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Topic: How To Delete Register Page
Unfortunately after the latest bp update Version 12.0.0 I am inundated with spam sign ups!
Previously, it was possible to delete the registration page entirely, which I had tdone because of excessive spam registrations.
However now BuddyPress pages are no longer accessible in the network admin panel & BuddyPress Settings. I even tried addding an obscure page name slug in the urls section of buddypress settings, but I’m still inundated with spam sign-ups.
I use a plugin to navigate around the weak registration page and I am still using it except that I have the main buddypress registration page causing sign up problems which I cannot fix.
Perhaps I’m overlooking something. If so, could you provide suggestions on how to secure the BuddyPress registration page or eliminate it completely which I would almost prefer to do as
I’ve never been able to customize it and secure it from massive unwanted registrationsThank you for your time and patience
Mark M.I have multiple non-Admin test accounts at my site that I use to test user experience. I’ve tried the passwords that should work to log in, to no avail. When I try to reset the password from multiple angles (using the password reset on the site, and from the initial signup email), I’m not receiving a password reset email. (not in spam folder either, and it’s been multiple hours since the first reset attempt)
In addition, when I try to log in from the site’s forum login button, it says “Method Not Allowed”.
I have Buddypress 12.0.0 and just installed the BP Classic plugin which didn’t solve either issue.
Thanks for any help!
BenGood evening
When I send out invitations to join my site via Buddypress Invitations
THe invitations are going straight to people’s SPAM/JUNK folders
This defeats the purpose of sending invitations
Does anybody know how I can fix it?
Kind regards
07943321470Topic: Buddypress invitations
Good evening
wondering if somebody can help me?
I’ve sent out invitations to people’s emails to join the buddypress network on my website but the emails are going straight into people’s SPAM/JUNK folders
is there any feature in Buddypress to fix this?
KInd regards
The Codex mentions here that there is a page in Settings > Email but I don’t see it.
So I have 2 questions : by default, does sending a notice as an admin to all users triggers a mail to be sent?
And if so where do I configure/disable it? With 40000 users I’d like to be able to notify users but not send a load of email spam.
I’m looking to speed up a user’s recording speed.
I’d like the user to register faster by removing the account activation email.
Other methods exist to combat spam.Can you please tell me how?
Hi, I just wanted to let people know that German users have a complete translation now on when they install or update BuddyPress.
(Until yesterday, while the basic frontend was covered, ~1000 translations were missing)
You may also review my work on this link and submit any fixes you might have:
Lookup buddypress on, avigate to German and select my per-Project
translations there. I am not including links for now as my other topic was flagged as spam.I am still working on some fixups, if you find anything to comment on, please do,
and submit your improvements if you can (just signup on the page)!If you need the formal German, reply here, I am subscribing this topic.
Topic: passphrase on registration
I’m trying to make registering on the site require a passphrase to complete the registration (a form of spam filtering / needing to be human).
when I go through the steps, to register, the field is there, and if entered correctly, it works, but if it’s blank, or just wrong, it just kicks me to a white screen error with:
“There has been a critical error on this website.
Learn more about troubleshooting WordPress.”
It would seem something is wrong with the error handling in my function. help?
function bp_add_passphrase_field() { ?> <div class="register-section" id="profile-details-section"> <div class="editfield"> <label for="passphrase"><?php _e( 'What sport do the Steelers play?', 'buddypress' ); ?> <?php _e( '(required)', 'buddypress' ); ?></label> <input type="password" name="passphrase" id="passphrase" value="" /> </div> </div> <?php } add_action( 'bp_before_registration_submit_buttons', 'bp_add_passphrase_field' ); // Validate the custom passphrase field on form submission function bp_validate_passphrase_field( $result ) { // Set the desired passphrase $correct_passphrase = 'football'; if ( $_POST['passphrase'] != $correct_passphrase ) { $result['errors']->add( 'passphrase_error', __( 'The passphrase you entered is incorrect.', 'buddypress' ) ); } return $result; } add_filter( 'bp_signup_validate', 'bp_validate_passphrase_field' ); ?>
I am using the following:
WP Version: 6.1.1
Permalink: /%postname%/
Active Theme: BuddyX 4.4.5
Platform: Windows
Browser Name Chrome
PHP Version: 8.0.7
MySQL Version: 5.5.5
The plugins I have are these:Activity Plus Reloaded for BuddyPress 1.0.8
Akismet Anti-Spam 5.0.2
BP Friends Suggestions Widget 1.1.0
BP Profile Search 5.4.7
BuddyPress 11.0.0
BuddyPress Activity ShortCode 1.1.8
BuddyPress Extended Friendship Request 1.2.1
BuddyPress Global Search 1.2.1
BuddyPress Login Redirect to Profile 1.2.3
BuddyPress Profile Completion 1.0.8
BuddyPress Simple Terms And Conditions 1.3
BuddyPress Xprofile Custom Field Types 1.2.5
Classic Editor 1.6.2
Classic Widgets 0.3
Colorlib Login Customizer 1.3.1
CookieYes | GDPR Cookie Consent 3.0.8
Custom Font Uploader 2.0.0
Duplicator 1.5.1
Easy Registration Forms 2.1.1
Force Login 5.6.3
Kirki Customizer Framework 4.0.24
Quick and Easy FAQs 1.3.6
Shared Counts 1.4.1
Verified Member for BuddyPress 1.2.6
Wbcom Designs – BuddyPress Member Reviews 2.8.3
WordPress Username Availability Checker 1.1.8I have configured a new Register page using ERForms. I’ve created just a wordpress page which has only a shortcode to the ERform.
I’ve set it at buddypress settings-> Pages -> register. Buddypress is redirecting to the wordpress regitration page instead of my page.
I’ve also changed the redirection at buddypress setting to whatever page (for example my FAQ page) and always redirects to the wordpress registration page.I’ve tried also deactivating all plugin but buddypress and ERforms and no, buddypress is always redriecting to the standard wordpress registration page instead of what I am setting.
Any hint / idea what to cope this problem?
Thnks in advance
Would removing the activation url/key combo from the activation email (forcing user to copy/paste the key) slow down spam registrations?
It seems like it is very easy for bots to activate the account because the key is automatically inserted into the form and activation proceeds. My thought is that forcing the user to copy and paste the activation key would thwart some bots. Obviously this user experience is less ideal but if it stops bots I’m willing to do it.
Any thoughts or experience with this?