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  • #269869

    Hey Frank, I guess the best question to ask you after all this is how comfortable are you with digging into or working with html, css and basic php?

    If a pre made theme is what your looking for, how comfortable are you with taking hours and days looking thru theme demos to find your golden pony or at least making child themes or customizing code?

    And then to answer you more specifically to your “How long would it take to develop a theme like the one I described?” , I guess that just depends really. Over the years I have accumulated many libraries of code and theme snippets and I know where everything is in WP/BP core and template files. So for me, A fully custom and dressed out theme might take anywhere from 3 days to 3 weeks if I know exactly what I am working towards at the beginning and have a clear, though out, planned out idea. If I hen peck it or free hand it” like I do from time to time” It may take a day or it might take 8 months, lol.

    As a bit of comfort to your quandary, everything you asked for in your opening inquiry is all ready done for you in BuddyPress “for the most part”. A theme like the one you describe sounds like a 3 day to 1 week job to me. Keep in mind however that with me saying that, things always have a way changing and evolving into monsters, lol.

    So lets break down your theme and see how it look on paper…. He He, my favorite part…

    1. I want users to come to my site, register, and log in…… (Its all ready there) just have to set it up to your liking. It can all be customized quite a bit as well.

    2. I would love to be able to customize the way these pages look!(background image, logo, and content inside them)……… (The logo, background and most of the design items are easy breezy as long as your ok with basic html and css and not looking for flying dragons and wizards shooting lightning bolts across the screen. Alas, even those can be done with css, flash and JS, lol. )

    3. I’m not looking for a full-blown social media site (yet)…….No need to have what you dont want to use. BP has a full host of controls to limit what can be done onsite by users or what is implemented frontend in its settings. WP Dash/settings/buddypress. Select what you want to use. You also have the ability to write functions, and use hooks and actions and filters to limit or build on anything you like.

    4. I want to build a site that where users can log in, create a “blog” excerpt with media …… There are several ways to do this in buddypress, just have to plan it out and test the methods and see what works for you. Mu, Activity and Groups/Forums.

    5. They should also be able to put a location tag on it. ….. it sounds like this is what x-profile fields are good for. Just create your custom location field and add it with a template tag in the loop you want to use it in. They fill out the filed on their profile page and it will display in that loop.

    6. When they post it, the only people I want to see that are the people they added as friends or if they have their profile set to public……BuddyPress frontend “user profile area” has a settings tab, under it are quite a few privacy features, not fully comprehensive in my opinion but there are a few plugins that add on to this and you can code it in as well. either way. Easy task.

    7. And when it shows up on their friend’s news feed it should just show a featured image, title, and the beginning of their text with a like counter….. Easy enough, just write the loop that way, lol. Easy to do.

    8. When their friends click on that post it brings them to the full blog post, not just the featured image. Their friends can favorite the content or comment on it. …..The natural behavior of WP and BP posts so we are good there.

    9. On a users profile, I would like to show their recent posts, and posts they’ve favorited…. Thats what the friends tab shows but you can add custom queries, and stuff and otherwise tear it apart and pick it of the pieces you want and use them in other places to make custom loops and queries and all kinds of goodness, lol. As long as you make sure things are firing in the right places and make sure certain things are in the loops where they belong, No worries.

    10. Site homepage is basically just a file called front-page.php. Copy the page.php from the theme root and then customize the heck out it. Work it up however you like.

    As far as the themes go, I never use premade themes. I do however make full use of the libraries of code I have accumulated, (_s) and bootstrap for a lot of my work. Cheesy I know but hey, it saves me time and money and gives me freedom. I rarely find the need to actually make a complete custom theme or write much in the way of custom code from scratch anymore. And I certainly never purchase any themes. So I am not the best person to ask about themes really. I know that there are tons of themes that do all kinds of stuff available around the web. Just have to give them the litmus test and see if they fit your project.

    Let me know if you have any other questions or what have you. I will be around.


    We are using WordPress 4.9.1 with BuddyPress 2.9.2, for testing purposes I used theme Twenty Fourteen (which showed the same behavior as the Boss child-theme used on our site ).

    On the default registration page a new user can choose between “Everyone”, “Only Me” and “All Members” for the visibility of the (required) name under “Profile Details”. But no matter which of these three options you select – on your public profile page the name is always displayed, even to viewers who are not logged in (“everyone” for that matter).

    Since we encourage the users of our site to use their real names in their profile the above behavior caused some questions, because some ot them didn’t want to show their names on their profile pages.

    So my question: If BuddyPress requires the username to be present on the profile pages: Why do you have the choice of “Who can see this field?” on the registration page?
    Or am I missing something?


    I’m completely new to BP but was wondering about the few questions/statements below:
    -Is it possible to add like a document library where members of the group can add PDF, Word, and other documents for other members to review and download.
    -Is it possible for group members to co-edit documents in buddypress?
    -How can I upload documents and photos to the feed area? Is this not possible?

    Boone Gorges

    508 usually means that the hosting provider has put a limit on the resources available to your account. See BuddyPress does generally require more resources (RAM, MySQL I/O) than a standard WP installation. I’d suggest reaching out to your hosting provider to ask about the potential of upgrading your service to support the use of BP.

    Boone Gorges

    What theme are you using? It’s possible that this problem is specific to the theme. Try on a default WordPress theme like Twenty Sixteen to be sure.

    Can you share a screenshot of the “comment box” and the “reply box”? It’s unclear from your questions whether you’re talking about textareas or about buttons. Also, BP doesn’t have separate Comment and Reply functionality for activity items, which makes me think that this may be a conflict with another plugin.

    Boone Gorges

    I’m not sure that previous_posts_link() and next_posts_link() will work in the context of a custom WP_Query loop. See for a pointer.


    In reply to: Blink my avatar

    Boone Gorges

    Hi @autox420 – The first answer to this question shows a technique that you can use to add a button like this to your theme.

    Boone Gorges

    CSS changes must go in a CSS file; putting them into a header.php file won’t do anything, unless you use some specific syntax.

    It’s possible that the style.css sheet that you are referencing is not actually being loaded, due to an improperly built child theme. You can tell by viewing the source of the page and looking for a file being loaded in a <link> tag, with a URL along the lines of: If you don’t see this anywhere, then you need to figure out why before you can debug anything else.

    If the stylesheet is indeed loading, but the change is not taking effect, there may be a problem with the selector I’ve suggested. The best way to figure this out is by right-clicking the element, selecting “Inspect Element” (or similar, depending on browser) from the context menu, and then using your browser tools to experiment with different CSS selectors until you find the right level of specificity. Here is one tutorial on how to do this, and you can find thousands of others on Google (“how to use browser developer tools” or something like that).

    My CSS also assumes that the diagnosis of the theme author is correct. I can’t verify that without actually being able to see a live copy of the site. If in doubt, you may consider reaching out to the theme author, who may be able to confirm some of the advice on this thread.


    Does anyone know if BuddyPress is compatible with Woo Commerce memberships if I do NOT have a store or e-commerce component? I’m using wordpress/buddypress with a BuddyBoss theme for an online community where members will pay a small monthly subscription fee. My BuddyPress install came with Woo Commerce, but it looks to me like Woo might be only appropriate for store components. I just need to charge a monthly membership fee via Stripe, protect all pages except Home and a few marketing pages, and I need the ability to add additional custom registration form fields. Sorry, I know this is also somewhat of a Woo questions, but since my BuddyPress came with Woo, I hope its ok to ask this question here. I’ve already tried Paid Memberships Pro and Restrict Content Pro, but neither of them work well with Buddypress (billing works, but page protection doesn’t).



    I tried this method. But it did not work. Any fix?

    Please help.. Thanks.


    You should send these questions to BuddyBoss and / or LearnDash.


    Hi Buddypress-afficionistas,

    I have spent quite some time in finding filters for group pages by the xProfileFields if possible using ajax.

    Sorry if thesequestions are answered in default documetation – I didn’t find a solution in there.

    Best regards in advance



    I have just started to setup BuddyPress and looking at themes and wondering just how does my site connect to BuddyPress or does it function on its own? I was hoping for it to be all one site together but then about the theme, how do I choose the theme, surely it will not be the same? any help on these questions I would be grateful for please, Roseashm


    There were also comments about coming on to forums (not necessarily this one, but probably including it) and being attacked for asking questions. I was warned to say ‘be nice’ but I assume that people will be nice, or else won’t take the time to reply – after all, why bother if just going to be impatient and irritated.

    Anyway, I wonder how users find it – do you often run into compatibility issues, or do these seem to resolve themselves with new updates? Do you often find you do have to work with code to resolve issues or you can normally figure it out with a Google Search. I’ve no intention of using any lesser-known plugins with it, so I’m thinking the most popular ones are probably compatible – or is this a false assumption?

    In terms of support, I could pay the odd person to sort it for me, but not if it was a huge programming issue (as I imagine it would be expensive, and as I said – it’s a small (educational) business). It’s really important the forums are up more or less always (although everyone knows any software can fail at any time of course).

    Thank you for sharing your experiences.


    I’m running a BuddyPress installation with over +50 000 members. At the time of writing, my versions are BP2.9 & WP4.8 While checking my log files I noticed a slow query log entry that pointed to a BuddyPress query which I’m very concerned about. It generates a subquery with a where IN clause with over +50 000 user IDs. I’m more concerned because my user base is growing and that number could become 75k or 100k. Here is a sample

    u.ID AS
    xxx_users u
    1 = 1
    AND u.ID IN (
    spam = 0
    AND deleted = 0
    AND user_status = 0
    AND u.ID IN (
    1, 3, 13, 30,........,50000 <- Problem Area, +50000 IDs passed here
    AND u.ID IN (
    user_login LIKE '%%'
    OR user_login LIKE '%%'
    OR user_nicename LIKE '%%'
    OR user_nicename LIKE '%%'
    u.display_name ASC
    43176, 21

    Ref: Query is generated in this file file:buddypress/bp-core/classes/class-bp-user-query.php method:BP_User_Query::prepare_user_ids_query

    My Questions:

    1. Is that something I should be concerned about?
    2. Is this something I should consider fixing with this hook $sql = apply_filters_ref_array( ‘bp_user_query_uid_clauses’, array( $sql,
      &$this ));

    In reply to: BuddyPress conditions


    Your questions are about WP and WooCommerce, not BuddyPress.
    All three are free, so set up a test site and start using other plugins or custom code to handle your desired user roles.


    In reply to: BuddyPress conditions


    Your questions are about WP and WooCommerce, not BuddyPress.
    All three are free, so set up a test site and start using other plugins or custom code to handle your desired user roles.


    I have a few questions about BuddyPress. I have the following conditions:
    1. Is it possible, to make User-Roles, that the User-Role 1 can see some pages and the User-Role 2 others?
    2. When I have like 6 different User-Roles: is it possible to make an other form for every User-Role? Other requiered fields.
    3. Is it possible, that someone can register in a register form and when they buy something in WooCommerce, that they have a specific User-Role (like if you bough something in WooCommerce you have the User-Role 3)?
    4. Is it possible, that just the User-Role 4 has to be accepted by an administrator and with the E-Mail notification – the others just need the E-Mail notification?
    5. Is there a way, to make a site, where the Users can exchange files together? Like User-Role 1 can fill in files for User-Role 2.

    I want to have these informations before I buy PRO plugins. I want to know, if everything from my conditions is possible with these plugin and add ons.

    Thank you so much for your help and kind regards


    I understand you now.

    You can try this: Link


    You mention forums specifically.

    If that is the case, you should use bbPress conditional functions.

    See this page for more details:

    bbPress Conditional Tags

    If you have more questions, post on the bbPress forums as BuddyPress is not bbPress:

    – BuddyPress = community
    – bbPress = forums


    Thank you for replying. I have 7,800 members on the active site. Are there pre-existing import script that parse my old database tables to match the BuddyPress DB schema? I am thinking of simply importing the (1)user name, (2)password, (3)associated email address and (4) profile photos and then asking each user to answer the slightly different questions on their profiles on the new BP site. Is there a plugin or some script that could help with that?

    Henry Wright

    Hi @tel-wright

    Try asking over at bbPress. They handle forum-related questions.


    Try with this:

    function tubs_sanitize_user($username, $raw_username, $strict) {
        $new_username = strip_tags($raw_username);
        // Kill octets
        $new_username = preg_replace('|%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])|', '', $new_username);
        $new_username = preg_replace('/&.?;/', '', $new_username); // Kill entities
       // If strict, reduce to ASCII for max portability.
       if ( $strict )
            $new_username = preg_replace('|[^a-z0-9 _.\-@+]|i', '', $new_username);
        return $new_username;
    add_filter( 'sanitize_user', 'tubs_sanitize_user', 10, 3);


    Or try with this:

    // Force Strong Username
    function strong_username() {
     global $bp;
     if ( !empty( $_POST['signup_username'] ) )
       if ( !valid_username( $_POST['signup_username'] ) ){
        $bp->signup->errors['signup_username'] = __( 'Your username is not strong enough. Use uppercase, lowercase, numbers and special chars like - _', 'bp-strong-username-password', 'buddypress' );
     add_action( 'bp_signup_validate', 'strong_username');
     function valid_username($candidate) {
       $r1='/[A-Z]/';  //Uppercase 
       $r2='/[a-z]/';  //lowercase
       $r3='/[0-9]/';  //numbers
       $r4='/[-_]/'; //Special chars, underscore...
       if(preg_match_all($r1,$candidate, $o)<1) return FALSE;
       if(preg_match_all($r2,$candidate, $o)<1) return FALSE;
       if(preg_match_all($r3,$candidate, $o)<1) return FALSE;
       if(preg_match_all($r4,$candidate, $o)<1) return FALSE;
       if(strlen($candidate)<6) return FALSE;
       return TRUE;

    So I tried to post this last night:

    Please try to supply answers to the following questions.

    1. Which version of WordPress are you running?

    2. Did you install WordPress as a directory or subdomain install?

    3. If a directory install, is it in root or in a subdirectory?

    4. Did you upgrade from a previous version of WordPress? If so, from which version?
    Upgrade, but upgrading isn’t linked to this issue

    5. Was WordPress functioning properly before installing/upgrading BuddyPress (BP)? e.g. permalinks, creating a new post, commenting.

    6. Which version of BP are you running?

    7. Did you upgraded from a previous version of BP? If so, from which version?

    8. Do you have any plugins other than BuddyPress installed and activated? If so, which ones?
    Yes, many. But they don’t seem to be linked to this issue

    9. Are you using the standard WordPress theme or customized theme?
    Customized theme

    10. Which theme do you use ?
    WeChange by Curly Themes

    11. Have you modified the core files in any way?
    Yes. Functions.php for WYSIWYG editor for bbPress

    12. Do you have any custom functions in bp-custom.php?

    13. If running bbPress, which version? Or did your BuddyPress install come with a copy of bbPress built-in?
    2.6-rc-3 because I have PHP 7.1.6 running

    14. Please provide a list of any errors in your server’s log files.
    There are no errors

    15. Which company provides your hosting?

    16. Is your server running Windows, or if Linux; Apache, nginx or something else?

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