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Search Results for 'activation email'

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  • #100071

    What if I manually activate user accounts using “WP_Activate Users” plugin? Do they still get welcome email?


    thanks for the update @techguy. I think I’m okay with spam also, but just want the text “Check your email for activation” to stand out.


    This is happening most likely because the text in the subject, and or message it triggering the email to mark as spam.

    Download the plugin “welcome message”

    You can easily edit the message for email.


    Thanks for your reply, I actuly tried something different last night and it worked out ok. I am using the “BP disable Activation” and in a menu I chose the option “User accounts may be registe4rd” Before I had it on “Both sites and user accounts can be registered.” And it was causing the mix up with the plug in on MU. Users would be able to type their password but with the blog activated, the system gave a new password (that people probably would not see, thinking the password was what they typed in) Then an email would send a notification with the activation link. The link would not work saying the error message with the activation key. However teh activation key was in the link to click but would not work when clicked. Sorry for the rambling just trying to make it clear what I did.

    But now a user can register with out activation (which I think is nice, but no blog) But what I like is, that I can create a blog for a user and give them access by just putting their user email in the “ad site” for multi user and it shows up under their account.

    I guess it could be nice if this could be a future feature maybe let people sign up with out a blog with an option in the email sent to create one or maybe a notifification to a new user in the admin bar or something. (it would help with sploggers)

    Thanks again


    Hmm…I haven’t really tested the blog creation with the BP Disable Activation. I know there was one known issue of the auto login not working. I never had time to look into what caused it not to work. Sounds like there’s a problem with the activation email still being sent too and it shouldn’t be sent. I’m not sure when I’ll have a moment to look at this, but if someone else figures out the issue let me know and I’ll update the plugin.


    Hi @rickgoz,

    I have bought from my freelance a plugin that remove login choice on signup. It generate an username “user43fr53hzet56….” for each new member.
    After activation, in user account, each user can change this username only ONE TIME on what he want, to have better user slug. User page can be catch with, AND by auto insert on .htaccess
    If user missed something and want change again his username, you have just to delete the user line in the plugin table.

    I think this plugin with “email login” plugin should make you happy.

    As I am not php coder, I can’t assume any support for this. But if someone want update this plugin…



    Thank you @r-a-y But I tried the welcome pack and when I click edit activation email there is no editable field. Only the drop down menu options of all of the email choices. In the tutorial video, there is an editable space to write what you want the email to say. However, when I click it, nothing happens and the only option I have is to save the settings. Perhaps there is another way.


    I’m +1 on the need for a solution too. I seem to always get the email without it going to spam. I also notice some repeat spam / sploggers in the email addresses. I have used WP-Activate-Users but I’d like an option to resend the activation or delete them.

    Boone Gorges

    Try switching off BP, and registering a new user through WP’s normal signup procedure wp-signup.php. Are WP emails being sent? If not, then this is probably not a BP problem, but is a problem with the configuration of your WP installation.


    The specif problem after a new user registers on the site they are not receiving an activation email to complete the process.
    Yes, it is on a multisite and I haven’t done anything significant other than install buddypress and activate the buddypress theme.

    Ernie Hsiung

    Hi everyone!

    So, a +1 request from me for the second point: “is there a way to implement a redirect or a message of some sort to users who have registered but not yet activated their account? At the moment, trying to login with one of the new not activated accounts simple sends the user back to the home page. Something along the lines of a “Your account still needs to be activated, please follow the instructions in the email sent to your address.”

    I’m working for a client who is having a MAJOR freak out because logins that aren’t activated silently fail to the home page without an error message. For now, I just activated BP-DISABLE-ACTIVATION and am putting a captcha on the e-mail but it’s not an airtight solution; the client would still like to verify that an e-mail is legitimate.

    If I’m looking in the wrong place, let me know. Many thanks! :)
    – Ernie

    Hugo Ashmore

    If only people didn’t believe that Email protocols and services were such a simple thing, the post above by deadpan10 gets closer than most to understanding some of the potential issues and that it’s NOT necessarily a WP/BP one.

    Correctly set up email with correct and proper dns records might go some way to resolving issues many have, interestingly it’s pointed out that even given a correct SPF record Hotmail still appears to have issues, I have no answer to whether it’s the activation link but it’s an interesting notion.

    Hugo Ashmore

    As that guide is written b y Boone I guess it must be possible, if it hasn’t worked for you you need to review carefully what you have done and that you have followed all steps explicitly, and yes it might be a case that you need the css in which case test that theory by dropping the adminbar css file into your header for the top level site.

    There is a means of deactivating the activation and there will be threads on the forum and – I think – a plugin so have a hunt around.

    Don’t do this just to circumvent an issue you are having though; to want to remove activation because as you say “the verification email is being marked as spam most of the time” should be telling you that there is something wrong, email servers only apply filters based on sets of rules, you do have to ensure that when email servers look at incoming mail that they can verify it’s origin in other words perhaps you need associated dns mx records for your domain?

    Email isn’t necessarily something that just works or something that WP magically deals with, all WP does is simply use a faux email relay such as sendmail it doesn’t know or care whether your emails report themselves correctly.


    In reply to: BP Xtra Signup


    Hi guys,

    Great plugin – some very critical registration form elements!

    I’m having some trouble with the mailchimp integration. When I enable it via the bp-xtra admin page, I get a 404 error after users submit the registration form, and no address is added to my Mailchimp list. The user still gets the activation email, but the 404 is kind of ugly :)

    I’ve set up the plugin properly: added my API key and the ID for the group… but 404 page remains unless I disable the mailchimp checkbox.

    Anyone have this problem? Or any idea how to fix it?

    Thanks in advance,

    Roger Coathup

    Can your site send normal WP admin emails?

    Try creating a user in wp-admin – did it send you an email?

    See also:

    Roger Coathup


    couple of thoughts –

    Is your base WP install working correctly – does it send admin emails notification correctly (e.g. when a new user is added in WP backend)? If not, it is a base email configuration problem.

    Have you got any additional plugins installed – one of our clients had a problem with a CAPTCHA plugin interfering with the activation process.

    If neither of these, there are a number of threads on this site, dealign with the problem of activation emails not being sent – it might be worth searching those.



    In reply to: Signup/Activation

    rich! @ etiviti

    “To disable sending activation emails you can user the filter ‘bp_core_signup_send_activation_key’ and return false.”

    Daniel Eriksson

    The problem is that Kimili flash embed upon activation outputs blank spaces before the XML declaration on the main and comment feed. The main feed is kinda messed up, with some strange embed codes and stuff. I’ll try to remove all the crap code, reactivate flash embed again and see if it works. I have emailed the plugin creator to

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Regarding the email problem — who is your host?


    sorry google translate came on in between this is the english version

    My hostingprovider helped me out today and now i got bp working.But is there somewhere a tutorial where i can learn somethings about it like ow to work with it.Also i’d like to know after a created an account i get the message that an activation mail will be send to my emailadress but till now (somewhat half an hour)i didn’t recieve anything.Do i do something wrong



    Thank you so much for your insight! Here’s what I’ve got now:

    1. I’m pretty sure we’re using the single site version of WordPress(maybe this is known as the MU version?). It was installed through our server using SimpleScripts. I was aware of the plugin option, but didn’t want to get into that yet until I had the account creation issues taken care of. Thanks for the info.

    2. Disabled the BuddyPress plugin, as well as the Group Documents plugin (and reverted to the default non-BuddyPress theme). Created an account, and got the confirmation email right away. The WP account registration was just “username”, and “email”… and WP emails the password. The BuddyPress registration required much more info. So without BP turned on.. Accounts worked.. with it turned on.. The account gets created, but no activation email gets sent out.. thoughts?

    3. I’m referring to the WordPress setting: Site Address (url): “Enter the address here if you want your site homepage to be different from the directory you installed WordPress.” I’m trying to point the domain to , and it will display as (our domain).

    4. Got it. I was just curious as to if there were some settings I was just totally missing.

    BlueHost Issues !?!?

    1. Ok don’t use SimpleScripts or WordPress.. Just install WP manually on my server, and then install the BuddyPress plugin manually? And that will get it to work?
    2. I’ll definitely search around for BH. Thanks for the tip!


    @zlamczyk and anyone else who finds this — to redirect activation email to admin….

    function my_redirect_activation_email()
    return get_site_option( “admin_email” );
    add_filter(‘bp_core_activation_signup_user_notification_to’, ‘my_redirect_activation_email’);

    I’m sure can be manipulated to plop user email in there.


    Hi. I have found a solution to that no activation email has sent. Check this out

    I actually used Google mail account. There in Google account settings also probably has to set that you use imap. I’m not sure of that. But now the activation email is sent and users can register.


    @airrykah deactivate BuddyPress. It depends on your WordPress installation. Check if your install is sending out activation emails to those registering. Find resolution for your email problem at forums before activating BuddyPress.

    If your WP activation email is working, deactivate any BP registration plugins and see if regular registration works.

    Edit – there’s also a workaround, see if this works for you –


    ok, I will check it out . . . and post back what I find. Thanks r-a-y

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