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Search Results for 'activation email'

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  • scottmotion

    Would removing the activation url/key combo from the activation email (forcing user to copy/paste the key) slow down spam registrations?

    It seems like it is very easy for bots to activate the account because the key is automatically inserted into the form and activation proceeds. My thought is that forcing the user to copy and paste the activation key would thwart some bots. Obviously this user experience is less ideal but if it stops bots I’m willing to do it.

    Any thoughts or experience with this?


    Our plugin (free) Vibebp allows you to
    a. Assign a default member type on buddypress registration.
    b. Generate multiple registration forms and each form can have its own , member type, activation email.

    Let us know if you are interested, it is built over buddypress. We are still preparing it publish it on
    Checkout this video :



    I have a problem with the Buddypress Activation Email. When a user makes a new registration, it says, that an activation email was send, but the users do not receive the email. How can I solve this issue?



    Need some help.

    New user fills out the sign-up form ….then clicks on the register button

    Then you see the message: Please Check Your Email To Activate Your Account

    But, it only stays up for a few seconds. Then the user is re-directed to the login form.

    Is there a way to make the (check your email for activation code) message stay on the screen longer and/or not redirect to the login?

    Many new users are missing the activation message …and are wondering what’s next in the registration process.

    Is there time-out code in one of the register/registration functions I can’t find?


    Thank you,


    Hi there,
    I’m having an issue with BuddyPress registration.
    When I create a new account I never get the confirmation email. But the member gets registered on the website. As admin I can see that member in the members menu. When I manually make that member active, I still can’t log in.

    I have tried every single setting.
    -Creating New Pages for Registration & Activation
    -In setting I ticked: Anyone can join
    -Deactivating all the plugins accept BuddyPress.
    -Putting in PHP code to activate the email
    -Even tried WP Mail SMTP

    WP Mail SMTP didn’t really help. Before using it I tried sending “reset password” to new member. It went through. When I used WP Mail SMTP the emails were going to spam. So the email address is all correct on my website.

    I wasted 9 hours trying every single solution I was finding on internet and nothing work.
    If you know a fix for this issue, please let me know.


    Our web site is at Its a member site and we use Ultimate member plugin into Buddypress member area and its a WordPress site. We are having issues with people registering into the site with what appear to be bogus email addresses. We have an email activation process that follows new member registration. We use the google recaptcha tool which sometimes has the choice from images in boxes come up and at other times is only a tick box (I am not a robot). Its very random and seems out of our control.
    It seems that some people registering with bogus email addresses can activate their account (which is weird) and they have been creating spam groups in our member area. So in summary, my questions are:

    1. Are there any plugins or obvious processes we are missing to stop the bogus registrations
    2. Are there plugins or processes that can prevent bogus groups being created and at the very least provide an easy pathway for the site administrator to be involved in group approval process and/or be alerted whenever a new group is created.



    Hello, I have just launched a social media site on local host and i use buddypress but any mail is not working like activation code, password reset, forgot password and any kind of email is not working. Then I installed third party SMTP plugin to work with that i don’t want to use, again in vain after a lot of setup process with client id and secret id in google SMTP.

    All I need to operate my site without email hesitation. Kindly help me to solve it for my users.

    Thank you


    New users will not appear in the members directory until they log-in for the first time.
    Sign up as a test user to see if you receive an activation email.


    through my email I see new members who have signed up, but I don’t see them on the website under members. Can I send a new activation email?


    Topic: mail

    in group forum Installing BuddyPress

    I have a serious problem so please help me ㅠㅠ

    When I register as a member on my site, my friends living in Japan do not seem to receive the activity activation email.

    I live in Korea now and I get an email.

    I tried it with a few friends living in Japan, but none of them received an email.

    Similarly, I and other friends who live in Korea can log in to SNS.
    Friends living in Japan will not have a new account created.

    Is registration restricted by country?


    This has the potential to cause huge amount of spam on your site. I am not sure why would you want to disable this as this is an industry standard, also helps in confirming emails and communication.

    p.s : In a commercial theme I use WPLMS, it has this feature of custom registration forms where this checkbox to disable account activation and log the user in automatically.


    Hi, I installed BuddyPress on my site earlier today and now I can’t log in to my administrative account from the frontend of my site. When I try to login, I get sent to a page requesting an activation key. Unfortunately, I don’t have an activation key, nor was I ever sent one (I checked my emails and SPAM), so I can no longer sign in.

    I use the Paid Memberships Pro plugin to handle registration and membership levels on my site. Normally this works well. I also installed and activated bbPress and the PM Pro add-ons to integrate with BuddyPress and bbPress respectively.

    Any advice on how to fix this?



    I have the Elearni template which has this buddypress plugin for signup among other options.

    I want customers who want to register not to activate via email, but automatically.

    Another option would be to disable this account activation but I don’t see any options within the plugin that allow me to do so.

    How could I do this?


    Dear support,

    I am looking to create a form that requires users to enter their current country and destination country. Two country drop downs. Does buddy press have country drop down field and and guidance on how to incorporate this will be appreciated.

    Does buddypress integrate with Mycred?

    I want to have an option on the Buddy press registration page that allows users to enter referral id of the person who referred them to the website. If someone registers by entering referral id or comes to the website by clicking referral link generated on My cred, then points to be awarded for the person who referred via the referral hook. Please advise how this can be achieved

    Also, does buddypress support email activation feature to activate account. I would like to setup Mycred hook and buddypress in a manner that points are awarded for sign up only after activation by the user by clicking email. Is this possible?



    I’m getting the same error on my site. It doesn’t send activation emails. Using the code above worked, but now it’s sending a basic vanilla email with <> as the subject and went to spam. It’s also not sending password reset emails at all.


    I cannot change the activation email for an account on my site. When I create an account, I receive the confirmation email but I would like to modify it or that it can be modified via another plugin. Is it possible ?


    Registration is enabled.
    Register and Activate pages are assigned properly.

    Any thoughts on what might be the problem?




    Users who sign up to my website from buddypress don’t receive the confirmation email, but their signup is working because I see it in the admin. I checked to see if the problem was with the SMTP emails from the server, but it’s not it. Anyone have a solution?

    Buddypress version 9.1.1
    PHP 7.3

    Thank you!


    This is not an issue at all. I have worked on over 20k buddypress sites and I can confirm this works.

    Try resending the email to confirm.
    To resend open WP admin – users – manage signups and locate the user and click on “send activation email again”


    Hello guys.

    To test some plugins I thought of deleting the registered users (profiles that I had previously created some time ago).
    It happened that when I recreated the same profiles, the activation email did not arrive.
    Before it came with the wordpress email @ site name …. despite not having an active email sending plugin.
    In another case I tried to change the password and he returned the registration form (unregistered users are redirected to the registration form) but when I did to register with the email the message that the email comes out is in use (strange if it does not appear among registered users).

    I thought of going to the dashboard then customize to see if there was something out of place and I noticed that there is no longer the possibility to make any changes.

    Could you give me some advice on this?

    Thank you


    Everything is set up on my website, but whenever someone registers, they do not receive the activation email required for validating their account. This is a big security issue that I have yet to find a solution to. I have seen the Auto Authenticate Plugin, which again, is a huge security issue. My WP Version is 5.8, my BuddyPress Version is 9.0.0. My website is

    Any assistance with this issue would be greatly appreciated.


    In reply to: Emails not being sent

    Naresh Kumar
    Anonymous User 18296540

    100% bug in POT/PO files or notification system. It is not possible to translate the contents of activation emails. Only the fragments remain translated, but the greater part (no error was made) remains in English. This applies to phrases such as:

    Thanks for registering!

    To complete the activation of your account and site, go to the following link: {{{activate-site.url}}}.

    After you activate, you can visit your site at {{{user-site.url}}}.

    Thanks for registering!

    To complete the activation of your account and site, go to the following link: {{{activate-site.url}}}

    After you activate, you can visit your site at {{{user-site.url}}}.

    Thanks for registering!

    To complete the activation of your account, go to the following link and click on the ‘Activate’ button: {{{activate.url}}}

    If the ‘Activation Key’ field is empty, copy and paste the following into the field – {{key}}

    Thanks for registering!

    To complete the activation of your account, go to the following link and click on the Activate button:

    If the ‘Activation Key’ field is empty, copy and paste the following into the field – {{key}}

    Your account was activated successfully! You can now log in with the username and password you provided when you signed up.

    Your account was activated successfully! You can now log in with the username and password you provided when you signed up.


    So I’m working on a little project, trying to grasp the workings of WordPress. I’ve created a website, currently still on localhost, and installed buddypress. My problem is that I can’t seem to send buddypress emails like the activation one, even though regular WordPress emails like the reset password email are sent correctly. I currently have WP Mail SMTP setup with a personal Gmail account of mine so I can easily see which emails are sent or not and even though WordPress says the activation emails are sent as the counter in the user tab displays, in my email no mails were ever sent. What can I do to troubleshoot the situation?

    Edit: buddypress version is 9.0.0

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