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Search Results for 'how to hide pages'

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  • #26235


    I am a new user of BuddyPress.
    First, I congratulate with the developers since the BuddyPress Default theme is wonderful.

    I created a child theme of it to customize it.

    I need to customize the navigation menu.
    Please could you tell me how to hide Activity and Groups pages from the navigation menu in the header?
    I just need to hide them now, and later on I would like to make them visible again.


    I added a custom menu (from WordPress) and select only the pages I wanted to be there. This is a quick fix but I think if somebody knows the URL it would still be accesible. I’d like to see a plugin or something to hide the members page from anyone.

    Cheers !


    I want to hide the “Friends” tab on the users profile page to all other users except for admin and owner of the profile only. I want this to work the way Messages and Settings tabs work => If another user types
    `http: // [site] / [username] / messages`
    BP shows an error message saying the user does not have access to the page.

    If I use (with !bp_is_my_profile()),
    it just shows a 404 type page for the `http: // [site] / [username] / friends`.

    I tried
    `$bp->bp_nav = false;`
    but that doesn’t prevent the user from seeing the friends by going to `http: // [site] / [username] / friends`

    I prevent the user from seeing the friends list by editing the members/home.php file. But, I’d like to use the same mechanism that settings and messages pages use.
    I looked at messages/single.php, but didn’t see anything that could be taking care of this logic.

    Can anybody help please?

    Jefri Zain

    I am using WordPress 3.2.1 and Buddypress 1.5.1 and I cant seem to find a way to hide my members profile, groups, pages from visitors (logged out members). Is there a plugin I can use? Or anything simple? This is one of the reason I’m putting off ablums etc for my members.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


    I’m using Buddypress for an academic blogging system. We don’t want students’ usernames to be visible in the system to other users, alongside their real names. The display names are populated by LDAP values.
    I have disabled @mentions, which use the username values. All I need to do now (I think) is change the urls of members’ profile pages, which currently use the studentID. e.g:

    Is it possible to rewrite these to use another unique identifier, such as member ID? e.g.



    @modemlooper, maybe it’s there as a placeholder for future functionality? ;-) IMHO at the moment, providing a “template” option across all Pages (incl. Component pages), is somewhat misleading.

    So given your last post, are you saying that I could hide the sidebar through code in my child’s style.css? If so, how would I do that? If not, which files and how should I do it? I can figure out how to change the width on the “content”, so that shouldn’t be an issue. Sorry about asking so many questions. I am still pretty new to this. Thanks.

    FYI: I’m running BP 1.5 Beta 3


    Actually, component pages use their own template so won’t work. Without editing templates you can hide sidebar and change page width with CSS


    In reply to: Profile rating system

    @christophg Sorry for the delay in getting the registration/profile idea to you. Here is what I do:

    I use S2member to keep my customers and brands separate. I then created a new profile group called “Company Profile”. I made this the last profile group. I then added the following code to the file:

    <?php if (S2MEMBER_CURRENT_USER_ACCESS_LEVEL li:last-child{display:none;}


    The above code hides the profile group on the edit menu from users below level 2, my brand level. And it also hides the profile group edit fields from anyone below level two. In case the menu item shows for some reason. And, unfortunately, this will not hide the menu item from users in IE 8 and below. But it WILL hide the profile group from them.

    I tried using jquery to affect last-child in IE. Although I can get the jq to work on a test page on IE, it won’t work on the menu item… not sure why.

    Next, my brands all belong to a private group, and I use a group conditional script to show the brands profile info front and center on their profile page with custom styling. This allows the brand members only to have a slick looking page that is different from regular consumer pages.



    Let me know if you need anything else. Or if something doesn’t make sense.

    Zen Gonzaga

    I need to different profile pages..
    1. For the user logged in
    2. For the member/friend/follower/following

    If the user click to see it’s profile.
    User will see 6 tabs or 6 buttons for navigation
    If the user click to see the member/follower/friend profile..
    *the user will only see 3 tabs.
    *it should hide the tabs the are only means for the USER not the VIEWER.

    Please buddypress.. i need help :(

    Hugo Ashmore

    In case it helps there are options to the above you could try; you can add:

    bp_is_directory() to allow access to all the main BP dir pages ‘Activity’, ‘Members’, ‘Blogs’, ‘Groups’ but trying to drill down any further on links in those pages would result in redirecting to register page:

    `if( bp_is_register_page() || bp_is_activation_page() || bp_is_directory() )`

    Hugo Ashmore

    @pinhit Kenny this is what I mentioned on your other thread and is now an example of where there are too many posts revolving around the same question :) . This solution (read the whole thread linked to above for full understanding) will work to limit access to directories or in the version above it permits access to specific pages and if not in that list of allowed directs to the signup page. I think this is your best solution rather than to try and restrict drilled down aspects of pages.

    I’ll close the other thread as it is redundant now.


    I’ve started reading threads about the BP_DEFAULT_COMPONENT & define( ‘BP_DEFAULT_COMPONENT’, ‘profile’ ); which I get and it works but I was wondering if anyone knows of a plugin or of a way to add a check to see if the member is a friend or follower.

    I’m thinking of doing something like;

    if the user is a friend
    show Activity as default tab
    if not
    show Profile as default tab

    the more I think about it, the more it sounds like a privacy plugin but I haven’t seen anything like that as a feature of current privacy plugins.
    I guess this is similar to FB behavior when looking at profile pages. I guess the privacy element would require to hide all but profile tab if not a friend and I don’t know that I need that right now. just switching between tabs I think is enough for what I’m thinking.


    Just to update this to close all issues of this topics as I left with a question how to hide items based on navigation in profiles.

    So after applying the above solution into your links, then to section off other profile pages ie. I am on my profile page so i can see settings & messages tabs.. but on a friends page those boxes are hidden.

    To do this;

    ? php if (bp_current_user_id() == bp_loggedin_user_id()): ?
    Add content here that you only want to see in your personal
    ? php endif ?

    All this is asking is if the current profile page user ID # (for the table row) is equal to the logged in user (You) ID#…. That returns True or False… If the answer is True then move forward. .

    If your looking to reverse this idea and show something only on others profile pages simply add one ! …. !bp_current_user_id() that will reverse the effect.

    There …That took me ages but it will save anyone looking to become creative with their profile menu….

    Lastly, I will not be answering any questions about how to implement this, its a basic copy paste job now if you cant do that then perhaps look at other less flexible options.

    Hope this all helps…


    Okay, I gotcha. In order to place pages before the default buddypress menu tabs, you need to modify your theme’s header.php file. Look for some code that looks like this and paste it just after code that looks something like this <div id="header"><h1 id="logo"><a href=&quot;" title=""></a></h1>

    Now your pages will appear before your buddypress menu items. If there something specific you want, you can just hard code in the header.php file with good ole fashioned html.

    Oh, and that Exclude Page plugin will allow you to easily hide pages you create from being added to the menu.



    I know I`m tooting my own horn here ;-) , but my BuddyBuilder theme enables you to allow user access to individual BP components and WP pages/posts depending on logged-in/logged-out status. It also provides an optional Site Lockdown feature with/without a Splashpage on the frontpage, and an optional custom redirect page if Site Lockdown is enabled. See the bottom of the right-hand column on this page for all the Privacy features available:


    Thanks for your help. I did indeed have the setting “Hide admin bar for logged out users?:” set to YES. I switched it to NO and now the menu bar appears whether logged in or logged out.

    The only problem is that new users still only see the “Register” and “Log In” menu items, even when they are logged in. This is puzzling because I can access the pages directly as a new user if I type in the URL.

    The test user I’m working with is visible under the Users listing of my BP root blog so it doesn’t seem like that would be the problem. I even gave the test user Admin priviledges to make sure there were no access level issues. The only difference is that the test user was signed up after I activated multiuser mode.

    The way that WP eMember handles membership is directly linked to the WP user database. The only thing that WP eMember does is allow a new user to be created and grants them appropriate priviledges dependent on their membership level. It does seem like there could be something happening with the sign-up

    When I activated WP multiuser it transferred all my plugins to the network admin panel instead of the individual site. WP eMember is now a network-wide plugin, along with BP. Since WP eMember creates a WP user account, I’m guessing it’s now creating user accounts outside of the main site and thus the main site doesn’t recognize the user? Perhaps I should move a bunch of plugins back to the main site instead of the whole network? I don’t really need any plugins for the user blogs so they could all be on the main site and things might work better. I’m not quite sure how I’d manage moving the plugins though.


    Noizeburger, I’ve been testing your solution for a few days now and it’s working great. I’ve also found a way to improve it slightly, and I’m pretty sure a good PHP developer could improve it even more. Let me explain:

    With your solution, the search is made on the term “band” for instance. But if people who have another type of profile have the word “band” in ANY field of their profile, the search will find them anyways. So I thought it is possible to write a script that hides the unwanted results. I used Javascript but I’m pretty sure it would be better in PHP.

    In order to do that, I added a PHP line that includes the profile type field in the search result. Then with Javascript, I parse that line and, depending on the URL of the page, I give different classes to search results. For instance, if I was on the “band” page, I give all the “bar” profiles a CSS class that hides them. Works perfectly.

    There is a problem though: since the unwanted profiles are just hidden but still exist in the HTML code, the loop counts them anyway and so the search results count does not match the number of profiles that are displayed.


    would there be any code somewhere to hide pages unless an admin user?


    Is there any way to pass username as buddypress name and then hide buddypress name from registration page and edit profile page? I saw a plugin that makes the them use the username only but the buddypress name field still exists which is very confusing. Instead of hiding the buddypress name from different pages I want to make it the same as username.


    I am wondering how do I change the pages my Fishbook buddypress theme displays. In the upper right it says Members, Activity, groups and I would like to hide or not display the Groups button/ page.


    Hi all,

    It’s a well covered topic here, but my problem seems to be common, although a definite answer doesn’t appear easy to find.

    Registration issues, once submitted, I’m not going any further, the validation doesn’t activate, and the new user doesn’t capture. This is with my theme installed (Unite 2.0 by Parallelus (Andy Wilkerson)), however it does work on BuddyPress’s default theme. And if I install a basic theme like twenty10, I can get it to work no problems once I copy the required files across.

    So my thoughts are, that there is something function wise that is missing or broken in Unite 2.0 theme (which I have to use as the client requires this, and has spent money customizing), and is conflicting, or not being called identically. I have followed just about all steps I can think of, and can’t fix the final missing piece,

    Has anyone come across something like this? The functions.php file for unite is quite small, so I have pasted it below, as a starting point, and if you need any more info or files I can pass them on:

    My setup is as follows:

    Latest WordPress
    Latest BuddyPress
    BuddyPress Templates modified to work as expected on my theme or not modified and clean installed, not working

    #	Admin control panel setup
    # Default theme variables and information
    $themeInfo = get_theme_data(TEMPLATEPATH . '/style.css');
    $themeVersion = trim($themeInfo);
    $themeTitle= trim($themeInfo);
    $shortname = strtolower(str_replace(" ","",$themeTitle)) . "_";
    $postIndex = false; // special case variable for index paging bug
    // set as constants
    define('THEMENAME', $themeTitle);
    define('THEMEVERSION', $themeVersion);
    // shortcuts variables
    $cssPath = get_bloginfo('stylesheet_directory') . "/";
    $themePath = get_bloginfo('template_url') . "/";
    $themeUrlArray = parse_url(get_bloginfo('template_url'));
    $themeLocalUrl = $themeUrlArray . "/";
    // setup info (category list, page list, etc)
    $allCategories = get_categories('hide_empty=0');
    $allPages = get_pages('hide_empty=0');
    $pageList = array();
    $categoryList = array();
    // create category and page list arrays
    foreach ($allPages as $thisPage) {
    $pageList[$thisPage->ID] = $thisPage->post_title;
    $pages_ids[] = $thisPage->ID;
    foreach ($allCategories as $thisCategory) {
    $categoryList[$thisCategory->cat_ID] = $thisCategory->cat_name;
    $cats_ids[] = $thisCategory->cat_ID;
    // Translation ready code
    // Make theme available for translation, Translations can be filed
    // in the "languages" directory. To change language just change
    // the value of $locale with laguage .mo file name..
    // for example: global $locale; $locale = 'pa_IN';
    load_theme_textdomain( THEMENAME, TEMPLATEPATH . '/languages' );
    // This theme uses wp_nav_menu() in one location.
    if (version_compare( get_bloginfo('version'), '3.0', '>=' )) {
    register_nav_menus( array(
    'primary' => __( 'Primary Navigation', $themeTitle ),
    ) );
    # Admin Menu Options
    // include options functions
    // Menu structure
    function this_theme_menu() {
    add_menu_page('Theme Options', THEMENAME, 10, 'theme-setup', 'loadOptionsPage', get_template_directory_uri().'/theme_admin/images/themePanelIcon.png');
    add_submenu_page('theme-setup', 'General Settings', 'General Options', 10, 'theme-setup', 'loadOptionsPage');
    add_submenu_page('theme-setup', 'Home Page', 'Home Page', 10,  'homepage-options', 'loadOptionsPage');
    if ( version_compare( get_bloginfo('version'), '3.0', '<' ) ) {
    // Theme menu manager only used for WP versions earlier than 3.0
    add_submenu_page('theme-setup', 'Main Menu', 'Main Menu', 10, 'mainmenu-options', 'loadOptionsPage');
    add_submenu_page('theme-setup', 'Slideshow', 'Slideshow', 10, 'slideshow-options', 'loadOptionsPage');
    add_submenu_page('theme-setup', 'Sidebar', 'Sidebar', 10, 'sidebar-options', 'loadOptionsPage');
    add_submenu_page('theme-setup', 'Blog', 'Blog Pages', 10, 'blog-options', 'loadOptionsPage'); // 18-Aug ubhi -ps (added the blog link)
    add_submenu_page('theme-setup', 'Portfolio', 'Portfolio Pages', 10, 'portfolio-options', 'loadOptionsPage');
    add_submenu_page('theme-setup', 'Contact Page', 'Contact Page', 10, 'contact-options', 'loadOptionsPage');
    // Create menu
    // call and display the requested options page
    function loadOptionsPage() {
    global $themeTitle,$shortname,$pageList,$categoryList,$wp_deprecated_widgets_callbacks;
    include_once('theme_admin/includes/options_pages/'. $_GET .'.php');
    // Get the list in array array form of excludes
    $customOptionsPages = array('slideshow-options', 'mainmenu-options', 'blog-options', 'portfolio-options', 'sidebar-options');
    if ( !in_array($_GET, $customOptionsPages) ) {
    # Addon Functions and Content
    # Include Widgets

    I’ve got a community of about 1,000 members and 300 blogs. Yesterday afternoon, the permalinks structure for all sub-blog posts changed from /year/month/title to year/month/day/title. So, all of the thousands of posts on those sub-blogs now lead to 404 pages.

    Anyone have any clue what file would do this?

    Yesterday afternoon I was tinkering with theme files for my main theme only – and mostly just single.php – so I don’t think I fat-fingered this.

    There were some plugin updates yesterday and the only one that even seems like a possible culprit is Donncha’s Domain Mapping, which implied only minor changes to be compliant with 3.1 (but it didn’t require 3.1). To be sure, I renamed my plugin and mu-plugin folders to force-deactivate them – no change to my permalinks.

    I’ve checked wp-config and there doesn’t appear to be any changes and certainly nothing that would impact permalinks.

    My htaccess file was edited. Yesterday we adjusted some of the “expires header” settings. Fearing that somehow that caused the problem, we loaded in a backup htaccess and there was still no change in permalinks.

    Also of note, I use an mu-plugin to hide the permalink button on my user’s menus. So, they can’t change them.

    I’m tempted to try a 3.1 update to see if that fixes anything – but I was also hoping a wait a week or two for the various plugins to get updated.

    My hosting company scanned my install for malicious code and found nothing. Access logs didn’t show anything suspicious either.

    Thoughts anyone? I’m hoping it’s a simple, obvious tweak that is right in front of me but I’m too close to see it.



    Why Docs Tab is active in private group for users that are not member of it?
    is it possible to hide it and make not accessible for nonmembers?


    I am running WP 3.0.4 multi-site (subdirectory) + BP 1.2.7. Buddypress is installed on a secondary blog, /community.

    When we set it up, we could not use the root blog at, so I have tried to hide it, with moderate success. The DNS redirects to New users are added as subscribers to another blog, /dashboard, if they don’t already have a blog. The pages load, people can log in, there is joy in the world.

    However. If you make a typo with the URL, e.g. /communityyy, the “Error establishing database connection” page appears. Not a 404 Page Not Found error. Same thing when someone goes to a page in the root directory, e.g. /wp-login.php. This latter one is annoying since the new registration emails point to /wp-login.php instead of /community/wp-login.php.

    Another factor: On the Sites-Edit screen, the root blog’s siteurl = and it is NOT editable. All of the other subblogs, including /community, have the siteurl = The only place I have found that SERVERNAME to appear is in my FTP client; it does not appear in wp-config.php.

    Any ideas on how to properly configure my site? My ideas include:
    – finesse the DNS redirect
    – adding more rewrite rules to .htaccess
    – moving BP to the root blog
    – use a domain mapping plugin

    Thanks in advance.

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