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Search Results for 'buddyboss'

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  • #315547


    i am using buddyboss theme and invite anyone plugin.

    i want to know if there is anyway to get total number of accepted inviations.

    Ibrar ahmad


    These are the forums for BuddyPress.
    Please send your question to BuddyBoss


    Does anyone know how to incorporate replying to BuddyPress discussions within the activity feed? We are using the BuddyBoss platform and BuddyBoss custom theme.

    We are trying to be a mainly forum/discussion-based site and we don’t use WP comments. So I want to have users be able to just click a “Reply” button in the activity feed to reply right there, versus being redirected to a new page (similar to Facebook’s reply/comments but for discussions).

    We don’t modify the core files, only modify through child theme. We are also running bbPress through BuddyBoss. We have GoDaddy hosting with a LAMP managed server setup.

    WordPress v5.5.3
    BuddyBoss Platform v1.5.3
    BuddyBoss Theme 1.6.0


    There is no premium version of BuddyPress.
    You can hire a developer or do it yourself.
    You may be interested in BuddyBoss Platform – a fork created by a commercial company.


    I’m new to Buddypress and working on setting on an online community. I’m looking to add some simple “organization” functionality so that people who sign up can be members of an org/company. I know this is more a CRM-style feature than a community-style feature, but it’s what I need. Don’t need much fancy to begin with, but do need the organizations to be more than just an organization field on the user profile, and integrating with a separate CRM won’t do the trick as I need the functionality within the community and to have the users see the orgs other users belong to.

    Using the “groups” functionality isn’t idea because I’m using groups for other purposes and I don’t really need all of that functionality for the orgs.

    I’m wondering if others have done this and if so what approach they have used. It seems to me some options include:
    1) Implement a custom “organization” concept either with custom coding.
    2) Try to combine Buddyboss with a CRM plugin, but if so, which one will play nicely?
    3) Utilize the groups even though this is not idea.
    4) Some other option I’m not considering?

    I have searched for examples of this and haven’t found anything yet, but if I’m missing something obvious please point me in the right direction.


    These are the forums for BuddyPress.
    Please send your question to BuddyBoss


    We use BuddyBoss on our site and would like to add ElementorPro. We found that BuddyBoss overrides all of LearnDash’s built-in design components. I need to know before I purchase ElementorPro whether BuddyBoss will also override that add-in’s design components. I contacted ElementorPro and they were unable to definitively tell me and suggested I contact you.


    Are you using BuddyBoss?
    If so, you should send your question to them.


    Ok @shanebp, except I’ve switched back to BuddyPress & switched off BuddyBoss and it still happens when I go to the equivalent Friendships > Requests section. I am asking here because this is a Buddypress functionality I have an issue with, and would really love help.

    If I figure it out, I will happily share my findings in case it helps someone else.


    > 6. Which version of BP are you running? – latest, BuddyBoss 1.5.2

    These are the forums for BuddyPress.
    Please send your question to BuddyBoss.



    Connection requests don’t display inside the My Profile > Connections Requests tab. I do not know what could be causing this but with this users cannot confirm requests.

    Troubleshooting questions:

    1. Which version of WordPress are you running? – latest 5.5.1

    2. Did you install WordPress as a directory or subdomain install? – directory

    3. If a directory install, is it in root or in a subdirectory? – n/a

    4. Did you upgrade from a previous version of WordPress? If so, from which version? – not recently / this did not cause the issue, but I updated from the pas latest version

    5. Was WordPress functioning properly before installing/upgrading BuddyPress (BP)? e.g. permalinks, creating a new post, commenting. – yes, the rest of the site works no issue

    6. Which version of BP are you running? – latest, BuddyBoss 1.5.2

    7. Did you upgraded from a previous version of BP? If so, from which version? n/a

    8. Do you have any plugins other than BuddyPress installed and activated? If so, which ones? – yes, the list is here:

    9. Are you using a standard WordPress theme or customized theme? – customised Stack WP theme + child theme

    10. Which theme do you use ? – Stack for WP with child theme

    11. Have you modified the core files in any way? – no

    12. Do you have any custom functions in bp-custom.php? – no

    13. If running bbPress, which version? Or did your BuddyPress install come with a copy of bbPress built-in? – Buddyboss installed this built in

    14. Please provide a list of any errors in your server’s log files. – no errors found, only 404 for those pages

    15. Which company provides your hosting? – Ionos

    16. Is your server running Windows, or if Linux; Apache, nginx or something else? – Linux

    17. Which BP Theme are you using? custom – BP Nouveau

    18. Have you overloaded any BuddyPress template files. – No

    19. Any other site customisations that might have a bearing on the issue? – not that I can think of

    20. What BP Template Pack is activated in your installation? You will see that under Dashboard > Settings > BuddyPress – Options page. – I couldn’t see this with buddyboss

    Thank you



    I worked on a staging site I’ve now published live and it is not behaving the same as on staging. When logged in as a member, some of the BuddyPress (through BuddyBoss) pages return a 404:
    – cover photo
    – profile photo
    – privacy settings

    Also another odd one is the connection requests don’t display live when they did in staging – I am not sure that’s linked and the more urgent issue is those pages returning a 404.

    Troubleshooting questions:

    When I switch to plain permalinks the pages work but for the rest of the site it must be postname. When using post name these pages don’t work. I can’t find a way to make them work.

    1. Which version of WordPress are you running? – latest 5.5.1

    2. Did you install WordPress as a directory or subdomain install? – directory

    3. If a directory install, is it in root or in a subdirectory? – n/a

    4. Did you upgrade from a previous version of WordPress? If so, from which version? – not recently / this did not cause the issue, but I updated from the pas latest version

    5. Was WordPress functioning properly before installing/upgrading BuddyPress (BP)? e.g. permalinks, creating a new post, commenting. – yes, the rest of the site works no issue

    6. Which version of BP are you running? – latest, BuddyBoss 1.5.2

    7. Did you upgraded from a previous version of BP? If so, from which version? n/a

    8. Do you have any plugins other than BuddyPress installed and activated? If so, which ones? – yes, the list is here:

    9. Are you using a standard WordPress theme or customized theme? – customised Stack WP theme + child theme

    10. Which theme do you use ? – Stack for WP with child theme

    11. Have you modified the core files in any way? – no

    12. Do you have any custom functions in bp-custom.php? – no

    13. If running bbPress, which version? Or did your BuddyPress install come with a copy of bbPress built-in? – Buddyboss installed this built in

    14. Please provide a list of any errors in your server’s log files. – no errors found, only 404 for those pages

    15. Which company provides your hosting? – Ionos

    16. Is your server running Windows, or if Linux; Apache, nginx or something else? – Linux

    17. Which BP Theme are you using? custom – BP Nouveau

    18. Have you overloaded any BuddyPress template files. – No

    19. Any other site customisations that might have a bearing on the issue? – not that I can think of

    20. What BP Template Pack is activated in your installation? You will see that under Dashboard > Settings > BuddyPress – Options page. – I couldn’t see this with buddyboss

    Thank you


    How do I fix the buddypress profile cover image responsive issue? I see buddyboss and youzer have a great looking cover image. How can I accomplish this. My cover images don’t seem to act the same way….Can someone please help.


    Scenario: BB Press + BuddyPress (well, Buddyboss, technically) Site has multiple forum topics.

    I have a “Political” forum. Since most of the topics are divisive, I want to exclude all topics in the “Politics” from going to the BuddyPress activity feed.

    All of the Forums will still work the same way, I just don’t want the topics in that forum, or the responses to the topics to be shown in the Activity Feed.

    Is there a snippet I can add that will exclude those topics?


    These are the forums for BuddyPress, not BuddyBoss.
    Please contact BuddyBoss with questions about their products.


    Hi. In my feed page I just get “Loading community updates. Please wait.” and nothing else. I have loaded ‘fake’ activity but its just not showing. I have tried this after turning off all non-buddypress plugins and still the same . I have also given it a go in Twenty Twenty.

    I’m using:

    WP Version 5.5.1
    BuddyBoss ChildVersion: 1.0.0
    BuddyBoss Platform Version 1.5.0
    BuddyBoss Platform Pro Version 1.0.4


    Are you using BuddyPress or BuddyBoss ?
    Are you using some theme that shows the members in a grid?

    You need to find the members loop template and use or add a hook in that template so that you can generate the display of profile data in that area.


    I am also looking to link the author’s box to the BB profile page instead of the standard authors page.
    I am using buddyboss and the buddyboss child theme.
    I wish i was more proficient at coding, but i am not, so I need advice on how to do this please.

    How would I create the function that will link to the BB profile page?

    // Change Post’s Author URL to Buddypress Profile URL

    function generate_post_author_output_buddyprss_url( $post_author_profile_link ){
    $post_author_profile_link = sprintf( ‘ <span class=”byline”>%1$s</span>’,
    sprintf( ‘<span class=”author vcard” itemtype=”; itemscope=”itemscope” itemprop=”author”>%1$s <span class=”author-name” itemprop=”name”>%4$s</span></span>’,
    __( ‘by’,’generatepress’),
    esc_url( bp_core_get_user_domain( get_the_author_meta( ‘ID’ ) ) ),
    esc_attr( sprintf( __( ‘Know more about %s’, ‘generatepress’ ), get_the_author() ) ),
    esc_html( get_the_author() )
    ) ;
    return $post_author_profile_link;



    Hey Everyone!

    Does anyone know if there is a way that we can disable public facing user profiles? We have noticed that the public facing user profiles use the user’s email address as their @ username and thus exposes the users email address.

    Also, when we navigate to /members this exposes a list of all of our members. Is there a way to disable this as well?

    We are using WordPress 5.4.2 the BuddyBoss theme with BuddyPress 5.2.0 and LearnDash LMS.

    If anyone can point me in the right direction I would be eternally grateful!

    <3 OBD.


    Here’s the solution how to use Nouveau theme hooks.
    It’s a bit complicated, but I’ve not found a way easier. And no other instructions.

    1. Find the hook you need.
    2. Search through the buddypress files and find the function with the same name (hook is a function, so find the source).
    In my example it’s function bp_nouveau_xprofile_hook($when = ”, $suffix = ”) {} (code reference page)
    3. Write down the array with all $hook components.
    Here they are bp/after/profile/loop_content
    I’d like to say that the pattern is
    but here I had to change xprofile to profile, so the source code is still essential.
    4. Merge the array with _ (bp_after_profile_loop_content)
    5. Congratulations! We’ve got a custom action name and can continue with add_action().

    Honestly, I don’t understand why it has to be so complicated now, but here we are.


    In reply to: Buddypress Docs


    BuddyBoss has a document handler. So you could use that.
    For questions specific to the BuddyPress Docs plugin, you should contact the creators of that plugin.


    In reply to: Buddypress Docs


    I have about 30 different buddyboss groups. Recently, documents disappeared from one group library, then i reuploaded them… and now they appear in all 30 group libraries. It is as if all of my documents are linked across all groups. Why are my group documents not acting separately? each group should have its own “documents” library..right?


    Wow, clickallco, thanks for the quick help! I really appreciate your help ????

    This code removes the “members” tab and access to the /groups/GROUPNAME/members/ page.

    But in my theme (buddyboss) when you click on the group it redirects to this page /groups/GROUPNAME/members/all-members/

    And that page is still available.

    Can I do anything about it? Ideally I need 2 things:

    1. Remove access to pages like /groups/GROUPNAME/members/all-members/
    2. If user open these 2 pages:

    Then redirect to the activity page:



    I’m using the function groups_create_group($args), detailed here…:

    The function is creating the group, but the forum is not being created. If I go into the group via the admin panel and save it, the forum is created automatically (because the box to create the forum was checked at creation).

    I’m lost on what else can be done here, and starting to believe it’s a bug because even the WP CLI method of creating the group gave me the same result.


    I am using buddyboss theme and buddypress plugin and I can not see toolbar or notification bar on the frontend of the site.
    which settings do I need to check and which steps I need to follow. please guide asap.

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