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Search Results for 'questions'

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  • Roger Coathup

    @murasaki — it seems this thread is getting hijacked. If you need further help / specific questions on the feedback above, it may be best to open a new thread


    @sindbad_chen might be a theme issue. Change to bp-default theme.

    Roger Coathup

    Members don’t show in the members directory until they’ve logged in to the site. After they’ve logged in for the first time, you will start seeing them in the directory.

    I suggest you ask your other questions about confirmation links as a separate thread, or they will likely be missed by forum visitors.


    I have just tried to install BuddyPress on my WP version 3.4.1 and using the salutation theme.
    On click Finish and I get the below error:
    Warning: Illegal offset type in D:AppServwwwwordpresswp-contentpluginsbuddypressbp-coreadminbp-core-update.php on line 642.
    Any ideas / suggestions ?

    Roger Coathup

    For questions 2 and 3 — yes, you can customise these aspects of your site — there are many ways of doing it, and to some extent it depends on the approach you take to developing your site’s theme.

    You can remove tabs, and add new tabs through the BuddyPress API
    You can also remove them by developing your own custom template files (and similarly for the avatar sizes)

    If you look on the showcase tab on this site, or visit for more up to date examples, you can get a feel for what you can achieve based on BuddyPress.

    Much the same as a WordPress site doesn’t have to follow the basic blog structure, similarly a BuddyPress site doesn’t have to follow the generic bp-default theme structure and UX.

    Roger Coathup

    @frank13 — unfortunately those standard forum features aren’t available on this site, so it’s very difficult to track anything, and questions often get re-asked, and re-answered.

    Not sure why the site hasn’t been updated to use e.g. the bbPress plugin @johnjamesjacoby

    Roger Coathup

    It’s sounds you need a developer to work on your general site build, rather than having specific BuddyPress questions.

    You can hire a developer by posting here:
    You can also try posting on the jobs board on this site:


    I’m also having this same issue.

    On a fresh install, ( post comments are indeed logged into the activity stream.

    But on my main sites, (, post comments aren’t logged in the activity stream. Not even after reverting to Default theme and disabling all plugins, and even updating to the most recent BuddyPress. Not sure what it could be…

    I don’t know what @r-a-y means by “setting my activity stream filter”. I’ve looked around a bit and not found a whole lot on this specific issue; This Thread seems to have a bit of good material but I think I’m in over my head a bit.

    Any help? Or, anyone having the same problem?

    Thanks much,

    Roger Coathup

    Did this work on your test / development site? Have you run through all of the questions / checks Paul has given you to the letter – when it comes to BuddyPress, he knows what he’s talking about.

    Ok, my suggested further steps for how you can ascertain information that will help you find the problem on your site:

    1. Turn off all your plugins — not just those you think could interfere — just leaving BuddyPress activated
    2. Switch to the bp-default theme
    3. And to be extra safe — remove your bp-custom.php file

    [You’ll probably want to do this on a mirror development environment, if you’ve already taken the site live]

    If emails don’t work in this basic BuddyPress install, you know it is a problem with your hosting, general email setup or installation.

    If emails do work, you know it is a problem in either your theme or your plugins. Try adding them back one by one, and test at each stage.


    Wow so many question and not a light on the horizon.

    * Host: Hostgator
    * Everything else works on the site
    * All set up is correct after transfer
    * I disabled all plugins that could interfere
    * How do we create user account??? er…by clicking on create an account!
    * No nothing exotic. Just basic buddypress and buddypress registration system.
    * And yes that was a stupid question but i can check again for the email in the db.

    Soooo…any other questions or may be an advice would be welcome?

    I told you if you want the URL you are welcome to check it. My host is working on it at the moment but we are nowhere yet.



    In reply to: comments page refresh

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    If you want to customise the twentyten theme, you are best to post on the forums for support. This forum is for BuddyPress-specific questions.



    Thanks for the update. And yes, I want to to do the second option. My website does not have much activity. The activity stream is used almost like a forum where people post questions or leave comments. However, when someone posts a question, none of the members ever know. So the questions go unanswered. I will look into the action hooks that you mentioned. Are there any tutorials on how to use action hooks?

    Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction.



    If you are sure they are not going into the recipient’s junk or spam filter then the following page might help:


    In reply to: Plugin Question


    Someone must know the answer to these questions. I would much appreciate it.


    Hugo Ashmore

    actually didn’t take it as criticism, it’s just a difficult area support forums for OS apps are run by volunteers, the ones that can answer questions effectively are more than often working pros so haven’t that much time for in depth help.

    There are a few private forums or sites dedicated to BP you could try buddydev or bp-tricks? but not sure of the level of support those can offer.


    I do understand what you mean. I felt my comment could easily be taken as a criticism, but that’s not my intent. There are definitely a lot of posts with crazy B.S. questions here, which deserve nothing more than a cursory response. By moderation I just mean dedicated and detailed responses to legit questions. It’s been frustrating for me, as I’ve received more of a response and detailed help from my Facebook friends than from the BP forums.

    Again, I truly don’t mean this rudely. If I was a volunteer moderator here and had to wade through all these threads, it would be impossible to offer the level of support I’m talking about. I’m just pointing out that I think there’s a market for higher end support. Does such a thing not exist?

    It’s true that a forum like that would take a lot of management, but it seems to me BP is pretty much the best solution for this type of site. And as soon as you start using BuddyPress, it becomes clear that ongoing support is going to have to be part of the equation. A monthly fee for solid, responsive tech support seems like a very viable opportunity. I’d be happy to help facilitate that if there’s anyone that agrees.

    Hugo Ashmore

    Why do you place this emphasis on moderation? We have approx half a dozen moderators which is more than enough and I’m not sure I see what you require us to be moderating?

    In reality I would say most questions do get answered, however questions along the lines of “I need to do xyz but have no idea how” can tend to receive a perfunctory response if it means that something has to be coded up for them as this forum – obviously – is not a service and manned by volunteers.

    Paying for BP is not an option it’s open source software, maybe someone needs to create a fee paying membership forum where users can expect dedicated help, but that starts to become a full time job for someone – forums take a lot of management and dev time to maintain.


    Mmmh. Thanks for the info. Doesn’t sound so good. BP seems to work well, but not so much the forum. I don’t have anything showing in my activity even though I have started a number of posts.


    The search facility is not working on the site, well it kind of does, but only shows blog entries. what I do is use the tags and get the closest word to your problem and click on it and see what comes up. Of course first ask on the support forum, but I find, on my questions anyway, that only about 20% are answered. On the email notification, again I dont think it works, so to get over this, I will make some comment on a post I am interested in or want to find a problem on. Then when I return to the BP site, I log in and go to my activity page, and that shows all the posts I have being involved with, so I am able to follow it that way.

    There is a few bugs with BP own site, another one is my username is shown as “deleted user”, while my username is B1gft. I posted about it and again they said they have seen a lot of members that had this problem, again they said they knew about it, but again it was not fixed.


    In reply to: n00b confused as $%#*


    um, what? I think your response was intended for someone else. I don’t understand how it applies to my questions.

    Patricia BT

    Hi again

    on the new version, this code is on lines 553-556 of /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-blogs/bp-blogs-template.php

    ` // If this is a subdomain install, set up the site inside the root domain.
    if ( is_subdomain_install() )
    $domain = $blogname . ‘.’ . preg_replace( ‘|^www.|’, ”, $current_site->domain );

    questions are still open,

    – why force on the main domain ? (if we want to have it on a synonym domain)

    – is there any side effect if I simply comment out those lines? (the behaviour mentioned above was due to something else, but still want to know if no problem to comment them out)

    thank you very much in advance :)



    section: BuddyPress isn’t sending out emails (eg. activation emails, email notifications)

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Or, create an achievement with negative points (i.e. how many you want to get rid of). Then award yourself it, then delete the achievement.

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    You have to do this directly in the database. Go into the wp_usermeta table, and look for meta_key of something like ‘dpa_points’ or ‘achievements_points’. Find the user_id that you want to change, and edit the meta_value column.

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