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Search Results for 'notification user id'

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  • #270679

    First sorry for my spelling in the above messages. are blocking the emails because of this:

    if ( ! empty( $tokens['unsubscribe'] ) && $tokens['unsubscribe'] !== site_url( 'wp-login.php' ) ) {
    	$user = get_user_by( 'email', $tokens[''] );
    	$headers['List-Unsubscribe'] = sprintf(
    		esc_url_raw( bp_email_get_unsubscribe_link( array(
    			'user_id'           => $user->ID,
    			'notification_type' => $email->get( 'type' ),
    		) ) )

    If yoy remove this if statement mails activation mails are sent. This code ir located ad buddypress/bp-core/bp-core.filters

    It’s a new commit, that’s why it worked in previous versions.

    To sum up, if you are using BuddyPress 2.9.3, users with Microsoft accounts will not receive the activation email.

    I hope this get fixed in the next version.

    Carsten Lund

    Hi there, thanks for your respond. The reason why I want to see my profile, is more a matter of having BP components like messages and notifications visible at all times, without adding them to the theme menu.

    Another strange ting is BP’s redirection to the activity page, when activity component is active. Why does BP not allow users decide which page should be the landing page, when viewing own, and others profile?
    And why do I need to install a third part plugin to have my profile as landing page after login?


    Hello everyone. I really need some help here.
    So I’ve had issues with not receiving (and users not receiving) notification emails before. I’ve done the whole deactivating plugins to see what is not compatible, I’ve repaired emails under TOOLS. I’ve even uninstalled and reinstalled BuddyPress and bbpress, but for whatever reason I cannot fix this problem this time. Also, while trying to fix this problem myself, I realized that if you are using a YAHOO account then you will receive notifications, but it is not working at all for gmail or Texas University email accounts. I became aware of this problem today and it was working perfectly fine last Friday. Please, if someone can help me with this problem it would be greatly appreciated!


    Hi !
    I recently add a custom notification system for alert of new messages if you add a topic to your favorite.
    For that I hook bp_notifications_get_registered_components, bp_notifications_get_notifications_for_user and bbp_new_reply.

    Everything work well but I have a last problem that I dont arrived to fixe : when I click on my new notifications they don’t disappear by her self. I use bbp_mark_read for generate my notification link but without sucess

    $topic_link = wp_nonce_url(
    'action' => 'bbp_mark_read',
    'topic_id' => $topic_id
    bbp_get_reply_url( $item_id )
    'bbp_mark_topic_' . $topic_id

    Any solution for fix that ?
    Thanks !

    Norman Cates

    Hi ya,
    I’m new to BuddyPress.
    WP 4.9.1
    BP 2.9.2

    I’m looking to get BuddyPress as close to Facebook as I can. Well, largely.

    At the moment, the thing I’m trying to find is how to show what new notifications there are since a member last looked at a new activity list. And ideally be able to show a list of groups the user belongs to, and a little number with how many new posts/notifications there are.

    I’ve been searching around for a few days now for how to do this.

    I feel like this is probably standard and easy, but I just can’t see how to do it…

    Always glad to be pointed to links of course.

    Thanks for any insight!



    Topic: Hooks problem.

    in group forum Requests & Feedback

    Hi There,

    I am using the buddypress and apppresser plugin in our website. Apppresser plugin is used to convert wordpress web application to mobile application. I want to use buddypress hooks to send push notifications over the friend request and invite to group request trigger but this is not working. I am using the following hooks for the same


    Here is my code which I have written on function.php .

    function action_groups_send_invite( $group_id, $invited_users, $user_id ) {
    // make action magic happen here…
    if ( !is_user_logged_in() )
    return false;
    $message = ‘Hi there some one send your request!’;

    $push = new AppPresser_Notifications_Update;
    $devices = $push->get_devices_by_user_id($invited_users);
    if( $devices ) {
    $push->notification_send( ‘now’, $message, 1, $devices );

    // add the action
    add_action( ‘groups_send_invites’, ‘action_groups_send_invite’, 10, 3 );

    function action_friends_friendship_requested( $friendship_id, $initiator_id, $friend_id ) {
    if ( !is_user_logged_in() )
    return false;

    $recipients = array( $initiator_id );

    $message = ‘Hi there some one send you request!’;

    $push = new AppPresser_Notifications_Update;
    $devices = $push->get_devices_by_user_id( $recipients );

    if( $devices ) {
    $push->notification_send( ‘now’, $message, 1, $devices );

    //apppush_send_notification( ‘friends_friendship_requested’ );

    // add the action
    add_action( “friends_friendship_requested”, ‘action_friends_friendship_requested’, 10, 4 );

    function action_friends_friendship_accepted( $friendship_id, $friendship_initiator_user_id, $friendship_friend_user_id, $friendship ) {
    // // make action magic happen here…
    if ( !is_user_logged_in() )
    return false;

    $recipients = array( $friendship_initiator_user_id );

    $message = ‘Hi there some one accept your request!’;

    $push = new AppPresser_Notifications_Update;
    $devices = $push->get_devices_by_user_id( $recipients );

    if( $devices ) {
    $push->notification_send( ‘now’, $message, 1, $devices );
    //apppush_send_notification( ‘friends_friendship_accepted’ );

    // add the action
    add_action( ‘friends_friendship_accepted’, ‘action_friends_friendship_accepted’, 10, 4 );

    function action_add_user_favorite( $activity_id, $user_id ) {
    // do something

    $recipients = array( $user_id );

    $message = ‘Hi there some one accept your friend request!’;

    $push = new AppPresser_Notifications_Update;
    $devices = $push->get_devices_by_user_id( $recipients );

    if( $devices ) {
    $push->notification_send( ‘now’, $message, 1, $devices );
    add_action(‘bp_activity_add_user_favorite’, ‘action_add_user_favorite’, 1, 2 );



    I moved the “Change avatar” and “Change cover” subnavs from the tab “Profile” to “Setting”. It works good, but no content is displayed … I don’t know why, because the function “xprofile_screen_change_avatar” is triggered.

    Does anybody has an idea?

    Here is my code from the functions.php:

    function custom_bp_menu_tabs() {
        global $bp;
        if ( bp_is_active( 'xprofile' ) ):
            $change_avatar = $bp->bp_options_nav['profile']['change-avatar']->backcompat_nav;
            if ( ! empty( $change_avatar ) ) {
                $change_avatar['parent_slug'] = $bp->bp_nav['settings']['slug'];
                $change_avatar['parent_url']  = $bp->loggedin_user->domain . $bp->bp_nav['settings']['slug'] . '/';
                unset( $change_avatar['link'] );
                bp_core_remove_subnav_item( $bp->bp_nav['profile']['slug'], $change_avatar['slug'] );
                bp_core_new_subnav_item( $change_avatar );
            bp_core_remove_nav_item( 'profile' );
            bp_core_remove_subnav_item( $bp->bp_nav['settings']['slug'], 'notifications' );
            bp_core_remove_subnav_item( $bp->bp_nav['settings']['slug'], 'profile' );
    add_action( 'bp_setup_nav', 'custom_bp_menu_tabs', 9999 );

    I am using WP Mail SMTP to get the mail to send without issues. But it seems to affect this particular email only, I am getting everything else as far as I am aware.

    Here are my current active plugins – There is quite a long list.
    I do use Autoptimize, so not sure if it’s affecting anything.
    One of note, is Social Login, which when logging directs to their site, and redirects back to my site to log the user in via their social network, this is where it falls over and does not send this one email. It manages to send other emails related to the login, but it now gives me an idea to look into the code that sends this social email sign up notification.

    (BuddyDev) BP Auto Login on Activation (1.0.3)
    Advanced Custom Fields (4.4.11)
    Allow Multiple Accounts (3.0.4)
    Autoptimize (2.2.2)
    BP Profile Message UX Free (1.5)
    BP xProfile Location (1.2)
    BP XProfile WordPress User Sync (0.6.4)
    BuddyDev Username Availability Checker (1.1.1)
    BuddyExtender (1.0.1)
    BuddyPress (2.7.4)
    BuddyPress Member Type Generator (1.0.3)
    BuddyPress Security Check (2.1.2)
    BuddyPress Simple Terms And Conditions (1.3)
    BuddyPress Xprofile Custom Fields Type (2.6.3)
    BuddyPress Xprofile Member Type Field (1.0.4)
    BuddyPress XProfile Validate with RegEx (0.1.2)
    Cherry Parallax Plugin (1.1.0)
    Cherry Plugin (
    Child Theme Configurator (2.1.2)
    Conditional Profile Fields for BuddyPress (1.1.9)
    Contact Form 7 (4.6)
    Contact Form 7 – Dynamic Text Extension (2.0.1)
    Contact Form 7 Conditional Fields (1.0)
    Contact Form 7 Get and Show Parameter from URL (0.9.7)
    Contact Form 7 Honeypot (1.10)
    Contact Form 7 Modules: Hidden Fields (2.0)
    Contact Form 7 Shortcode Enabler (1.1)
    Custom Hooks (1.0)
    Custom Post Template By Templatic (1.0)
    Custom Post Type UI (1.4.3)
    Disable Comments (1.6)
    Display Posts Shortcode (2.7.0)
    FacetWP (2.7.4)
    FacetWP – Map (1.0.5)
    Flamingo (1.5)
    GeoIP Detection (2.7.0)
    GEO my WP (2.7)
    Google Analytics Dashboard for WP (
    List Plugins (1.4.4)
    Meta Slider (3.4)
    Optimize Database after Deleting Revisions (4.2.1)
    Page-list (5.1)
    PHP Compatibility Checker (1.4.0)
    Popup Maker (1.4.20)
    Shortcodes in Menus (3.2)
    Social Login (5.2)
    Stream (3.2.0)
    String Locator (2.2.0)
    Sucuri Security – Auditing, Malware Scanner and Hardening (1.8.3)
    SuitePlugins – Advanced XProfile Fields for BuddyPress (1.0.3)
    Theme Check (20160523.1)
    Visual Builder for Contact Form 7 (2.0)
    WPFront User Role Editor (2.13)
    WP Mail SMTP (0.11.1)
    WP Private Content Plus (1.13.1)
    WP Smush (2.6.1)
    Yoast SEO (4.3)


    ok.. it works again.. Not sure which step fixed it but here is what I did..

    In the database area I clicked the Optimize, repair, and reset permission buttons.

    In wordpress I cleared off some of the warning notifications I was getting about “Activity Stream” and “User Links” pages not having pages set for them..

    I had those removed on purpose btw.

    The code to hide the members directory doesn’t work anymore but someone said something about maybe being able to redirect traffic to that page to a password protected or otherwise restricted page.

    So.. That should do it if you have the problem I did.. clear the page missing error for user links and activity and run the one click fixes on the database to reset permissions and such.


    Hi there and first sorry for my poor english.
    I’m working on a new Learndash videos website. I want to use buddypress for user registrations / management.

    Sadly no emails are sent from buddypress.

    I installed a email log plugin and see no email sent from buddypress ( other emails are sent ).

    I tried to go with WP MAIL SMTP with a costum office365 email, this option doesnt work either. WP Mail SMTP test email work, buddypress registration & notifications don’t.

    I also tryed Postman also with smtp & my office 365. Test work & get logged. Registration don’t.

    I then tryed to deactivate every single plugin & replace my theme for a default wordpress theme (twentyseventen) this option doesnt work either ( with only buddypress at first, then only buddypress & Postman )

    Any idea what i could try? Thx in advance!

    WP version: 4.9.1
    BP version: 2.9.2
    – Installed on a subdomain
    – Plugins installed :
    – Advanced Custom Fields PRO
    – AffiliateWP
    – Boss for LearnDash
    – BuddyPress for LearnDash
    – BuddyPress Recherche Globale
    – Compress JPEG & PNG images
    – LearnDash & Paid Memberships Pro
    – LearnDash LMS
    – LearnDash WooCommerce Integration
    – Loco Translate
    – Paid Memberships Pro
    – Paid Memberships Pro – WooCommerce Add On
    – Polylang
    – Post SMTP
    – Wistia WordPress Plugin
    – WooCommerce
    – WooCommerce Moneris Gateway
    – WordPress Social Login
    – WP Sync DB
    – WP-Optimize
    – WPBakery Visual Composer

    I use BuddyBoss wordpress theme and i’m hosted on Likuid Hosting ( ). No core files have been updated. Server on linux & apache

    Boone Gorges

    Thanks, @friendlygooners – I did read your previous post and visit your site, but what I’m saying is that I’m not sure what “mesage” or “notification” you are talking about. I currently see a partially-hidden item in the upper-right corner of the page, which ends in the sentence “Please reply if you are not a bot”. Is this the message that you are talking about?

    If so, it appears that this element is created by your theme, Buddy. I don’t have access to the source of this theme, but I’m guessing that it uses some buggy logic to decide whether or not the notice should be shown. I’m unsure how to fix this bug in PHP because I can’t see the theme code. But you can hide this element with the following CSS:

    .sidebar #message {
        display: none;

    You may also want to add some styling so that the top menu doesn’t cover up your site’s content:

    #content-wrapper {
        margin-top: 105px;

    This may look different for logged-in users, so your mileage may vary.

    Boone Gorges

    Hi @friendlygooners – Can you clarify what you mean by “the sitewide notification still exist”? Do you mean that it’s still in the markup, even though you are hiding it with CSS? Or do you mean that there is an element other than #sitewide-notice that is showing to all users? Can you share the markup (or id attribute) from that additional element, so that we have a better sense of what needs to be hidden?

    Boone Gorges

    Hi @richardmiller-1 – The purpose of the @username part of the interface is to tell other users how to mention the user when posting new activity items, etc. It’s possible to change the value that’s displayed here, but if you do, and if users then use that text to “mention” others, then things like auto-linking of @-mentions and @-mention notifications will break, since BP doesn’t know by default how to search by display names.

    If you just want to change the display, then you should copy the cover-image-header.php template to your own child theme, and then change the line you’ve referenced to:

    <h2 class=”user-nicename”>@<?php echo bp_core_get_user_displayname( bp_displayed_user_id() ); ?></h2>

    It might be possible to retool some of the @-mention plumbing so that notifications etc work. You’d want to start by filtering bp_activity_mentioned_users(), and copying some of the logic in bp_activity_find_mentions() but with modified regex + user lookup. (This is going to be hard because, among other things, display names are not necessarily unique across a network, so @Richard could refer to multiple people. But that depends on the nature of your network.)

    The h1 at the top of the profile page is generated in a weird way, as part of BP’s theme compatibility system. It’s not directly generated by BP, but comes from your WP theme; BP is faking the theme into thinking that the user’s display name is the title of the WP page, so that your theme’s page.php template outputs it as the_title(). There are various workarounds for this. One is to tap into BP’s template hierarchy, so that WP would use a separate template file for single member pages. See for details. Basically, you’d copy page.php to buddypress/members/single/index.php, and remove the call to the_title(). A simpler solution is to hide with CSS:

    .bp-user .entry-title {
    	display: none;

    WordPress 4.9 “Tipton”
    BuddyPress Version 2.9.2
    Theme: Buddy Version: 2.15.1 By GhostPool

    When sending private message to my users, the message shows sidewide notification to everyone visiting my site. I added this this in custom css

    #sitewide-notice {
    display: none !important;

    The message box appearing under the header was closed But the sidewide notification still exist.
    You can check out here



    The buddy bar / admin bar (not sure exactly what it is called), that shows the user notifications etc, is only showing for admin.

    Any idea why?

    Thanks in advance!

    WordPress 4.8.3 running Point theme.

    BuddyPress Version 2.9.2



    I tried this method. But it did not work. Any fix?

    Please help.. Thanks.



    I am able to receive email notifications for all sign ups, logins as an admin of the site, however my users are not receiving BP emails when someone sends them a message or comments on their post. I am using Paid Memberships Pro and Wordfence so perhaps those emails come through those plugins but I also do not receive BP notifications of messages from users – I tested it by creating a separate account.

    This is a new site so I wasn’t aware of the issue previously and I don’t know if it has worked before.

    Any help appreciated. It will be difficult to uninstall all plugins as the site is active.

    I’m using WordPress 4.8.2 and BuddyPress 2.9.1


    Dear Buddypress,

    I hope you can help me with this…
    I have just transferred 1000s of comments to articles – of my buddypress wordpress site.

    Those comments, have @mentions in them and users, didn’t receive the notifications about @mentions – which is great! It would be too much (some of them are old ect).

    However, is there any way we can populate those mentions, without any notifications, so they show in their profiles – under mentions? So, they can look back when someone mentioned them?

    Thank you very much 🙂



    I’d like to disable user-notifications but keep the MP notifications.

    Howcan I do it or which plugin should I use instead of BuddyPress Notifications Widget?

    Thank’s in advance


    In reply to: Contact user


    @flashvilla, hope this helps:

    I’m using Gravity Forms to display a contact form on each member profile page and dynamically populating a hidden field with the member’s email address.

    Here’s info on dynamically populating a field in GF

    Their example:

    add_filter( 'gform_field_value_your_parameter', 'my_custom_population_function' );
    function my_custom_population_function( $value ) {
        return 'boom!';

    I have changed this to:

    add_filter('gform_field_value_bp_member_email', 'bp_member_email');
    function bp_member_email($value){
      return bp_get_displayed_user_email();

    In Gravityforms, I have then created a hidden field and in the advanced tab of that field, checked “Allow field to be populated dynamically” and entered the “Parameter Name:” as “bp_member_email”

    Then, in the notifications, the “Send to Email” should be changed from a standard email to a Gravityform tag. You can get that by clicking the little arrow key beside many fields such as “From Name” box. Find the name of your hidden field and click that. It should give you something like this: {BP Member Email:7} where “BP Member Email” is the name I gave the hidden field – yours will be whatever you named it.

    You’ll also need to embed the form to your child theme: /themes/yourchildtheme/buddypress/members/single/home.php

    Details on how to embed into your theme can be found here. Example: (where 1 is the ID of your form and 12 is the starting tabindex)

    <?php gravity_form(1, false, false, false, '', true, 12); ?>

    If this worked, you can view the source code of the member page and you’ll see the member’s email as an input value in the hidden field.

    Hope this helps!

    Please note: if you can’t have the person’s email displayed publicly in the source code for privacy (even though it’s not visible on the site), you will need an alternative method. Members on my site all have their emails visible so it’s not an issue for me.

    Bradley Stevens

    @xmginc yep, so close. I just want users to get notifications and messages, and the same avatars and profile pictures network wide. That would expand the ability of buddypress tenfold.

    Thanks for the info on WPMU. I hadn’t really heard of them, but this has my interest


    My client has asked that notifications get sent everytime a user updates his profile. I have two profiles that require notifications – the base group, and a group called: ‘Personal Details’ – the code I am using is sending emails for both forms no matter which form is selected, I have tried using if statements but the do not send.

    The current code:

    function rc_buddypress_profile_update( $user_id ) {
        $admin_email = "";
        $message = sprintf( __( 'Dear Admin, "Base Profile" details have been updated for the following member: %1$s', 'buddypress' ), bp_core_get_user_displayname( $user_id ) ) . "\r\n\r\n";
        $message .= sprintf( __( 'Name: %s' ), bp_get_profile_field_data('field=Name') ). "\r\n";
        $message .= sprintf( __( 'Surname: %s' ), bp_get_profile_field_data('field=Surname') ). "\r\n";
        $message .= sprintf( __( 'Company Name: %s' ), bp_get_profile_field_data('field=Company Name') ). "\r\n";
        $message .= sprintf( __( 'Company Website: %s' ), bp_get_profile_field_data('field=Company Website') ). "\r\n";
        wp_mail( $admin_email, sprintf( __( 'FISA Member Base Profile Update' ), FISA ), $message );
    $personalDetails = xprofile_get_field_id_from_name( 'Personal Details' );
    function rc_buddypress_personal_details_update( $personalDetails ) {
        $admin_email = "";
        $message = sprintf( __( 'Dear Admin, "Personal Details" have been updated for the following member: %1$s', 'buddypress' ), bp_core_get_user_displayname( $personalDetails ) ) . "\r\n\r\n";
        $message .= sprintf( __( 'Mobile Phone: %s' ), bp_get_profile_field_data('field=Mobile Phone') ). "\r\n";
        $message .= sprintf( __( 'Work Phone: %s' ), bp_get_profile_field_data('field=Work Phone') ). "\r\n\r\n";
        $message .= sprintf( __( 'Address Line 1: %s' ), bp_get_profile_field_data('field=Address Line 1') ). "\r\n";
        $message .= sprintf( __( 'Address Line 2: %s' ), bp_get_profile_field_data('field=Address Line 2') ). "\r\n";
        $message .= sprintf( __( 'Address Line 3: %s' ), bp_get_profile_field_data('field=Address Line 3') ). "\r\n\r\n";
        $message .= sprintf( __( 'City: %s' ), bp_get_profile_field_data('field=City') ). "\r\n";
        $message .= sprintf( __( 'Postal Code: %s' ), bp_get_profile_field_data('field=Postal Code') ). "\r\n";
        $message .= sprintf( __( 'Region: %s' ), bp_get_profile_field_data('field=Region') ). "\r\n\r\n";
        wp_mail( $admin_email, sprintf( __( 'FISA Member Personal Details Update' ), get_option('blogname') ), $message );
        add_action( 'xprofile_updated_profile', 'rc_buddypress_personal_details_update', 10, 5 );
        add_action( 'xprofile_updated_profile', 'rc_buddypress_profile_update', 10, 5 );

    What I tried to use to separate them:

    function rc_buddypress_profile_update( $user_id ) {
        if ( xprofile_get_field_data( "User Type") == "Personal Details" ) {
                $admin_email = "";
                $message = sprintf( __( 'Dear Admin, "Personal Details" have been updated for the following member: %1$s', 'buddypress' ), bp_core_get_user_displayname( $user_id ) ) . "\r\n\r\n";
                $message .= sprintf( __( 'Mobile Phone: %s' ), bp_get_profile_field_data('field=Mobile Phone') ). "\r\n";
                $message .= sprintf( __( 'Work Phone: %s' ), bp_get_profile_field_data('field=Work Phone') ). "\r\n\r\n";
                $message .= sprintf( __( 'Address Line 1: %s' ), bp_get_profile_field_data('field=Address Line 1') ). "\r\n";
                $message .= sprintf( __( 'Address Line 2: %s' ), bp_get_profile_field_data('field=Address Line 2') ). "\r\n";
                $message .= sprintf( __( 'Address Line 3: %s' ), bp_get_profile_field_data('field=Address Line 3') ). "\r\n\r\n";
                $message .= sprintf( __( 'City: %s' ), bp_get_profile_field_data('field=City') ). "\r\n";
                $message .= sprintf( __( 'Postal Code: %s' ), bp_get_profile_field_data('field=Postal Code') ). "\r\n";
                $message .= sprintf( __( 'Region: %s' ), bp_get_profile_field_data('field=Region') ). "\r\n\r\n";
                wp_mail( $admin_email, sprintf( __( 'FISA Member Personal Details Update' ), get_option('blogname') ), $message );
            } else  {
            $admin_email = "";
            $message = sprintf( __( 'Dear Admin, "Base Profile" details have been updated for the following member: %1$s', 'buddypress' ), bp_core_get_user_displayname( $user_id ) ) . "\r\n\r\n";
                $message .= sprintf( __( 'Name: %s' ), bp_get_profile_field_data('field=Name') ). "\r\n";
                $message .= sprintf( __( 'Surname: %s' ), bp_get_profile_field_data('field=Surname') ). "\r\n";
                $message .= sprintf( __( 'Company Name: %s' ), bp_get_profile_field_data('field=Company Name') ). "\r\n";
                $message .= sprintf( __( 'Company Website: %s' ), bp_get_profile_field_data('field=Company Website') ). "\r\n";
                wp_mail( $admin_email, sprintf( __( 'FISA Member Base Profile Update' ), FISA ), $message );
        add_action( 'xprofile_updated_profile', 'rc_buddypress_profile_update', 10, 5 );

    Would appreciate some help on this.


    Hi Buddypress support,
    I am still waiting to get my problem to solve.
    While using bbpress search forum then the search result is not displayed, but instead get forward to homepage.
    Please find this screen video helpful to solve my issue

    Please also find this info helpful as you stated you need those info too:

    Please try to supply answers to the following questions.
    1. Which version of WordPress are you running?
    WP ver. 4.8

    2. Did you install WordPress as a directory or subdomain install?
    directory but as multisite

    3. If a directory install, is it in root or in a subdirectory?
    subdirectory /public_html/wci

    4. Did you upgrade from a previous version of WordPress? If so, from which version?
    no – Version 2.8.2 is in use

    5. Was WordPress functioning properly before installing/upgrading BuddyPress (BP)? e.g. permalinks, creating a new post, commenting.
    not sure but I guess it was working

    6. Which version of BP are you running?
    Version 2.8.2 is in use

    7. Did you upgraded from a previous version of BP? If so, from which version?

    8. Do you have any plugins other than BuddyPress installed and activated? If so, which ones?
    (but the problem occur even, if I deactiavete all plugins just using buddypress and bbpress together)
    Name Version Plugin URL
    WP Easy Updates 1.1.1
    AffiliateWP – Lifetime Commissions 1.2.4
    AffiliateWP – PayPal Payouts 1.1.7
    AffiliateWP – Recurring Referrals 1.6.2
    AffiliateWP 2.0.10
    AffiliateWP – Affiliate Area Tabs 1.1.5
    AffiliateWP – Affiliate Dashboard Sharing 1.1.3
    AffiliateWP BuddyPress Pro 1.0.1
    AffiliateWP – Direct Link Tracking 1.1.1
    AffiliateWP MLM 1.1.2
    AffiliateWP – Order Details For Affiliates 1.1.3
    AffiliateWP Performance Bonuses
    AffiliateWP Ranks 1.0.2
    AffiliateWP Variable Rates 1.3
    Akismet Anti-Spam 3.3.2
    All In One WP Security 4.2.8
    Autoptimize 2.2.0
    bbPress 2.5.12
    BuddyPress Instant Chat 1.6
    BuddyPress 2.8.2
    Contact Form 7 Datepicker 2.6.0
    Contact Form 7 Honeypot 1.10
    Contact Form 7 4.8
    Cookie Notice 1.2.38
    Delightful Downloads 1.6.6
    Google Tag Manager for WordPress 1.6.1
    Email Log 1.9.1
    EWWW Image Optimizer 3.4.1
    Featured Image Generator 1.1.5
    FooTable 0.3.1
    GD Business Hours
    GeoDirectory Advance Search Filters 1.4.9
    GeoDirectory AffiliateWP Integration 1.0.8
    GeoDirectory Ajax Duplicate Alert 1.1.8
    GeoDirectory BuddyPress Integration 1.1.9
    GeoDirectory Claim Manager 1.3.21
    GeoDirectory Custom Post Types 1.3.5
    GeoDirectory Dashboard 0.0.1
    GeoDirectory Events 1.4.6
    GeoDirectory Franchise Manager 1.0.6
    GeoDirectory Invoice 1.0
    GeoDirectory Location Manager 1.5.50
    GeoDirectory Marker Cluster 1.3.0
    GeoDirectory Payment Manager 1.4.4
    GeoDirectory Re-Captcha 1.1.5
    GeoDirectory Review Rating Manager 1.3.8
    GeoDirectory Social Importer 1.3.1
    GeoDirectory 1.6.21
    GT-Vouchers – GeoDirectory Version
    Icegram – Popups, Optins, CTAs & lot more… 1.10.5
    Idea Factory 1.2
    If Modified Since Header 1.2.5
    Inbound Extension – MailPoet Integration 1.0.9
    Insert HTML Snippet 1.2.2
    Collapse-O-Matic 1.7.5
    Leads 3.1.1
    MailPoet – Contact Form 7 Integration
    Master Slider Pro 3.1.3
    Multilingual Tools 1.2
    ProfitBuilder 2.2.7
    AffiliateWP – Pushover Notifications 1.0.2
    SendGrid 1.11.3
    WPML Multilingual CMS 3.7.1
    Social Content Locker 1.1
    Standout CSS3 Buttons 0.3.0
    TablePress Extension: Responsive Tables 1.4
    TablePress 1.8
    TinyMCE Advanced 4.6.3
    UberMenu 3 – The Ultimate WordPress Mega Menu 3.2.5
    UpdraftPlus – Backup/Restore
    Use Google Libraries
    Widget Logic 5.8.2
    Yoast SEO 4.9
    Clean Up Optimizer 4.0.10
    Wordpress Social Invitations – Lite 2.1.1
    WP Super Cache – Clear all cache 1.4
    WP Super Cache 1.4.9
    WP Support Plus 8.0.7
    WPML CMS Nav 1.4.20
    WPML Media 2.2.0
    WPML Page Builders 1.1.3
    WPML Sticky Links 1.4.1
    WPML String Translation 2.5.4
    WPML Translation Management 2.3.1
    WPML Widgets 1.0.6
    MailPoet Newsletters 2.7.10

    9. Are you using the standard WordPress theme or customized theme?
    customized theme

    10. Which theme do you use ?
    GDF_child is from geodirectory (but the problem occur even, if I switch the theme to twenty fourteen)

    11. Have you modified the core files in any way?

    12. Do you have any custom functions in bp-custom.php?
    Not as I know, but maybe the geodirectory addon “GeoDirectory BuddyPress Integration 1.1.9″

    13. If running bbPress, which version? Or did your BuddyPress install come with a copy of bbPress built-in?
    no build in. version in use is bbPress 2.5.12

    14. Please provide a list of any errors in your server’s log files.
    [23-Jun-2017 03:41:33 UTC] WordPress database error Table ‘worldche_wcimsgd.wp_term_relationships’ doesn’t exist for query SELECT tt.term_id, MAX(p.post_modified_gmt) AS date_gmt, l.country_slug AS country, l.region_slug AS region, l.city_slug AS city FROM ms_1_geodir_post_locations l LEFT JOIN ms_1_geodir_gd_video_detail pd ON pd.post_location_id = l.location_id LEFT JOIN ms_1_posts p ON p.ID = pd.post_id LEFT JOIN wp_term_relationships AS tr ON tr.object_id = p.ID LEFT JOIN wp_term_taxonomy AS tt ON ( tt.term_taxonomy_id = tr.term_taxonomy_id AND tt.taxonomy = ‘gd_videocategory’ ) WHERE pd.post_locations LIKE CONCAT( ‘[‘, l.city_slug, ‘],[‘, l.region_slug , ‘],[‘, l.country_slug , ‘]’ ) AND p.post_type = ‘gd_video’ AND p.post_status = ‘publish’ AND l.location_id IS NOT NULL AND tt.term_id IS NOT NULL GROUP BY CONCAT(tt.term_id, ‘-‘, l.country_slug, ‘-‘, l.region_slug, ‘-‘, l.city_slug) ORDER BY date_gmt DESC made by require(‘wp-blog-header.php’), wp, WP->main, WP->query_posts, WP_Query->query, WP_Query->get_posts, do_action_ref_array, WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, call_user_func_array, WPSEO_Sitemaps->redirect, WPSEO_Sitemaps->build_sitemap, WPSEO_Sitemaps->build_root_map, WPSEO_Sitemaps_Renderer->get_index, apply_filters(‘wpseo_sitemap_index’), WP_Hook->apply_filters, call_user_func_array, geodir_sitemap_index, geodir_sitemap_taxonomies_sitemap_index, geodir_sitemap_get_locations_taxonomies
    [23-Jun-2017 03:41:33 UTC] WordPress database error Table ‘worldche_wcimsgd.wp_term_relationships’ doesn’t exist for query SELECT tt.term_id, MAX(p.post_modified_gmt) AS date_gmt, l.country_slug AS country, l.region_slug AS region, l.city_slug AS city FROM ms_1_geodir_post_locations l LEFT JOIN ms_1_geodir_gd_video_detail pd ON pd.post_location_id = l.location_id LEFT JOIN ms_1_posts p ON p.ID = pd.post_id LEFT JOIN wp_term_relationships AS tr ON tr.object_id = p.ID LEFT JOIN wp_term_taxonomy AS tt ON ( tt.term_taxonomy_id = tr.term_taxonomy_id AND tt.taxonomy = ‘gd_video_tags’ ) WHERE pd.post_locations LIKE CONCAT( ‘[‘, l.city_slug, ‘],[‘, l.region_slug , ‘],[‘, l.country_slug , ‘]’ ) AND p.post_type = ‘gd_video’ AND p.post_status = ‘publish’ AND l.location_id IS NOT NULL AND tt.term_id IS NOT NULL GROUP BY CONCAT(tt.term_id, ‘-‘, l.country_slug, ‘-‘, l.region_slug, ‘-‘, l.city_slug) ORDER BY date_gmt DESC made by require(‘wp-blog-header.php’), wp, WP->main, WP->query_posts, WP_Query->query, WP_Query->get_posts, do_action_ref_array, WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, call_user_func_array, WPSEO_Sitemaps->redirect, WPSEO_Sitemaps->build_sitemap, WPSEO_Sitemaps->build_root_map, WPSEO_Sitemaps_Renderer->get_index, apply_filters(‘wpseo_sitemap_index’), WP_Hook->apply_filters, call_user_func_array, geodir_sitemap_index, geodir_sitemap_taxonomies_sitemap_index, geodir_sitemap_get_locations_taxonomies
    [23-Jun-2017 04:40:47 UTC] WordPress-Datenbank-Fehler You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ” at line 1 für Abfrage SELECT * FROM ms_1_geodir_invoice WHERE post_id = von require(‘wp-blog-header.php’), require_once(‘wp-includes/template-loader.php’), include(‘/themes/GDF_child/geodirectory/listing-success.php’), my_project_updated_email
    [23-Jun-2017 04:40:47 UTC] WordPress-Datenbank-Fehler You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘WHERE post_author = 0’ at line 1 für Abfrage UPDATE ms_1_posts SET vat_id = WHERE post_author = 0 von require(‘wp-blog-header.php’), require_once(‘wp-includes/template-loader.php’), include(‘/themes/GDF_child/geodirectory/listing-success.php’), my_project_updated_email
    [23-Jun-2017 06:43:08 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function is_bbpress() in /home/worldcheckin/public_html/wci/wp-content/plugins/widget-logic/widget_logic.php(463) : eval()’d code on line 2

    15. Which company provides your hosting?
    hetzner – I am using a own dedicated server

    16. Is your server running Windows, or if Linux; Apache, nginx or something else?


    Hi Buddypress support,
    I am still waiting to get my problem to solve.
    While using bbpress search forum then the search result is not displayed, but instead get forward to homepage.
    Please find this screen video helpful to solve my issue

    Please also find this info helpful as you stated you need those info too:

    Please try to supply answers to the following questions.
    1. Which version of WordPress are you running?
    WP ver. 4.8

    2. Did you install WordPress as a directory or subdomain install?
    directory but as multisite

    3. If a directory install, is it in root or in a subdirectory?
    subdirectory /public_html/wci

    4. Did you upgrade from a previous version of WordPress? If so, from which version?
    no – Version 2.8.2 is in use

    5. Was WordPress functioning properly before installing/upgrading BuddyPress (BP)? e.g. permalinks, creating a new post, commenting.
    not sure but I guess it was working

    6. Which version of BP are you running?
    Version 2.8.2 is in use

    7. Did you upgraded from a previous version of BP? If so, from which version?

    8. Do you have any plugins other than BuddyPress installed and activated? If so, which ones?
    (but the problem occur even, if I deactiavete all plugins just using buddypress and bbpress together)
    Name Version Plugin URL
    WP Easy Updates 1.1.1
    AffiliateWP – Lifetime Commissions 1.2.4
    AffiliateWP – PayPal Payouts 1.1.7
    AffiliateWP – Recurring Referrals 1.6.2
    AffiliateWP 2.0.10
    AffiliateWP – Affiliate Area Tabs 1.1.5
    AffiliateWP – Affiliate Dashboard Sharing 1.1.3
    AffiliateWP BuddyPress Pro 1.0.1
    AffiliateWP – Direct Link Tracking 1.1.1
    AffiliateWP MLM 1.1.2
    AffiliateWP – Order Details For Affiliates 1.1.3
    AffiliateWP Performance Bonuses
    AffiliateWP Ranks 1.0.2
    AffiliateWP Variable Rates 1.3
    Akismet Anti-Spam 3.3.2
    All In One WP Security 4.2.8
    Autoptimize 2.2.0
    bbPress 2.5.12
    BuddyPress Instant Chat 1.6
    BuddyPress 2.8.2
    Contact Form 7 Datepicker 2.6.0
    Contact Form 7 Honeypot 1.10
    Contact Form 7 4.8
    Cookie Notice 1.2.38
    Delightful Downloads 1.6.6
    Google Tag Manager for WordPress 1.6.1
    Email Log 1.9.1
    EWWW Image Optimizer 3.4.1
    Featured Image Generator 1.1.5
    FooTable 0.3.1
    GD Business Hours
    GeoDirectory Advance Search Filters 1.4.9
    GeoDirectory AffiliateWP Integration 1.0.8
    GeoDirectory Ajax Duplicate Alert 1.1.8
    GeoDirectory BuddyPress Integration 1.1.9
    GeoDirectory Claim Manager 1.3.21
    GeoDirectory Custom Post Types 1.3.5
    GeoDirectory Dashboard 0.0.1
    GeoDirectory Events 1.4.6
    GeoDirectory Franchise Manager 1.0.6
    GeoDirectory Invoice 1.0
    GeoDirectory Location Manager 1.5.50
    GeoDirectory Marker Cluster 1.3.0
    GeoDirectory Payment Manager 1.4.4
    GeoDirectory Re-Captcha 1.1.5
    GeoDirectory Review Rating Manager 1.3.8
    GeoDirectory Social Importer 1.3.1
    GeoDirectory 1.6.21
    GT-Vouchers – GeoDirectory Version
    Icegram – Popups, Optins, CTAs & lot more… 1.10.5
    Idea Factory 1.2
    If Modified Since Header 1.2.5
    Inbound Extension – MailPoet Integration 1.0.9
    Insert HTML Snippet 1.2.2
    Collapse-O-Matic 1.7.5
    Leads 3.1.1
    MailPoet – Contact Form 7 Integration
    Master Slider Pro 3.1.3
    Multilingual Tools 1.2
    ProfitBuilder 2.2.7
    AffiliateWP – Pushover Notifications 1.0.2
    SendGrid 1.11.3
    WPML Multilingual CMS 3.7.1
    Social Content Locker 1.1
    Standout CSS3 Buttons 0.3.0
    TablePress Extension: Responsive Tables 1.4
    TablePress 1.8
    TinyMCE Advanced 4.6.3
    UberMenu 3 – The Ultimate WordPress Mega Menu 3.2.5
    UpdraftPlus – Backup/Restore
    Use Google Libraries
    Widget Logic 5.8.2
    Yoast SEO 4.9
    Clean Up Optimizer 4.0.10
    Wordpress Social Invitations – Lite 2.1.1
    WP Super Cache – Clear all cache 1.4
    WP Super Cache 1.4.9
    WP Support Plus 8.0.7
    WPML CMS Nav 1.4.20
    WPML Media 2.2.0
    WPML Page Builders 1.1.3
    WPML Sticky Links 1.4.1
    WPML String Translation 2.5.4
    WPML Translation Management 2.3.1
    WPML Widgets 1.0.6
    MailPoet Newsletters 2.7.10

    9. Are you using the standard WordPress theme or customized theme?
    customized theme

    10. Which theme do you use ?
    GDF_child is from geodirectory (but the problem occur even, if I switch the theme to twenty fourteen)

    11. Have you modified the core files in any way?

    12. Do you have any custom functions in bp-custom.php?
    Not as I know, but maybe the geodirectory addon “GeoDirectory BuddyPress Integration 1.1.9″

    13. If running bbPress, which version? Or did your BuddyPress install come with a copy of bbPress built-in?
    no build in. version in use is bbPress 2.5.12

    14. Please provide a list of any errors in your server’s log files.
    [23-Jun-2017 03:41:33 UTC] WordPress database error Table ‘worldche_wcimsgd.wp_term_relationships’ doesn’t exist for query SELECT tt.term_id, MAX(p.post_modified_gmt) AS date_gmt, l.country_slug AS country, l.region_slug AS region, l.city_slug AS city FROM ms_1_geodir_post_locations l LEFT JOIN ms_1_geodir_gd_video_detail pd ON pd.post_location_id = l.location_id LEFT JOIN ms_1_posts p ON p.ID = pd.post_id LEFT JOIN wp_term_relationships AS tr ON tr.object_id = p.ID LEFT JOIN wp_term_taxonomy AS tt ON ( tt.term_taxonomy_id = tr.term_taxonomy_id AND tt.taxonomy = ‘gd_videocategory’ ) WHERE pd.post_locations LIKE CONCAT( ‘[‘, l.city_slug, ‘],[‘, l.region_slug , ‘],[‘, l.country_slug , ‘]’ ) AND p.post_type = ‘gd_video’ AND p.post_status = ‘publish’ AND l.location_id IS NOT NULL AND tt.term_id IS NOT NULL GROUP BY CONCAT(tt.term_id, ‘-‘, l.country_slug, ‘-‘, l.region_slug, ‘-‘, l.city_slug) ORDER BY date_gmt DESC made by require(‘wp-blog-header.php’), wp, WP->main, WP->query_posts, WP_Query->query, WP_Query->get_posts, do_action_ref_array, WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, call_user_func_array, WPSEO_Sitemaps->redirect, WPSEO_Sitemaps->build_sitemap, WPSEO_Sitemaps->build_root_map, WPSEO_Sitemaps_Renderer->get_index, apply_filters(‘wpseo_sitemap_index’), WP_Hook->apply_filters, call_user_func_array, geodir_sitemap_index, geodir_sitemap_taxonomies_sitemap_index, geodir_sitemap_get_locations_taxonomies
    [23-Jun-2017 03:41:33 UTC] WordPress database error Table ‘worldche_wcimsgd.wp_term_relationships’ doesn’t exist for query SELECT tt.term_id, MAX(p.post_modified_gmt) AS date_gmt, l.country_slug AS country, l.region_slug AS region, l.city_slug AS city FROM ms_1_geodir_post_locations l LEFT JOIN ms_1_geodir_gd_video_detail pd ON pd.post_location_id = l.location_id LEFT JOIN ms_1_posts p ON p.ID = pd.post_id LEFT JOIN wp_term_relationships AS tr ON tr.object_id = p.ID LEFT JOIN wp_term_taxonomy AS tt ON ( tt.term_taxonomy_id = tr.term_taxonomy_id AND tt.taxonomy = ‘gd_video_tags’ ) WHERE pd.post_locations LIKE CONCAT( ‘[‘, l.city_slug, ‘],[‘, l.region_slug , ‘],[‘, l.country_slug , ‘]’ ) AND p.post_type = ‘gd_video’ AND p.post_status = ‘publish’ AND l.location_id IS NOT NULL AND tt.term_id IS NOT NULL GROUP BY CONCAT(tt.term_id, ‘-‘, l.country_slug, ‘-‘, l.region_slug, ‘-‘, l.city_slug) ORDER BY date_gmt DESC made by require(‘wp-blog-header.php’), wp, WP->main, WP->query_posts, WP_Query->query, WP_Query->get_posts, do_action_ref_array, WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, call_user_func_array, WPSEO_Sitemaps->redirect, WPSEO_Sitemaps->build_sitemap, WPSEO_Sitemaps->build_root_map, WPSEO_Sitemaps_Renderer->get_index, apply_filters(‘wpseo_sitemap_index’), WP_Hook->apply_filters, call_user_func_array, geodir_sitemap_index, geodir_sitemap_taxonomies_sitemap_index, geodir_sitemap_get_locations_taxonomies
    [23-Jun-2017 04:40:47 UTC] WordPress-Datenbank-Fehler You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ” at line 1 für Abfrage SELECT * FROM ms_1_geodir_invoice WHERE post_id = von require(‘wp-blog-header.php’), require_once(‘wp-includes/template-loader.php’), include(‘/themes/GDF_child/geodirectory/listing-success.php’), my_project_updated_email
    [23-Jun-2017 04:40:47 UTC] WordPress-Datenbank-Fehler You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘WHERE post_author = 0’ at line 1 für Abfrage UPDATE ms_1_posts SET vat_id = WHERE post_author = 0 von require(‘wp-blog-header.php’), require_once(‘wp-includes/template-loader.php’), include(‘/themes/GDF_child/geodirectory/listing-success.php’), my_project_updated_email
    [23-Jun-2017 06:43:08 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function is_bbpress() in /home/worldcheckin/public_html/wci/wp-content/plugins/widget-logic/widget_logic.php(463) : eval()’d code on line 2

    15. Which company provides your hosting?
    hetzner – I am using a own dedicated server

    16. Is your server running Windows, or if Linux; Apache, nginx or something else?


    I’m trying to get HyperDB to work width Buddypress.

    I’m trying to move bp_activity, bp_activity_meta, bp_notifications, notifications_meta, xprofile_data, xprofile_fields, bp_xprofile_groups, bp_xprofile_meta into there own ‘Buddypress’ database. But it does not work.

    I’m getting this error: Undefined variable: server

    Here is my current config:

        'host'     => DB_HOST,
        'user'     => DB_USER,
        'password' => DB_PASSWORD,
        'name'     => 'DATABASE-NAME',
        'write'    => 1,
        'dataset'  => 'bpress',
     else if(preg_match("/bp_activity/", $wpdb->table)){
        return 'bpress';

    Witch preg_match should I use?

    Anyone that is using HyperDB with Byddypress?

Viewing 25 results - 201 through 225 (of 771 total)
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