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  • #308631

    I’ve seen many old questions posed about this topic but need current advice. How can I turn off the email and simply validate a user into a multisite buddy press site?



    @patriot06 = i was using nouveau but changed it to legacy and layout changed of course, but posting is now available…looking at peepso – their response to support questions is awesome…they are really involved and even have a plugin for migration from buddypress to peepso. Challenge is there is a cost involved but i think it might be worth it


    I upgraded and now i have huge problems…I understand the need for the forum but I never get any of my questions answered…please HELP!



    I have set in WP Settings>Discussion,

    “Hold a comment in the queue if it contains 1 or more links” – ie. i do not want to allow posting of any EXTERNAL links in post comments and updates on my site.

    However, i DO want to allow INTERNAL links in post comments/ BP updates/ BP replies (without holding/ approval)

    I found a fantastic snippet which does the job perfectly for comments on WP posts & post types here:

    However, BP is still blocking internal links posting – any suggestions on plugins/ snippets to allow internal links but not external links, please?

    thanks very much in anticipation, Vivek



    My users and myself are having a problem where we recieve friend request notifications, and can see the number of friend requests notifcations we have but when we go the the “Requests” page there are no friend requests to be found. The only thing there is a message that says, “No friend requests pending”.

    After some investigation I found that going in and manually changing the name of the user in the extended profile will make that specific user show up in friend requests. This is something that used to happen automatically.

    Is there a fix for this?

    Thanks in advance.

    I will try to answer as many of the Mod questions as I can here:

    Wordpress Version: Version 5.2.3

    Recently upgraded from wordpress version: 5.2.2

    Wordpress was functioning fine before I made this install. So was Buddypress

    Current Version of Buddypress: Version 4.4.0

    Updated Buddypress from Version: 4.3.0

    I have many plugins installed.

    Using BuddyBoss theme



    Every couple of weeks the buddypress forum stops working on I have to “flush” the permalinks and everything is fine.

    I don’t know that it isn’t working until one of our subscribers complain – not a good situation.

    Please try to supply answers to the following questions.

    1. Which version of WordPress are you running?

    Wordpress 5.2.2

    2. Did you install WordPress as a directory or subdomain install?
    It is an add-on domain at SiteGround

    3. If a directory install, is it in root or in a subdirectory?

    4. Did you upgrade from a previous version of WordPress? If so, from which version?

    Yes – have upgraded since 4.8 however the issue was occurring then also.

    5. Was WordPress functioning properly before installing/upgrading BuddyPress (BP)? e.g. permalinks, creating a new post, commenting.

    Yes – everything works perfectly.

    6. Which version of BP are you running?


    7. Did you upgraded from a previous version of BP? If so, from which version?

    8. Do you have any plugins other than BuddyPress installed and activated? If so, which ones?
    Yes – a lot of them

    9. Are you using a standard WordPress theme or customized theme?
    Using the Voce theme have a child theme

    10. Which theme do you use ?
    Voce theme –

    11. Have you modified the core files in any way?

    12. Do you have any custom functions in bp-custom.php?

    13. If running bbPress, which version? Or did your BuddyPress install come with a copy of bbPress built-in?

    14. Please provide a list of any errors in your server’s log files.

    No errors

    15. Which company provides your hosting?


    16. Is your server running Windows, or if Linux; Apache, nginx or something else?


    17. Which BP Theme are you using?

    18. Have you overloaded any BuddyPress template files.


    19. Any other site customisations that might have a bearing on the issue?



    Topic: Members Page

    in group forum Installing BuddyPress
    Shane Taylor

    I’m running WP 5.2.2 and the latest version of BuddyPress. Just did a fresh install and checked the settings in the backend.

    I have 2 admins and an author, all 3 of us are listed as spam from the get go when i look at our user profiles in the backend…. so theres that…

    When im on the /members page, it shows ‘Sorry, no members were found’ when looking at ‘Last Active’ sort.

    Same message when viewing ‘Newest Registered’ Sort

    but when i sort by alphabetical, it shows all 3 of us and only shows me as active and the other 2 as never active…. but when i log out and log back in as another user, it shows her as her as active and my acount as never active….

    Am I supposed to register these user accounts? And if so, how do I do it? we’re all marked as spam, and i don’t even see a way to unspam our profiles…

    I’m very new to BuddyPress and I have a feeling I’m going to be asking a lot of questions on this forum…….


    Hello! Thank you!! Now I am working with another server and now if I see the registration page without problems

    What I want to do is the following: I want on my page that the moment a new user registers, it is entered in the fields that in the simple selection questions: A and B (which are profile field of Buddypress), if the person has more than 50% of questions A or questions B, this user will be of a specific type or group (for example: Group A or Group B)

    I was checking online and I think there is little content regarding this

    Thank you!!


    Hello! Thank you!! Now I am working with another server and now if I see the registration page without problems

    What I want to do is the following: I want on my page that the moment a new user registers, it is entered in the fields that in the simple selection questions: A and B (which are profile field of Buddypress), if the person has more than 50% of questions A or questions B, this user will be of a specific type or group (for example: Group A or Group B)


    I cannot duplicate your issue with a WP theme like 2019.

    Here are some basic questions to help you narrow down the issue:

    Did BuddyBoss do their tests on your site or theirs ?

    Are you trying to delete from the front-end or the back-end?
    What kind of group is it – public, private, hidden ?

    Which BP template are you using?

    Did you check your error logs ?

    Have you try deactivating other plugins?

    If you can list the steps to create the issue – be specific and include screenshots – you could open a ticket here. Be sure to reference this thread.


    I apologize in advance if this is not the correct place for my questions, and please direct me to a better place if I have made that mistake.
    I am the head coach for a start-up robotics team. I have created a website for reaching families in my area, and this website may expand to include some tools for team management. I have been searching for the right plug-in(s) to add, and I believe BuddyPress may be a good fit (probably with a companion plug-in or two). I’d like to share my requirements and I solicit your feedback to see if you believe BuddyPress is a good fit.
    1) Practice and competition calendar with attendance options (I am looking at Events Manager for that part)
    2) Ability for me and others to create announcements, and allow replies that are visible to all other team members. (I think this obviously fits posts)
    3) Ability for announcements to be received via email. (This also looks straightforward)
    4) Ability for members to reply to announcements via email (not sure if this is possible)
    5) Ability to control separate “teams” (groups?) with announcements and events to be segregated.
    6) I would like to control membership, so I would add new site members instead of having open registration, but once a person is registered, allow them to control their own profile.

    Thanks in advance for your help.


    In reply to: BuddyPress and bbpress


    You’d be better off asing in the bbPress forums for questions relting to bbPress.



    This is more of a general WordPress query as WordPress manages the user sessions. I’ve had a look and there seems to be a lack of information on how to do this.

    I found these links that may help:

    How prevent multiple login with same login credentials in WordPress ?


    Hello, I am trying again here since no one got back to me.

    I cannot get buddy press to email the activation email upon registration!
    I have tried deactivating all plugins.. no difference.
    Event Manager and WP SMTP Mail both had no problem sending me test emails.

    I tried activating a different theme.. Theme Seventeen as suggested. No difference.

    I have even tried adding the code I found through out other people’s support questions around the same issue. None are making any difference. Adding WP SMPT Mail. No difference.

    I am not a programmer so I could really use some guidance, if you need me to pay to get an answer I will. I NEED HELP.

    Thank you


    >im using geodirectory events plugin

    You cannot ‘marge’ it with another plugin.

    Your questions are specific to the geodirectory events plugin.
    Please direct your questions to the support team for that plugin.


    Those errors are not coming from the BuddyPress plugin.

    They are coming from the buddypress-notifications-manager plugin.
    For example:
    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/global74/public_html/cursos/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-notifications-manager/loader.php:77) in /home/global74/public_html/cursos/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 920

    You should deactivate that plugin and contact the creators of that plugin with your questions.


    Hey forum.

    I have some questions. I have a community site with about 600 users. As I have let another guy run the site over time its all messed up with the design, plugins, etc etc. And now it seems like to big of a job to revert everything step by step. I got lost.

    So I am thinking about deleting everything and build an new interface, new buddypress install, theme etc. BUT, how do I make sure that users, their profile info, forum posts etc not get deleted. I am not fluent in how databases work, what is stored where etc?

    Could any of you Buddypress troopers give me some advice to the steps needed to be taken and waht to be mindful of? Link to any resources etc.

    Any help would be appreciated.



    You’d need to ask in the bbPress forums for a definitive answer as they are the ones best place to answer questions relating to forums –

    However to the best of my knowledge bbPress forums ( as opposed to forums created in BuddyPress groups ) can only be created by site admin, users can’t create them and there is no front end interface to allow users to create forums on their own.

    So you could place the link in the BuddyPress menu, but for most users it would come back as not allowed.


    Please do not use these forums for support questions about 3rd party plugins.


    If you check out my website you should see I’ve written a lot about the basics of BuddyPress, you should check it out, it should answer a lot of questions.

    When you enable the BuddyPress Groups component you will be able to set up a Groups page, when this is viewed it will automatically show a Create Group link.

    If you install bbPress you can enable group forums, that way your users get the option of addinga forum to their group.


    Hello everyone !

    First of all, thank you for this beautiful extension! We have been using Buddypress on our platform for some time now and we would have some questions (WP v5.1.1 & BP v4.2.0 with “Heritage”).

    • Through an Snippet, how can we view a particular Member only? We would need to recover his Avatar + his Nickname.
    • What PHP can we use to display a dynamic link to a Player’s Profile? Let me explain: We use Event Listings on our Site and we would need to display the Member’s Nickname + a link to his Profile automatically.

    Thank you in advance for your answers !
    Peufa, for Jeu COOP (


    Dear Venutius,

    thanks for anwsering all my questions. Thought it would be more complicated. Just for my understanding, where you should user find the link to edit there profile by default. I created a normal user account and can’t find any option to edit my profil avatar and cover?

    Thanks for the code, thats very helpful but what I wanted to say is to implement a wall other users can post to. Sorry I was a bit unclear in this point.

    Thank you for helping me so quickly, I really appreciate that! 🙂

    EDIT: I just wanted to mention that my normal users don’t see the wordpress bar, I don’t know if it was from the beginning that way or a plugin did this. But for now I don’t want my users to see it. So if there is no regular button I want to include one on the profile page


    Hi there, some answers:

    1. You can change the layout of profiles by overloading the profile files and css, see: it’s possibly a bit advanced for you right now but all the files in the plugins/buddypress/bp-templates/your-bp-theme/buddypress can be copied, modified and loaded from your child theme directory. Similarly you can overload the css to make styling and layout changes.

    1b. The default is for horizontal navigation unless you’ve changed it in Customizer>>BuddyPress.

    2. The BuddyPress extended profile is editable from the front end, and avatar too. It’s only the wordpress profile that’s enditable in admin and most BP sites don’t use that as t’s really set up for authors.

    3. I recently posted the code to combine all the profile activity feeds into 1,


    5+6 are bbPress questions, for the best answer you should post on their forum

    7. Assuming you have set up the groups directory page and enabled group creation by users in Settings>>BuddyPress>>Options, users will have the option to create groups on the Groups directory page and also from the Groups menu of the WordPress toolbar ( top right hand side of the screen, hover over your avatar image, drop down will appear one option will be groups.

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