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Search Results for 'buddyboss'

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  • #173329
    Anthony Fogleman

    I’m building a site in BuddyBoss 3.0, their new responsive layout, and it’s great, however, I’ve got a couple of pesky glitches, and I landed here looking for the page talking about approve WPML themes.
    Good luck!


    In reply to: Custom Template


    @buddhatunes not familiar with how Buddyboss is wired. But it should follow template hierarchy supported of BP


    In reply to: Custom Template


    Using a buddyboss child theme, custom page called “hosting”

    tried content-buddypress.php but that affects all pages, just want to limit new template to “hosting” page and use different templates but no difference


    The BuddyBoss theme is made specifically to be super super mobile, with a stylesheet just for BuddyPress and one just for bbPress, making all of that content responsive.



    Hey guys! I’m the owner of BuddyBoss and just reading though these comments. We have a mobile version coming out August 15th. You can see the demo here:

    Thanks for the compliments 🙂 We work hard to keep everything up to date. This new version is built around BuddyPress 1.7 / 1.8, the way BP now allows any WordPress theme to work with it. We rebuilt it as a standard WordPress theme with our custom features only used when BuddyPress is activated.


    In reply to: My account menu


    I am pretty sure you would have to build the menu manually in your themes header.php if you are trying to get it like the buddyboss demo’s. Depending on your skill level it could be easy to difficult and you would also have to style it and the sub menu’s CSS. I dont know of a plugin or widget that would do it exactly like the buddyboss demo example but you can try this plugin:


    Hi, i put the code in my theme funktions.php but superadmin is still visible in memberslist.

    function bpdev_exclude_users($qs=false,$object=false){
    //list of users to exclude

    $excluded_user=’1′;//comma separated ids of users whom you want to exclude

    if($object!=’members’)//hide for members only
    return $qs;


    //check if we are searching for friends list etc?, do not exclude in this case
    return $qs;



    return $qs;


    Iam using WP: 3.5.1 and BP: 1.7.2 with the buddyboss-theme.

    John Conner

    @mareksgregs I had such problem, just little more complicated, the only thing is nobody -even experts and developers- can directly give the clue in harsh times. Have a look here, might be helpful:

    John Conner

    @mercime Hi and thank you deeply for being responsile. I just cope on this challenge and the best description I found is:

    Tammie Lister

    Since BuddyPress 1.7 you don’t only have to use a BuddyPress theme so you can use any theme from and also I’d always say ideally you use a theme that’s designed for a community but either option gets you up and running.

    Also worth looks are:

    As far as buying in theory again every theme that works for WordPress works but BuddyPress specific themes you can get a number of places such as (not exhaustive list):

    • BuddyBoss:
    • Luca’s theme:
    • Mojo Themes:
    • Press Crew:
    • Theme loom:
    • Theme Forest:
    • Themekraft:
    • WPMU DEV:


    @feeldesign @akukskuks
    Deactivate all plugins other than BuddyPress and revert to either bp-default theme or Twenty Twelve and see if the problem persists then report back here. I suspect it is either a plugin, or theme but I won’t speculate. I just know I have not encountered this and I have about 30 installs on my test server, I do not however have that buddyboss theme so I have no way of testing it so its up to you to see if that theme is the issue.


    In reply to: Re-enabled group forum


    BP 1.7, BBPress 2.3, WP 3.5.1, Theme: BuddyBoss

    This is a major problem. I have to delete my groups!? Ok fine. Thankfully I’m in development stage right now so I removed the groups along with their associated forums. Here’s what I did next to reproduce the error:

    1. Removed all groups.
    2. Removed the associated forums and purged from trash. Only one site-level forum remained.
    3. Recreated the groups and elected to have a forum for each one.
    4. Viewed each group and clicked on Forums link. So far so good! The forum displays as expected.
    5. Visited the new Groups section (BP1.7) from admin console. All groups show fine.
    6. Selected one group to view it within admin console. I did notice that in the Discussion Forums meta box, the checkbox was selected but no forum was selected in the dropdown. Hmmm.
    7. Clicked Save for the group. No problem.
    8. Visited the group from front end, clicked on Forums link, BOOM!

    Mopar Club Connections → Forum
    Public Group

    Warning: substr() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 776

    Warning: strpos() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 783

    Warning: explode() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 789

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 789

    Warning: substr() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 776

    Warning: strpos() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 783

    Warning: explode() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 789

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 789

    I don’t know if this is BuddyPress or BBPress issue.


    Have you upgraded your theme to the latest version: ?

    Looking at it with internet explorer developer tools I can see that the ‘default.css’ is adding a `margin-top;-28px:` to the `body` which is causing the cut-off.

    Try using the developer tools in Chrome, Safari or Internet Explorer, or use Firebug with Firefox, or Opera’s Dragonfly to see for yourself and test any edits if the theme upgrade hasn’t fixed it.


    In reply to: Cannot post drug names


    Hi @chouf1
    Thanks for the tip about checking with the host – will do. Here’s my configuration:
    Host URL:
    Site URL:
    Wordpress URL:
    Wordpress Version: 3.5.1
    BuddyPress Version: 1.6.5
    MultiSite Status: Off / Disabled
    Theme: BuddyBoss Child Theme
    Server: Apache
    Active Plugins: 39 (BuddyPress Edit User Profiles. 1.0; BP Group Management 0.5.4; BP Post Buttons 1.0; BP Profile Search 3.2; BP Unread Posts 0.8.0; BP Webcam Avatar 0.8; BuddyPress Activity Plus 1.4.1; BuddyPress Announce Group 1.3; BuddyPress Auto Group Join 2.2.1; BuddyPress Docs 1.3.3; BuddyPress Facebook 0.2; BP Group Documents 0.4.0; BuddyPress Group Email Subscription 3.3.3; BuddyPress Message Attachment 1.1; BuddyPress Mobile; BuddyPress Registration Groups 0.8; BuddyShare 1.2.1; BuddyPress Toolbar 1.5.1; BuddyPress Topic Mover 2.5.1; BuddyPress Usernames Only 0.58; BuddyPress 1.6.5; CubePoints Buddypress Integration; CubePoints 3.2.1; E-Newsletter 1.2.4; Events Manager 5.3.7; Export Users to CSV 0.3; FFF Cron Manager 0.7; Google Doc Embedder 2.5.6; HungryFEED 1.6.2; NextGEN Gallery Voting 2.4.1; NextGEN Gallery 1.9.12; s2Member® Framework 130221; Fast Secure Contact Form; Simple Popup Plugin 4.1; WordPress Chat; WP-FB-AutoConnect 3.0.1; WP Mail Options 0.1.10; WP-Polls 2.63; WPMU DEV Dashboard 3.2.5; )


    Oh man i wished I knew there was BuddyBoss.

    I am new and I rewrote everything from scratch. grrrr.

    Kevin M. Schafer

    @carmeetsroad Really? I would have paid four times that. I would pay $1,000 for a license to download WordPress and activate it. I think it came down from Heaven when no one was looking. 🙂 I enjoy learning WordPress and teaching myself code, but I can appreciate fine craftsmanship. JMHO I want to experience BuddyPress without worrying that something I coded wrong or that my theme is hindering it.




    Too Pricy for me! 😀


    The Buddyboss guys are good at keeping up on updates 😉

    Kevin M. Schafer

    @flyveren Okay, I will do as you suggest. I did look around in my db and I couldn’t differentiate the buddypress tables from the rest of the tables. I’m going to read up on this.

    A fella like me that’s new at all of this, I don’t need the Beta version. I have successfully re-installed 1.6.4 and everything is working great. I really like this BuddyBoss theme. My mother is going to like it, too, when she sees it.

    I’m glad to hear that you have this theme as well. If I have any questions, I will send you a mention.

    I do have one concern that although everything is fine now, when it comes time to upgrade to the newest BP version when that time comes, that everything will go as planned. I think there’s something to be said for allowing WordPress the chance to install plugins and themes on its own instead of using FileZilla. I would imagine the final version of BP will be slimmed down to clear entry into WP. Either that or WP will update just prior and relax the upload limitation a bit and allow a slightly bigger BP folder to come up and install.

    I’m going to enjoy my new theme and get building my social site. If you, or anyone, thinks I should clear those tables and reload 1.6.4, please let me know. I’m not afraid to try it. If you think the tables are fine — because my site is running fine — I’ll leave then alone. I just hope when the day comes to upgrade that I’ll be okay. By then, I’ll have a great deal of time invested in my site.

    Thanks for taking the time and helping!




    I would backup you db and then delete the buddypress tables. Delete the files and upload them all over.. before trying to aktivate agian.

    I would also go for the stable version 😉 and not the beta version

    Kevin M. Schafer

    @flyveren I got your message by e-mail that you added me as guest, just before I deactivated 1.6.4. I’m not able to upload 1.7Beta1 while inside of WP. I get a message that the file is too big.

    I just finished uploading 1.7 via FileZila, and when I went to activate it, I received this error:

    Warning: require(/home/*****/public_html/gumpolen/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/bp-core-template-loader.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/*****/public_html/gumpolen/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-1.7Beta1/bp-loader.php on line 401

    I somehow need to reset WP so that I can upload 1.7 as a brand new install. Would you have any suggestions?


    ill bo on your site as guest 😉 lets have a look.. added you as a friend

    Kevin M. Schafer

    My BuddyBoss theme works perfectly on 1.7Beta1 on another site of mine where I practice. Are there some core BP files that I can delete on so that BP installs as if it’s the first time — when I re-upload it?

    I will try to install it again and see what happens.

    Kevin M. Schafer

    When I installed 1.7 Beta1, I simply deleted the current version and uploaded the Beta with FileZila and then activated it. I think I didn’t have the Beta working correctly by installing it this way.

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