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  • #184210

    Got it 🙂

    All you need is the value of the checkbox.
    <input id="nieuwsbrief" type="checkbox" value="newsletter"
    You can find/set this value in the users –> profile fields page

    Then just set the value of $newsletter to ‘newsletter’ when the box is checked or any other value if it’s not and use:
    $meta_update = xprofile_set_field_data( '<em>name or id of field</em>', $user_id, $newsletter);

    Glad to answer any questions


    SEO best practices are more marketings philosophy questions before technical solutions.
    By default WP/BP display correctly their content. Some learning about permalinks and tags usage would be good starters for a correct ranking and site search.

    Good SEOing is a full time job and using a plugin to achieve this job is not the solution, but only an easier way to handle some parts.

    That said, the most popular SEO plugin for WP/BP is probably Yoast. Googling about this produces many answers and good advices.


    i found some plugins that MAY do this: answer/questions

    The Top 6 Question and Answer WordPress Plugins

    However, if I used these plugins, how easy do they integrate with buddypress?
    Can I customize to show these pages, and for users to have a default link to ‘create a question’ ?

    I mean, if they have ‘create post’ like a normal wordpress blog, then buying/using a question/answer plugin is kinda useless as most wont be able to find the link to it – and will automatically create a post instead.
    Also, how would i know if it looks good or this plugin will integrate with BP?

    For example, would it show up as a sidebar saying recent questions like recent posts etc?

    Otherwise if it doesn’t integrate with BP then there’s no point using BP if it has a question and answer section that acts normally as wordpress anyway.

    If so, what are teh benefits of using BP AND a question/answer plugin?
    one eg i think of is, users can private message eachotehr when someone posts a question



    Hi, i’m using buddypress 2.01 on wordperss 3.9.1 multisite

    Sorry that you’re having this issue. Some questions

    Did you activate BuddyPress Network-wide? Or did you just activate it in one site => main site or in subsite only using define ( 'BP_ROOT_BLOG', xx ); in your wp-config.php file?


    cliff notes on these questions:

    • Why does the <select> options for birthdays reset when reg form is submitted with errors
    • Is there a conditional check available on registration load to see if form is being re-rendered due to errors.



    Small update with regards to bluehost. I have been exchanging emails with them regarding this email. For your reading enjoyment.

    First Bluehost tries to accuse me of spamming

    Hi, it appears your emails have been reported by multiple providers
    (such as yahoo or comcast) as containing spam, this in turn has flagged
    our outbound email filter. We have removed your domain from the filter
    for now. To prevent this, I would advise the following:

    If you are sending email via email lists or a third party ad vendor:

    BE sure you are not using any purchased lists

    Be sure 100% sure the emails you are sending to are emails that those
    people want to receive

    Be sure you are using a double opt in when adding to your email lists

    Be sure you are not sending to ANY spam traps- a spam trap is created by
    multiple providers, it is an email that is never given out and found
    only in source code. If a spam trap receives an email from a domain,
    this is a clear indication that domain is using an email list that was
    not created by people opting in, which is against the terms of service
    and is considered spam.

    Further more, be sure you are following our complete terms of service
    concerning Sending email:

    We do not allow the sending of unsolicited mass emails to others. We
    have zero tolerance for accounts which contain material that has been
    promoted through unsolicited email (spam) or mail fraud schemes, or
    which contain pages that promote or condone the sending of unsolicited

    All emails sent from our servers or sent from another server that
    advertise a site that is hosted on our servers are required to stay
    within these rules:

    (1.) You are required to follow all rules in the Can Spam Act
    (additional information at:

    (2.) No purchased lists. Everyone that you send emails to MUST HAVE
    CONTACTED YOU DIRECTLY and asked for the information you are sending.
    Affiliate opt-ins are not a valid method of opt in.

    (3.) The list must be double opt in. This means that the recipient must
    request to be added, and then you must send an email asking them to
    confirm the request.

    (4.) You must have an automated opt out link; Email based opt out
    (mailto: links) are not acceptable.

    Quoting from the above link:

    Please see our Terms of Service at and for additional

    If you are sending email individually:

    Change all email passwords and check all devices/computers for any virus
    or malware

    Confirm with everyone that uses email from your domain that they are
    following the spam rules as stated above

    If you are sending email through a script or a contact
    form/tell-a-friend script:

    Be sure you have or add a captcha feature on all contact forms or
    tell-a-friend scripts

    Check your websites content for any malicious or suspecious files that
    should not be there

    Update all your Websites scripts including themes and plugins

    Once you are have confirmed you are following or now applying all of the
    above information, you will need to wait for your domains reputation to
    become clear. We have no time frame on how long this takes as our
    outbound filter relies on information from other providers to determine

    In cases of a compromised script/email:

    Change all your passwords to your emails

    Update all your email scripts

    Check for malicious files hidden within your sites

    Secure all devices that access your account.

    We hope this information helps you.”


    If you have any other questions please reply to this ticket, chat us, or call our technical support line which is open 24/7.

    My response to the bluehost response above

    I send no emails from this account. I don’t have any email accounts
    associated with this domain. I only use one email forwarder to send any
    email sent to so I am not really sure any of
    your analysis below holds any ground. Please provide any information to
    back up your summary? What email account was sending messages?

    There is a bigger issue at hand here. Look at the buddypress FAQ. Why
    do you think that out of every web host they only call out bluehost?

    Your resolution was the same resolution that was put in place a month
    ago. How do I prevent my account from getting flagged again? Please
    find out what it is about buddypress that is causing bluehost to
    incorrectly flag accounts as spam accounts.

    Bluehost continues to stick to the assumption that my account is spamming

    Thank you for contacting Technical Support. We understand that sending out emails is vital to any business. Since you are on a shared server, all email you send out uses shared mail servers. Our filter system is in place to prevent our mail servers IP from becoming blacklisted by third party companies. When this occurs, it will block the ability of all of our customer accounts to send out emails. The process then becomes long and complicated once it has been flagged. In order to prevent this we have put in place several services to prevent this from happening.

    We don’t solely check blacklisting services to see if a domain and or IP address is being blacklisted. One of the spam prevention tools that we have in place relies on reports from other email and internet service providers; such as yahoo, comcast, broadband and others. The reports were generated by those who receive the emails and are marking them as spam or junk. We do not have the ability to view who specifically flags the email. Due to this, we can only rely on the reports from these major providers that report them to us. As we do not have control as to if they flag it or not, we cant control if your domain gets listed or not.

    I would recommend checking through the lists that you send out and remove any email addresses that you get bounces from. You can then remove that email address from your list. Over time people may forget that they had signed up for your list and are simply marking your messages as spam/junk. It might be a good idea to email your list and have them opt-in again to your list. You can then remove those that do not opt-in to ensure that that those on the list are legitimate.

    If you have any other questions please reply to this ticket, chat us, or call our technical support line which is open 24/7.

    My response

    I don’t think you are reading my email responses. I do not send emails
    from any account on this domain. The only emails that are sent are
    registration activation emails. How is my domain getting black listed
    if I am not sending emails?

    Their response. Apparently my email forwarder to my own account is also somehow sending spam email to other people and buddypress is responsible for spam.


    You send e-mail via buddypress, you also send mail via the forwarder. These both contribute to the blacklist you’ve now been added to.

    My response. I request information on what about the activation emails is causing my site to get blacklisted

    I have only received one email via the forwarder and that wouldn’t put me
    on a black list. Therefore the activation emails must be what is putting
    me on the blacklist WordPress installations get registration spam all the
    time but they do not get the sites blacklisted. What is it about
    buddypress that is triggering the blacklist?

    Their response. It is top secret.


    We release no specifics on the exact criteria incorporated to flag the contents of e-mail messages to prevent our filters from being defeated. Generally, quantity of messages sent, specific reports of spam e-mail from third parties, internal links or keywords associated with known mass mailing agencies, or a combination of all of the above can lead to the domain’s reputation being reduced to the extent that it requires intervention.

    My final response tonight

    Very well,

    The net sum is I do not send email from this account. The only email sent is activation emails sent by wordpress/buddypress. I have had the typical spam troubles dealing with fake registrations from spammers and I assume those spam registrations are flagging the spam filter. I have never had this issue with wordpress spam activation emails flagging one of my accounts as spam so it is clear that SOMETHING about the buddypress activation emails is to blame (it is the only variable that has changed). This fact is reinforced by the fact that buddypress calls out’s failure to address this email in their FAQ

    [quote]BuddyPress isn’t sending out emails (eg. activation emails, email notifications). This appears to be a problem with certain web hosts (Bluehost primarily). Members of the BP community have had success using]/quote]

    I have provided a copy of the activation emails my account is sending on my previous ticket for analysis. I have changed nothing to the default buddypress activation emails.

    Please invest some time in identifying why this very popular wordpress plugin is triggering spam filtering by bluehost email. I am happy to make any modifications to my code to resolve this issue and I am sure the buddypress community would love to remove this section from their FAQ. I appreciate your support addressing this issue. Thank you for your continued support with this issue. I have invested a lot of time and effort into this project and I would hate to see it die because bluehost continues to flag my account incorrectly due to an error in the spam filtering software on bluehost’s end. Thank you.


    I resolved this issue, but another remains:

    Yesterday, I was getting frustrated with the bbPress (a forum plugin for WordPress), because when I’d have a private forum, instead of it just being an attribute, it prepended ‘Private: ‘ before every forum.

    In my attempt to resolve this issue, I found a similar thing to what JSHelp referenced in this Stack Overflow Post: a code that would be located in the theme’s (my theme was Twenty-Fourteen) functions.php file.

    My attempt to resolve THAT issue, led to THIS issue (where we have HTML code being converted to non-code text on the buddyPress profile page).

    On removing the code from function.php, the issue fixed itself.

    However, I am unsure why these two interact in the way that they do, below is the code I added and later commented out:

    function the_title_trim($title) {
    	// Might aswell make use of this function to escape attributes
    	$title = attribute_escape($title);
    	// What to find in the title
    	$findthese = array(
    		'#Protected:#', // # is just the delimeter
    	// What to replace it with
    	$replacewith = array(
    		'', // What to replace protected with
    		'' // What to replace private with
    	// Items replace by array key
    	$title = preg_replace($findthese, $replacewith, $title);
    	return $title;
    add_filter('the_title', 'the_title_trim');

    Thanks. I still don’t see anything related to how to get help with my account on this support forum. That’s the point i feel like i’m not getting across, i do not see a subforum for questions related to this website,


    Ok. The problem i’m having is that i would like to change my avatar. But when i try to, i am told i have to create a Gravatar account. When i try to do this, i run into a bunch of problems. The reason i didn’t start out by describing my problem in more detail is because i don’t see a place to post this kind of inquiry. This is not about BuddyPress, this is about my accounts at, trying to understand how this relates to my account at, and how this all relates to Gravatar.

    I’m looking for help with this website, not with the software. I was trying to NOT post my question in an inappropriate place. If there is an appropriate place to post this kind of question, all i am asking is where that is.

    Thank you.


    @antimuffin – I tried duplicating this, but can’t.
    I have a few other questions:

    • Are you using a different language other than en_US for your WordPress install?
    • Are you using any email plugins? Specifically, are you using a plugin that converts the plain-text email over to HTML? If so, this might be where the problem lies.
    • How did you access the activation email? Webmail? Email client?
    • What is the default character encoding in your email client? Mine is Unicode. I tried converting the character encoding over to Western (ISO-8859-1) and Western (Windows-1252) and couldn’t duplicate the problem. Note that this is for the default plain-text activation email. How are you converting the email over to ANSI?

    Any other feedback would be useful.


    Hi Henry, here is the contents of that window:

    Request URL:
    Request Method: POST
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    Sent Cookie
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    Connection: Keep-Alive
    Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0

    About your other questions, it is a total custom theme, but I haven’t made any changes to it for weeks and this problem just cropped up a couple of days ago. I know for sure it just started because I use that load more all day.

    It’s difficult for me to answer the question about whether it happens in the default theme because I don’t want to change my live site because people are using it, and when I create a staging site, the load more button works in the current theme. I cannot understand why the problem only exists on the live site and not the staging site. I am creating the staging site when I am seeing the issue, it only takes a couple of minutes to create it, it’s on the same server, but the load more button works there.

    Thanks again for your help.

    Henry Wright

    Hi @amckinnell

    When I click that link a window comes up with a bunch of info in it, but none of it looks like errors

    What is the info you’re seeing in the console?

    Just a few more questions – have you made any changes to your theme? And does the load more button work when you use a theme such as Twenty Thirteen?


    Something I test with WangGuard:

    I set some WangGuard questions. Once these questions are answered, I could see wrong/right statistics in configuration page. But after robots registered, no information update.

    So maybe the robots can avoid register on the sign up page. That is beyond my knowledge.


    BP, bbP or WP user are all registered in the same DB table: wp_users

    I’ve never actually found a link that goes to the old bbPress profiles

    You expect something other ? And if they don’t exist, they cannot redirect.

    If you havee other questions about bbp/bp forum, read here first. 🙂


    Hi @julianprice,

    Your proposal is respectable, but unfortunately I do not think it will have a big impact on visitors to this forum. Most of them just ask for help, not for explanations and certainly not to take lessons! The explanations are (mostly) on Codex (thxs @mercime, @hnla) and the plasters for big and little sores are (sometimes, thxs contributors) on the forum.

    I reply to your message because this is the second time you propose this type of approach and this is obviously a topic that you would like to heart. But this is about you, your views and your motivation. In front you have a diverse audience, ranging from amateur to pro, between noobs and specialists, from many different countries, with very different mentalities and very different social behaviors. And as you can see by browsing the forum, topics are usually short, sometimes poorly worded and often unanswered. Hard to read ? No, it is only the BP audience in his whole variety !

    The reasons are multiple, irrespective of audience: lack of product knowledge, panic facing an unidentified problem and therefore inability to articulate, language barrier, and much more serious, lack of time, real or perceived problem, given to the treatment of a case. We are in 2014 and on the Internet, where each ms. count !

    As already said, the helpers community is small, very small compared to buddypress downloads ! Personally I would have difficulty establishing a Helpers Top 50, despite my six years of attendance in this forum.

    Anyway, all of this is common to any support forum, at least I observed. This support forum is not a discussion forum, is not a course forum, is not a philosophy forum. And IMO, it is allright so.

    You want to educate ? Ok ! But does the BP audience want to learn ?
    Learning is a complex process, on an individdual and collective point of view.
    Learning suppose some basics, such as a thematic unicity, volonty, curiosity, motivation and, at least, a handfull of humility.

    Educating. Wow ! There is so much to say about that… Ok. Let us talk about educating over BuddyPress… What part we address first ? PHP ? HTML ? CSS ? MySql ? Server administration ? SEO ? Usage ? BP is only a shell, not a unic thematic like a math course.
    Ideally, educating needs some talents, a robust knowledge of a subject, a natural disposition to teach and a lot of time and disponibility without any guarantee of results. You certainly need also a good dose of self-denial and a large space behind you to be able to step back in any circumstance. And a handfull of humility. Too !

    Now, let us consider John Doe. The supposed to be educated user.

    The majority struggles when asking for help to strangers. Asking a question on a forum is more like a message in a bottle as a grammatical demand between four eyes to your English teacher. How many people read only on forums but never ask anything because of this feeling?
    And which attitude to adopt when we receive a response, good or bad? Must we say thank you if the help doesn’t match our goal? Should we rephrase with the risk to be considered as a profiteer? Should we hook in a topic believed to be identical to our problem and already written (time spare is time spare!!!) or open a new tread? This are so commonly questions, that the world wide forumers needed to create from scratch a web specific phenomenon: the troll!

    Askink for help under these conditions and with such uncertain issues is not easy at all.
    Receiving any kind of answer is not easy, too.
    Receiving a circonstanciated answer, with various explanation, examples, links and tutti quanti, from an unknowed person, personally, voluntarily and without consideration, is very very stressfull and really difficult to accept. Take a minute to consider this point, because we are all, and all over the world, habituate to handle such a situation with money, not (no more or not yet) with our felling. Consider also that we are all dependent and in varying degrees of mood, touchy, selfish, proud. This is more or less our daily reality who, when on a forum page, we opposite to a disembodied screen readed text. It’s very unnatural, no ? And so difficult to digest for any normally constituted human for sure ! Affect against computer. EOL.

    Do you really want to <i>Educate the General Public</i> about BuddyPress ? Do you want to proselytize or advertize ? Create a dedicated site, do your stuff, and maybe with a few chance, great patience and a lot of perseverance, you will come to aggregate in a few years a cute pretty lttle buddypresser community.

    Dan. Paris. France.


    sem101 – I use two plugins that ask questions before signup

    Buddypress Humanity
    Good Question

    This prevents most of the bot sign ups that we plaguing us for some time with those group creators.

    This does not stop the manual spam signups, so we have delete a few accounts each week, but it has prevented the tons that we were dealing with before.

    We used to have good luck with /bp-registration-options/

    but we started having some issues around bp1.7 I think. Other people say it works now ( ) – but I don’t have time to play with half baked / half working solutions. Your experience with it may be fine.

    We do not use si captcha any longer as we had issues with some multisite problems. I do think it slowed down some of the spammers, and certainly cost them time and a little money to get around it – so it’s cool.

    I use one of the blog defaults type plugins to auto set new blogs/(sites) to have settings like ‘users must be logged in to comment’ – and “discourage search engines from indexing” – this has helped a bunch for us.

    Of course the manual spammers will still need to be manually deleted – you will never stop the manual spammers, if you did, then you would stop regular people from signing up. Unless of course you went for one of those “invite only” buddypress setups.

    I recently donated to a plugin author to create a new plugin that allows superadmins to force certain settings on sub-site/sub-blog users.. like forcing only allowing registered / logged in users to comment. That plugin is working, but it is not quite polished enough for wp repository release I think – but that is another kind of spam blocking issue.

    Hope these tips help you, they have made a huge difference for me.

    arg – tried to post a reply and I think it got akistmetted for having two links…
    /wonders why they do not whitelist links to wordpress org / buddypress org here for that setting somehow.. sheesh


    sem101 – I use two plugins that ask questions before signup

    Buddypress Humanity
    Good Question

    This prevents most of the bot sign ups that we plaguing us for some time with those group creators.

    This does not stop the manual spam signups, so we have delete a few accounts each week, but it has prevented the tons that we were dealing with before.

    We used to have good luck with

    but we started having some issues around bp1.7 I think. Other people say it works now ( ) – but I don’t have time to play with half baked / half working solutions. Your experience with it may be fine.

    We do not use si captcha any longer as we had issues with some multisite problems. I do think it slowed down some of the spammers, and certainly cost them time and a little money to get around it – so it’s cool.

    I use one of the blog defaults type plugins to auto set new blogs/(sites) to have settings like ‘users must be logged in to comment’ – and “discourage search engines from indexing” – this has helped a bunch for us.

    Of course the manual spammers will still need to be manually deleted – you will never stop the manual spammers, if you did, then you would stop regular people from signing up. Unless of course you went for one of those “invite only” buddypress setups.

    I recently donated to a plugin author to create a new plugin that allows superadmins to force certain settings on sub-site/sub-blog users.. like forcing only allowing registered / logged in users to comment. That plugin is working, but it is not quite polished enough for wp repository release I think – but that is another kind of spam blocking issue.

    Hope these tips help you, they have made a huge difference for me.


    Thanks for your reply Naijaping,

    And where do I costumize it? cpanel or zo? I have a BP compatible theme, looks very good, but the BP area looks nothing like on the demo’s on youtube or site of other BP-users. Questions are not complete, not neat and some questions don’t give the possiblities to answer. And the layout is not smooth, but full of lines.


    Hi agin Thank u & sorry for my late response.

    & @bphelp this is the feuters that I want:
    1- Users can upload their resume.
    2- Users can find jobs, people and business opportunities recommended by other users.
    3- Employers can list jobs and search for potential candidates.
    4- Job seekers can review the profile of hiring managers and discover which of their existing contacts can introduce them.
    5- Users can post their own photos and view photos of others to aid in identification.
    6- Users can follow different companies and can receive notifications about the new joining and offers available.
    7- Users can save (bookmark) jobs that they would like to apply for.
    8- Users can “like” and “congratulate” each other’s updates and new employments.
    9- Users can see who has visited their profile page.
    10- Questions & Answers
    11- Advertisments (for admin a.k.a me)
    12- Job listings
    13- “Apply with” button
    14- “Saved Jobs” button
    15- Users can endorse each other’s skills.
    16- Influencers (like the one in the linkedIn)
    thx u all


    @imath thank you very much for your attention to my questions and your patience. I did everything you said, but this problem is still exist. Unfortunately, I have no more time to work with my site in that way. And I will wait for BP 2.1. I believe it will solve all these problems. Thanks a lot and good luck!

    Boone Gorges

    Very weird. More questions, off the top of my head:

    – Logins are generally working correctly, right? Like, the toolbar shows you as logged in?
    – Assuming yes, are you seeing the proper admin-related items in the toolbar when logged in? Eg, are you seeing the “+” dropdown for adding new posts, and the Edit Post button when looking at a post? If so, then WP is definitely recognizing you as an Administrator
    – Are you running any other plugins that do anything related to the current issue? Such as: a plugin that keeps certain users from accessing the dashboard? Or a plugin that lets you modify roles to have custom capabilities?

    Once you get file-level access, it’ll be helpful if you can do a stack trace to get a clearer sense of what’s happening. Let me know if you need help doing that.


    Questions and installations like this are becoming more common, and we have a loose plan on how to include provisions for this into BuddyPress core. Right now, you’ll end up needing a few extra plugins (and a little bit of on the job education) to make both WordPress and BuddyPress play exactly the way you need them to, but rest assured that both WP and BP do have the ability baked in to manipulate where things live and how they work together.

    A few plugins to investigate:

    • WP Multi Network
    • BP Multi Network

    They’ll let you have disparate BuddyPress networks rotating around one central user-base and logins. From there, you can see how these plugins work, and tweak your integration to suit your needs.

    Also happy to try and guide you further as you need more specific code snippets to solve specific problems.


    Wordpress said “100% compatible according to author” prior to installing the update. I’d really rather not repeat myself or be asked dumb questions. Any valuable, productive advice is welcome. I need these bugs fixed or would be happy with instructions on how to install the prior working version of Buddypress and get out of Beta mode. I would not have installed if the author had not said 100% compatible. Need help from others willing to help and not waste time criticizing. Thanks.


    In reply to: Stop BuddyPress SPAM

    Halo Diehard

    I just installed WangGuard today on a new site I’m setting up that’s been getting slammed with several an hour, and it stopped the new faker registrations immediately. Also, I’ve been using Pie Register for a couple years on another site, and that alone has done a great job of keeping most spammer registrations out, so I put it on the new site, too. I didn’t have Akismet or anything on my other site, just Pie Registration and I was pasting a bunch of IP’s and certain words in the Settings > Discussion > Comment Blacklist, and no spam.

    Pie Register has the best Captcha I’ve seen in the plugins, but what I really like is you can program random questions that the user has to put the right answer in, and that’s fun. I choose stuff that is relevant to my sites, and amusing. I was really glad it works with BuddyPress!

    And I’m not affiliated with either of the above plugins, either, just another site owner who knows what it’s like trying to track down help.

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