Updated the activation page query string to use the “gfur_activation” parameter instead of “page” to fix an issue with WordPress 5.5 where a 404 not found error occurs. Existing activation links will automatically redirect to the new page. KDealer Login
Hi @gyrus
You may can keep everyone register on your site. But you can disable e-mail activation for users. So they account will active if Admin approve it.
Use this snippet below :
Add it to the file “bp-custom.php” in the path “wp-content/plugins”.
Ps: if you didn’t find the file “bp-custom.php”, just create a new one.
After registration, an account activation link is sent to user’s email. But when user click on that link, it will show 404 page not found error. Also members, groups page are working. But create group page, user profile page, settings page etc all are showing an error. Please check for this issue and help me out to solve this.
Hi there
This is an issue that has been plaguing us for some months now and we finally manage to get some time to investigate what is causing it. We get these random 404 errors when working in the wp-admin. For instance, setting up users, installing plugins etc. Every minute or so a 404 error occurs and we need to refresh.
After deactivating all the plugins and activation each plugin 1 by 1 we saw that it is buddypress causing it. I deleted the whole plugin and re-downloaded it but the problem still persists. The only reason I can think of is maybe the buddypress PHP configuration does not play well with our current VPS setup and I need to either find a fix from the authors or maybe move hosting which I would rather not do.
Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated!Our website has 10000 users, I would hate to have any more down time.
How to disable buddypress e-mail activation for users – only admins can approve accounts ?
i disabled the user mail using this link : https://gist.github.com/KaineLabs/c0dfe6d07c64c1ab0d34046e7853251a
but the admin not receive any mail regarding new user signup
I was contacted by a user that said they could not register for my forum. They said the activation link took them to a 404 page. I looked, and sure enough there is no activation page. I certainly do not remember deleting it – but it is in fact gone.
How to do I get BuddyPress to remake the page? Can I make it myself? If so, what should be on it?
Odd… 🙂
Thank you for youre respond. Yes, I just changed the permalink from days and name to post name. Then I saved it but the problem remains. After the activation mail a new user goes to the 404 page.
I would like to ask help. I have a problem that when users try to register they can’t acces the site with the activation key they receive. They receive the email, once they click on the link there is a message: 404 This is somewhat embarrassing, isn’t it? I tried many things: I deactivated all plugins except buddypress, i changed the kleo theme in to the 2017 theme.
This is an old problem I had, i used a plugin called -Auto Login New User After Registration-. I deactivated the problem i still there. I also have another website, i don’t have that problem on that. New users after registration receive an email with a link that goes to a page that they can use the activation key.
Do you have an idea what cause this, and how i could resolve?
Thank you very much
I’ve managed to find the problem.
So the activation links were being sent as normal but when the user clicked the link they were being sent to the home screen. This was due too a plugin “404 Redirect to Homepage” I’m not sure what the work around is yet other than deactivating it. the register process is now working.
Buddypress installs, but has no functionality.
Hosting on local server/system
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
php-curl php-gd php-mbstring php-xml
Wordpress 4.9.6
Buddypress 3.0.0
Fresh install of OS, WordPress, and Buddypress – The only plugin installed before Buddypress was ‘All In One WP Security’ (using only it’s default settings) to prevent bots/spam. De-activating WP Security plugin, and then uninstalling/reinstalling Buddypress does not solve the problem.
Wordpress – Directory install
Buddypress path – /user/share/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/
Wordpress works fine on it’s own – default WordPress theme Twenty-seventeen
* The following code was added to wp-config:
define(‘FS_METHOD’, ‘direct’);
define(‘WP_HOME’, ‘http://MySiteName.com’);
define(‘WP_SITEURL’, ‘http://MySiteName.com’);
define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘256M’);
* Buddypress: installs, activates, and creates it’s blank pages (Registration, Activation, Members, Activity…) but all pages return 404 errors.
* I do see the ‘Welcome to Buddypress’ splash page, and under Dashboard>Settings>Buddypress, all options are available, but have no effect on the installation. It’s as if Buddypress and WordPress are sharing the same space, but are not interacting. I do not find ‘Buddypress Theme’ in my dashboard either.
Thank you for your time.
I was having the same issue, It turns out, the LINK that is sent in the email IS the activation key.
The text for the activation link shows https://mysite.com/register/yxyxyxyxyxyxyxyx/
the actual hyperlink is https://eur29.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmysite%2Factivate%2FTupSrVxRicmnKIEsQiuIlovErbwriTzJ%2F&data=02%7C01%7C%7C201b5e1d1dd54668ac5708d5c15eb009%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C636627534774115404&sdata=qtu4TSSlCTvw7dSb7rmJoJkqkbp672R9ccFUuPuDA9M%3D&reserved=0
So I believe when the user lands at the activation page, the activation link is supposed to be auto populated. maybe there is a script or a listener on the page waiting for the activation link.
I think maybe due to the spam protector, the hyperlink is encrypted or screwed up, which keeps the “activation page” from listening for the key (which it would normally auto-populate)
I dont know if this is just an outlook issue, i haven’t tested it anyfurther. nor do i know if its an email server issue.
This first test user, the activation link was sent from a wordpress generated email (not tied to smtp or anything) i had to dig the email out of my spam.
so i’ll register the bbpress with an actual smtp email, and send to a gmail, and a yahoo..
and see if it auto populates the activation key field.
long story short, the activation link is in the url of the email link (with exception for mysite.com/register/)
So just like title says. Forums are created, everything works. I can register too, but after registration you recieve an email with activation link. And that link doesn’t work. I tried it on multiple mail accounts with no luck.
Hi @plumbingsuperstore – Oof, sorry to hear about the problems, but glad your hosting provider had a way to roll back.
BuddyPress doesn’t touch user credentials, so it’s highly unlikely that BuddyPress itself would be the cause of your admin creds not working after BP was installed. I’m guessing that either there’s some user error here, or there’s another plugin interfering with the process. To reiterate, logging into WP should be exactly the same before or after the activation of BP.
Regarding the 404 error when activating your account: When you install BuddyPress, it should create pages called Register and Activate. It sounds like this worked for Register (since you were able to register a new account), but didn’t for Activate. If you try this again, take careful note of the URLs you see in your browser when registering, the URL that appears in the activation email, and the URL you see in the browser after clicking the activation link. There could be a clue here.
One final tip: You can stay logged in as an admin in your browser and still test as another user. Open a private browsing window: Firefox https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/private-browsing-use-firefox-without-history, Chrome https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95464?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en, Safari https://www.macworld.com/article/1133941/software-web/safariprivate.html
When a customer registers, there is no sign-up success message, it is indefinitely redirected to the same registration page. In addition he does not receive the activation mail to validate his registration. I activate it manually and it has no assigned role. When I change the role for a standard wordpress role, it works without problem but when I try to change to a role created by a pluggin or by me, this makes an error message, this redirects to page 404 (redirect To my Blog page).
Another big problem found, my users no longer have access to their profile, when it clicks on the profile tab, this gives a page 404 not found as well.
My Host developper says your pluggin make error log.
Please HELP !!!
Tyvm for the reply.
It seems I get redirected to a 404 page when the resend activation email link is clicked.
Here’s the path that leads to it.
Most likely a plugin conflict since I hide wp pages from the public.
I’m trying to do something similar like the code below.
class=”bp_registration_needs_activation”>Resend Activation Email
Hi @arbolife any chance you even vaguely remember what you did to get new user activation email being sent out when using WPML + BuddyPress? Like you, everything works 100% correctly on the ‘English’ side when new users register, requests membership for a private BP group, logs-in, etc – BUT if a user registers on the french registration page (fr/register/) they never get any emails (I they are foever listed as “pending” in the user area). I’ve also noticed that no emails (outgoing) get triggered if an existing user switches to the /fr/ side & tries to join a private BuddyPress group. Trying to access the /fr/wp-login.php page (or the password reset) from the /fr/ side will also trigger a 404 page. So, like you mentioned, it’s a setting “somewhere” in WPML to resolve these (many) anomalies, but for whatever reason, I can’t see to find the resolution!
My test setup:
WP: 3.7.4
BP: 2.8.2
WPML: 3.7.0
BuddyPress WPML Plugin:
I’ve set-up buddypress on my website
it doesn’t send any confirmation code only sn email with that link
“Thanks for registering!
To complete the activation of your account, go to the following link:
when the user click on this link he gets an error_404 page
how can I solve this problem and get the confirmation code
After chat disruption and sudden 404 errors on all pages, let’s continue here.
All your groups are listed here: http://thebettinguniversity.org/groups/
Most are private and the 2 i found which are public have only one member: the group admin.
I you’re the site admin, you can access to these groups.
If you’re only a group admin, you can only access the group you’re a member/admin of.
You must be logged-in to get access, whatever your status.
For more information about groups, read the codex please.
Seems also that you have no member page.
Go to BP settings and check that there is a page for members, a page for group, a page for register and one for activation.
Check here:
Configure BuddyPress
The e-mail that is sent upon registration contains an activation url that points to a page with a 404 error. I am using the u-design theme and the problem persists with all plugins deactivated. I am certain that the buddy press activation page is correct in settings. Does anyone know how to fix this?
Thanks in advance!!
at the moment, /register leads to a 404 error (page not found).
I deleted that page and re created again.
– Did you also deleted it definetly from Trash ?
– Did you checked the existence of the page in BP pages settings ?
– It seems also that you don’t have an activation page.
– Once both pages are activated, go to permalinks, select any option except “default” and save.
and inserted short-code
All BP pages should always stay blank without any content. If you need a shortcode on a BP page, you must add it to the template.
Configure BuddyPress
You’re welcome !
To all readers, Codex reminder when getting 404, missing BP pages, not found errors after setup or upgrade ! 😉
Settings → BuddyPress → Pages
Pages are automatically generated for the BuddyPress components you enabled in the components settings using the default slugs based on the name of each component activated. Make sure that activated components have corresponding pages assigned to each in this panel.
Associate a WordPress Page with each BuddyPress component directory.
- Activity Streams (if activated)
- User Groups (if activated)
- Members > this is core and can’t be removed/modified
Associate WordPress Pages with the following BuddyPress Registration pages.
Note: registration is not a BuddyPress component but part of WP core.
When you allow user registration, you have to add manually these pages.
To all readers, Codex reminder when getting 404, missing BP pages, not found errors after setup or upgrade ! 😉
Settings → BuddyPress → Pages
Pages are automatically generated for the BuddyPress components you enabled in the components settings using the default slugs based on the name of each component activated. Make sure that activated components have corresponding pages assigned to each in this panel.
Associate a WordPress Page with each BuddyPress component directory.
- Activity Streams (if activated)
- User Groups (if activated)
- Members > this is core and can’t be removed/modified
Associate WordPress Pages with the following BuddyPress Registration pages.
Note: registration is not a BuddyPress component but part of WP core.
When you allow user registration, you have to add manually these pages.
witnessescity.com/registration/ = 404 error
means that you have no page called registration.
When activation and registration pages are not automatically created, you should do this manually
See on BP settings Page tab. Check also the other components pages.
Have you set up pretty permalinks ?
Please read the doc
Configure BuddyPress
Here is the information first:
1. Which version of WordPress are you running?
WordPress Version 4.1
2. Did you install WordPress as a directory or subdomain install?
Installed as a directory
3. If a directory install, is it in root or in a subdirectory?
4. Did you upgrade from a previous version of WordPress? If so, from which version?
5. Was WordPress functioning properly before installing/upgrading BuddyPress (BP)? e.g. permalinks, creating a new post, commenting.
Yes, its only the member profile pages not working and the registration page
6. Which version of BP are you running?
7. Did you upgraded from a previous version of BP? If so, from which version?
No, fresh wordpress installation fresh Kleo fresh Buddypress
8. Do you have any plugins other than BuddyPress installed and activated? If so, which ones?
Akismet,AskApache Debug Viewer,K Elements, Resize Image After Upload,Revolution Slider,rtMedia for WordPress, BuddyPress and bbPress, bbpress, Taxonomy Metadata, WordPress SEO, WPBakery Visual Composer
9. Are you using the standard BuddyPress themes or customized themes?
No i am using Kleo
10. Have you modified the core files in any way?
11. Do you have any custom functions in bp-custom.php?
12. If running bbPress, which version? Or did your BuddyPress install come with a copy of bbPress built-in?
bbPress 2.5.4
13. Please provide a list of any errors in your server’s log files.
its 404 not found
14. Which company provides your hosting?
15. Is your server running Windows, or if Linux; Apache, nginx or something else?
Extra info: I have permalinks set to default. With default permalinks, the posts work but the member profiles give 404. If i change the permalinks to something else the posts don’t work and the member profile pages don’t work either. Also it appears i have no registration page. Its like Buddypress doesn’t recognise any of the paths. I have created Registration and Activation pages and have set them at the settings. I had it working on a previous wordpress installation that was the same, but then after a fresh installation it stopped working.
You still may want to double check because there has been instances where a theme caused the creation of extra registration and activate pages and if the correct one is not associated then it will produce a 404 page not found error.