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  • clickallco

    You’d have to code it yourself or find a developer who can combine the two. Otherwise, here’s a start

    Morris Ward

    Hello everyone!

    This is my first time dealing with BuddyPress and I have a couple of questions:

    1. On the Getting Started page, it says: “AllowOverride should be set to All in folder where .htaccess is”. I don’t have “AllowOverride” in my .htaccess file, so do I have to manually set it? Why is this necessary?

    2. Is it possible to have BuddyPress tables in a separate database, not the same one where WordPress tables are?


    In reply to: Topic Menu


    For bbPress questions, please use the bbPress forums.


    Hi there Mercime.

    My site is more than six months old. So it is not new. My theme is the same age. I have not imported any forums.

    Please try to supply answers to the following questions.

    Wordpress Version – 5.4.1
    Buddypress Version – 5.1.2
    bbPress Version – 2.6.4
    Host – Wordplus

    I dont know how long the problem has been there as I never noticed it.

    As mentioned above I can give access to a staging site for you to see. Even if anyone knows how to hide the duplicates I would be grateful.

    Thank you


    BuddyPress Community – Olympus Theme – Youzer

    This is three questions in one, looking for 1-3 plugins that work together to accomplish these things? I can insert code if I’m told exactly how/where to put it, but I’m very much not a coder so I’d prefer to use plugins if I can. lol

    1. Can I have multiple Users assigned to one profile (like a business, the owner and an admin person). For example a Business owner sets up a business profile but allows the manager or supervisor access to post jobs or advertising through it?

    2. Can I create two different profiles (that have different profile fields upon registration) like a person vs a business under the same site?

    3. Can there be profile parents like if a company has 3 locations – a main company profile and 3 child profiles – one for each location so the managers can logon and manage their own accounts with job ads and advertising? And the parent can do the same for the headquarters?


    Hi guys.
    So I want to build and educational material site. I want to upload lectures, videos and setup live video chat for questions and answers.

    I have few questions and i was hoping that you can help me figure out some answers.

    1- I want to be able to setup a video chat room for all my students as well as private chat room to be able to talk 1 on 1. is there any plugin that does that or is it supported by buddypress.

    2- I want to charge fee from students to be able to see content.
    for example i want to make packages (limited & unlimited) for unlimited you get to use all features of the website: msges, chat rooms, video content. and for limited users i want them to use basic features.

    I hope you can help me.



    your themes are just FREAKING AMAZING!!!!! I really love them

    quick questions..

    – The last time I installed BuddyBoss Platform.. it “conflicted” with my BP install.. (is that still the case? you can only either have BuddyBoss installed or BP installed..)

    – Can you use the BuddyBoss Platform Theme on a BP install? (meaning without the BuddyBoss Platform)

    – I noticed that the only theme available now is the Boss 2.0. Will you be only making themes for BuddyBoss Platform and will you be transitioning out of further developing the Boss 2.0 theme or other themes just for BP

    Again.. Im such a huge fan.. really fantastic work


    Hi all,

    Apologies for the post. I’m a wordpress/website creation/Buddypress novice and am struggling a bit to get all my plugins to work together. As such this post may not make complete sense as it’coming from a slightly confused place.

    Basically what I’m trying to do is create a person to person marketplace.
    I have a registration form (User Registration plugin) that I like and it also integrates with woocommerce which is a big plus. It also makes a User Registration MyAccount page which I was thinking of using as a profile page (as I can edit this). However, I like the messaging and friend capabilities of buddypress and want to incorporate that if possible (has lead me into some plugin conflicts).

    So I had a few questions:
    1) Could I assign the BP registration page as a page with User Registration shortcode?
    2) Do you need to assign all the BP pages for BP to work?
    3) Could another registration form be used to create a BP profile
    4) Any suggestions as how I could achieve my goals by managing my plugins differently?

    Aneru Soliu

    You’ll probably have heard the term user journey a lot, but what is it exactly? And what does it have to do with SEO? The user journey consists of all the steps a user takes to reach their goal. In buying something, the user journey includes steps like reading reviews, checking prices, comparing shops etc. In SEO, you can map out the user journey and place content on all the points a user comes into contact with you. Let’s take a look.
    Your user journey: how do you purchase a product?
    The concept of the user journey becomes instantly clear when you are looking to buy something. Let’s say you want to buy a new tv — your 15-year old 42 inch LCD tv doesn’t cut it anymore. You do research and ask yourself some questions: how big should it be? Which screen technology? What about 4k or maybe 8k for future-proofing? Do my friends have any advice? Which shops can I go to to see some screens in action? You go through a whole lot of steps before you are ready to pull the trigger on a new tv.

    That proces, from the moment you realise you need a new tv to the moment you turn on the new tv in your home — and even after that fact — is called the user journey. As an eCommerce store selling tv’s you need to know how a user might get from A to Z and prepare useful content for the moments when that user might need that content.

    Now, you might think that you can simply think about which steps a user might take in any given situation and put that on some kind of timeline. Well, it’s more complicated than that. If you think about it, your process of buying something might differ completely from someone else’s. You can’t force everyone to follow the same path.

    In addition, the user journey is hardly ever a straight line, more often, it’s a squiggly line moving in all directions. Users go from awareness, to research, to checking prices, to research, to talking to friends about it et cetera. Eventually, the user makes a decision — some users take hours, other months.
    check more here:


    How can I edit my registration page to make the radio buttons of profile questions align vertically instead of side by side?

    (I’ve only edited CSS to do very simple things like change background colors. I’m pretty new at this.)


    New user here,

    Can the general public see the posts on my activity page? Can I turn that off?

    If I leave it open to view, how can I put a register button on the activity page?

    Thanks in advance.


    I am new to BuddyPress and building websites in general. I have a couple questions about users’ uploads:

    1) Is there a way to limit the number of photos/media files each member is able to upload to BuddyPress?

    2) If not is there a way to prevent photos from being displayed until approved by a moderator?


    Hello there. I have some questions. Firts lets say a scenario about a community social network website that i want to build. Lets say that i want the free members to be able to watch, 10profiles per day, send 10 messages per day etc. And paid members to have unlimited access to everything. Can this be achieved in BP? Also lets go to the another question i have. I want a social wall like facebook that will show only posts, photos, videos, etc not groups activity etc. How to do it?

    Thank you everyone for reading this


    The closing semicolon was not in the code section.
    I have edited my answer.
    If you don’t need to consider portability, then you can hardcode the prefix.
    UPDATE wp_bp_activity

    Learn how to debug in WP and you can answer most of your own questions.


    I wanted to test ultimate member so I deactivated BuddyPress and deleted the related pages. That was a mistake. The Ultimate member has issues I don’t want to deal with and it scares me that some basic things like deactivating registration are not there. So, my questions is how do I reinstall or get by buddypress pages like members page, log in and log out. I notice the logout is missing in the menu options.

    Prashant Singh


    Please check this:

    Please remove the condition of is_user_expert and check after that. You should try this on the dev/staging version of your site and if it works for you then you can use it on your live site.

    For members addition in a group automatically, please check this one

    Hope it will help you.


    Completely agree with your post. It’s 2020 now, and there should be the functionality to at least make the display name optional. In searching the annals for answers, I see questions going back to 2013 asking for this because users were getting confused with usernames / display names. It would be great to have something like Reddit, where just a username / email is required. Despite this frustration, massive thanks to those working on BuddyPress.


    Problem solved, if anyone is in the same case :
    Buddypress store image in uploads/avatars/{user_id}
    It select avatar based on the last updated image

    You can find my work around there :


    Topic: FOLLOW option

    in group forum Requests & Feedback

    Hi, is there in buddypress road map the idea to add the FOLLOW button feature?
    I ask about that because at this time FOLLOW feature has been garantized by
    But 1 year ago developer said he will not update this pluguin.
    I think FOLLOW feature should be included into a core of buddypress because it will provide an interesting alternative to users in addition to the actual and unique option of FRINDS button.

    So I have 2 questions:
    1. Is this feature included into road map?
    2. If not, what we can do to understand if it can be an interesting feature for buddypress community?



    BuddyPress requires an alternative user nams and generates a third:

    1) There is the WP-username

    2) BuddyPress invented “display name”.
    (All most very pointless feature, because users are unable to hide there WP-username?)

    3) To make it more confusing, there is an “at-@username” too.
    (It can differ from WP-Username in upper/lower case and in special characters!)

    It means three possibilities for different naming’s for the same user. We’ve got may support questions because user tried to login with the “display name”. Sometimes even with the “at-@username”.

    May questions:
    – Is there a way to get rid of the “display name” in general?
    If no:
    – Is there a way to force the “display name” to be identical to the WP-username?
    – Is there a way to sync the WP-username to the “display name”?
    – Is there a way to remove the “display name” from registration form?
    – Is there a way to remove the “display name” from the profile?

    We are looking for an unique username in BuddyPress.

    In general, it’s a really ugly idea of BuddyPress to mess with usernames like this.


    In reply to: Does anything work?



    yeah… its tough going here – in these parts of the internet..

    To try to answer some of your questions..

    — for testing purpose.. try using the twentytwenty theme..
    — #2 YOURDOMAIN_NAME/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=bp-components
    **make sure “USER-GROUPS” is selected..
    then go to YOURDOMAIN__NAME/wp-admin/admin.php?page=bp-groups
    or try going to YOURDOMAIN_NAME/groups/create/step/group-details/

    — #3 Try going to YOURDOMAIN_NAME/wp-admin/nav-menus.php


    Dear all,

    This is pertaining to the site . I want to make a free online consultation module on the site. Here patients or anybody can ask me dental treatment related questions and I will answer them.

    Which is the best layout for this type of forum ?

    is this the layout :

    Is there any ready plugin which can be used to create such a question and answer add on on my site.

    Hope to see a lot of responses and many thanks in advance for the same .


    Dr. Veerendra Darakh


    Applying a patch requires the use of version control.
    You can apply a patch manually by editing each file in the patch, but I don’t recommend it.
    The best approach is to wait until the patch is rolled into the next release.
    If you have further questions, you can add them to the ticket.


    I thank you for your support. I’m sorry I didn’t understand either.
    Your link
    It looks interesting. This is what I was looking for and I hope it works.

    Regarding the BuddyPress Login Redirect to Profile plugin, unfortunately it doesn’t work with the “Login Widget With Shortcode” plugin working


    Sorry I misinterpreted the initial question, so you have 2 questions
    1. Upon logging in you’d like to redirect the user to his profile activity page.
    2. How to disable the wp-login for non-admins or something like that so that regular users never see wp’s login screen.

    2. would this be a good start to a solution

    1. ?

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