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Search Results for 'translation'

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  • #310640


    I use WP version: 5.3.2
    I use BuddyPress version: WP-members (version
    Link to site:

    I use WP-members to make a distinction between a members part of the website (shown when logged in) and a public part of the website (shown when logged out).
    I have recently installed Translatepress for the automatic translation of the website with DeepL (Translatepress is the only translate-plugin that offers automatic translation with DeepL).

    The problem I have is: After logging in, the website must show the logged in status of the Login page and the logged in status of the mainmenu. This is not happening.
    When I change to one of the two other languages by choosing another language form the menu (right after a failed login of the first language), the Login page and the menu switches to the logged in status. Switching back to the language used when logging in, the Login page and menu goes back to the logged out status.

    As soon as I have used a language to login, it is not possible anymore to get to the logged in status.

    What could be the problem?


    Good morning. I installed Buddypress on an alterview blog with the Extra theme, all in Italian. I am practical in using “Loco Translate”, in fact I translated everything I needed, but an important thing remained for me: the first message that Buddypress sends to the newly registered user. I’ll explain.
    The new user registers by filling in all the fields and sends the request. At this point he receives the first email as below:


    Thanks for registering!

    To complete the activation of your account, go to the following link and click on the Activate button:

    If the ‘Activation Key’ field is empty, copy and paste the following into the field – xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Through Loco Translate I have traced the corresponding string but it has already been translated into Italian and despite everything THE ASPIRING NEW USER RECEIVES THE EMAIL IN ENGLISH. I tried to “synchronize” but the situation remains the same. Can anyone help me? I would be infinitely grateful to you.


    I keep having issues with Buddypress Register page translation. I am using loco translate, i have tried both manual and already existing translations, but still keep having same result – no translation.

    I have one guess, that it might be not directing me to the translated page, just the english one. Maybe you have suggestions how could I fix the translations issue?


    CGC studio


    I use one-community theme along with buddypress and bbpress.

    How can I translate “forum moderation” email entitled “my site’s name Moderation: Flagged topic”?

    see screesnhot :

    This notification email deals with forum moderation so I previously thought it concerned BBpress. But BBpress support assured me that they do not have the term ‘flagged’ in it and they’re not involved.
    So, they told me to ask you directly.

    Could you tell me how and where I could perform this translation?

    TIA : )



    Hello Team,
    Thank you for providing this amazing plugin ‘Buddypress’ to create own social platform. Actually I am facing a problem related to “Register” page.

    WordPress version – 5.2.4
    BuddyPress version – 5.0.0
    Website Link – Check Here

    I am using polylang plugin to create a multilingual website. When I deactivate this plugin everything works fine but when I activate this then the issue arises.

    Is there any way so that buddypress regsiter page can work. I don’t want a translation of it, i just want it works.




    I am trying to translate the website using Loco plug-in. Everything goes smooth except the user tab within BuddyPress. The text for Notifications and Messages are still appearing in English, even when I check the language pack for BuddyPress – the language pack (Vietnamese) is fully translated.
    Image, so you can get idea:

    Do you know how to fix this?

    Thank you


    Hello to all. I turn to you and ask for your help in trying to solve an annoying problem.
    I installed and configured Buddypress in Italian (of course) but during registration the user receives the Email in English:

    << Thanks for registering!
    To complete the activation of your account, go to the following link and click on the Activate button:
    If the ‘Activation Key’ field is empty, copy and paste the following into the field – >>

    Naturally I identified the string in the Po file using the “Loco Translate” plugin and it is already translated into Italian, but the user who registers, as I have already said, receives the Email in English. This is a dilemma I can’t manage.
    Can anyone help me identify the cause of this problem?
    Thank you in advance.


    Hello everybody
    I noticed today that in all of my groups there’s a problem with the posts: whenever an user posts something to a group, instead of showing the user’s display name it shows a zero and the icon of the group. (

    So, the phrase is supposed to be [*user name* posted an update in the group *group name*] but what it shows is [0 *icon* posted an update in the group *group name*].
    I’ve checked the translation plugin that we have installed and the code is [%1$s posted an update in the group %2$s] and it is well translated to our language, with all the right codes. I’ve tried to delete the translation but it still shows the same thing, no changes.
    However, in the same page, I can see another update such as [*user name* created the group *group name*] and I can see that it also uses the [%1$s] code for showing the name of the user but this one actually works. (

    I don’t know what kind of problem is going on with the other one.
    I can’t really share the website because it’s on a private network but you can check the links above with the prints.

    Thank you!


    Hello, Sorry in advance I use google translation

    I can not find the email configuration of the “lost password” in buddypress emails, I left on tool and I tried to repair but lost password mail still does not appear.

    When a user clicks on the lost password link in the frontend he receives an email but no link.

    I tried to add the mail manually in the menu email> Add, but the I do not see a lost password situation,

    Can somebody help me please

    I remember that the problem is recent because at the beginning I did not have this problem

    BP: Version 4.3.0
    Wp: Version 5.2.1


    I know there’s is a article about multi-site menu settings:

    BuddyPress Links in WordPress Menus

    But in my case, I need to add menus separately for each sub sites (manually translation purpose). In sub sites ‘Menu’ section doesn’t contains “BuddyPress” menu option. So, I don’t see any option to redirect users from sub-sites to their user profiles or profile settings pages.

    WordPress version: 5.2
    BuddyPress version: 4.3.0

    I tried “Multisite Master Shared Menu” ( plugin to share WordPress root site menu with other sub sites and it’s working. But still I’m unable to change menu text (if I change root site menu, changes applied into all sites menus).

    Is there any additional options available to link menus into sub sites?
    Thank you!


    I am not using any kind of translation plugin. Everything that is on the site is straight out of the box. I have not changed anything, other than the login using Captcha, but that change was made after this bug was reported.

    Are you suggesting that I can switch to a different theme, but still access the LMS, and see if the comments issue still reproduces?

    When I make that switch, what will happen to all the content and configurations (namely Captcha and changes to images or text) I have made in my current theme, as well as my Captcha, and WooCommerce stuff? When I switch back, will everything just magically work exactly the same as it does now, or will there potentially be corruption of assets in the DBs?


    That url is Not Found.

    To rule out a theme issue – did you try switching momentarily to a WP theme like 2019?

    Are you using any translation plugins? Try turning them off.


    I’m able to add translation rules that alter language used on BuddyPress pages. What I need to do however is alter language in the email message that a member gets as a private message from another member.

    Many strings in these email messages are available in buddypress.pot, but changes in my custom .mo file have no affect. Again, I do have changes in the very same custom .mo file that succeed in altering text that appears on BuddyPress web pages.

    Where do I begin to track down the problem? Should I be able to do this at all?

    Cas Dekkers

    Hi there,

    After I successfully altered all translations described in this guide, I now wish to alter the groups slug to something else.

    I think I am close. Changing the BP_GROUPS_SLUG is deprecated, so instead, I found that you can change the slug by uploading the following bp-custom.php file into the wp-content/plugins/ directory:

    add_filter( 'bp_get_groups_root_slug', function() {
    	return 'teams';
    } );

    This changes the slug, but unfortunately also makes all group-related pages result in a 404.

    What do I do to fix this? Thanks for your help!


    Are you referring to your translation of the BuddyPress word ‘ago’ that is shown in the groups last update date? I can see it in line 387 of the pot file.


    In reply to: Text missing


    The original english in those files it sent to a file called buddypress.pot, from this the WordPress translators create country specific .mo files. I’m wondering if the language file for your country is missing this translation. It could very well be the case as this was only recently introduced.


    In reply to: Text missing


    There’s two locations for that text Anders depending on which BuddyPress theme you are using. there’s:

    wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/members/single/data.php on line 49.

    and there’s wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-templates/bp-nouveau/buddypress/members/single/data.php also on line 49.

    Do you think it’s missing from your countries translation file?


    ccording to this a Swedish translation is available –


    I don’t know the answer to that as I know nothing about but I’d hope if there was a Swedish translation for BuddyPress that .com would support it.

    Certainly on a self hosted solution you would get the latest translation plus the ability to customise it so that the language used was suitable to your specific site.


    It’s the WordPress polyglots that manage translations for BuddyPress, they have a slack channel and I think you can find out the status of a Swedish translation from there.


    I have a site that is for Swedes and would really like these translations to be done:
    See image:

    Best regards
    Anders Hidman


    In reply to: Avatar image


    I had to translate the site in English so that everything works well I guess it’s a translation problem because the links only work as those display errors appear.


    Regarding changing the messages BuddyPress shows, you can create your own local translation file using the PoEdit application, see this doc:

    Customizing Labels, Messages, and URLs

    If you really want to disable the activation emails, there’s an old plugin which I think still works:

    BP Disable Activation Reloaded

    If you have issues with it let me know.


    In reply to: translating groupname


    I’m afraid that method would not work for what you are looking for. I think the only way you could do this would be with some pretty extensive custom code. You’d have to add fields for group descriptions in the other languages your site supports, you’d then need to have these displayed in the group settings page so group creators could add the correct translation of their group description and finally you’d have to change a number of BP functions in order to display the correct translation to the viewer in the groups directory and the group pages. The issue get’s even more complicated when it comes to searching for groups. So I think this is quite difficult to do.


    Hi Angela,

    One way would be to customise the message already shown at the top of the register page. You can do this by creating your own translation of the text shown, and the translation can say what you like.

    See this page for details on how you can create the translation:

    Customizing Labels, Messages, and URLs

    Once you have created your translation file (.mo) my suggestion for the best way to add it to your site and manage it is to use WPT Custom Mo File.

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