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Search Results for 'private'

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  • Garrett Hyder

    I assume you’re talking about the group listing when referring to ‘clicking the group’. In that case I believe you’d want to customize the groups/groups-loop.php template by copying it into your own theme and conditionally remove the links if the current user isn’t a member.
    Here’s docs on the template hierarchy in Buddypress –

    That should allow you to control that list of groups and suppress links depending on role.
    As to the request access form if for some off chance they make it to that screen, if you want to suppress the form with a blocking message when they’re a member you can use the same template replacement concept to replace groups/single/home.php

    Or potentially this plugin by @imath may be more appropriate as you could just make the groups private/hidden;


    Ok, let’s investigate further then …

    I reinstalled default 2020 WP theme, deactivated all plugins (double checked) but bbpress and buddypress, although I’ve kept wpmu admin dashboard plugin… I am on a very fresh install (less than 24 hours)

    I am still facing the same issue :

    Link to a google drive folder with screenshots (public / private / hidden) :

    buddypress is installed according to this codex guideline : B. Network-wide Activation – BuddyPress root blog in Secondary Site

    Buddypress seems to work ok, activity, group and email tabs under admin menu of the admin network page, main site shows forum tabs only and subsite 1 (?id=2) holds buddypress frontend pages.

    Soooo, maybe a clue here : Why does the group edit screen say “aucun forum” (no forum) attached to group when in the meantime I can see the forum tab and the input text boxes of the first subject when group is not hidden?

    Many infos here, sorry for that, but I guess I can’t be more accurate than that in my perception of the problem.

    Hope this helps you to understand the problem better.

    Thanks !


    Hi there,

    I am here to report the following issue :

    On a multisite install with wp 5.4.1, with buddypress (6.0.0) & bbpress (2.6.4), setting up a forum for a group that is supposed to be hidden makes this group not accessible to admin or group creator. (Myself, as a super-admin/group creator/group admin cant reach my hidden group when bbpress is activated.)

    This occurs only when bbpress is activated multisite or single subsite and a buddypress group (buddypress installed network wide) is set to hidden. It seems to work ok with group set as private, or public.

    Can you replicate this?



    Does anyone know how to remove the Join Group option for Private groups based on a WP Role?
    Was thinking of using below, but need to work out how the button is called.

    $current_user = new WP_User(wp_get_current_user()->id);
    $user_roles = $current_user->roles; 
    foreach ($user_roles as $role) {
       if  ($role == 'subscriber' ){
         //code here for subscribers
    Thanks to anyone who helps

    Hello! Thanks for the great plugins.
    I’m writing this question using a translation software because I’m Japanese and I don’t speak English.
    I’m sorry if it’s hard to read.

    What I want you to help me with is exactly what the title says.
    The private messaging feature, which works in legacy, doesn’t work in Nouveau.

    I first tried the contents of the two URLs below.
    It was 19 months ago, but only because it was so similar to the current situation.
    I’ve removed “https://” from the URL.

    But since it didn’t improve, the

    I installed the version of “6.0.0-RC2” on this site to make sure that it was fixed.
    However, the situation did not change.

    I was wondering if it was something I was going through.
    I tried everything I could to stop all other plugins, verify with various themes, change the PHP version, clear the cache, reinstall, etc., but it didn’t improve.

    The Nouveau feature is great, and I’d like to be able to use it somehow.

    Please help me.

    I also wrote a response to the list I found in
    I’m sorry if I’m wrong in my perception.

    1. which version of WordPress are you running?

    Answer: “Version 5.4.1-en.

    2. did you install WordPress as a directory or subdomain installation?
    I did a quick install against the domain on the server.
    If the directory is installed, is it in the root or subdirectory?

    4. Have you upgraded from a previous version of WordPress? If so, from which version?
    One front.

    5. was WordPress working properly before installing/upgrading BuddyPress (BP)? Examples: permalinks, creating a new post, comments.
    It was functioning properly.

    6. What version of BP are you running?

    7.Have you upgraded from a previous version of BP? If so, from which version?

    Are there any plugins other than BuddyPress installed and activated? If so, which one is it?
    BuddyPress is not surprising.

    9.Are you using a standard WordPress theme or a customized theme?
    It’s standard stuff.

    10.Which theme do you use?

    11. Have you changed the core file in any way?

    Is there a custom function in bp-custom.php?

    13. if you’re running bbPress, which version is it? Or do you have bbPress built into your BuddyPress installation?
    No, I’m not using it.
    14.Please provide a list of errors in the server log file:
    Is this it?
    Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int in /home/xx/ on line 904

    15. Which company offers your hosting?
    16.Is the server running Windows, or if it’s Linux…Apache, nginx or something else?
    It’s a server called the X server, I think it’s Windows.
    17. Which BP theme do you use?
    If you mean NOUVEAU or Legacy, then NOUVEAU.
    18. did you overload the BuddyPress template file?
    I don’t think they did.
    19. Are there any other site customizations that you think are relevant to the problem?
    No, sir.

    Basic troubleshooting.

    BP Themes: Is this issue specific to the theme set in Dashboard->Settings->BuddyPRess->Options?
    It only happens in NOUVEAU.
    You can use the private message feature normally in Legacy.



    Hi, thanks for your reply before. I checked with the creators of the plugin and they say they can’t do it. so i decided to check by myself….the wise chat plugin redirects notifications to the email and the code for that is below….i don’t know coding and all that so i seriously need your help…what code do i put inplace of the email so that messages are reduirected to buddypress notifications? Please help..The code—–


    * WiseChat user notifications services.
    * @author Kainex <>
    class WiseChatUserNotificationsService {

    * @var WiseChatUserNotificationsDAO
    private $userNotificationsDAO;

    * @var WiseChatSentNotificationsDAO
    private $sentNotificationsDAO;

    * @var WiseChatUsersDAO
    private $usersDAO;

    * @var WiseChatChannelUsersDAO
    private $channelUsersDAO;

    * @var WiseChatHttpRequestService
    private $httpRequestService;

    * @var WiseChatOptions
    private $options;

    public function __construct() {
    $this->options = WiseChatOptions::getInstance();
    $this->userNotificationsDAO = WiseChatContainer::getLazy(‘dao/WiseChatUserNotificationsDAO’);
    $this->sentNotificationsDAO = WiseChatContainer::getLazy(‘dao/WiseChatSentNotificationsDAO’);
    $this->usersDAO = WiseChatContainer::get(‘dao/user/WiseChatUsersDAO’);
    $this->channelUsersDAO = WiseChatContainer::get(‘dao/WiseChatChannelUsersDAO’);
    $this->httpRequestService = WiseChatContainer::getLazy(‘services/WiseChatHttpRequestService’);

    * Sends all notifications for message.
    * @param WiseChatMessage $message
    * @param WiseChatChannel $channel
    public function send($message, $channel) {
    foreach ($this->userNotificationsDAO->getAll() as $notification) {
    $this->sendNotification($message, $channel, $notification);

    * Sends the notification.
    * @param WiseChatMessage $message
    * @param WiseChatChannel $channel
    * @param WiseChatUserNotification $notification
    private function sendNotification($message, $channel, $notification) {
    if ($notification->getType() == ’email’) {
    $this->sendEmailNotification($message, $channel, $notification);

    * Sends e-mail notification.
    * @param WiseChatMessage $message
    * @param WiseChatChannel $channel
    * @param WiseChatUserNotification $notification
    private function sendEmailNotification($message, $channel, $notification) {
    $timeRange = null; // seconds

    if ($notification->getFrequency() == ‘daily’) {
    $timeRange = 24 * 60 * 60;
    if ($notification->getFrequency() == ‘hourly’) {
    $timeRange = 60 * 60;
    if ($timeRange === null) {

    if ($this->sentNotificationsDAO->wasNotificationSendForUser($notification->getId(), $channel->getId(), $message->getUserId(), $timeRange)) {

    $recipientUser = $this->usersDAO->get($message->getRecipientId());
    if ($recipientUser === null) {

    $channelUser = $this->channelUsersDAO->getActiveByUserIdAndChannelId($recipientUser->getId(), $channel->getId());
    if ($channelUser !== null) {

    if ($recipientUser->getDataProperty(‘disableNotifications’) === true) {

    if (!($recipientUser->getWordPressId() > 0)) {

    $recipientWordPressUser = $this->usersDAO->getWpUserByID($recipientUser->getWordPressId());
    if ($recipientWordPressUser === null) {

    $sentNotification = new WiseChatSentNotification();

    // send the e-mail:
    $templateData = array(
    ‘${recipient}’ => $recipientWordPressUser->display_name,
    ‘${recipient-email}’ => $recipientWordPressUser->user_email,
    ‘${sender}’ => strip_tags($message->getUserName()),
    ‘${message}’ => $message->getText(),
    ‘${channel}’ => $message->getChannelName(),
    ‘${link}’ => $this->httpRequestService->getReferrerURL()
    $emailSubject = str_replace(array_keys($templateData), array_values($templateData), $notification->getDetails()[‘subject’]);
    $emailBody = str_replace(array_keys($templateData), array_values($templateData), $notification->getDetails()[‘content’]);

    wp_mail($recipientWordPressUser->user_email, $emailSubject, $emailBody);


    Thanks @clickallco but that’s not what we are trying.

    What we need is create in the main menu an option with the hidden group of every member and hide all the others the member not’s in them. Because the only way to access to this groups is thought this links. We don’t need private groups because we don’t want the users can request registration or see the other groups.


    You are correct. For a private group try this which uses a different hook:

    function schene_promote_group_member( $user_id, $group_id ) {
        $group_member = new BP_Groups_Member( $user_id, $group_id );
        $group_member->promote( 'admin' );
    add_action( 'groups_membership_accepted', 'schene_promote_group_member', 99, 2 );

    Good morning shanebp,

    yes, of course I did it exactly the way you described. In the end I also found the reason why it did not work: It does work for public groups, but not for private groups. Is this also the same on your side? And if yes, do you know if there is something to get the same result for private groups?


    Today, I tried to install BuddyPress the first time. But I still too stupid to get to running.

    First, I tried the actual stable version 5.2.0 without luck. After this, I tried it with 6.0.0RC2 with the same result.

    My problem is: I don’t find out, how to create new topics or manage groups.

    Is there any special URL doing this?

    WordPress: 4.9.13
    PHP: 7.3.x
    Database: MariaDB 10.4.11
    Theme: Hueman 3.5.3

    In BuddyPress 5.2, the pages for Members, Activity, Activation and Registering were created automatically. In BP 6 not and the Repair Tool does not create them automatically.

    All of these pages are empty for me.

    But inside the AdminBar, I see the “0” and I can use the several private pages.

    How can I configure the groups, where I can open topics and how do I do this?

    Sorry, but it seems I’m too stupid for BP… 🙁


    We’re trying to only allow group messaging via CometChat so that only members of a group can message each other. All our groups are private.

    Does anyone know if this is possible?


    Hello, I have a healthcare site in which I would like to make it a “pro” feature for users to be able to colaborators (contributors).

    My default user will be a subscriber
    However I would only like clients and collaborators to be able to message each other (also admins and superadmins ofcourse).

    I saw a simlillar thread about hiding the private message button but it was ID specific, not role specific. I would appreciate specific information as for my request. Also, where should I paste the code? I am not very experienced. Thanks!


    Hi guys.
    So I want to build and educational material site. I want to upload lectures, videos and setup live video chat for questions and answers.

    I have few questions and i was hoping that you can help me figure out some answers.

    1- I want to be able to setup a video chat room for all my students as well as private chat room to be able to talk 1 on 1. is there any plugin that does that or is it supported by buddypress.

    2- I want to charge fee from students to be able to see content.
    for example i want to make packages (limited & unlimited) for unlimited you get to use all features of the website: msges, chat rooms, video content. and for limited users i want them to use basic features.

    I hope you can help me.


    Hello ,

    I am running a small blog site with mainly 3 roles on it . Subscriber, Contributor, Admin.
    I don’t have enabled the friends bp component, so in order for a user to have autocomplete in private messages i am using the define( 'BP_MESSAGES_AUTOCOMPLETE_ALL', true ); from here

    The problem is that the query give all users as a result. Is there a way to allow only contributor+admins in the results? Maybe by messages_autocomplete_init_jsblock function?

    Thank you all in advance 🙂

    Varun Dubey


    It can be done with some custom code, or you can also checkout follow plugins.

    1- BuddyPress Private Community Pro plugin that adds a couple of features for admin and it allows admin to select based on user role or member type who can post on activity stream and you can also apply same limits on other BuddyPress features.

    2- You can set some specific members as auto friends to all members, and any activity admin members are going to make will be displayed to all member’s activity page


    Hi everyone!
    I have this problem.
    When they write me a private message within my intranet, then an email arrives to my email as I have a message and this is the approximate url
    (https: //…/messages/view/113/)
    Clicking takes me to the page (http: //…../login/)
    And when I login, I will not be redirected to the previous url, but will stay in the home.

    Is there any solution?



    The site to troubleshoot is:

    I have had an error for a long time and I apologize if it has already been exposed and corrected. And I apologize for my bad English.

    I use buddyPress and bbPress for forums. For private forums, the bbP Private Groups plugin manages them for many reasons.

    The activity of private forums is displayed in BuddyPress activity streams whether users are connected or not, whether they are members of private forums or not. And it’s problematic. I even had to wait until I could solve the problem to suspend the display of the activity stream. Which is a shame.

    If you have an idea, please share it with me.


    You cannot get roles from just the user id.

    function remove_private_message_button( $button ) {
    	$user_id = bp_loggedin_user_id();
    	$user = get_userdata( $user_id );
            $user_roles = $user->roles;
    	$allowed_ids = array( 23, 6, 25 );
    	if ( !empty( $user_roles ) && is_array( $user_roles ) ) {
    		if ( in_array( 'subscriber', $user_roles, true ) ) {
    			$button = '';
    		} elseif ( in_array( 'contributor', $user_roles, true ) ) {
    			if ( in_array( $user_id, $allowed_ids, true ) ) {
    				return $button;	
    	return $button;
    add_filter( 'bp_get_send_message_button', 'remove_private_message_button', 1 , 1 );


    I am running a small blog site with mainly 3 roles on it . Subscriber, Contributor, Admin
    I have been trying to remove the private message button under those conditions:

    – Hide message button from any users profile when Subscriber is logged in and viewing.
    – Hide message bytton from all subscribers profile when Contributor & admin is logged in and viewing, BUT allow contributor & admin to view other contributors & admins msg buttons.

    I have tried something like this but didnt work:

    function remove_private_message_button( $button ) {
    $user = bp_loggedin_user_id();
        if ( !empty( $user->roles ) && is_array( $user->roles ) ) {
    		if ( $role == 'subscriber') {
    			$button = '';
            else if( $role == 'contributor') {
    		if ( $user == 23 || $user == 6 || $user == 25  ) { // the allowed user ID's, lets say that the contributors & admins are few and i could add them manually by ID's
    	     return $button;}	
    add_filter( 'bp_get_send_message_button', 'remove_private_message_button', 1 , 1 );

    any ideas would be appriciated


    I created an action that uses the messages_new_message function (any time a user gets a tag, they automatically receive a private message.)

    Would it be possible to put a border around the message or make the font different? I would like to make these messages stand out a little from the other messages in a users inbox/thread by adding some styling. Below is the code I am using:

    function send_message_to_student_113( $user_id, $tags_applied ) {
    $tag_id = wp_fusion()->user->get_tag_id( ‘course tag 1.1.1’ );
    if ( in_array( $tag_id, $tags_applied ) ) {
    $args = array(
    ‘sender_id’ => 1,
    ‘thread_id’ => false,
    ‘recipients’ => $user_id,
    ‘subject’ => ‘Hello there’,
    ‘content’ => ‘You got a new tag! Congratulations. Please let me know if you need any help!’,
    ‘date_sent’ => bp_core_current_time()
    $result = messages_new_message( $args );
    add_action( ‘wpf_tags_applied’, ‘send_message_to_student_113’, 10, 2 );

    I am using WordPress 5.3 and I am actually using BuddyBoss which is a fork of Buddypress.

    Thank you! Simmi


    We want our members to only be able to invite other members to private groups if they know their full name or maybe their email address. We don’t want them to be able to just search by a first name for example.

    Any thoughts on how to go about achieving this?


    Sorry for not listening to the rules! Here is a better version of my previous post –
    I am using WordPress 5.3 and I am actually using a theme called BuddyBoss to implement Buddyboss but that shouldn’t matter for my question.

    So I created a custom function where any time a user gets a tag, they automatically receive a private message. I would like to make these messages stand out a little from the other messages in a users inbox/thread by adding special styling. Would it be possible to put a border around this message? Below is the code I am using:

    Thank you! Simmi

    function send_message_to_student_113( $user_id, $tags_applied ) {
    $tag_id = wp_fusion()->user->get_tag_id( ‘course tag 1.1.1’ );
    if ( in_array( $tag_id, $tags_applied ) ) {
    $args = array(
    ‘sender_id’ => 1,
    ‘thread_id’ => false,
    ‘recipients’ => $user_id,
    ‘subject’ => ‘Hello there’,
    ‘content’ => ‘You got a new tag! Congratulations. Please let me know if you need any help!’,
    ‘date_sent’ => bp_core_current_time()
    $result = messages_new_message( $args );
    add_action( ‘wpf_tags_applied’, ‘send_message_to_student_113’, 10, 2 );

    So I created a custom function where any time a user gets a tag, they automatically receive a private message. I would like to make these messages stand out a little from the other messages in a users inbox/thread by adding special styling. Would it be possible to put a border around this message? Below is the code I am using:

    Thank you! Simmi

    function send_message_to_student_113( $user_id, $tags_applied ) {

    $tag_id = wp_fusion()->user->get_tag_id( ‘course tag 1.1.1’ );

    if ( in_array( $tag_id, $tags_applied ) ) {

    $args = array(
    ‘sender_id’ => 1,
    ‘thread_id’ => false,
    ‘recipients’ => $user_id,
    ‘subject’ => ‘Hello there’,
    ‘content’ => ‘You got a new tag! Congratulations. Please let me know if you need any help!’,
    ‘date_sent’ => bp_core_current_time()

    $result = messages_new_message( $args );

    add_action( ‘wpf_tags_applied’, ‘send_message_to_student_113’, 10, 2 );


    Another lock-down option is:

    However, if you just need some private pages & categories, then you don’t need BuddyPress at all unless there is some interface aspect that requires profiles.

    If you aren’t using profiles, then there are probably some WP plugins that do what you want.
    Or, the custom WP code to accomplish is quite simple – if you are a WP dev.


    Hello, Buddypress has video/audio calling options for Members registering in? Also advice me good Buddypress themes for just groups, private messaging, paid membership.

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