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May 2, 2009 at 5:46 pm #44148
In reply to: GD library
Paul Wong-Gibbs
Keymastergood job
To clarify for future questions around this area: did you have GD disabled, then you enabled it, and then you also had to re-upload the pics?
Or did you just re-upload the pics without making *any* changes?
May 2, 2009 at 2:57 pm #44119In reply to: reducing the width of buddypress theme
Jeff Sayre
ParticipantIs the height parameter a must, or can you leave it like (800, )?
No. You cannot leave the parameter blank. You could pass a variable into the space if you wanted, but it must have something.
When I tried to remove one WPMU folder I got the error message
“500 Can’t Remove Directory. Permission denied”.
A few questions:
- Have you checked the files / folder permission on your WPMU install? You should be able to delete everything that you personally upload to your public_html. Although, with shard hosting, there could be issues with apache owning certain files and folders.
- Are you using an automatic WordPress Mu install option from your hosting company? I’m not sure if any hosting companies offer that option for WPMU, but it’s worth asking.
The answer I got was WPMU does something at the Apache level and that I can’t do much about it unless mine is a dedicated hosting service.
- Have you contacted tech support for your hosting service provider and asked for their help? This WPMU forum post may prove useful in talking with tech support:
- Have you considered changing hosting companies or upgrading to a more robust hosting plan? A VPS perhaps?
WPMU really does not do too well on a cheap hosting plan. Here is sage advice from andrea_r, a WPMU guru:
I have a new installation now.
I think the width problem is to be fixed elsewhere.
Please consider these:
As far as figuring out what’s going on with your CSS, this is where the Firebug tool comes in very handy! It takes awhile to learn how to use it. But once you do, you can determine where a given div or class is pulling its instructions from and then temporarily override those selector parameters within Firebug and see how that affects the overall layout. It is a very powerful and useful tool!
Concerning CSS issues with IE6: my personal opinion is to not worry about supporting that browser anymore. It is just a big pain and too much work for too little return–less than 20% usage ( ). Again, that is just my opinion.
May 2, 2009 at 11:48 am #44112In reply to: Dispaly Nickname instead of username
Participant…maybe a stupid questions from me. but:
What do I have to set for $member?
May 1, 2009 at 11:42 pm #44080In reply to: No CSS – Member & Home Theme
ParticipantOK, responding to my own questions, just not to create work for anyone else who ends up here in the future.
I had a bug in my NginX conf file. For all CSS files that were in subdirectories off the root, I was sending those files through PHP rather than just returning them. That caused the Content-Type to be set to “text/html”, rather than “text/css”.
That’s why it worked without a Doctype (quirks mode kicked in), and failed in Firefox and Chrome with the Doctype in.
May 1, 2009 at 3:03 pm #44028In reply to: Dispaly Nickname instead of username
Jeff Sayre
ParticipantOkay, the number is not created by the code I asked yo to try. It is created by the previous code. The “You” is created by the code I provided.
A couple of questions:
1. Do you have three, separate user accounts each with a different email address?
2. Are you logged in when trying this out? If so, log out, clear cache, and try again.
3. Would you paste your misbehaving code in and provide a link?
May 1, 2009 at 2:56 am #43969In reply to: 2 questions about the Recent Blog Posts-widget.
Jeff Sayre
First of all, I would recommend copying the Recent Blog Posts widget and modifying the copy. Otherwise, the next time you upgrade BuddyPress, your changes will be gone. When done, place your new widget in /mu-plugins/. Call it something different so that you can easily recognize it in WPMU’s backend.
Okay, now the code changes:
How can I limit the excerpt in the widget
If you look in that widget, you’ll see that the function bp_create_excerpt() is called to create the excerpt. This function is located in bp-core-templatetags.php. The number of characters is determined in the function’s arguments.
Copy that function, place it in your new widgets file, and rename it. Change the number of characters to your desired limit. Then make sure you reference the new function instead
Is there anything I can do to exclude the main blog from this widget?
In the widget, the fucntion bp_blogs_get_latest_posts() is called. This function is located in bp-blogs.php. It relies on a method get_latest_posts() located in bp-blogs-classes.php.
Thinking out loud, I suppose you could set up a variable that excludes the Admin blog and pass it as a parameter into the bp_blogs_get_latest_posts(). The other option is to create a custom class and method and rewrite the query to exclude the main blog.
Haven’t tried either. So, I’m not sure the best approach.
April 29, 2009 at 8:25 pm #43848Jeff Sayre
ParticipantYou probably did not get any response concerning this issue since it is a WPMU plugin-specific problem and not BuddyPress.
If you have specific questions about a given WPMU plugin, the best place to ask them is usually on the WPMU forum. In fact, the creator of the WP Super Cache plugin, Donncha, will be more likley to see your question there than here!
April 29, 2009 at 7:03 am #43816In reply to: Announcing: Events component
ParticipantWe keep testing and liking the bp-events. Some questions arose, though:
Is there a way to show the ending time of an event only when it is set? ( For a workshop knowing the end makes sense, for a party it could be the killer
How can we turn off birthdays being transformed into events automatically?
April 28, 2009 at 2:40 pm #43779In reply to: Welcome Pack update request
ParticipantWorks for me!
couple questions:
when using fbconnect to regiser, the welcome pack is bypassed
any thoughts?
and the default message is super-cool, how long til that’s complete?
April 26, 2009 at 7:23 pm #43647In reply to: How can i add another “groups” feature?
ParticipantThank you so much for your answer Hyrxx, it really made me relax. So, where from should i start first to do something like this? Does it take days to do this or can be completed in a day? Is there a ready plugin for this kinda something? Sorry for bothering you with lots of questions, i just am really excited about a project in my mind based on buddypress.
looking forward for the answers,
good days..
April 26, 2009 at 5:50 am #43605In reply to: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
Jeff Sayre
ParticipantSome initial questions:
- Which versions of WPMU and BuddyPress are you running?
- Did you make any modifications to core BuddyPress files?
- Do you have custom code in bp-custom.php that attempts to modify the admin bar?
- Are there any errors in the error logs? If so, what are they?
April 24, 2009 at 2:58 pm #43496In reply to: Who wants a media plugin for BP
Participant@ GPo1 do you have a complete list of features you want? I want to see them
@ Mambenanje $2400.00 is too much, I fear you’ve lost this bid.
@ DallasClark
we just need to assure this follows the best practices of the latest WPMU and BP… I don’t know your level of skillz, but you seem to have a good grasp on things…
you should also send your working plugin to Andy Peatling so he can review/comment is he’s available to. this really needs to be “adopted” into the core of BP… this will assure its continued development by others as the BP following grows… unless you want to support a plugin like this on your own? (i wouldnt want to)
if it does what you say it does/can, you’ve got my money.. but i need to test it
what can you tell me about the “core” of your plugin?
is it based on another plugin?
is it built using the WPMU core media management?
do you have a working version on your own site?
are you willing to share the development/improvments work with other devs?
will this remain GPL?
can we get a list of features now VS with more $ ?
I assume this is something we will be paying you to complete?
the questions go on and on….
thanks everyone
April 24, 2009 at 11:16 am #43446In reply to: Fatal Error when activating
Jeff Sayre
Okay a couple more questions:
- You say that your site is now up and running. Did adding that additional line to WPMU’s config file make that happen?
- When you upgraded to WPMU 2.7.1, did you log into the backend as site admin then go to the Site Admin > Upgrade and finish the upgrade?
- Are you using a custom theme?
- Did you move the themes into their proper location following these instructions?
- Do you have any plugins other than BuddyPress activated?
The last question should not be a factor, but it helps to know your overall setup.
April 24, 2009 at 1:29 am #43387In reply to: Empty Profile Page
Jeff Sayre
ParticipantOkay, a few questions:
- Which versions of WPMU and BuddyPress are you running?
- You say that you were “beginning to alter the colors”. I assume you’re using the default BuddyPress themes and you only worked with the CSS files. Is that true? Or, did you make changes to some of the php files as well?
- Are you running this on localhost or a remote site?
April 23, 2009 at 4:18 pm #43335In reply to: Defualt member theme not working
Jeff Sayre
ParticipantStill thinking here, but a few more questions:
Are you using the new wp-config.php file that comes with WPMU 2.7.1? Or, did you use and older version?
If so, there is an additional define line added to WMPU’s config file:
define('SITE_ID_CURRENT_SITE', 1);
Also, before installing BuddyPress, but after upgrading WPMU to 2.7.1, did you got to Site Admin > Upgrade in site admin and finish the upgrade?
April 23, 2009 at 2:38 am #43271In reply to: Still no Avatar fix?
Jeff Sayre
ParticipantWhen uploading creating a group error 500 shows
Okay, so your server is throwing an Error 500–Internal Server Error.
A few more questions:
- Which hosting company are you using?
- Is your site running PHP 4 or PHP5?
There are a few additional steps that can be taken–increasing the memory limit in php.ini and forcing Apache to run PHP 5, assuming that it is not.
I’m actually going to get some sleep now. So, please reply and if someone else reads this before I do tomorrow, perhaps they’ll continue helping you.
Good luck! I\’ll check back.
April 23, 2009 at 12:51 am #43259In reply to: Problem with News CSS
Jeff Sayre
ParticipantI’ve looked ever so briefly at your site’s CSS files. It seems that you have customized the standard BuddyPress themes somewhat rather than creating a custom theme from scratch. So, here are some initial debugging steps and questions:
- Which version of BuddyPress are you using? The one from the large, orange “Download” button?
- Have you tried switching back to the default BuddyPress themes and see what happens?
- Have you disabled the WP-Forums plugin in WPMU backend and see if the problem goes away?
Finally, having the proper tools can help you figure out many CSS issues. I highly recommend that you use Firefox with the Firebug Add-on.
April 22, 2009 at 6:01 pm #43234In reply to: Blog in the BP frontpage?
ParticipantLooks like this post hasn’t been active for a month or so, but I’ll put this here anyway… I wanted to do the same thing you do, but without loosing the completely widgetized front page, so I wrote a new widget of my own by pretty much just copying the BP Recent Posts widget and modifying one line so that it displays the whole post, instead of just the excerpt.
The line in questions was
<div class="item-content"><?php echo bp_create_excerpt($post->post_content) ?></div>
which I changed to
<div class="item-content"><?php echo $post->post_content ?></div>
If you’d like to use the plugin I made to load that widget, so I didn’t have to modify the core files, you can get it here: Just download that and make it .php instead of .txt, and you should be good to go!
April 22, 2009 at 12:53 pm #43219In reply to: Who wants a media plugin for BP
Participant@Socialpreneur, do you want the price higher?if you got any questions ask the developer on the forum!
Well, Mambenanje is the developer doing the job..
Therefore, we could ask any questions and then start the project rolling!
April 21, 2009 at 1:44 pm #43117In reply to: Who wants a media plugin for BP
ParticipantI share your concerns on this issue and I’d try and get the developer on board to answer your questions!
Watch this space.. pls put your interest down good or bad !
April 21, 2009 at 7:54 am #43096In reply to: Help needed developing DP-Achievements plugin
Burt Adsit
ParticipantYou know I was thinking about this another way Paul. New users need some handholding and encouragement. Perhaps you can detect that a group of users hasn’t met any of those criteria and do something to help things along.
Stick them in a group that others can pay attention to. Everyone knows that forum questions coming from that group should be cut some slack and patiently answered. New users may not feel comfortable asking questions in the main forums/groups. Questions that anyone has in a new environment. We still feel dumb asking them. I don’t feel quite as stupid if everyone in a particular group is as dumb as I am.
New users are eager to share their experience, even if limited, with others. It’s a group of people who fit together.
A ‘Welcome’ group they can graduate from by participating there. It’s 4am here. This might actually sound stupid after a couple of hours sleep. Ah, well. Too late to care.
April 20, 2009 at 10:35 pm #43075In reply to: Avatars, Custom Themes and Registering
Jeff Sayre
ParticipantOkay, first a couple of questions:
I have a fairly vanilla instance of the latest wpmu release…
- What does this mean? The latest release of WPMU is 2.7. Is that what you’re running?
- Also, which BuddyPress trunk revision are you running?
- Are you running any other plugins besides BuddyPress?
- Did you follow all the instructions in the first post of this thread that pertain to custom themes?
- Did you read post eight in this thread?
Regarding the code line that seems to be throwing the problem, that would indicate that you do not have the proper permissions set on the blogs.dir directory. See question 5 above.
April 20, 2009 at 8:53 pm #43068In reply to: Who wants a media plugin for BP
Participant“currently we do not have the resources to create this integration in-house.
I will however, fully support the developers that will take this initiative, providing help in code and guidance.”
they dont have time
I sent Andy a message and asked him a couple questions…. considering the BP Gurus are currently pondering the same things we are, I really suggest finding out “how they would do it”
then it can be seamless and remain stable as BP changes….
again, I’ll cover half to all if this is done with “BP’s blessing”
April 20, 2009 at 8:11 am #43026In reply to: Who wants a media plugin for BP
ParticipantGood news on this big task, I’ve managed to get a developer to adapt it for buddypress.
quote:”Good morning sir
we have analysed your system and we wish to notify you that it will cost you 200usd to get the job done. if you are ok with that please get back to us so we ask questions to come up with the SRS document”
Mambe Churchill Nanje
237 77545907,
AfroVisioN Founder, President,CEO
Any questions lay them down now !
Also, we need to know method of payment & license issues with the plugin. ie GPL &
only persons whom chipped in can use it or what?
April 20, 2009 at 12:29 am #43013Jeff Sayre
Well, that was one of my thoughts–and why I’m asking Grandslambert to clarify what he meant by
Using WPMU 2.7 and the latest TRUNK of bbPress
I assume he meant BuddyPress. If so, is he running WPMU 2.7 but with BP 1.0_RC2? Did he install the BP folder in the proper spot? You’ve seen my questions above.
But, I’m tired and JJJ had an intriguing idea as well. So, perhaps I should get some sleep tonight and all the problems of the universe will disappear overnight!
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