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Search Results for 'spam'

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  • jessy

    I copy it into bp-custom.php:
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function xprofile_set_field_data() in bp-custom.php

    In my functions.php I used action, still do not work:

    function oi_bp_actions_and_filters() {
      xprofile_set_field_data('user_status', 39, 'spam');
    add_action('bp_init', 'oi_bp_actions_and_filters');

    In reply to: BudyPress Activation ?

    Henry Wright

    Hi @eustache44

    Try a few things:

    • Take a look in the spam folder to see if emails are going into that
    • Check with your hosting company that emails are being sent by your mail server
    • Deactivate all plugins (as you’ve said you’ve already done)
    • Activate the Twenty Fourteen theme

    user_id is an integer, not a string.
    xprofile_set_field_data('user_status', 39, 'spam');


    Hello @hnla, @maaazkhan007 spammed my thread with a masked link too.


    Thank you @maaazkhan007, it’s very comforting to know there are spelling police monitoring the forums. I feel so much better now… or is really just your way of spamming the forums like a troll with your masked links?


    Sorry for any confusion.

    I have WP multisite installed on the same server which runs my main site. It does not have BuddyPress installed on it.

    I have a clean, single version of WP installed in a separate directory on that same host. That’s the one I’m trying to get BP to work on. As far as I know, I installed it through the Add New Plugins panel directly from WP.

    As far as the DB goes, I’m not that well-versed with mySQL, but I can export this. Under wp_bp_activity, I can see my test entries for “activity_update” “activity_comment” and “new_avatar”, all of which are showing up in the front end in the Activity stream.

    However, when I post a comment in a blog, even though it shows up fine under the actual blog in the front end, this is the row that is added to the DB under the table wp_bp_activity:

    id = 39
    user_id = 2
    component = members
    type = last_activity
    action =
    content =
    primary_link =
    item_id =
    secondary_item_id = NULL
    hide_sitewide = 0
    mptt_left = 0
    mptt_right = 0
    is_spam = 0

    In other words, action, content, primary_link, and item_id have NOTHING in them, which is not the case for the other rows that are showing up fine.

    Not sure if this sheds any light…


    Yes, I have all three boxes checked under Activity Settings, including:

    x Allow activity stream commenting on blog and forum posts
    x Automatically check for new items while viewing the activity stream
    x Allow Akismet to scan for activity stream spam

    I actually have all the boxes checked on that Settings tab, except for “Show Toolbar for logged out users.”

    On the Components tab, I have everything checked EXCEPT “User Groups”

    Finally, comments that are made within the Activity Stream are showing up. Comments made on blog posts are not.

    I feel like there is something easy I’m missing here, but I just can’t figure it out.

    Thanks for your help!


    In reply to: 2.2 top features


    Loving Buddypress 2.1.1. My only big request would be with regard to Private messaging:

    1. Allow users to ignore (silently block) users from private messaging them. For example, if you receive a PM from a user you do not wish to converse with (troll, spammer or some other form of harassment) you can simply click “ignore” or “block” to block this user(s). The offending user is not made aware of this and future PM’s send by this person are simply not seen by the recipient while keeping the offender unaware.

    Users can edit their block/ignore list to remove/add users from it.

    2. Provide site admins the option to prevent users from PM’ing multiple users at the same time.

    That’s pretty much it. A simple request that would have a positive impact IMO. Looking forward to the next release. TThanks.


    Sorry for spamming! But is it somehow possible to give BuddyPress pages certain IDs, so the comments can use them?

    Scott Hartley

    I am going to answer the questions like in your support outline then add additional information below.

    1. 4.0
    2. Directory
    3. Root Directory
    4. No Buddypress was installed after
    5. Yes everything was in order permalinks, and other plugins were 100% functional.
    6. Latest Version 2.1.1
    7. NO
    8. Yes i stated above my currently installed plugins that are active (All are active if i forgot to mention sorry)
    9. It appears to be the default theme Jarida doesn’t seem to be doing anything else.
    10. Nope
    12. Most recent version of course 2.5.4
    13. Error Log is empty o.o
    14. Hostgator Baby PLan
    15. Linux (according to company page: )

    Additional Issues
    All users are marked as spam.. I was reading on some earlier issues and everyone is marked as a spammer upon registration in the extended profile tab. There are also no groups in the extended profile tab which is odd and I cant create it without it giving me an error saying

    “There was an error saving the group. Please try again”


    I’m facing the same problem. Just installed WP on Virtualbox with Vagrant (VVV WordPress), created WPMU and then added the BuddyPress Multi Network plugin. All plain and clean, latest versions, no other whistles and bells.
    Admin is marked as spammer, but status is green (active, not red(spammer)).


    hi @ahd904,

    behind your tech question, two things need some clarification at least.


    I just want to hide some of the group creation steps as these might make the users think too complicated to join the community.

    Register process doesn’t include group creation, nore joigning a group, so i guess you are thinking about a problem that doesn’t exist at this stage.

    If you allow your users to create groups, they have to follow the 3 creation steps, because it is intended so in BuddyPress. Thinking that this might be to complicated, implies that you think that your users are not able to do this. Mabe you’re right, but maybe not. Anyway in this case, simply deactivate group creation for users and create users groups yourself.
    Assuming that you don’t think it’s too complicated for the user to click on “join group” ! πŸ™„

    As @bphelp said with reason, what your question implies needs some extra coding and much more as a simple snippet. You can do many things with BuddyPress, but not everithing or anything. πŸ˜‰

    Core simplification is a hard work (see Trac), so don’t expect that your goal could be reached easily, as BP will never be a “one click” tool. IMO this plugin is already very easy to use as is.

    That said, you could imagine your project differently and perhaps apply another strategy.
    For example, the ability for users to join automatically a group at registration. 2 plugins can do that actually.

    • This one allows a new BuddyPress user to select groups to join during the registration process. You create the group, user choose his group.
    • This one create a new Group when a new user sign up. But what will happen when you have 50 registration by day, spammers included ?

    In both case, pros and cons have to be considered.

    if you love the snippets and sweat on your site, here are two other options.

    Halo Diehard

    Thanks for your quick response, @danbp. I did not include the support information, because I just needed an answer to my simple question; didn’t think anyone would be able to help me with my actual issue, since I am using Simple Press and not bbPress.

    Simple Press has a BuddyPress plugin, that integrates some of the functionality of their forums into the BuddyPress activity, and allows the forum owner to elect to use the BuddyPress profile, for example, over the SP one. But I am not seeing any forum posts in activity. I contacted them, but I also was not seeing the forum tab like I see here. I was here for a separate issue, and noticed that forum tab, so I opened this topic to ask about the tab.

    Maybe that tab disappears if bbPress is not active, I’m not sure, but I really thought I remembered with the bbPress forums that my member’s posts were mixed in with all the other sitewide activity, and I don’t remember ever seeing a forum tab. I’m on my second BuddyPress supported theme; the first was Custom Community, and now I’m using Matheson.

    I’m familiar with how to set up BuddyPress, but thanks for the links. Here is the rest of the info, in case it helps:

    1. Which version of WordPress are you running? 4.0

    2. Did you install WordPress as a directory or subdomain install? If this is either or, than it’s a directory install

    3. If a directory install, is it in root or in a subdirectory? Again, not sure of the question. My url points to the root wordpress folder, but that folder is not in the root of my server, but a few folders in.

    4. Did you upgrade from a previous version of WordPress? If so, from which version? Have had WordPress and upgraded every release for a couple of years

    5. Was WordPress functioning properly before installing/upgrading BuddyPress (BP)? e.g. permalinks, creating a new post, commenting. Yes.

    6. Which version of BP are you running? 2.1.1

    7. Did you upgraded from a previous version of BP? If so, from which version? 2.1.0? I don’t know, the same: Have had BuddyPress for at least a year, upgrade it as releases come out.

    8. Do you have any plugins other than BuddyPress installed and activated? If so, which ones?

    (Ones followed by asterisk are not active, since I’m not committed yet to Simple Press. Others I’m getting around to testing, or only use occasionally. Yes, I know it’s a lot.)

    Add New Default Avatar
    BadgeOS *
    bbp buddypress profile information *
    bbPress *
    bbPress Enable TinyMCE Visual Tab *
    bbPress Go To First Unread Post *
    bbPress Stay Checked *
    bbP Signature *
    Black Studio TinyMCE Widget
    BuddyPress Groups Extras *
    Content Aware Sidebars *
    Email posts to subscribers *
    Google Analytics by Yoast
    LenSlider *
    Link Library
    NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster
    Posts for Page Plugin
    Quick Chat
    Simple: Press
    Simple: Press v5 Importer
    Simple social share
    SlideDeck 2 Lite *
    Social Login
    Stop Registration Spam
    T(-) Countdown
    ToTop Link
    Ultimate Posts Widget *
    Video Thumbnails
    WordPress SEO
    WP Ads Within Contents *
    WP Custom Login
    WP Overview (lite)
    WP Symposium Toolbar

    9. Are you using the standard BuddyPress themes or customized themes? I am using Matheson, a theme listed as working with BuddyPress, and it is further customized via css by myself.

    10. Have you modified the core files in any way? No.

    11. Do you have any custom functions in bp-custom.php? I don’t think I have that file.

    12. If running bbPress, which version? Or did your BuddyPress install come with a copy of bbPress built-in? bbPress is deactivated, using Simple Press.

    13. Please provide a list of any errors in your server’s log files. I’ve searched to try and find these, and I have no idea how to find them.

    14. Which company provides your hosting? 1and1

    15. Is your server running Windows, or if Linux; Apache, nginx or something else? If this might be relevant, I will try to find out. Think it’s Linux.


    yes, checking the spam folders was the first thing I did.
    I don’t know how to check my servers error logs. Could you drive me a bit in the right direction?


    Have your test users checked the spam folder in their email because sometimes it goes there. You may also want to check your servers error logs as well.

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Hmmmm. BuddyPress does not ever automatically mark a user as a spammer (or not a spammer), so I’m not immediately sure what might be going on. What other plugins do you have on the site, and what theme are you using?

    Please also tell us the versions of WordPress and BuddyPress that you are using, like @shanebp asked.

    Last question: are you using multisite? If you don’t know what that is, the answer’s no. πŸ™‚


    Thank you for your reply,
    When I hover over the one user that is not an admin I get to see ‘spam’, so it looks like WordPress does not see it as a spammer. the other user is an admin, so why on earth would Buddypress mark that as a spammer?
    I registered a new user and it is marked as spammer right away by BP, WP does not because I can click the ‘spam’ button from the users list.

    I installed BP on my other local test site and there it works fine….
    I guess you guys need more info so please let me know as Im really in need of solving this.



    What versions of WP and BP ?

    Go to wp-admin -> Users, rollover a user, click spam / not spam.

    Trying creating a new user from wp-admin.
    Try registering as a new user from the front-end.
    What happens?

    Henry Wright

    Hi @valuser

    I’d guess this is a memory issue. The error message tells us that the following query fails and that 4194276 bytes is needed.

    SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT b.blog_id) FROM wp_bp_user_blogs b LEFT JOIN wp_blogs wb ON b.blog_id = wb.blog_id WHERE wb.deleted = 0 AND wb.spam = 0 AND wb.mature = 0 AND wb.archived = '0' AND user_id = 1

    Have you looked into what is currently used as the memory limit?

    Try increasing your memory limit in your php.ini file like this:

    memory_limit = 32M



    wp roles and bp capacities are two diffrent things.
    bp_moderate has a specific usage applied to the site admin only. If you read what is written in bp-core-caps.php, you’ll see this comment at line 200

     * Temporary implementation of 'bp_moderate' cap.
     * In BuddyPress 1.6, the 'bp_moderate' cap was introduced. In order to
     * enforce that bp_current_user_can( 'bp_moderate' ) always returns true for
     * Administrators, we must manually add the 'bp_moderate' cap to the list of
     * user caps for Admins.
     * Note that this level of enforcement is only necessary in the case of
     * non-Multisite. This is because WordPress automatically assigns every
     * capability - and thus 'bp_moderate' - to Super Admins on a Multisite
     * installation. See {@link WP_User::has_cap()}.
     * This implementation of 'bp_moderate' is temporary, until BuddyPress properly
     * matches caps to roles and stores them in the database. Plugin authors: Do
     * not use this function.

    BuddyPress groups moderators are not authorized to enter the admin dashboard or the group admin on frontend. Group moderators can only delete, move and spam group activities or topics. If the group has a forum, they wil have the same capacities.

    If you want a user to be able to access the admin dashboard, you can give him an editor role (which is a wp role).

    If you want to allow him access to the group admin on the front-end, you promote him to group admin. This setting doesn’t allow that user to enter the site admin. He’s only a group admin (with a wp role of subscriber, by default) and not a site admin (admin or super-admin (MS) ).



    The index.php file is clean, …

    I used the plugin “Change DB Prefix” which enables a db prefix table change & in wp-config.php with a click. Good since the db has 175 tables πŸ™ … ;), thi sbeing a community site with a number of functions.

    I added BuddyPress-Honeypot, … but does it not matter it seems to have had no changes since 2012?

    I temporarily disabled Wanguard to see if the 2 steps above + existing antispam plugins can handle this. Will then see about the .htaccess issue tomorrow etc.

    Many thanks & kind regards



    Thank you for all the responses.

    Well, the issue of spam registrations & comments with the above mentioned plugins in addition to SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam, Wordfence Security (?), etc had worked for months & was manageable, occasionally getting something in sometimes after weeks. I also blocked all IPs of spammers who would tried to login, etc.

    A few days ago, though I started getting a barrage of bot-registrations + groups with bogus content created. New registrations would come in as soon as I deleted some.

    Since it was late in the night in the middle of a very busy period, I thought someone probably getting similar issues could mention some quick solution I could find the following day.

    It was not my first time in the forum. Some of the above solutions were found through searching the forum, which i agree should be the first step.

    So far – in addition to the above plugins I first added JP User Registration Blacklist, WP-SpamShield and also reluctantly disabled user group creation. (Is there a plugin that enables moderation of user created groups, allowing the moderator to approve user created groups?)

    That stopped the group creation, but spam registrations continued coming. So like recommended above, installed Wanguard, though this being a small site which currently gets in very little income, it is not yet worth paying for it. I hope the free wanguard account can work for a while.
    That since yesterday only let in one or 2 registrations by some criminals, this being one of them – details shown by some plugin:

    Benutzername: clairmcconnan


    Angezeigter Name: Claire McConnan

    Vorname: Claire

    Nachname: McConnan
    IP Address :
    Reverse DNS :
    Reverse DNS IP :
    Reverse DNS Authenticity : [Possibly Forged]
    Proxy Info : No Proxy
    Proxy Data :
    Proxy Status : FALSE

    Names & emails suggest they mostly originate from Russia.

    danbp suggested using .htaccess to block Ru-based submissions. I will look into BUT – on an unrelated Drupal-based site, I ever had a much more serious attack, with as many 25,000 attempted login/post attempts a day(!), which were blocked by the Drupal mollom plugin BUT that constantly filled some DB table, probably logging visits/attempts, to several 100MBs a day, causing me problems with the webhost. Source of attacks was Russia, ukraine, China & Poland.

    The only solution that worked was adding literally several 10,000 lines of complete IP(blocks(?)s from those countries I got from some site to the .htaccess that blocked them out. Only that helped.

    Later on, though – months on, the web host removed that .htaccess file, because my site account was supposedly overusing server resources. I am not sure that had anything to do with the IP address lines in the .htaccess file, but the good thing is that a similar attack has not happened again.

    An .htaccess solution that only involves naming a country ( … ^(.*).ru/(.*) …) & not its thousands of IPs would of course be great & preferable, but I will do a search & see. My site does not need a single Russian & so can do without the country.

    Ultimately, for the time being – what I would need is a functioning free solution until the currently small site can pay for itself, later on. This particular site had not had anything similar in over a year, assuming Wanguard cannot be used …

    Anyway, thank you all.


    Over 170 topics are tagged with “spam” on this forum.

    Hugo Ashmore

    @xprt007 What else have you tried before asking this question here?

    #1 would have been searching the forum archives for possible solutions from past threads (one of great benefits of forums are ever increasing db of information and help derived from questions & replies)

    #2 would be to check the WP plugin repo searching one something like ‘spam’

    In addition to danbp’s advice try installing Wanguard which seems to do a fairly good job along with perhaps a simple registration submission question – believe something called ‘BP-humanity’ might work.

    btw I edited your topic title to remove ‘urgent help’ that’s not considered an appropriate phrase to enter on subject titles πŸ™‚



    my 3 word recommendation: disallow group creation !
    And prevent your users, if they need a group, that they have to ask you to create it for them.

    A good pratice to avoid spam, is to use another table prefix as the default wp_table_name. Bots really like this prefix to rape databases. πŸ‘Ώ

    Aside you can also try to stop some spambots via htaccess.
    Search on the web for more information on how you can do this.

    Here 2 lines you can add to htaccess to block some russian spambots (without any waranty)

    RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER}  ^(.*).ru/(.*)
    RewriteRule ^.*$   -   [F]
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