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Search Results for 'profile fields'

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  • #28788

    I hope someone here can help me with a profile page customization query that I have.

    Basically, I would like to know if its possible to create tabs on the profile page which will show different types of information for e.g. an education tab will show their educational history. The user will have to input the information in the post registration process, this I understand but can I create new forms and use a tool like Gravity Form to populate the fields on the tabs?

    Rather than having all the information being displayed on a single profile tab, I would like to have separate tabs which can display different information about the users.

    Please let me know if this is possible.



    I have a question about profile data control. It seems that data displayin the member profile is controlled by the active theme. In my case it is themes/buddyboss/members/single/profile/profile-loop.php, I think?

    So my question is:
    If i want to modify the code to display all empty fields, hide_empty_fields=false, do i change the code in BuddyPress’s bp_xprofile_template.php? When i set hide_empty_field to false, it does nothing.

    Any ideas?


    Thanks Chris. That would help a lot. Do you know if that works with the latest wordpress? 3.3.1?


    fix? It’s like that by design, it allows a user to search for other .users with similar interests..

    However, if you want more control – Their’s a plugin for that. (we should seriously steal apples “theirs an app for that” marketing.)


    I added custom profile fields into the profile page, when I ad any value into a field, it becomes a link and links to a member that does not exist.

    Eg. Field “Occupation”, entered data is “Technician”. When you click save, and view it in the profile page, it shows up as a hyperlink “”.

    How to fix?


    Could this plugin be the solution for this problem?

    Anybody got this plugin to work? Seems non-functional to me…


    In reply to: Hiding Profile Fields


    Thanks Chris, I will dig in.. and let you know what I get!


    In reply to: Hiding Profile Fields


    1. Can I control what fields are visible during registration?
    By default everything within the ‘base’ profile group is shown in the registration field, you can mess around with the stuff within the registration template, removing the call to the base group and then adding the required fields in manually… but your better off just moving things you don’t want on the register page into other groups.

    2. Can I control when certain Profile fields are displayed in the Profile Section?
    Sure can.
    3. Can I control when certain Profile Group Fields are displayed?
    See codex link above.The profile data loop includes two loops, one for the fields and another one for the field groups.


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    So What Im attempting to do is:
    allow a guest to resister, as a free user, and fill out a profile questionair. Here is the optimum procedure.

    1. Click on free registration, Subscriber Level.
    2. Brings me to BuddyPress Registration Page.
    3. Fill Out Form with Basic Info.
    4. User gets activation email
    5. User Activates via email link.
    6. User gets brought to webpage to confirm and logs on.
    7. User then gets redirected to Advanced Profile Options.
    8. User completes it and fills out all available info, updates it.
    9. Done, or upgrades to Paid Membership via S2member.

    Here’s the Questions.
    1. Can I control what fields are visible during registration?
    2. Can I control when certain Profile fields are displayed in the Profile Section?
    3. Can I control when certain Profile Group Fields are displayed?

    Sorry for the Newb questions, cause yes i’m a Newb. Currently self teaching PHP and SQL.

    Let me know what you guys think.


    Thank you, aces, I’ve sorted that now. :)
    Although, interesting question by zanzaboonda. Some people would want to do that, I suppose.


    I would like to have this, but I want to also upload my own avatars in random order out of a list of say 10 different avatars. Similar to what wavatar does but I want my own images.



    I am trying to to find a way to make the two wordpress profile fields of first name and last name get filled in at registration when user sign up to create an buddypress accoutn.

    Any ideas?


    Hi Hugo, Hi Diane,
    I have the same issue than this one ( :
    : A member (last one, but not systematic) is listed 7 times. And when inside a group I list members for administration (admin option/manage members) I see one members 2 times, another one 3 times.

    I have tested without plugins and with default theme -> Same

    I checked inside database :
    – wp-users has unique members
    – wp_bp_user_blogs idem

    One particular thing : i changed the name of the first field in the Extended Profile Fields – was “name” I put “societe” then cam back to name, because notice of some strange things (value of this field wasn’t kept, and show some other value appears) – There is a ticket on this, I think.


    == I tried to create a group name under profile setting, But it can’t allow me to create one ==

    First, in your new test site, do not activate any plugin except BuddyPress; and only use the bp-default theme.

    Just so we’re on the same page, when you say you created a “group name”, do you mean you clicked on the button “Add New Group”? Only the fields you create in the base group will show up in the registration form.

    Test: click on “Add New Field” as seen here then add a field with description and save. Log out. Then clear cache and go to registration page.


    As I said, I’ve tried to desactivate all plugin except Buddypress.
    Common plugins related to Buddypress on those site: BpDev Stealth Mode for Site admin, BP Group Management, BuddyPress Group Email Subscription, Events Manager, U BuddyPress Forum Attachment.
    I only see one thing that may have made a difference: before I’ve reverted the primary field to its original state (Name), I was using a different name (Prénom et Nom). Usually this primary field was related to the WordPress field “Name to be displayed publicly” (or something like that). Can it make the data not beiing save because it can’t find the user’s related ID? (It is only speculation, I have no understanding of how it works) And if so, how can I reverted this primary field data value? Deleting it from the database and recreating it?

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    What other plugins are you running?


    This plugin works in thousands of sites. Re-reading your previous posts, have you checked whether you can add profile fields in BuddyPress > Profiles in base group? Have you contacted your host’s tech support and/or checked your forums re any issues about BuddyPress installations?


    This looks like the exact kind of thing that I could do with.

    I have a site for actors where actors can network.

    So that the profiles are uniform and can be searchable, I HAVE to set many fields as required.

    I don’t want people signing up with incomplete profiles as it looks bad, so I have to have required fields.

    I want to now enable industry businesses like photographers etc to sign up, and they will need a business profile.

    The profile can be the same fields for all business that sign up, (they can select a business type as the first drop down) but the business profiles will obviously require different fields to the actors.

    I’ll need things like business name, an about us text field, web address and contact info.

    Would this plugin be suitable for that?

    Any guidance on how this would be possible would be great!

    Ross :)


    I’m not sure what cause the problem but on two sites that use xprofile field (some just use minimal profil field) when some users try to edit and update their profil, nothing happen: no change and no message.
    What makes me confuse is that on one site, I can make change as the administrator. On the other, I can’t. both use the lattest version of Buddypress (1.5.5) and I’ve tried to diseable other plugins for conflict, used the default theme and used the same name for the primary field (Name) and primary set of fields (base).

    Any idea someone?


    Wrong forum… sorry!


    I’m not sure what cause the problem but on two sites that use xprofile field (some just use minimal profil field) when some users try to edit and update their profil, nothing happen: no change and no message.
    What makes me confuse is that on one site, I can make change as the administrator. On the other, I can’t. both use the lattest version of Buddypress (1.5.5) and I’ve tried to diseable other plugins for conflict, used the default theme and used the same name for the primary field (Name) and primary set of fields (base).

    Any idea someone?


    Hi guys,

    I run a growing BP site and would like to introduce more than one type of profile for users.

    Users would select whether they want to register as a job seeker or an employer for example.

    This would lead to different profile fields on the registration page as well as a different profile page.

    I really want to get this built and have a BP developer on standby, but I was wondering if anyone has already had experience with this and wondered if it would be something that people would be interested in introducing to BP core?

    Is it on the roadmap at all, or would the team be interested in it being so?

    Let me know.

    Ross :)


    We need to show certain profile fields outside of the bp_has_profile loop.
    It seems, in 1.5, you can’t use xprofile_get_field_data() outside of the profile loop without doing your own unserializing.

    Inside a bp_profile_group_has_fields() loop, serialized fields are handled correctly.

    But on a profile page, outside that loop, they are not recognized as being serialized, therefore they are not unserialized.


    $values = xprofile_get_field_data(97);
    echo $values;  //result: Array
    //result: array(3) { [0]=> string(7) "Friends" [1]=> string(19) "Business Networking" [2]=> string(21) "Relationship / Dating" }
    // is_serialized($values)  // result: false
    //so you have to 'manually' unserialize them
    $all_values = array();
    foreach( (array)$values as $value ) {
    $all_values[] = $value;
    $values_str = implode( ', ', $all_values );
    echo "<br>" . $values_str . "<br>";
    //result: Friends, Business Networking, Relationship / Dating
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