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  • #239937

    In reply to: My favorites



    Do you believe that I deleted all the users (including me admin) using this reference and I do still see that the members are 2!!

    Weird… So weird.



    Why do you need the $bp global?

    Use the function meant for setting profile field data, and then you don’t need the $wpdb global either.


    Thanks. I’ll take a look and digest it and let you know if I run into any questions or problems.



    bbPress related questions can be asked on bbPress support forum.

    Please, read here:

    How to add "View Who's Online" and "View Statistics"?


    In reply to: Does BuddyPress works?

    Hugo Ashmore

    ‘scam’ is a rather rude word.

    I suggest that you go and read the Codex, all sections to do with features and getting started then you will be able to ask better informed questions.

    And yes ‘it’ does work!


    Im using field type – multi select box for my registration questions.
    So far example – Gender Male/Female. On desktop I see Gender box and those two choices Male and Female, on mobile, to save space I guess, I see the Gender box but there are no choices in the box, instead of male and female I see “0 selected” and that is also true for everything else, location – I have about 30 cities which on desktop i can scroll down for in the box, but on mobile again its only one line – “0 selected” and then when you click on that a list with all choices shows up, Which is fine, but that particular text “0 selected” gives an impression of an error, I want to change it to just “Select”


    Sorry, I meant that the form has several questions and above each question is “This field can be seen by”. I wish to remove this from above the questions.


    Please use the codex first for basic questions around WordPress or BuddyPress.
    BuddyPress comes with a login widget you can use on every existing theme who accept widgets.

    BuddyPress Widgets

    To style a button, you use CSS. This is common to any modern CMS software.


    You should of searched the forum for many answers to this already posted.

    There are a lot of options and solutions with this… for me, I use the plugin “buddypress humanity” on one of my sites, and a different / similar plugin “good question” on another site.

    Change the default questions and answers… this stops most of the auto-bot spammers.. a few manual people may get through, but it cut does spam signups on my site by 99%.

    One of my sites I disable “group creation” for all users, as that seems to be a target for many of them.

    I also use another plugin with my bp+wp / multi-site … which sets “blog defaults” so that any user who creates a new blog has settings automatically enabled that “block this site from search engine indexing” – if someone signs up and creates a site and adds original content, I will go in an manually change that setting.. most people who “create a site (blog on multi-site) – don’t use them, or are spammers – so I don’t need them sucking away page rank juice or clogging up the activity stream with BS.

    random thoughts from another BP user…


    Yeah I bet it is a big task. All you guys are doing a great job at it nevertheless so congrats!

    If I get sufficient knowledge to contribute I will. Right now in these early days of using it i am nowhere near qualified! (Simultaneously learning/hacking away at php :s).

    I guess by asking the various questions that I have been and/or putting the code on the forum etc. the snippets of knowledge I gain is shared with anyone else looking to do similar.


    @mcuk But I do not see the answers to my Questions. Can anyone please answer them here? Thank you


    asked about this with some help over a year ago ( )

    short term fixes some though:

    Which I have installed but not activated yet.

    Also mentioned this a while back in a survey thread I think it was ( buddypress. org/support/topic/questions-for-the-2015-buddypress-survey/#post-229073

    and in buddypress .org/ support/topic/programmatically-assigning-avatars-to-groups/#post-182810

    Glad to see there was some ticket discussion about this issue! And others who are looking at this being a real problem!


    Sorry but your pasted code is wrong.
    See source.
    Read also the comments before you copy/paste.

    can you help out please ?


    @rosyteddy a couple of good reads there man, i like to read through the comment sections on articles like the ones above because there is some good points raised, there are alot of varied opinions as how to effectively pull this off dependent on the complexity of your site, which i would consider mine as quite complex, the reason for the questions and advice is because of how complex i consider the website to be, i have alot of stylesheets for various different things here there and everywhere loading when not needed etc, in the past i have used plugins to successfully combine and serve them as one cached minified version etc.. but i was just wanting to go more in depth with it and configure it all myself to run at an optimum level.

    I am going to be messing around with this over the next few days and will get back to you on what i feel was the best way to do it, any more advice off anyone else who has tackled doing this manually for wordpress/buddypress give us a shout.


    The only reason why I started this topic was because I spoke to a WordPress representative and as I’ve done here, after explaining the issues to the rep, they said for me to get in contact with the creators of the plugin that allows me to do all of these news feed configurations so I assumed it was through here, BuddyPress. And I already was reading through the Codex, videos tutorials, support forums and speaking to numerous amounts of representatives and didn’t get anywhere. But okay, I will try reaching out to the creator of the Vipress theme and hopefully get my questions answered. Thank you.


    Hey guys,

    Thanks for your replies.

    Firstly, I am going to eat some humble pie. I didn’t realise that buddypress was entirely user driven and supported so apologies for jumping the gun there.

    I promise that I will make it my mission to share anything I learn while using buddypress and offer help to others in the spirit of the project. It could certainly do with some basic “start up” guides, there are a few simple things that virtually everybody using this for the first time is going to want to do and they could be laid out in simple terms with easy to follow “how to” guides and I am more than happy to post a few of these once I am confident that I know what I’m doing is correct.

    Thanks for the explanation and link Dan, that is most helpful.

    I’m slowly starting to understand how everything ties together, and I’m sure I’ll have a million other questions along the way, but I’m also pretty confident that I’ll crack it and once I do I will be more than happy to contribute to the BP family wherever possible 😉


    @danbp – Sorry to have so many questions. The example in the link you provided is for the activity loop, but I am trying to get this working for the members loop. Will it still work the same or do I have to take a completely different approach to this?

    Hugo Ashmore

    @ripozzo The best approach is to get as familiar with BP as possible, running local development installs of BP that you can play around with, reading the current codex guides, then helping out on the forum answering any questions you can. Answering forum questions is a great way to get really familiar with BP as it gets you rooting around in BP seeing what the solutions might be.

    When you feel you’re ready to add documentation or see a need and benefit to edit/update existing codex articles drop am @mention to myself @hnla or mercime @mercime and we’ll happily set you up with access on the codex.


    Thank you, I think that answers one of my questions: notification does not go far beyond indicating that there has been activity. What I’m hoping to do is breathe more life into a community by improving communication, and the more action is required from users the less likely that is to happen. At present we correspond by exchanging emails to group addresses manually compiled in Notepad, with no two people having the same list! A Yahoo group would work much better. At present it looks to me as if people would find the bbpress / buddypress solutions more laborious.

    Two things about Yahoo groups: 1. The incoming email gives you all the content, without your having to do a second click and go and find it, and 2. you get emails on all contributions to the group you’ve subscribed to, not just when someone specifically targets you. Those limitations in buddypress look to me like killers, but maybe I haven’t understood everything yet.

    I hope not, because full and easy integration of communication into a website would make it such a powerful tool.


    also – This MAY help?

    There is an action where you can hook in. It is called: ‘groups_created_group’.



    Brilliant thank you @danbp that’s exactly what I was looking for.

    I know you were being sarcastic when you said “The light goes on when you click on ↑↑↑ Documentation ↑↑↑” but as I’ve explained in other threads on here, the way the codex is laid out is very confusing for a new user.

    Maybe you guys that have all been working with this for years know your way around, but I spent ages trawling through the docs and couldn’t find that holy page you’ve just given me the link to.

    Remember, I’ve only been using Buddypress for a couple of days. I didn’t even know what it was that I was looking for so how was I supposed to search for the term “Activity Loop”?

    I’m sorry if the questions I’m asking are coming across as lazy but I assure you that is not the case. I just wanted somebody to point me in the right direction which you have just done, so thanks again.


    Ooofff, as mentioned above, that is a HUGE list of plug-ins.

    I’m not surprised that something is conflicting as you have a few things there that could be altering rewrite rules.

    Your best bet is to disable all the other plug ins and see if if BP works after a permalink update. If so then you’re gonna have to start reactivating the plug-ins one at a time until the issue arises again.

    Just in case you do lose access to update your permalink structure from the admin panel you can always do it via the database :

    Hope you find your solution!


    Very interested in this plug-in but have a couple of questions.

    1) Are users notified when an event they plan to attend is about to start?

    2) I know it says on the plug-in page that there is no support for recurring events but this is something that would be critical for the way i’d be using the plug-in so is there any chance that this will be supported in future versions (pro or free) and if not is it something that I could commission you to add for me?

    Many thanks!



    I’m wondering if you set up BP pages correctly. (also because your previous questions on this forum)

    are not existing and /page/ in above urls are always removed, without 404 error.

    Do you use specific rewrite rules ? Maybe control All in one SEO settings and theme settings


    Wow…I go to sleep a few hours and the world changed from quite quiet to one full of interesting conversation. Exciting. Thanks all for joining the thread. I’m originally from Los Angeles, but have been living in Goa (West Coast of India) for a long time. Wondering where in the world everyone else is?

    @mcpeanut @rosyteddy: I really appreciate your ideas, challenging comments and questions. Sorry, I haven’t been clear about what we are doing. Let me elucidate so you can understand I’m not some crazy person sitting in the basement of my parents’ house dreaming. The project is called Planet Earthlings and is based on an animation/live-action TV pilot we created a few years back with a team of over 120 people in seven countries. The TV series was done in 3D and told the story of four animated aliens who come to Earth and meet four live action children. They play and learn in a magical animated world.

    What we are doing now is a space theme 2D Virtual World (probably to be built in Unity with Smart Fox Server on the backend). The world will combine cooperative gaming, collaborative apps and tools for youngsters to learn and make friends all over the globe…hence the subtitle “One People, One Planet.” The dream is that if you bring kids together for cooperative and collaborative educational fun they’ll make friends with people all over the planet making it difficult…hopefully impossible…for governments to convince them people in other countries are our enemies. Yes, it’s ambitious, but there are many people all over the world who are interested and already joining the process.

    The “main” project will live at “” Which will be overseen by the Planet Earthlings organization, but we will be creating a Open Source front end so that people, companies or organizations who want to create a planet in our universe which is compatible with the overall philosophy of what we’re doing will be able to do it. We are also looking for open source games and apps that can be used in world.

    Initially, (as in right now) we are testing WordPress/BuddyPress as a platform for the development team at “” That may become something bigger, but for now it is simply to bring together kids, parents, different advisers and our core team to discuss and share ideas on HOW to build something truly unique and powerful for youngsters. The children will be “Kidvisers” and will get rewards for taking part and even reporting on other worlds, games and apps telling us what they like and don’t like. Others will take part because they want to be part of an exciting project for kids and are interested in being part of the change.

    This is part of the process leading up to a CrowdFunding campaign we hope to start in June. After that we will decide on what will be included in Phase One development. We do NOT know how the development process will proceed as we’re still investigating the various options which include forming a core team locally, gathering an international team to collaborate remotely, partnering with an established Virtual World development company or even forming something elsewhere. When we move into that stage there will be funding and decisions will have to be made about how to proceed.

    I have investigated several social network options and tested a few, but decided on BuddyPress because the “open source” philosophy behind it (and WordPress) are a big part of what we are creating. I am concerned about the scaling potential, but have been assured during my research that the platform will scale to thousands of users if it is hosted and setup properly. ***NOTE: This is one of the main concerns at the moment.

    We aren’t looking for full-time BuddyPress developers right now and I wouldn’t expect anyone to work full-time unpaid. We’re simply looking for a few hours of advice and possible implementation from people who are intrigued by what we are trying to do. Would love to have input/suggestions about what functionality we should include in the initial version of the site and with the look. Examples of what we need now would be design suggestions in terms of look, including help with the site typography and possible suggestions about functionality…for example what would be the best way of integrating galleries of both images and video.

    I understand your view that most people want to get paid. We all need to eat, but there are plenty of people who want to be involved in something with lofty goals. I personally have worked almost five years unpaid on different parts of this project. Right now the project is setup with a “company” mostly because we’re not in a position to understand and deal with it differently. It may be something that becomes profitable, but we may set it up as a non-profit. That is one of the questions we will be discussing on the development platform.

    I hope you will continue with the discussion and pose as many difficult questions as you can come up with. I like difficult questions because they make me think, and often about things I haven’t yet considered. I don’t have all the answers even though I have hard drives with about five terabytes of data for this project, thousands of images, video and hundreds of thousands of files. I may be a dreamer, but I’m also an experienced IT Project Management consultant, a feature film director, novelist and entrepreneur, among other hats I sometimes wear.

    There is much more about the project to discuss, but I leave it at this for now. Hope you don’t mind the length of the post, but I feel confident there are many people out there in the WordPress/BuddyPress world who are interested in this kind of work. Some will join us as volunteers and others in paid positions when the time is right.

    Thanks all! If you want to learn a little more about the earlier project including lots of press and even a national magazine cover you can check that at Cheers!

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