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  • #35818
    Mike Pratt

    Nicola – I appreciate the tip, I do but now I have to answer a million other questions (most of us a novice hacks unlike yourself) So….remove what action? Where are all these actions? Are there any special considerations? Is there a general format for the function to create this action removal? I see stuff for the Admin Bar all over the place…member theme, bp-blogs, bp-core and it’s a wild goose chase to figure it all out. I assumed someone knew how to do a generic Admin bar item removal. Many Thanks


    maybe 404 error have something to do with mod_rewrite on your server? oO

    on news – single.php in you theme dir, and for members – you got hole theme in members dir to configure content output ))

    yes, you can turn off this Admin Bar in options of your BP.

    Mike Pratt

    Brad – nicely done. a few beginner questions:

    1. where are you applying this filter? I assume 2 was the field_id?

    2. For the web site link (non-bp link) in your example, do users need to merely enter a valid url? just or what, specifically – I will need to steer them.

    3. How would you go about configuring a mailto: link (assuming they were safe behind the login walls form scrapers


    dang, and i was hoping to do some coding tomorrow while I’m off. what will I do when you aren’t here to respond to my questions? :) enjoy your days off!


    Merry Christmas to you, Burt! This is awesome. Thank you so much. I have more questions to post but will wait for another day.

    Burt Adsit

    gpo1, nope. I’ve got too much on my plate right now. I’m not going to be able to do much else except get a site launched by the 1/1/09 deadline.

    I talked to Andy about enabling bp to use standard wp widgets in the member theme. Got a couple of ideas but no time at the moment to play with them. The problem is that mu deals with *one* theme per blog. The members theme is sort of this invisible theme that lurks in the background. mu doesn’t even know about it. Only bp knows about it. It *is* bp.

    The way I understand that widgets work is:

    Register a ‘sidebar’ in mu with a name. 1,2,3 or ‘BP Member Profile’, ‘BP Member Blogs’. The sidebar gets registered to a specific blog id.

    register_sidebar(array('name'=>'Main Sidebar',
    'before_title' => "<h3 class='widgettitle'>",
    'after_title' => "</h3>n",

    In theme code call mu’s sidebar launcher fn.

    <?php if (!function_exists('dynamic_sidebar') || !dynamic_sidebar('Main Sidebar') ) : // begin primary sidebar widgets ?>

    I just had some questions that I didn’t have time to investigate. When can I call call register_sidebar()? Any time I want, anywhere I want? I see it done in theme functions.php.

    When I access any bp member theme functions do they execute in the blog id 1 environment? I think so.

    If I register some bp member theme sidebars in bp code will it show up in the mu backend? I think so.

    Seems like only the site admin who owns blog id 1 will be able to add widgets to the member theme. Well that’s a *good* thing. This is a feature.

    Lots of questions and unknowns right now and not much time to explore answers. Have at it! Have fun. :)

    Trent Adams

    I am not very clear today, so sorry about that. Probably shouldn’t be answering questions when my attention span is so low!


    In reply to: Making BP semi-private


    Thank you, Trent. I will explore what you’ve said.

    I was working with the More Privacy Options plugin but it sent the main blog to unviewable. Perhaps I missed a setting though.

    You confirmed one of my other questions — that no search engine blogs aren’t supposed to show in BP listings.

    David Bisset

    Very good interview. Nice to throw out questions in the chatroom.


    In reply to: Beta problems

    Burt Adsit

    Hi Andy, Trent. I just assumed that I’d be able to send a msg to any user in the bp community. Friend or not. I saw the ‘send messge’ button in the user profile area now that you mentioned it. If I assume that, then run of the mill users will assume that too. Then I get to field the ‘why doesn’t it work questions’.

    Ya know it’s gonna happen.

    The group create not completing only happens on my DV server. Works fine on my windows box.(sigh)

    I had group forums up and running on the windows box. Installed latest mu trunk and bp beta and that is not working now. Went thru all the integration and setup instructions as per the readme. No soap.

    Hell, my windows mu install *was* talking to the forums on my DV bbpress install and locally. Now nothing, nowhere.

    It’s lonely out here in the field. :)


    In reply to: Beta problems

    Burt Adsit

    Hey. Well I’m getting closer to finding out a solution for my group forums problem. I know by digging deep into the bowels of the code that group forums is using, that in my case, it is eventually winding up at doing a curl_exec() call looking for the header from the bbpress install. It uses that to figure out the ‘pingback’ url for bbpress. It’s part of the xmlrpc stuff that we have to enable to get it to work.

    This curl_exec call is part of a very common php lib that is used to go do http GETs and other nice things. That curl_exec() call always returns 404 on my linux dedicated virtual server box.

    I’ve been beating my head against why this is happening for days now and sent off a tech support email to my host. This is the conversation between us.


    I’ve got WordPress MU 2.7 trunk installed on my DV and it uses the curl_exec() function to grab some stuff from the returned header info. It’s not working at all on my DV. It always returns 404 even for a valid url.

    This works fine on another box I’ve got running. Same code just different environment. It seems like curl isn’t working right here.

    I tried a little test script as follows:


    // create a new cURL resource

    $ch = curl_init();

    // set URL and other appropriate options

    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, “;);

    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);

    // grab URL and pass it to the browser


    // close cURL resource, and free up system resources



    Can’t get more basic than that. The url it is trying to get is to a valid domain on my DV. This script returns an ‘apache test page’, not the normal results I’d expect if I visited with a browser. WPMU is up and running at that above url.

    Trying a different url such as gets back 404. This is also a valid working url on my DV. I’ve been trying to figure this one out for days without luck.

    Any help would be appreciated muchly!


    My host Media Temple’s response:

    You are getting this 404 error when running curl on the server because is set to the default domain for the ip address. When the server does a curl on this domain it looks in the host file and brings up This localhost address isn’t setup on the (dv) because it is in a virtual environment so it brings up the 404 error.

    You can either use the ip address when referencing this domain through curl or create a new domain and set that domain to be the default domain. If you have any further questions regarding your (mt) Media Temple services, please feel free to contact us at any time.

    My confused reply:

    Sorry Frank. I’m new to this so I’m not getting the explanation or the solution. Let me echo back what I’m not hearing very well. :)

    When curl_exec() is run from the same box the domain is hosted on, it goes out and gets results from (localhost) when querying ‘’?

    When I run the same curl_exec() with the same param ‘’ on a different server, it goes out, gets dns resolution, finds it on the DV at media temple, doesn’t get but gets the ip address for ‘’ and is happy to return the results it finds there. (not 404)

    I’m actually trying to get a result back from the url ‘;. So to bypass the hosts file problem I can just use ‘http://whatevermyipaddressis/bbpress/&#8217; to get the results I’m looking for?

    Ya lost me completely on creating a new domain and setting that to the default domain. This would be a dummy domain that I just create thru plesk and still leave ‘’ hooked up to it’s current ip address?

    (welcome to noob tech support)

    This just happened a couple of minutes ago and frankly I’m no closer to understanding a solution. The only thing I can gather from all this tech noise is that it’s a result of being hosted as a dedicated virtual server.


    Oh, my goodness! It is working for me! I can’t believe it! I have all the cookies set up, too. I updated to the latest trunk (727) and now it is working! You all have been the best. Thanks for bearing through all my questions and posts.


    I sure don’t want to hog this topic, but I have so many questions.

    Here’s the latest:

    When I try to update the “Group Forums” settings, I can’t (bbpress forums URL, administrator and password, etc.). I went right to the DB to make changes and that makes the fields on the settings page all blank. Why won’t this update?

    Mike Pratt

    wardeh – would it be poss to pick your brain on some questions/issues I have on my BuddyPress site plan? I am at Would be a great help. Thanks


    In reply to: BP for an Alumni site

    Mike Pratt

    Thanks Guys. I’ll throw this out there: If anyone on the BP project or elsewhere wants to give me an assist to quickly configure it and set it up to meet this usage – I will gladly let you show it off as a shining example, etc. Would love to call someone and ask a few questions so I build it properly

    Andy Peatling

    Can you post both of these as bugs at: and they’ll get addressed.

    Michael Berra

    Can anybody help? (our just say, that it is not possible, important or whatever :-)… Or is my explanation in english so bad?!


    just simple couple of questions… i have a shared host really cheap one with lunar pages…

    I installed wpmu and realised that the subdomain function would work as i didn’t have access the Apache server and this means i cant ad the wildcard dns thingy.. so subdomains we out…

    so i reinstaled using the sub directory… this worked fine..

    i then tried to instal budypress with teh zip files.. as said in the readme…

    with the blogs one it just gave a a parse syntax php ( or one of those php eror lines on a white page just saying something was wring on a line around 300 i forget exactely..) error that would not let me do

    anything… so i deleted the blogs one and then it worked and i could ad a profile on the admin contol pannel but not on the splash page from register.. it first asked to creat a new blog then the profile so that didnt seem right..

    questions.. does budy press work on sub directories and why was the blogs plugin not working..

    i am trying to create a social site for spots or locations in kenya…



    The sitewide activity, members, and groups are all widgets which would simply needed to be added to your sidebar. Other than that its as simple as installing BuddyPress and your main site will be maintained while the profiles will assume the new theme.

    If you’d like to see a more custom example, check out where I integrated the profiles into my own design but for basic functionality and maintaining your own theme its just a basic install.

    Hope that helps, feel free to ask any questions so I can hopefully clear them up for you.


    I’m with Media Temple on the base DV with BuddyPress and its great, plus it easily scales up when your site grows (I currently fluctuate between two plans depending on traffic). MT has all the requirements for BuddyPress and a lot more. I’ve been with them for almost two years, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask.


    mu-plugins is the correct location.

    The information you have provided in your posts don’t have enough information in them to tell what is wrong. That’s why we have asked various questions.

    The short version would be that most likely you have not followed the install directions correctly. For example, the expected callback error means that a function call is being made to a function that hasn’t been defined. 99.9% of the time with a plugin that means one or more files are in the wrong place.


    I’m confused. That site looks like an elgg site. Is there a way to private message on here? I’d like to ask you some questions. I’m torn between WordPress MU/Buddypress and Elgg.


    In reply to: Bugs? & Questions

    Andy Peatling

    Thanks for the feedback. Please post bugs in the bug repo:

    Log in with the same login you used for the forum.

    Andrea Rennick

    Some stuff already available by using WPMU plugins:

    – sitewide feed

    – recent posts across the system

    – latest blogs or members

    – member list

    all over at

    Remember, Buddypress is a plugin for MU – mind you, a really extensive plugin. Other sitewide features can be added the same way they get added in WPMU, it’s just a matter of figuring out if what the end result you want is pulling directly from a BP function or a regular MU function.


    Thanks for the replies, Andy.

    Really looking forward to seeing the home page theme this week. Sounds like you’re including everything that’s needed. The only thing missing is some measure of what’s popular within the community. I know you can use plugins for WPMU to do voting/rating of posts, but it would be nice if there was an equivalent way to track those votes/ratings to show on a person’s BP profile page (eg. My favorites), as well as on the home page (eg. Higest rated posts). Any chance of this being inherent to BP?

    It would be great to have the signup process modified to allow the first blog to be registered straight away. Is that something you’ll be able to get to by the release date?

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