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Search Results for 'activation email'

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  • #334919

    I just discovered aside from activation emails the person trying to join doesn’t even get membership approval emails.


    Hello @pellepedersen

    You aren’t getting notification emails when a new user signs up? Am i understanding it right?

    I have the same setup as you. Discovered yesterday that people signing up are not receiving activation emails. Today i discovered I am not being notified when someone signs up.

    Did you find out why you aren’t getting any emails of a new user signing up. I would have thought that’s the most minimum of an alert which should work without any hiccups.



    I have wordpress 6.1.1 and buddypress 14.0.0.

    Just got the news that people have been trying to jpin the website but they aren’t gettiong the buddypress activation emaiuls.

    Please advise. Thank you.



    For the activation email issue, check your BuddyPress and WordPress settings to ensure emails are configured correctly. Also, look for plugin conflicts that might be affecting it.

    For the profile redirection problem, verify that your website URL settings in WordPress and BuddyPress are correct. Double-check the URL configurations to ensure they point to your site.

    If you need more help, contacting support might be a good next step.


    I have allowed registration via Buddypress on my site.

    When a new user gets an account activation email after registering, the email uses the username in the “to” field like “To Username” but uses the first name in the email body like “Hello First Name”.

    This inconsistency does not look good and I want the email to use the user’s first name in the “to” field so it is more personable. How can I make the activation email use the first name instead of the username in the “to” field?

    Thank you.


    You don’t need this code
    I have now received the activation email. You have to set up SMTP with your website email. To get emails in your inbox. First you have to wait a day for the SMTP settings to take effect. Then you have to ask the hoster what the settings have to be. I don’t know if there is a different code for each hoster. Mine is like this. Try it with your website. I just still have the problem that when I want to log in when testing, I end up on my website account and not on my website to be able to test the page with groups. I have also already deleted all cookies and tried in a different browser. I can still get into my website account. I would be happy if you could test it and see if it works for you if you register with me.

    Persönliche DNS-Einstellungen
    v=spf1 ~alle
    v=DMARC1; p=Quarantine;;



    I am using buddypress Version 12.5.0. I am not a developer but I know how to add code to the functions.php file or code snippets plugin and add CSS.

    I have discovered that when a user registers for my site with the Buddypress registration form, the conformational email has the surname in the “to” field but the first name in the email body so it looks like this:

    I created a test user with the following names:
    For the username, I called it “Username2”. For the first name, I called it Name2. For the surname, I called it “surname2”.

    In the screenshot I used Mailinator to test registrations and you can see that the name in the “to” field is the username and different to the name in the email body which is the first name.

    I’d like to make the name in the “to” field also the first name so it is consistent with the email body. Ideally I would also like to be able to customise the email body.

    Thank you to anyone who can help.


    So that’s because of Buddypress
    I have uninstalled all other plugins from buddypress
    I still receive the activation email from strangers
    and when I click on login during activation
    I am redirected to my website provider account
    and not on my website


    Do you have an explanation for why I receive the activation email when interested parties register?
    And why when I view my profile I don’t get to my website but to the website of my website



    Buddypress Version Version 12.5.0


    In reply to: No Email Notifications


    Buddypress activation emails are not working please help me


    How can I deactivate activation email and make wordpress activate users automatically.

    Also can I have users autologged in after filling our registration form?


    When a new user registers and comes to the page after the registration process

    bool(false) string(6) “j. F Y” NULL

    Then the menu of the website is greatly enlarged in height and the message:

    “Your user account has been successfully created! In order to fully use the functions of the members area, you must activate your account via the activation link in the email we are currently sending you.”

    is constantly flickering on and off.
    What could be the reason?

    Registrierung bei Chopper-Motorrad



    Hello Everyone.
    For the past week, I’ve been working on my website. The problem is that Buddypress doesn’t send activation mail but when I trigger forgot password email for the same account it sends it. And no one can’t activate their account.

    The default WordPress register page is able to send activation mail but when I activate BuddyPress it doesn’t work. I have tried all the plugins and have been going through all these forums for the last two days but all in vain.

    I have reinstalled it thrice and now as stated in the requirements I have done a manual WordPress install. I am on shared hosting and using my website mail server to send emails.

    My site: techcaro

    WordPress Version: 6.3
    Buddypress version: 11.3.2

    Please help me solve this issue.


    Removing the activation URL/key combo from the activation email and requiring users to manually copy and paste the key could indeed help slow down spam registrations to some extent. This approach introduces an additional step that may be more challenging for automated bots to complete, as they would need to extract the key from the email and input it accurately into the form. While it might inconvenience legitimate users slightly, it could potentially deter some automated spam bots.

    However, it’s important to note that determined spammers might still find ways to automate this process, such as using OCR (Optical Character Recognition) to extract the key from the email. Balancing security with user experience is crucial. Here are a few considerations:

    User Experience: Requiring users to manually copy and paste the activation key can be frustrating, especially for users who are less technically inclined. It might lead to a higher abandonment rate during the registration process.

    Accessibility: This method might pose difficulties for users with visual impairments or those using screen readers.

    Alternate Solutions: There are other methods to combat spam, such as CAPTCHAs, email verification, and behavior analysis. You might consider combining multiple techniques for a more effective anti-spam solution.

    Testing: Before implementing such a change, it’s recommended to conduct testing to see if it indeed reduces spam registrations without significantly impacting legitimate users.

    As for your request to add “TWITCHAUDIENCESPOTLIGHT,” I’m not quite clear on where you would like to add this text. Could you please provide more context or specify where exactly you want to insert this text?


    I find many codes and plugins that help me to avoid the activation email when members join in the site, but when I tried these options affect the invitation system of buddyboss.
    For example, if I invite a user to join with a specific role “teacher” with the code the join as subscriber. I know I can change the role, but I want to know if it’s possible to automatically detect the role where I invite the user.
    “”function disable_validation( $user_id ) {
    global $wpdb;
    $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( “UPDATE $wpdb->users SET user_status = 0 WHERE ID = %d”, $user_id ) );
    $users = $wpdb->get_results( “SELECT activation_key, user_login FROM {$wpdb->prefix}signups WHERE active = ‘0’ “); foreach ($users as $user) {
    BP_Signup::validate($user->activation_key); //fix roles
    $user_id = $wpdb->get_var( “SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->users WHERE user_login = ‘$user->user_login'”); $u = new WP_User( $user_id );
    $u->add_role( ‘subscriber’ );
    } add_action( ‘bp_core_signup_user’, ‘disable_validation’ );
    add_filter( ‘bp_registration_needs_activation’, ‘__return_false’ );
    add_filter( ‘bp_core_signup_send_activation_key’, ‘__return_false’ );”
    Plugin name: BuddyPress Auto Activate Auto Login and BP Disable Activation Reloaded
    Thanks for the help

    Sarwar Alam


    Post signup activation email sends Activate.Url as$activation_key/

    How do I modify it to$activation_key/?key=$my_key

    I’ve tried many ways but failed, please help. Thanks in advance.



    WP version 6.2,
    BP version 11.1.0,
    PHP version 7.4

    I want an activation mail setup during the registration process, as the site needs a double-opt-in for the registration of new users.

    the problem is as follows:

    • A user registers
    • An email is sent to the admin, that a user registered
    • BUT the promised activation email to the user does not get sent.

    as I thought this might be a common problem, of course I have done some research and found no fitting solution, as the mails in general do work, what the solutions claim to fix.

    I have also done excessive testing.

    I found no cause/solution and so I supect a BP/WP bug or misconfiguration I did not find.

    I confirmed via MailHog and the “Post SMTP” plugin that the mail does not get sent at all, but other mails get sent. So from my point of view there is NO Problem with SMTP or mail sending in general.

    When I reject the user in the confirmation process, then a mail gets sent to the user.

    I have checked the Mail-Templates of BP, repaired them twice and checked for the trigger “Der Empfänger hat sich registriert”, in english: The recipient has registered”.
    All this happens on the local and the production server.

    I deactivated as much other plugins as possible to exclude them as source of the error.

    Everything seems to be fine. But the Email does not get sent. I am totally stuck.

    Can someone help?
    E.g. confirm the activation mail gets sent/not sent?


    Hi Have set up an extra user role for members. So when someone registers they are automatically added with the user role type Subscriber. Once we verify their payment we change the user role to member. What I need help with is sending an HTML email to the person on their role change to member to inform them of the role change. Normal Buddy press emails including activation emails work great. Using the code snippet below when I change a user from Subscriber to Member the email does not trigger. Any ideas? Is there a way to set up an email on role change using the Buddy press emails rather than adding code to functions.php?

    //NOTIFY USER when their Role has Been Changed to Member
    $mailHead = implode(” “, [
    “MIME-Version: 1.0”,
    “Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8”
    // (B) FUNCTION
    function user_role_update( $user_id, $new_role ) {
    if ($new_role == ‘Member’) {
    $site_url = get_bloginfo(‘wpurl’);
    $user_info = get_userdata( $user_id );

    $to = $user_info->user_email;
    $setFrom(‘’) ;

    // (D) SET IMAGE
    $img = “”;

    $subject = “Role changed: “.$site_url.””;

    $message = “Welcome ” . $user_info->display_name. ” you have been added as a “. $new_role.” on Congratulations you can now access the members area, make posts, and make online camp bookings on the Camp Page. You can access the site here: “.$site_url.””;

    $message = “$AddEmbeddedImage(‘$img’)”;
    //$message .= “Can’t see the image? Click Here.“;
    // (G) SEND
    wp_mail($to, $subject, $message, $mailHead);
    add_action( ‘set_user_role’, ‘user_role_update’, 10, 2);


    Hi All,
    I have been really struggling on finding a way to customize a nice looking registration form. As our users can add birthday and gender for each of their kids, and they may have any number of them. I wanted a form that asks for how many kids, and then dynamically polls the two fields for each.
    I ended up doing up to 4 kids hardcoded and then a field “have more than 4”.
    Also, I want to convert Newsletter signups in this form as well.

    Anyway, to make this registration page nice and usable, I was looking for a solution for days.
    Furthest I have gotten so far is Ninjaforms with uncanny automator. The user gets created and all fields work as intended (getting the Ninja forms date foprmat to agree with a buddypress date field was a painfull path!!)

    PROBLEM IS: I need the activation email for double opt in here in Germany. This Method however skips this and immediately registers the user.

    How can I call user_status 2 and activation email before creating the final user?


    TBH this was just an idea I had while looking at the scope of possible ways to stop spammers/bots. I’ve implemented a few things already like reCaptcha, Ban Hammer, redirects, honeypot. You’re probably right that many of the bots are stopped at the Activation step IF they are using a disposable email. I assume smart ppl would have developed a way to activate spam accounts if needed. Then again maybe they just go for the low hanging fruit.

    I am curious though how you’re so sure bots aren’t registering? I have about 1,200 registered users and the vast majority are Gmail address. Alot of them look suspicious, like Username: dien01234567 Email: dien0134567@gmail. I have a very eclectic audience, so I have to be careful which email services I block. But even so I can’t believe all these Gmail users are real…

    Anonymous User 18187419

    Hi Scott,

    thanks for raising this issue, bots registrations are a constant issue on my site, but pretty successfully controlled with a combination of:

    – limit permitted registration email domains to the most common, Gmail, Yahoo, aol, etc. No weird stuff allowed.
    – BP Registration Options plugin, but requires a lot of manual moderation.

    Your point: I must say that not a single bot registration attempt on my site was ever able to activate the account by successfully responding to the activation email. They simply generate non-existent email addresses so never become active.

    Your experience is different?

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