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  • #4241

    I\’ve been thinking a lot about future compatibility issues; bear with me while I try to convey my paranoia. Say we have WPMU, BP, and bbPress all working together as they should. Down the road when WPMU hits 2.7.1 and BP hits its full release, what\’s to say bbPress will still work correctly with them? Or what will happen a year from now if bbPress changes their code in such a way that it no longer plays nicely with BP? Would Andy, hypothetically, rewrite the BP code to MAKE it work? Or would we scrap bbPress for a different forum engine?

    From my non-technical mind it seems that everything is working now because it\’s been glued together with integration plugins between bbPress and BP, WPMU and bbPress. Am I wrong to think that, as time goes on, these bonds will weaken and not strengthen? What sort of practices are in place to keep systemic failures from occurring each time a new version of something is released?

    I understand that BP is a set of plugins and not a separate entity such as bbPress, but I hope my questions are clear. Thanks.

    Andy Peatling

    Please read this:

    This is the change needed to support automatic updates, and the reason why 1.0 has been delayed until WPMU 2.7.1.

    Any questions, please post them here and I will try and help out.


    For the plugins:

    1. Delete all the BuddyPress plugins from /mu-plugins/
    2. Download the latest from the trunk (via svn co is best) or use the zip link at the bottom of this page:
    3. Extract or checkout all of the plugins to /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/
    4. Log in as a site admin, and head to the \”Plugins\” admin panel. You will need to activate the \”BuddyPress\” plugin.

    If you are using the default BuddyPress themes with no changes:

    1. If you are using the default themes with no changes, delete the /wp-content/member-themes/ directory.
    2. Move /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/ to /wp-content/bp-themes/
    3. If you want to use the BuddyPress home theme, move /wp-content/bp-themes/buddypress-home/ to /wp-content/themes/buddypress-home/

    If you are using your own customized themes:

    1. Copy the functions.php in /buddypress-member/ theme to your own BuddyPress member theme\’s functions.php file.
    2. Copy the header.php from the /buddypress-member/ theme to your own BuddyPress member theme, make any adjustments you need.
    3. Copy the /directories/ folder from the /buddypress-member/ theme into your own BuddyPress member theme.
    4. Copy the \”directories.css\” file from the /css/ directory into your own BuddyPress theme\’s /css/ directory (or paste the styles into your style.css file if you do not have a css directory.
    5. Make sure your BuddyPress member theme is sitting in /wp-content/bp-themes/[theme-name] NOT /wp-content/member-themes/[theme-name]

    If you are using a modified version of the BuddyPress home theme:

    1. Copy the functions.php in /buddypress-home/ theme to your own home theme’s functions.php file.
    2. Copy the header.php from the /buddypress-home/ theme to your own home theme, make any adjustments you need.

    Once WordPress MU 2.7.1 is released there will be a proper zip to download of RC2, so people can ease into these changes. Shortly after 1.0 will be released.

    Lance Willett

    Great — glad to hear it. Sorry to have missed your previous questions.

    where do i upload the .po file to??

    Anywhere on the server, it doesn’t matter.

    what does this command do exactely

    It takes your PO file and creates the MO for you.

    did you mean.. ”and added the file there…”


    i have already set up in wp-config.php will this clash with what you have said to doo..

    Hmmm… that I don’t know. I don’t use those configuration settings, myself. I would suggest commenting them out and testing your site. If the language file changes are still working, go ahead and delete those lines from your wp-config file.

    Overall the language file is a better long-term solution since you can make changes for other labels there as well if they come up in future versions, whereas those custom definitions are only specific to a few labels.

    Burt Adsit

    1) bp widgets are available to all blogs. There isn’t a way in bp to restrict blog admins from using whatever widget is available to them.

    2) The plugins that are located in /mu-plugins run on all blogs and don’t need activation by the site or blog admins. Plugins located in /plugins need to be activated on a blog by blog basis.

    3) The avatars are located in /wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/1/avatars/1 and should not be set to 777 but 755 and the apache user for your server must have write permission in that directory.

    *Nothing* that you have control over should have 777 settings on your server. It’s a security hole.

    Stupid people are the ones who don’t ask questions and live in ignorance. :)


    Hi all,

    I use BP since few days and i have some questions…

    – is it normal that when the users create a blog they have all the widget like members, site wide activity, groups ?

    if yes, is there a solution to keep all the widgets for the admin and just some one for the “normal users ?”

    – Same question with plugins, where must i put the plugins for admin and the plugins for users ? what’s the difference between /muplugins and /plugins

    – Where are uploaded member’s avatar ? i suppose we must chmod 777 this directory but i don’t find it :s

    Thx for your answers and sorry if u find some of them stupid :s


    @Lance Willett

    Thanks a few questions if you dont mind… my replies below your pont


    1. First I opened the POT file, copied it to a .po version, and then made the changes I wanted in a text editor (most with search and replace, but also had to do some new lines by hand).


    Yes i have started doing this with poedit and i have now looked at doing this with text editor.. so once i have changed all groups to spots etc ill be ready with the .po and .mo file….


    2. I uploaded the .po file to my web server, and ran this from a command line:


    where do i upload the .po file to??

    msgfmt -o buddypress-spots.po


    What directory to i run this command in.. in the bas root one of the site or in /wp-content/

    or /wp-content/mu-plugins/


    what does this command do exactely


    4. Then I went into wp-content/mu-plugins/bp-languages and added the file there.


    did you mean.. “and added the file there…”


    I too think that this is better long term as if each time i update it will nock out my changed files…

    QUESTION the things i have defined…

    define( ‘BP_GROUPS_SLUG’, ‘spots’ );

    define( ‘BP_MEMBERS_SLUG’, ‘spotters’ );

    i have already set up in wp-config.php will this clash with what you have said to doo..

    thanks so much

    Eric Wood

    OK, I’m no programmer, but I’m an idea guy.

    If some programmers are feeling bored, or just needing some inspiration, here’s some ideas, pulled from various places around the web which could really allow the BuddyPress platform to take over the web. It goes without saying (but can never be said too much… thanks to all the programmers who’ve worked so hard on everything we have so far!) These are in no specific order.

    1. has a fantastic interface for their members section. Basically, you answer some questions, and it will import the data into a specialized template. It’s probably no different than creating a member theme for BuddyPress, but I love the interface. I’ve been playing around with the member theme a bit, and after I get some things figured out, I’ll upload some ideas into this site myself, but until then, if someone gets some inspiration from that site and can create something similar… please do!

    2. Rewards Center. WordPress already has a plugin called CubePoints which would be a great starting point for a system to gain points. BOOMj offers points for uploading a picture, etc whereas the CubePoints system only allows for points for leaving comments and things like that. As far as redemption options for points, we’d probably need some discussion as a community over what things we can offer if people get tons of points. I’d love to see this point concept expanded into something end user configurable, as different people have different needs and goals with their sites, but some starting points include:

    * 1 point for viewing a post

    * 5 points for leaving a comment

    * 100 points for uploading a picture

    * 100 points for filling out (perhaps) each section of a profile

    * 50 points for joining a group

    * 500 points for referring a friend who actually signs up

    * 25 points each day a “game” is played (see idea 3 below)

    * or other things.

    The entire point of this plugin would be to encourage our users to get in and interact with the site.

    3. Games. As anyone who’s played a Facebook game knows, They are incredibly addictive. is one example that keeps me glued to my computer screen at least a half hour per day. It’s a brilliant concept in that the only real way to “succeed” with the game is to interact with other people on the site. I throw out that Facebook game as one idea, but I’m sure there could be others.

    4. Suggested Friends plugin. All the big social networking sites seem to operate around a geographical area (a city or town), a school (college or high school), or other common interests. Perhaps a plugin could be developed which would incorporate all this data, and help members find other members with similar backgrounds and interests, and the plugin would automatically “suggest” them to members.

    There may be a little trickiness in the worldwide end of setting up a database which has all the schools in each city (if we wanted to get that tricky) but seems to have the same dataset that BOOMj and Facebook have, so it’s out there somewhere. If that database could somehow be pulled into this plugin, and when the plugin was activated, it would automatically add the “what school did you attend?” question to the profile signup page, it would be awesome.

    5. Pokes and Flirts, and other such things. I still don’t know what to do on Facebook when someone pokes me, but enough people do that it’s a very popular feature. Once again, it leads to end user interaction. If there were some level of flirting (not exactly sure what to call it, but you could flirt or FLIRT with someone (the later would express more interest than the former) that would be an even better feature.

    6. On the subject of Facebook, tagging has become really big. Someway to incorporate something similar would be great.

    7. Dodo integration. There’s a wordpress plugin called Dodo, which hasn’t been updated for a year, but it’s a wonderful start to an idea. Basically, it tracks what a user is looking at, and suggests related content specifically for that user. My only real issue with the plugin is that you can’t seem to use it if you have a home.php file. If someone could wigitize it (as a start) those of us with content and BuddyPress on our sites would be able to use it to provide a more user friendly atmosphere.

    8. On that user specific end comes two ideas. On my BuddyPress installations, I offer users blogs, primarily because the standard profile doesn’t allow the users (in my opinion) enough options to express themselves. Using idea one above, perhaps we could offer user “themes” which would be quickly changed by the user. It’s sort of somewhere in between a blog and a profile. The site would store the users preference, and display that user theme whenever that user’s profile was viewed. (A simple start would be to develop one user theme, and offer various color options… Over time, there could be pretty pink themes with flowers, and big black themes with chains, or white picket fences,etc.)

    Secondary to that (or perhaps primary) Google (at and Yahoo (at have ways for a user to customize what appears on their “dashboard”. Could something similar be integrated?

    9. Similar to Idea 7 above, we could offer the same options for groups.

    10. Live chat. This is a big one, and probably way outside the capabilities of what BuddyPress can handle at the moment, but a live chat feature would be great. I know there are plugins which as supposed to be able to handle this, and I honestly haven’t played around with too many of them.

    11. “Other Site” integration. There’s Facebook, BOOMj, MySpace,, and a million other social networking sites. I can’t think of the others, and I’m not even really sure what I mean by this, but someway for users to easily switch from the big guys to a BuddyPress enabled site would be a HUGE thing. Each of those sites has their own idiosyncrasies, so that would be problematic, but someone will get what I’m trying to say and hopefully explain it in this forum.

    12. Last idea (for now) would be a sort of “BuddyPress Member Pool” Various sites using BuddyPress would be able to opt into some sort of main site which would know that Member 123 is a user of site ABC, but would really be interested in the content of site XYZ. Through some sort of shared protocol, his or her user data could be shared with site XYZ, and XYZ’s content would be shown within the interface of site ABC. Members and groups could operate in this same fashion, wish shared friends and group lists, etc.

    I know on my own sites, I have trouble getting people to sign up because it’s a very small community. (I only have 7 members on the biggest site… 10,000 visitors per day to the content section, but only 7 people have signed up to be members). Through this “sharing” system, it would appear as if I had a lot more members, and more people would sign up (would you have signed up for MySpace if there were only 6 other people there?) People in this system would not only have more active communities, they’d have shared content, and eventually get more visitors, as people from ABC would be traveling over to XYZ and back again.

    Well… that’s enough for people to think about today. I’ll be back with more ideas later. Please comment in this forum and let me know what you think, perhaps help figure out what the priorities should be, or expand on these ideas.

    Thanks in advance,



    Q1) Latest Buddypress Trunk or MU Trunk … I assume buddypress… i have it running of the latest buddypress svn ?

    Q2) where do i put these in my wp-config.php [spotskenya/wp-config.php]

    define( ‘BP_GROUPS_SLUG’, ‘spots’ );

    define( ‘BP_MEMBERS_SLUG’, ‘spotters’ );


    Q3) “Then just edit the other names in the actual template files, there is nothing wrong with that. The template is meant to be edited. “

    what is the template files? are they the core things in [spotskenya/wp-content/mu-plugins/] or in the theme????

    wont this take ages and be harder to do than the language thing??

    Sorry for all the basic simple questions


    grr i hate to be blocked by silly questions…

    i’m into one of my sub blogs (i use subdirectories), for example:

    if i put this link in the menu of header.php:

    <li><a><?php bp_site_name() ?></a></li>
    it always points to

    i need it pointing to so people can reach the main blog from all the sub blogs.

    sorry: the forum strips my code: the content of the href is echo $bp->root_domain;


    Hey Manoj Kumar

    great plugin… couple of questions

    no matter how I format the user data, I always get “1 Error” and “processing complete”


    username|firstname lastname| => 1 Error

    also, I’ve changed the “Full Name” profile field to be “first name” and added an additional field for “last name”… how does that change the format?

    like this now?

    username|firstname|lstname| ?

    thanks for your help


    Remember guys (and I realize this is no excuse) but neither BuddyPress nor bbPress are even 1.0 yet. As soon as function calls and display functions are finalized and tweaked for a stable 1.0 release, you’ll see tons of themes and templates and frameworks.

    The opportunity currently exists for anyone with the time and motivation to swoop in and start blasting out themes for both platforms, but they would do it knowing that they may have to go back and redo some things after 1.0 is out.

    I think right now everyone is waiting for the ball to drop, because no one wants to do the same work twice. I’d love to release my bbPress theme, but I have 0 time to answer questions about it or support it, and that’s not fair to anyone either.

    Make sense?


    A lot of this comes down to your budget, so you’re going to get a wide array of answers here.

    You’re going to need at least php5, and to do subdomains you’ll need to be able to see if they allow you to add a wildcard for that too.

    Currently I use 1and1 for most of what I do, but I have to use subdirectories because they don’t allow for wildcarding like that. I also need to force php5 in my .htaccess files because they default to using php4. Blech…

    But, so far nothing has ever crashed, I’ve never lost any data, and their prices are relatively cheap compared to some other shared hosts…

    This is one of those questions where everyone is bound to give you a different answer, so be prepared to either get a wide variety of responses, or none at all. :D


    Hi Nico,

    No, not a system to deliver \”stars\” or \”awards\”. A \”simple\” vote office, a place where i could publish one or more questions to the community or a specified group. For exemple, as admin of the group X, i want to know if my members need a collective blog or a meeting place or anything else. Instead asking each one by wire or message, i would ask this very publicly, on profile or on my admin menu or both…

    Anyone can give his opinion and everybody can see who agrees or not.

    At the end, a final note gives the tendancy or the majority.

    So i could then decide if i give a blog to group X or not and nobody could says after, he wasn\’t warned or informed. And also, majority speaks, not only the keymaster.

    In fact, something near a poll tool but more advanced and very public, with username near the response.

    Make this sense in a \”social network\” ?


    Hey, I have a few questions regarding forums…

    1) I am wondering if I am doing something wrong because I can only delete forum group topics within bbpress. Which means that all group admins would have to head over to the forums in order to moderate forum posts.

    2) When deleting forum replies everything works fine but when deleting forum topics I get an error message but the topic gets deleted. How can I get rid of this error message?

    it says: “Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/web1/web/forum/bb-includes/ on line 255


    See screenshot:

    3) During the bbpress installation I received a “minor” error and I didn’t know what actually went wrong or how to resolve that minor error.

    It says…

    DB Error in BB_Install::process_form_finalise_installation: Table ‘web2_db2.wp_options’ doesn’t exist

    SELECT option_value FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = ‘auth_salt’ LIMIT 1

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/web1/web/forum/bb-includes/backpress/class.bpdb.php:293) in /var/www/web1/web/forum/bb-includes/ on line 838

    See screenshot:

    Thanks for any help

    Burt Adsit

    AFAIK the answer to both questions is no, not at this time. Sorry.


    ….that means having to go over the user’s entire output…. and make a serious of highly-subjective decisions about what is and is not acceptable.

    you’re right Donnacha… good thinking

    @ Nicola

    your workflow looks good to me…

    would the [Report This] link dynamically insert the reported user’s info?


    – Username being reported

    – username of the person reporting(in case questions need to be asked)

    (if user reporting isn’t signed in, show something else…?)

    – a place for the reporter to describe what’s offensive

    – perhaps checkboxes of where the offensive content is (blog, wire, events, etc)

    That could then be written to a DB table and called back for the admins on the dashboard

    (almost the same as the blog comments feature…. delete user, mark report as spam, warm reporting user, warn reported user)

    that would be pretty cool…


    @timschmi: That sounds really nice! I just have some questions and I would appreciate if you could answer them, if you have the time.

    Will it use a wikifarm installation where the main installation is in /wiki/ and when a new wiki is created it will create an independent wiki in /wiki/examplewiki/ using the wiki-engine in /wiki/ or will it simply create a new group in the main wiki /wiki/?

    Will it use the user authorisation from the wpmu/bp-database or the built in system?

    Will you need someone to test it? (I’m no programmer but i would love to help in anyway i can.)

    Will it be available for download?


    In reply to: Javascript Conflicts

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    This is a problem with a plugin so support questions should go to wherever you got that from. In general though, there are functions such as is_home is_single etc. If you only want the gallery JS on your homepage, you’ll need to use is_home as a check wherever the plugin includes its JS.


    After asking so many questions for help, it’s time to give a little back. Or, really, make Sam, my Redhaired PHP God give something back. As he’s off to bed, he asked me to post this.

    Sam wants to code any global forum activity to appear in the site wide activity feed and a users activity feed. (This would be /forum activity instead of /group/forum activity.) JohnJamesJacoby mentioned this could happen with changes to the bbpress integration plugin. Sam wanted to a suggestion of where to look to start figuring that out.

    Once he does, assuming it works, he’ll post the information back here or create a plugin to work along side the bbpress integration plugin to make it all work.

    Jan M.

    There’s a small function floating around in the forum that should help you:

    function oci_login_redirect($redirect_to, $set_for, $user){
    $redirect_to = bp_core_get_userurl($user->id);
    return $redirect_to;
    add_filter('login_redirect', 'oci_login_redirect', 10, 3);

    Just put that in your mu-plugins/bp-custom.php.

    Credits goes to burtadsit.


    I just solved problem number 1 this week (by calling bluehost- they fixed it for me over the phone in under 10 minutes), but am still having your same problem number two!

    Any help??


    Okay, I have a few issues with Facebook Connect that I’m hoping somebody will have the answer to.

    Question #1:

    Can I place the Facebook Connect login button on a subdomain page without having that user become a subscriber to that subdomain? ie. I’d like to have a button in log the facebook user in to, instead of

    I ask this because I have all my BuddyPress widgets running in a subdomain, and I like letting my users sign in via that page, however when I add the Facebook Connect button to it, it adds them as a member to that domain, which causes a whole lot of obvious issues.

    When the FB connect button is only shown on the homepage it works ok…but it presents a completely different issue with the subdomain widgets which I’ll explain in question #2.

    Question #2:

    As I said earlier, I’m displaying the BuddyPress members widget on both the homepage (ie. ) and also a subdomain ( ). When a user signs up through facebook connect from the homepage, the avatar for that facebook shows up perfectly in the home theme and member page, HOWEVER, if you travel to any other subdomain that is NOT the home theme, the facebook avatar goes to the default monster/wavicon/grayman/gravatar image.

    It seems as though the Facebook Connect Avatar does not function well with virtual domains. You can test this on your own BuddyPress installation by just adding the members widget to any subdomain and you’ll see what I mean.

    Another way to show this is by going to any member’s page who is using FB Connect on, and adding a subdomain to it (of course the subdomain you add must actually exist).

    You’ll see that the users facebook image suddenly becomes the default avatar.

    For example:

    This page shows the correct Facebook Avatar:

    In a virtual subdomain however, it doesn’t work:

    While this example is not really the same issue I’m having (remember, my issue deals with displaying the Facebook avatar on the members WIDGET in a subdomain), it is a good example to show that the Facebook Connect avatar will ONLY work in the directory where the plugin is installed.

    Is there any way to make the Facebook avatar work across ALL subdomains?

    Sorry for the long-winded post, I’ve just been trying to figure these two issues out for the past day and haven’t gotten anywhere. Does anybody have any ideas on either of these questions?

    Thanks so much!


    I’m running into a hurdle I’m hoping some of the more seasoned WPMU/BP people can help me with. If you’ve set up a BP community, this will likely be a simple fix, so please bear with me.

    My problem is that when a new user sets up a blog on my WPMU install, I will have to go into their BP theme and manually set up the widgets in their respective positions so all my users have the same look & feel. This seems kind of crazy to me.

    Now, I’ve seen a few posts here saying the widgets will need to be hand-coded into the default theme in order for the widget setup to be the same for all new blogs created. I’ve typically had no problem doing this for the usual WP themes but am at a total loss with the BP theme.

    My questions:

    1) Is hand-coding these widgets into my default theme my only option? And, if so, does anyone have any guides on doing this for a non-php guy like myself? I’m lost as to where to start.

    2) Are there any plugins out there that will ‘remember’ my widget positions/setup on my default theme and just copy that for each new blog created? This is preferred obviously.

    I’m hoping someone can help me out with this. I would be very thankful. Thank you in advance!

    Rich Spott

    Well…I hate to ask such seemingly infantile questions, but…

    I have had wp-recaptcha working fine on the buddypress registration page on (WPMU 2.7/BP RC-1)

    now to the questions…

    Did you apply for a wp-recaptcha Key?

    Did you adjust the settings to work on the registration form? (check two boxes in the settings)

    Did you place wp-recaptcha in mu-plugins?

    I have had no problems and it worked “out-of-the-box” no core files needed to be edited.

    I’m assuming you did all of these things, but the hacking of bp-core-signup.php was not necessary for me, so I had to confirm.

    Matt Kern

    Alright, got xmlrpc all worked out. I was make an assumtion in Trents directions that was not correct. I found this doc and it answered a few questions I had. (btw – this link should be made much clearer in the BP install docs. Maybe make is a sidebar nav link)

    Still trying to integrate cookies. Anyone got any words of wisdom on that one?

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