It redirects to home page. When it should go to or something similar. Ticket has been closed and todays theme update still shows no release info….

    Support seems to be in a different timezone not geared towards US market. Most of the time you can expect one reply per 24 hours(closed on weekends).


    I am eager to introduce BuddyBoss’ latest release to my members, but unfortunately I have run into a bit of a nightmare.

    I purchased the platform / theme for around $225 nearly six weeks ago. I have tried for weeks to try and get the theme/platform to function properly (including on three different test environments), but unfortunately I run into different errors every time (including on fresh WordPress installs to rule out there’s any previous plugin interference).

    The support from BB, especially in the last two weeks, has basically been non-existent. I have to virtually beg for a reply. Right now they say there’s a Tier 3 support team looking into things, but an entire week has gone by and no one from that team has reached out.

    Wish I could say I’ve had a good experience thus far, and am not ruling out using them still because I have invested a lot of time and energy trying to make it work, but so far I’m pretty disappointed. I’m at the point where I’m asking them if I should invest in hiring a developer so I can move things forward. Doesn’t feel right to have to hire a developer to make something that should be working… work.

    I hope I can come back to this post in the near future and say BB has helped me turn things around.


    In terms of being locked in, there is no more lock-in with BuddyBoss vs BuddyPress. Both are free, open source plugins. And BuddyBoss is being more actively developed than BuddyPress actually.

    It is very easy to toggle between the two while testing. We only have one migration script, which is for people who have used our old Media plugin to migrate their media posts. For all BuddyPress data there is no data migration necessary. The core data structure is intentionally the same.

    The main work to switch is just switching your theme. As we have editing the templates quite a bit to achieve a nicer frontend experience.

    As for putting the BuddyBoss Platform on Github, that will happen soon. This month or next. It’s actually on Github now we just need to document the contributor process and then make the repo public. We want developers to contribute to it. This has always been our plan, we’re just doing things carefully one step at a time. We’ll soon let customers vote on core features as well and then we can pick the most requested features and prioritize them.


    Hello Gents, (directed towards @buddyboss @sbrajesh )

    not really a ‘problem’ but a request for feedback/opinion..

    Im curious what your thoughts are on using BUDDYPRESS as a Business Listing Directory.. Ive been using it as that for one of my sites.. and its not a ‘perfect fit’ — however I do love how easy and straightforward it is to add a new profile/listing..

    Im very hesitant to use a plugin that creates a CPT or extra fields that is not from vanilla install

    *however using BP as a business directory listing system seems to be not very SEO friendly and not very schema-micro-formats compliant

    Would you guys use BP as a Business Directory Listing System.. or Should I just use another plugin instead?

    Any insight of best-practices -or- what you guys have seen in the wild..

    CC: @imath (i know you are busy.. but would still love to hear your thoughts – when time permits)


    Hi @imath

    Im a big fan! specially your work on BOWE-CODES

    As for your suggestion as currently outlined on **IMHO –> I think is part of the problem..

    1) I think the way the documentation works is a little confusing and are often no longer relevant
    The documentation process of how its outlined, the submission process et al is not moving at the speed of the internet.. maybe a “stack exchange” style approach might work?

    2) Helping out in the forums seems ideal -but- I feel the forum mechanism is also a little outdated

    3) The nature of BP makes it a little hard to dial in how to respond to inquiries – simply because its not obvious to the hobbyist like myself to determine if its a template/theme issue, plugin issue or other various possible conflicts..

    Anyway.. Im suggesting that perhaps should be change the approach to the community.. idk maybe something like a how CUNY Commons approached it? idk.. it maybe helpful to have an FAQ thats crossed linked to a forum discussion — it might also be helpful to change -or- update how the forum is organized? *it might also be helpful to somehow incentivize for-paid organizations like @buddyboss & @buddydev (I think a paradign shift is needed)

    Theres a lot of great nuggets of information thats either SILO’d in private-for-paid-organizations, or buried somewhere in stackexchange, or somewhere in the internet (how do we herd-those-cats)

    Suggestion: What if BP allows private companies to ‘sponsor’ this forum and what the companies will provide is basic quick easy answers and BP in return can have a VERIFIED badge on their profile and that company a section on a forum that is something like “ASK Company XYZ”

    anyway.. idk.. I just feel that we’ve been doing the same thing for so many years and we arent getting any better at supporting the community


    Boone Gorges

    BuddyPress is not approaching EOL. As @sbrajesh noted above, BP is coming up on a 5.0 release that’ll include, among other improvements, REST API endpoints for our major content types. The development team believes this is going to be an important step in making BuddyPress more powerful as a foundation for community development.

    I acknowledge that the amount of activity on the project has not been consistent over the last year or two. The BuddyPress project – the development of the plugin itself as well as the manning of these support forums – is 100% volunteer driven. BuddyPress is not a business, and as such, no one is paid by BP to work on BP. The central group of volunteers who work on BP development and support is pretty small, which means it’s quite sensitive to fluctuation in activity; if just one or two active members get busy with other work for a while, it can have a significant effect on the pace of the project. In contrast, Michael and Brajesh are both correct when they note that businesses with paid employees are able to devote a much more concentrated and consistent amount of effort to their products.

    While it’s disappointing that the BuddyBoss team’s improvements haven’t been integrated into BP, I completely understand the reasons why their team has opted to fork rather than contribute. Personnel issues aside, the pace of development of a widely-used open source project, developed in a decentralized way with loose management, is necessarily going to be slower and more conservative than a private product. And it makes sense that a business owner would want 100% control over the direction of their core products. I respect the BuddyBoss folks and wish them the best of luck with their platform.

    All this being said, I continue to believe that BuddyPress is the best community solution of its type, particularly for those users who need maximum flexibility and customizability. My limited experience with BP’s direct competitors in the WP market is that they work nicely for their central use case, but it’s extremely difficult to modify the default behavior.

    As someone who’s been involved in BP for a long time and cares a great deal about the project, I must extend thanks to the folks in this thread who are here, demonstrating their concern for the well-being of BuddyPress 🙂


    Hey Brajesh!

    Sure, happy to provide some additional feedback.

    I have tried your releases and I am still wondering what prevented you/your team from contributing to BuddyPress? Did you try to contribute or was there some other reason for fork?

    There are a lot of reasons we decided to go our own way. The primary one is that at a very fundamental level, BuddyPress was not providing the experience our customers are looking for and was really holding us back in our ability to provide the features and usability they ask us for. We have many thousands of customers and do a large amount of custom development, and there are so many things they ask for and wish were different in BuddyPress. BuddyPress development moves very slowly, and the types of changes we have implemented and will continue to implement require major changes to BuddyPress, in a way that can only be done by forking the plugin. We do theme development and mobile app development, and it’s not good that the foundation we rely on for everything is not under our control, and actually has barely changed at all over the past 5 years. We need to control its direction completely to achieve what we are trying to do. We are making mobile apps and other things, and want complete vertical integration between everything to provide an amazing experience.

    is there any future plan available for the platform?

    We have a multi-year plan for features we want to add. We also build mobile apps that replicate BuddyPress functionality into a synchronized app, and we will continue to grow there over time. Now that we control our core platform we can move much faster.

    The features we add are determined primarily by our customers. So the order in which things are added will depend to a large degree on what people ask for, and which requests have the highest volume of requests. We have a big support team responding to and noting requests.

    One major area of focus right now is performance. With each release you will see the product get faster. BuddyPress falls apart when it has too many users. We plan to fix that.

    Since the forking of BuddyPress, can you please provide what kind of new feature other than merging your own/others plugin into the bundle have your team added.

    Sure, this is going to be a very long list. I am just listing the high level items, as we have done so many smaller changes throughout.


    We have our new BuddyBoss Theme which is much more advanced than any BuddyPress theme. It is only possible because we forked BuddyPress and are able to change the templates as necessary to accomplish our designs. Because we control our platform now, we can be sure that every single feature added is always styled in a consistent way, and with a unified admin experience. It much more powerful, and simultaneously, simpler and lighter than anything we could provide before.

    Profile Fields > Proper “Name” fields

    BuddyPress has just one name field, which drives customers crazy. They want professional networks with First/Last Name, or private networks with just nickname. BuddyBoss Platform has dedicated name fields for First Name, Last Name, Nickname. The site admin can control how to display names sitewide using this. In BuddyPress it is actually impossible just to display First Name + Last Name in the profile and activity feed, something that 50% of customers want. In BuddyBoss it is very customizable. We also let users change their Nickname (handle) any time.

    Profile Fields > Repeater Fields

    This is a request we have gotten for years, and could never provide; the ability to have repeater fields (Jobs, Experience, etc) so you can make a profile like LinkedIn. That’s out of the box now.


    We have completely overhauled activity feeds. Instead of separated tabs, which is super confusing, it’s one unified activity feed. And within the feed, we have added a bunch of features:

    – Emoji
    – Animated GIFs
    – Likes
    – Follow
    – Link previews
    – Media
    – Ability to add any custom post type into the feed (via the Settings)
    – Ability to enable/disable any default BP activity type (via the Settings)


    We have completely overhauled Messages. In BuddyPress, messages is a really poor experience. It uses a Gmail convention with subject and content, which makes little sense on a social network. We changed it into a single threaded message, just like Facebook, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, and every other messenger works. This allows us to create a really amazing messaging experience (go play with our demo). Also we can extend this later into live chat, and messenger in our apps. Those features could not be built using BuddyPress messenger as it uses a Gmail style messenger. Imagine if Facebook messenger worked like Gmail, it would be awful.


    We added a native Media component for photos and albums, which provides a really amazing interface. It’s not just a fork of our old media plugin, it’s a total overhaul and is much nicer than anything out there for BuddyPress. And we will extend it over time for videos and other media.

    Private Network

    Out of the box, with one click you can make the whole site private from outsiders. This is a feature that more than 50% of BuddyPress users are doing but need to hunt for 3rd party plugins to figure out how to add. Our implementation is highly customizable also, in terms of what is public vs private.

    Network Search

    We added a new component for searching all content across the social network, with live results as you type. It’s not just a fork of our old BP Global Search plugin, it is a complete overhaul and is a much nicer experience.

    User Invites

    We added an invites system, to allow users to invite others into the network by email.

    Profile Types

    We added a built in interface for creating and managing Profile types, and many additional related options.

    Group Types

    We added a built in interface for creating and managing Group types, and many additional related options.

    Group Hierarchies

    We added a built in interface for creating and managing Group hierarchies, so you can have parent and child group relationships.

    Email Layouts

    Emails in BuddyPress look really bad. This is something we have had to hack up in the past on virtually every client site to give them something usable. Now, in BuddyBoss they look really beautiful out of the box, and are more customizable with logo options etc.

    Default Data

    This comes up constantly, people want to quickly add a bunch of default data into the site for testing. Now they can do it with the click of a button.

    And… that’s just the high level stuff. We have fixed usability issues all over the place and added minor options throughout. And don’t forget that we have been live to the public for less than 2 months. There is much more to come and we are moving fast. Revisit this in a year from now, and the list will be endless.


    @buddyboss I LOVE what you do! and i have one social and boss installed on some of my sites.. I’m considering trying the new platform – but I’m very hesitant for many reasons..

    Anyway keep doing what you are doing. You guys are doing great!!!!!



    Michael from BuddyBoss chiming in here. I can’t speak for BuddyPress, but I do want to clarify some of what was mentioned about BuddyBoss.

    It does not seem their fork will survive on its own(been following their updates from the first release till now) if the BuddyPress development ceases

    This is definitely not the case. Right now if BuddyPress development ceased, it would have no impact at all on what we’re doing. We are no longer pulling code from BuddyPress since forking (besides security patches) and our development team is substantially larger than the core team of developers at BuddyPress. Also our developers are all paid, full time staff, so we are able to build features very rapidly. And we will eventually open up the plugin to allow others to contribute to it. We’re not going anywhere.

    Other than that, no membership plugin has a vast eco system than BuddyPress(It has 500+ addons on wordpress plugin repo).

    BuddyBoss Platform has the same ecosystem. We have taken great care to make it backwards compatible to BuddyPress and to make sure that any existing BuddyPress plugin works out of the box with BuddyBoss. And if it doesn’t, you can submit a support ticket and we’ll patch it so it works.

    Brajesh Singh

    Hi, is not shutting down. The next version of BuddyPress will be available on 15th.
    You can follow the development here

    and for the upcoming REST API here

    BuddyBoss’s fork is mega bundle of BuddyPress and a few other plugins(bbpress, bp-profile search, and a few others) with minor enhancements. It does not seem their fork will survive on its own(been following their updates from the first release till now) if the BuddyPress development ceases. Consider it as a distribution that bundles some needed functionality together than a real fork(atleast until now).

    There have been many community plugin available in past(ultimate members, user ultra and I can recall 4-5 others) which have been doing well. There will be even more.

    The choice should be based on your needs. Using a commercially supported plugin provides better support which BuddyPress lacks currently. If support is important, BuddyPress may not be the best choice.

    Other than that, no membership plugin has a vast eco system than BuddyPress(It has 500+ addons on wordpress plugin repo).

    Hope it clarifies and helps you decide.



    You should ask BuddyBoss about that.
    And you should probably switch to their BuddyBoss Platform.


    Though I wonder what the benefit of creating a new fork/platform over – separate paid-premium plug-ins and hyper tuned themes..

    Still I love buddyboss themes – but being locked in is a headache I would not ever try to think about..

    Frankly I’ve always been deeply frustrated with buddypress though..


    I use the boss theme from them, Im considering updating to new theme for the updated look and functionality.. more info


    I use buddyboss and I LOVE what they do…

    but.. im a little nervous .. with the change over.

    Its worth pointing out that there OUTSTANDING themes are still available for normal buddypress..


    there is a buddyboss platform plugin designed to replace buddypress and bbpress.

    buddyboss platfofm plugin is free. Theme cost money. Plugin is hard to find… look at the top left corner is says free download.


    I am looking for a way to add an area for a widget in a custom location.
    I have a BuddyBoss theme but support could not help me.
    How do I add a widget area above an activity stream? Just like “BuddyPress Greeting Message” is displayed

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