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  • Ben Hansen

    @jjj just thought i’d ping you since nobody followed up on this one and he was still asking questions.



    rhetorical questions…
    Did you try it?
    Is the hook I mentioned also in that template?


    In reply to: Notification

    Brajesh Singh

    Hi Christian,
    in case of limited no. of trusted users, we can add the capability ‘bp_moderate’. Still, I will say it is a flawed approach and insecure. Please do not try that.

    Can you please let me the answers of the following questions and may be I can put some code:-

    1. By notice, do you want to show the users who created this notice?
    2. I assume there can be more than one notice at a time?
    3. Should all users be mailed on notice(also a local notification be generated for each user)
    4. Is there anything else you want to be part of this notice feature?


    Hey @ubernaut. All thoughtful consideration is appreciated and encouraged, but your “doesn’t currently exist in buddypress” response was neither, considering @skyrant appeared to already frustrated by BuddyPress not performing to his expectations.

    It was also inaccurate, as functions like bp_current_user_can() exist explicitly to enable developers to extend this functionality. If skyrant is unable to make it work, more open-ended questions about the approach will help us figure out what’s not working correctly, be it on his/her end or ours.

    And this…

    please let me know if you feel like my participation is no longer desired around here

    This isn’t the case, and if it ever was to be, never let that stop you anyways. We are all trying to build cool things and improve the world through better open-source community software. It’s inclusive at it’s core. Only twice in eight years have we excluded anyone because of clearly malicious abuse of other members, and it still bothers me to have needed to do so.



    @giuseppecuttone no, you do not need to donate any money to get responses – as you know by now. Please be aware that we are all volunteers living in different time zones.

    Please start a new topic if you have questions relating to BuddyPress. Closing this topic. Thanks.


    We’re looking to improve the invite process for BuddyPress 2.3.

    I’m going to ping @dcavins, as he will be implementing the invite improvements, so he’s aware of this.

    Just to answer your questions:

    Notification in the profile window’s (there are 3 notifications: message (1) – friends (1) – but in GROUPS there is no notification).

    The “Groups > No Pending Invites” nav item is for invites you have requested. Not invites that are pending for the entire group.

    The user (A) has posted in a group wall’s and the user (B) has done a comment.
    The user (A) hasn’t received notification neither admin toolbar or administration profile windows.

    Currently, notifications do not occur for activity comments. We’ll likely add this enhancement into core eventually, but for now, you’ll have to use a plugin for this:

    BuddyPress Activity Comment Notifier

    The user (A) has opened a forum in a grup. The user (B) has done a comment.
    The user (A) has received notification in the administratio toolbar. But when the user (A) has done a comment the user (B) don’t has received the notification.

    How did user A reply to user B? On the group activity homepage or on the actual group forum topic? If user A replied on the group forum topic, then this sounds like an issue with bbPress, not BuddyPress.


    @r-a-y This is definitely only happening on Atahualpa, the problem is the moderators and users on the themes forum do not like to reply even though it has been read 70 times since i posted it and was approved by one of them, they have big bold writing at the top of the forum stating they will only answer questions off gold members who have donated more than 20 dollars.

    If you have ever used this theme you will know it does things a little differently than other themes, dont get me wrong im all up for donating when i know the theme im working on is actually up to the job i need it to do for my current project, i don’t expect everything for free and have bought quite a few themes in the past etc and will donate once i know im going to actually use this theme for my final version. I mean this is more of a bug is it not? So to ignore a bug report rather than treat it as a question without giving an answer for all of its users and not just donators, i mean at least confirmation this bug will be addressed in another update would be welcomed, especially if its offered free on wordpress for download you would think they would give my post some acknowledgement at least. any-hows im not ranting on about how they operate their forums here lol and the moderators have helped alot of users over the years there as far as i can see , im more concerned about how i could fix this issue myself.

    good idea but the problem with ata is it doesn’t even have a page.php im not sure if it uses index.php though, i will have a mess around with this idea, is anyone else familiar with this theme that could help me troubleshoot this?


    Well, I kept searching and found the solution to my problem. Check out this post on StackExchange:

    It worked like a charm for me.


    Since BuddyBoss is a premium theme, your purchase entitles you to paid support.
    So you’re better off asking those questions on the BuddyBoss support system.

    Henry Wright

    Hi @pahroblem

    Try asking bbPress-related questions over at bbPress:


    Hey guys, this is Michael from BuddyBoss.

    Thanks for the kind words 🙂


    Can you please share a link?

    The next theme will be available later this month, so check back at every so often and you’ll see it advertised there. It is an entirely new concept.

    If you really want to play with it now, send an email to support at buddyboss dot com asking to be a beta tester, and I’ll let you in.


    do you know how to contact the Buddyboss people for pre-sales queries?

    Here I am, ask away 🙂

    They seem to have no open forum

    True, we used to have an open forum, but we had too many spam signups and closed it to customers only.

    I submitted some queries via their contact form – and got no reply from them – its 4 days.

    Sorry to hear. We are usually faster, but may have been slower due to the holiday season. What email did you send from? (you can PM me this if you prefer)

    I visited the Buddyboss demo but it does not show how standard Blog post…

    Here is a sample blog post:

    Front-end posting…

    We are going to build a plugin for front-end blog posting. In general we prefer to put big features in plugins rather than themes, so they can work with any theme. Then we style that functionality in our themes so it looks really nice.

    Do the Buddyboss people frequent this forum ? If they do and answered such queries it would be a good sign indeed.

    I check out forums pretty frequently and answer questions 🙂


    I found that most buddypress responsive themes are based on bootstrap – and since rtmedia loads a lot of bootstrap, and font awesome stuff, things would break when I put them together..

    Agreed, bootstrap bloats stuff and causes problems. BuddyBoss themes (current and future) are just CSS and media queries. We’re not using bootstrap.


    Without knowing everything exactly the way you envision, from reading:

    4 different categories where different Contributors can write new posts and interact with the Participants in the forum (better way to comment and reply to questions using the forum, than WordPress’s commenting system). These Contributors, however, must have their own public profile and allow for Participants to subscribe to their posts. So far, I’ve used different plugins:

    I think if you drop buddypress… do a WP MultiSite install – with 4 sub blogs… look into creating “author pages” – not all themes do that well out of the box… a simple subscribe to blog plugin for each of the 4 blogs.. I think you can install bbpress and mix it with each sub blog – but I have not messed with bbpress in a while, so not sure the best way to connect that.. I think you can enable to the bbpress “sitewide” then each individual sub blog author and enable it or something.. then code that into the sidebar if each blog.. that would do everything you have said I think.. maybe that will get you in the direction you are trying to go.

    I suggest searching the wp plugin repo for plugins that are “multi site” enhancements.. look into “author pages” in the codex, and search for themes that have special author pages to make experimenting easier..


    hi @xuanling,

    there is no forum in BuddyPress. You can use bbPress if you want group forums or a general forum.

    Answers to your other questions are here:

    Configure BuddyPress

    Installing Group and Sitewide Forums


    Questions regarding a third party plugin should be asked on that plugin support forum.

    Subsidiary question to you: how can a code snippet or WP know the difference between the mystery man picture and your grand’ma picture ?

    As you know, WP uses Gravatar and some other services. You can deactivate the mystery man to use one of them in replacement. At least a more colorfull alternative, even if it’s not the answer you expect. 😉


    In reply to: Activity Issue


    one of the silliest questions you’d ever heard.

    Not even close 🙂
    But not really answerable unless you at least provide an url where the theme is being used.
    Providing a test user / pw is also recommended.

    Henry Wright

    Hi @jgob

    These questions are not related to BP specifically, rather, they apply to WordPress generally. Whilst the guys here may be able to help, you may have more joy asking over at


    Hi@mmaccou the issue is related to trigger(content) used in js only as far as i remember may be this thread comes handy for you,btw which version of buddypress and wordpress you are using i hope its latest one.


    Ok, you’re in an intense learning stage ! 😉 But i’m affraid i can’t help you to do this.

    – the theme used on this support is a custom work and doesn’t exist for public.
    – for other questions, yes, it is better to ask one question by topic.
    – googling around “wordpress toolbar tricks, customization” bring very helpfull result. But if php is not your cup of tea, i would recommend you to not try to modifiate it.

    Rome wasn’t made in one day.
    Reading this forum is a good starting point to learn how BP work’s.


    You’re welcome !
    bbPress and BuddyPress are TWO separate plugin, and you’re here on the BuddyPress support. 😉

    If you have questions related to bbP, please visit their support for better chance to get the right answer.

    As it is a bit unclear what you’re doing with buddypress for the moment, see here about vbulletin import into bbPress.


    In reply to: Spam/Bot users


    Best thing I did to limit spam bot users is adding the free wordpress plugin “good question” – but change the defaults questions and answers.

    I also reccomend si captcha plugin, and limit login attempts.

    I always change the default settings on limit login attempts to be more strict than default.

    I also add whitelist ip plugin for limit login attempts so I don’t lock myself out – lol.


    AHA! @nscycwa that was it! I’m going to name my first plug-in after you.

    I’m sure both solutions had the same issue – the field incorrectly set up for URL instead of text.

    I’m going to do a separate post for the sake of posterity with both code snippet solutions and some basic instructions.

    Best practices questions:

    1. If one would like to be able to change themes easily, the ideal is to use the bp-custom.php snippet in the plugins folder, but the images should also live independently of the theme folder, no? Where is the ideal location for those? An “images” folder in “themes”?

    2. The actual data that fills out that field in an extended profile can be either a full URL ( or it can be just the account and the URL is part of the code (user just inputs sandyfischler). I’m thinking that for my older user base, it would be easier for them to just copy/paste a full URL. Any one have experience one way or another?



    Thanks for your response. This post wasn’t prompted by any of my threads. I have been lucky to have most of my questions answered quickly and clearly, and @tecca has been extremely helpful with my @mentions question.

    It was other users’ threads that prompted this post. It wasn’t meant as an attack, just constructive criticism based on what I’ve noticed as someone who is new to web development.


    bp_activity_screen_favorites() loads that screen.

    Try using: bp_activity_get_user_favorites()

    Looking thru the source code will answer these kinds of questions.

    Hugo Ashmore

    @zorro1965 Please search the forum , there have been many posts on the subject over the years that should help you. Open a separate thread if you have particular questions on the subject – this thread is informational really.

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