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Search Results for 'profile fields'

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  • @mercime

    I’m trying to develop a site with Buddypress for the first time. I plan on doing some more research but for now have been putting together a basic site and so far it’s amazing how well it works! One question (for now!):

    I know how to add custom fields for member profiles/registrations but I want to eventually have a page where site visitors can filter by country, then state/province/other locality. I looked and did not find a plugin that enabled a dropdown for countries and localities. I’d be surprised if one didn’t exist so thought I’d ask here before having to get a list of every country and manually entering them into a dropdown selection custom field : (


    I’m trying to develop a site with Buddypress for the first time. I plan on doing some more research but for now have been putting together a basic site and so far it’s amazing how well it works! One question (for now!):

    I know how to add custom fields for member profiles/registrations but I want to eventually have a page where site visitors can filter by country, then state/province/other locality. I looked and did not find a plugin that enabled a dropdown for countries and localities. I’d be surprised if one didn’t exist so thought I’d ask here before having to get a list of every country and manually entering them into a dropdown selection custom field : (


    I have already downloaded the user type lite but it didn’t go as far as I needed it to. I am looking to make my user profile groups selectable. In a sense, I would like them to choose a type (Fan, Band, or Venue) And have certain profile fields (name and age vs. band name and date formed) assigned to them. Is there a plugin or a tutorial out there that will help me do this?


    Hmmm, thanks. Looks like they are part of the Buddypress Profile Privacy plugin. Did not know that this plugin also had these settings. So here is what happens:

    Setting privacy on individual profile fields in the profile editor works
    Setting privacy setting in Profile -> Settings -> Privacy does nothing at all.

    Maybe it’s something I’m doing / not doing, I don’t know.

    Is Buddypress Profile Privacy 1.4.2

    Will investigate further.




    Hello, I have successfully placed some specific profile fields using the ‘bp_profile_field_data’. However, I cannot figure out how to link the text. It is displayed as regular text. The data will always coincide with a page in the site with the same exact title so I would love to be able to link to the same page as the profile data. Is this possible to do?

    For instance, the user has selected “Page D” for this profile field. Can this text be linked to ? There is no way of knowing what level the page is located as it may be 2nd level or 5th.

    This is bp1.5 by the way. Thanks in advance.


    I want Extended Profile Fields for href’s
    The best would be Extended Profile Fields for users to fill in with just a twitter name (for example)

    Extended Profile Fields do accept simple href’s

    How, where can I modify code to accept _blank (for example)

    Is TinyMCE accessible in front end?

    thanks in advance


    Anyone? This is kind of a big issue, not just with my site but anyone that has extended profiles activated. If you can delete a Primary/Required field, that’s big in itself. But if it can be automatically re-added by disabling/enabling XProfiles, and it doesn’t sync up when it’s re-enabled, then most people will not know there is an issue till it’s too late.

    Since I disabled Extended Profiles then Re-enabled it, numerous times, I now have 8 (eight) Name (Primary)(Required) fields in the extended profiles area that do not sync up nor can they be deleted.


    Very timely question. I came here to ask the exact same thing. (Originally posted here: – they suggested I ask here)



    I am using latest versions of WP and BP as a directory multisite.

    I want students from my conferences to register. I want to include their school and school URL as mandatory registration profile fields, but I do not want these field to display on site so my competitors can harvest my customers addresses.

    How can I do this but still have admin access to the hidden fields?

    many thanks, Mike


    Ummm…I guess this thread is spammed?

    Thank you for the link, Aces, but my problem with that answer is that every profile field is filled in (5 or 6) and I only tweak my site vis CSS includes, so that would be alot of changing the .php files which don’t do.

    I would like to figure out why it is happening, if at all possible.


    I’m using the latest version of BuddyPress + WP and want to display the person who wrote the post’s extended field on for example single.php.

    So I create a couple fields like: Organizations, Region

    And I want to show below the author info on the single.php

    by author
    organization: (from extended profile)
    region: (from ex. profile)

    I added a custombb.php + function and can show >my profile info<, but want to show the extended fields to everyone for the author. Any ideas?

    Thanks in advance.


    I have some other issues, and I thought I’d line them up.

    I tried searching around the web, but I couldn’t come to a sollution. I have two buddypress-related issues, that I was hoping to get some help with.

    1. is that should display all the sites registered users, but for some reason it only shows those that registered or have logged in with us, since I migrated the site to a new host. Maybe I could do a “log all in and out”-call and it’d fix it, but I have no idea how. Maybe you guys have a better suggestion, but I’m running out of ideas :/

    2. When a user uploads a new avatar, the crop function isn’t working as it should. It just shows part of the images not giving options to select wich area of the image to crop. I think it’s some js that’s either not being loaded or getting errors. I just don’t know where it’s going wrong and how I go about fixing it.

    Thanks in advance


    Just posting again, hoping someone can help with this issue (see above).


    I don’t really know how to figure out if they’ve been loaded or not :/ Should I just read it in with my theme to be sure, or will a double load of j-crop crash things?


    So here is the problem and MY solution. Might not work for you.
    What I’m using: WP 3.3.1, BP 1.5.4, & CIMY Extra Fields 2.3.7

    I register users from my WordPress page, NOT my BuddyPress page. So not BUT I AM USING

    What was happening: CIMY generates a key before BuddyPress generates a key. THEN, Buddypress would send out its own email, but WordPress is looking for the CIMY key to activate the user.

    Also, when BuddyPress was sending out the activation email from bp_core_filters.php, NOT bp_members_signup.php. It seems that bp_core_filters.php does not seem to have the function to activate a user, but bp_members_signup.php does.

    When I would register users from my BuddyPress page instead of the WordPress page, the activate email would work just fine. The email was also being sent from bp_members_signup.php, NOT bp_core_filters.php. How do I know? I altered the email message in filters.php, but then got a different email when I registered through BuddyPress and not WordPress.

    Okay. So what did I do?

    bp_core_filters.php was overriding my CIMY activation email. When I disabled BuddyPress, I was able to register users through CIMY and my activation link even said ‘?cimy_key=838494040383830209’ (not a real key, obviously) and not just ‘?key=8393834929282’

    Before you do this, save a clean copy of bp_core_filters.php somewhere different, so if this doesn’t work for you, you can put the old file back in without any problems.

    I went into bp_core_filters.php and DELETED lines 224-255. This starts with:

    ?function bp_core_activation_signup_user_notification( $user, $user_email, $key, $meta ) {

    $activate_url = bp_get_activation_page() . “?key=$key”;
    $activate_url = esc_url($activate_url);
    $admin_email = get_site_option( ‘admin_email’ );

    if ( empty( $admin_email ) )
    $admin_email = ‘support@’ . $_SERVER;?

    Then it ends with, on line 255

    ?add_filter( ‘wpmu_signup_user_notification’, ‘bp_core_activation_signup_user_notification’, 1, 4 );?

    Delete all code between lines 224 and 255. If you have WPMU, above that is the email function for WPMU, in lines 181-222.

    Why am I using CIMY and not just extending the profile fields on BuddyPress? I needed to collect address data. It was a requirement to collect address data from the registration. But, it would then display publicly on the profile in BuddyPress. I couldn’t have that. I just wanted the data in WordPress, hidden. Thus, I’m using CIMY.

    Also, I use CIMY and hide the buddypress admin bar to strangers. I use the plugin login logout and place the widget in a sidebar to direct to the correct login screen, not the buddypress login screen.

    Check it out:

    BuddyPress is running but is not handling any registration, activation, etc. But users can still use it.


    Hello all,
    I want to ask if someone can help me. I put 2 profile fields to header member area and i want to hide them from the main profile area. Is it posible to do it?
    Thanks a lot.


    Is there anyway to make entering a name optional for the profile fields? Thank you! :)


    BP user fields dont synch well with the WP user profile fields.
    When a user subscribes the values are synched with the WP fields. But when the user updates his profile in BP all WP fields are erased except for the email and username. Which is a big problem because plugins like WP event manager and my custom plugin rely on these fields to function

    Also its not possible to edit the full name field (=base field) of BP.


    First question is that I keep trying to do a good search before I post here, but all that comes up are Codex documents that address my question, not forum posts…how can I search forum posts?

    Secondly, the question that brought me here is how do I remove a previous member’s information from the profile fields my new members see upon registration? This has been going on for awhile…new user’s find “Maryanne” and all her answers to the profile questions in what should be blank fields.

    With thanks!

    Derek Fox

    I would like to add a few custom profile fields on the members list. for example, there name is there soI would like to add, company and title.

    How do I go about doing that?



    Dashboard menu BuddyPress > Profile Fields.
    Note that any fields in the “Base” group will appear on the signup page == registration page. So create another xprofile group for the fields which could be answered at a later date.

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