Search Results for 'private'
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Topic: E-mail Notifications
Hi there,
How do I set it so only I & the admin of each group gets notices when someone joins their group & when they create a group.
We know it can be done for private groups, but I need it for all types of groups.
buddypress 8.0.0
BuddyX buddypress theme active
I also have buddypress group chatroom, buddypress for pwa for wp, LearnDash working together.#1 question: When I do not have the Activity page Private, anyone in the world can see a chunk of activity if they have the link (such as who friended whom. it does seem to not show conversations).
Isn’t there a way to have the activity be Private so random ppl can’t see anything that’s going on in the Private group???#2 question: When I try to add people to a private group nothing happens. I type in the user name or the first few letters into the ADD new members space and no names pop up and nothing happens except an error saying “the following users could not be added to the group”
I’d like to be able to add them without them having to request to join so they can get notifications right away.I do NOT want to alter code because things like that freak me out that I’ll break something or forget where I added code if I need to remove it etc.
Please help
We have discovered that all the members in a group are set to “no mail”. That setting defeats the purpose of this group, which is private communication to registered users. When a user purchases a license for a product, their membership is created automatically and that must include email set to “all mail”.
I not certain, but I suspect that is a default setting. I have to change the setting on many member profiles. Certainly visiting each member profile to change the setting will get the job done. It is not time efficient to do so.
Is there an API call or SQL update statement that can be run to correct the setting?
Is it all possible to set up a way for members to buy products for other members? for example with private messaging or chat, profile page instead of super likes or something like that? thanks
Hi all,
First of all, this is my first time posting here (or in any other forum like this actually) so apologize if I’m missing info or something is not clear. Also, I have very little experience extending WordPress plugins.
I’m working on a community + e-learning site using BuddyBoss and LearnDash, and there’s an apparently little thing that I need to extend from the base functionality that I don’t know how to develop.
What we need to achieve is to somehow have paid groups. We have MemberPress, which allows us to do so, but the problem is how to take the user to the correspondent membership page when they try to access a paid group.
The solution that comes to my mind is to somehow change the default behaviour of the Request Access button on Private groups so that, based on a variable of the given group (that could contain the URL of the associated membership), it redirects users to the membership page.
I find myself with 2 problems here:
1. How to add a “field” to each BuddyBoss group that I can use to fill it with the MemberPress membership URL or ID that gives access to that paid group.
2. How I change the behaviour of the Request Access button so it reads that field and redirects the user there instead of doing what it currently does. Ideally, if the field is blank, the Request Access button should behave as default.
Do you think this is overall a good approach to the problem we have? Any ideas on how to solve problems 1 and 2?
Any help is much much appreaciated.
Kind regards,
Ignasi.Topic: Can’t send private messages
I’ve not used BuddyPress before.
I have a request for a public site with private BuddyPress functionality (groups, messaging, etc…) AND the ability for public display and search of the member directory and member profiles.
Is it possible to do this via BuddyPress settings or would I need to add it via custom templates and other functionality?
I’ve set up a quick local test site but I’m not seeing a way to combine these visibility options.
Hello everyone,
I have translated the whole Buddypress widget via Locotranslate, however there are a few words that I can’t find anywhere. These words are:
– in the groups section: members, manage, popular, newest, active
– in the members list: all members, private messageDoes anyone know where these words are located and how to translate them?
Kind regards,
MajaTopic: Wrong URL’s
Topic: Change on subject line
Hi, I have been trying to change the subject line of the private messages (not the subject email).
it has something like Re: You have a new message from “buddypress”.
I understand that this comes from
but I cant find it.Using buddypress Version 7.2.1
I have a BuddyPress social networks in a multi network WordPress install (WordPress multisite), thanks to LH Buddypress Multi Network plugin.
Everything is up to date.
How can I prevent people from accessing to a profile page from another blog?
For example :
teacherSite, teacherUser
studentSite, studentUserI have restricted access to site for non-member.
teacherUser can only connect on teacherSite.
And he can’t see in the directory other users from others blogs.If studentUser knows the teacherUser username or if he finds or tests…
He can go to, and he can see the profile of teacherUser even though teacherUser is not linked to studentSite.
Fortunately, there is no information (because everything else is well segregated) except the name and the gravatar.
But he can still make a connection request or send him a private message!
teacherUser will not see any notification on teacherSite. But he will potentially receive an email which will redirect him to studentSite without being able to connect to it.How to avoid this?
If you know, you are a master!
Topic: Cannot create new Group
Cannot create new Group on
WordPress version: 5.7.1
BuddyPress version 7.3.0
other plugins (all latest versions) on this site include:
BP Custom
BP Profile Search
BP Simple Private
BP xProfile Location
BuddyPress Member Types Pro
BuddyPress Xprofile Custom Field Types
Paid Memberships Pro
Paid Memberships Pro – BuddyPress Add On
WooCommerce Product VendorsIssue:
Been running BuddyPress a few years on this site. Suddenly an issue when trying to create a new BP group – it just goes to the first screen (Details), I enter Group name and description, and when I click “Create group and continue” it just clears the form. This is a membership site, so you would need to be logged in to see the Groups page.Error log shows these errors:
#3 /home/novelnetwork/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/class-buddypress.php(522): require(‘/home/novelnetw…’)
#4 /home/novelnetwork/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/class-buddypress.php(125): BuddyPress->includes()
#5 /home/novelnetwork/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-loader.php(46): BuddyPress::instance()
#6 /home/novelnetwork/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-loader.php(90): buddypress()
#7 /home/novelnetwork/public_html/wp-settings. in /home/novelnetwork/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/cli/src/scaffold.php on line 19Any help would be appreciated!
Topic: General wall or noticeboard
I have a private area and i want to create a wall or noticeboard where all loggined user can say hello, publish something or initiate a discusion. Not a wall on profile area, a general wall (to be locate in the main page or anywhere)
Is there a plugin (or method) that does this functionality?
Thanks in advance,
Ernesto.I don’t understand why this isn’t a thing! I am looking high and low and can’t even find code snippets to make this happen! Why is there no way to notify members of a private group that there is activity going on inside the group?! The closest anyone has come is from WBCom and their groups notification plugin, but there are multiple people claiming whenever a notification comes from a private group, the link leads to a blank page and it doesn’t seem to have been fixed. I removed the plugin because I couldn’t get it to generate notifications of private group activity to members of the private group.
I don’t want the activity public to non-members of the group, but anyone who is a member of the group should be told about activity in the group!
EDIT: email notifications don’t count. This needs to be in-site, like most other notifications.
Has anyone here figured this out???All users involved are friends with each other, and yet the messages sent from one user are not being received by the other user. Any ideas?
I’m trying to figure out how to change the message that’s displayed to users when they try to enter a private group. Something about “This group is private, you need to join”.
Does anybody know which file contains the text that I can override?
I thought it would be buddypress > groups > single > request-membership.php but I don’t see that text there.