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Search Results for 'spam'

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  • #317038

    I believe that my problem is in the sql query (although they work separately in my test in phpmyadmin) Im trying to filter a meta activity.

    `function Custom_Global_Search_Posts_sql( $sql, $args ) {
    global $wpdb;$bp;
    $sql = ” SELECT DISTINCT FROM wp_bp_activity a INNER JOIN wp_bp_activity_meta ON ( = wp_bp_activity_meta.activity_id) WHERE a.is_spam = 0 AND (wp_bp_activity_meta.meta_key = ‘descr’ ) AND a.type = ‘activity_problem’ AND wp_bp_activity_meta.meta_value LIKE %s “;

    $query_placeholder[] = ‘%’.$wpdb->esc_like( $search_term ).’%’;
    $sql = $wpdb->prepare( $sql, $query_placeholder );
    return $sql;



    In my functions.php I have added following lines of code but nothing is happening. I want that when I open my activity page a post get submitted automatically:
    function record_activity_grocery_task(){

    $activity_id = bp_activity_add(array(
    ‘id’ => false,
    ‘user_id’ => bp_loggedin_user_id(),
    ‘item_id’ => false,
    ‘action’ => ‘Posted a new photo’, // The activity action – e.g. “Jon Doe posted an update”.
    ‘content’ => ‘Grocery task form submitted’,
    ‘component’ => false, // The name/ID of the component e.g. groups, profile, mycomponent.
    ‘primary_link’ => ”, // Optional: The primary URL for this item in RSS feeds (defaults to activity)
    ‘type’ => ‘activity_update’, // The activity type e.g. activity_update, profile_updated.
    ‘item_id’ => false,
    ‘secondary_item_id’ => false,
    ‘recorded_time’ => bp_core_current_time(),
    ‘hide_sitewide’ => false,
    ‘is_spam’ => false,
    ‘error_type’ => ‘bool’



    Varun Dubey

    try Anti-Spam by CleanTalk


    You can see here the spam bot profiles start with QWQW …



    I have a good recapthca installed on the website yet still spam bots get right in and create spam profiles. Also, those spam profiles are not even showing as users! So I can’t even delete them.

    Do you know what’s going on and how to stop this?

    Mark Argent

    I’ve just hit the same problem. This post, has been marked as spam, though it emphatically is not:

    How do I respond? I’ve spent rather a lot of time over the last week trying to solve a problem, posted it, and get a message saying it’s spam. Yes, I did edit it after posting, as, after seeing how it looked, it struck me that it could be clearer.

    Do I:
    1) Post it again;
    2) Conclude that Buddypress really is rubbish because, on top of the time *actual* problem has taken it can’t even tell the difference between something that is or isn’t spam?

    Bigue Nique

    On a multisite install, as @pcwriter stated here :

    In your WP dashboard, go to “Users” and check the box next to the name of the user highlighted in red. Then, select “Not Spam” from the “Bulk Actions” dropdown (top or bottom of your user list). Click “Apply”. Should do it.

    It worked for me! Until when?

    Also, Vince Pettit suggested a plugin here

    We are using this wordpress plug in – New User Approve

    Provides functionality to approve/deny new user registrations.

    Haven’t tried it yet, but it’s probably the best long-term solution.

    Bigue Nique

    On a multisite install, as @pcwriter stated here :

    In your WP dashboard, go to “Users” and check the box next to the name of the user highlighted in red. Then, select “Not Spam” from the “Bulk Actions” dropdown (top or bottom of your user list). Click “Apply”. Should do it.

    It worked for me! Until when?

    Also, Vince Pettit suggested a plugin here

    We are using this wordpress plug in – New User Approve

    Provides functionality to approve/deny new user registrations.

    Haven’t tried it yet, but it’s probably the best long-term solution.


    My hosting is retarded, I told them I would put a wordpress on each of 5 cpanel account they grant me to keep things neat an orderly…

    Hosting: NoOOO!!! Attribute your domains/subdomains on just 1!!!!
    Everyone knows better than me!

    Yea they didn’t remove the groups. Tried yesterday. since I have 5-6 domains on this account where do I find the groups?

    View post on


    Yes, stack is great.
    While it would be nice to avoid all the spam on these forums, who would answer questions on a BP stack?

    There are unofficial Facebook groups for BuddyPress and BuddyBoss.
    Participation in the former is scant, while the latter is booming.


    My site has a good 15,000+ users, of which about 100+ online in BP area at any given moment (so no caching etc)

    Constantly tweaking things for performance. Finally checked out the MySQL slow query log and it’s a lot of stuff. But a solid 80% of it area queries like this

    # Query_time: 3.036380  Lock_time: 0.000062  Rows_sent: 0  Rows_examined: 772130
    SET timestamp=1607682328;
    SELECT DISTINCT  FROM wp_bp_activity a  WHERE
                    a.content LIKE '%@bobtho<%'
                    a.hide_sitewide = 0
    AND a.is_spam = 0 AND a.type NOT IN ('last_activity') ORDER BY a.date_recorded DESC, DESC LIMIT 0, 21;

    Query time is 3.2 seconds, some are upwards of 5+

    I think it’s coming from here and particularly when a user presses their “My Mentions” tab, thus its loading all of their activities that include their “@ username” text

    My CPU load is *always* high, I’ve upgraded my server earlier in the year:3.4 GHz 4 vCores and 16 GB RAM so it’s not bad

    Basically, I’m wondering if anything can be done about this? Since my slow-query log is filled with these types of queries (specifically it seems to be this “@ username” search) – can any optimizations be done, either in BP or something I can hack onto it?


    i am currently working on a website that is using buddypress plugin and i am getting thousands of email on daily basis of spam user registration.
    wordpress version: Version 5.5.3
    buddypress Version 6.4.0
    parent theme: omega
    child theme DeliciousVersion: 0.1.2 (currently install)

    i have applied the following methods
    i) install wp zero spam (it has to blocked the spam user)
    ii) install the (Advanced noCaptcha & invisible captcha) captcha is working but spams are bypassing it.
    iii) install the (BuddyPress reCAPTCHA), its not updated on latest 3 versions of wordpress not working.
    iv) install a third party plugin(Pixel Jar BuddyPress Honeypot) not working.
    v) install (Spam Destroyer) not working, it also just blocking, not a permeant solution
    vi) install (Wordfence Security) to scan the website, not found any serious error.
    vii) got a plugin (wangguard) from forums answers, but not working on latest wordpress versions.
    viii) install (BuddyPress Security Check), not working just because of latest updates of wordpress.

    so can you at-least tell me the permeant solution for this.



    First, if this appears twice, it’s because someone had the bright idea that my request for assistance was “spam”.

    I can’t seem to locate a plugin off-hand that does what I’m looking for, and I’m not well versed enough in BP to be able to come up with a solution off-hand, so I thought I’d check and see if anyone here might have the know-how to accomplish this.

    What I am aiming to do is to have group admins request that a forum be created for their group, which would alert the site administrator, and then commence automating the process if the request is approved. I’ve already limited group creation to members with at least 3 days under their registration belt to help keep the possibility of group-forum spamming down, but it would be nice to have group forums only for groups that actually need it and not every single group on the site.

    If nothing like this exists, I can get on board with the idea of placing a form on the group management -> forums page, hiding the “Yes, I want this group to have a discussion forum.” checkbox, and manually creating the forums as an admin. That being said, I haven’t found a way to make these changes other than to modify the plugin files directly, which would of course disappear on the next update. Any ideas on a snippet or two that, when placed in my functions.php file, would allow me to edit this?

    As a point of note: I’m using the BuddyBoss theme/plugin suite; most plugins/function snippets work without an issue, but I wanted to make sure I mention it now and not later.


    So this has been an on and off issue I have struggled with using buddypress. Several users haven’t received an activation link. Whether it’s the fact that the link itself looks super spammy or some email servers have security issues with wordpress sending sketchy linksI have no idea. All I can say is with captcha plugins there really is no reason to force an activation link. A toggle feature should be added to buddypress to switch between auto account activation and email activation. I just had 5 people today say that the activation email was nowhere to be found. It makes it all the more frustrating when you are running paid ad’s to get sign ups on your site while this issue is happening. I’m on wp version5.5.3 and buddypress version 6.3.0 installed on the Arcane gaming theme by skywarriors.


    Thanks so much for your reply.

    Thing is the client does not use Paid Memberships Pro and it seems it can’t be used as a standalone. So they don’t use payments on the site (I wish they did) and auto registration is turned off. I think the paid version of BuddyPress Members Pro will do the trick, but client is not forking out more money because of the rand/dollar exchange so that is a no go. So I was hoping for a code snippet.

    I found code that would block by username – but I can’t do it like that. Users gets updated from a daily import, and those who did not pay expires, but shouldn’t be removed. To automate that I thought subscriber could block them from using the rest of the site, but nothing blocks it on BuddyPress pages.

    Something else I’ve done before was to make use of the “Spam” function – I translated it to Expired – that way it was easy for some admins to just quickly expire a member and also to unexpire them – but in this case it checks against a daily import and I need to automate it.

    If at all there were a way to import users with a certain role for example, as a “spammer” which then would translate to expired, that would be great too.

    So I am fishing for ideas … hoping someone has something for me.

    Thanks again for your input.


    I’m unsubscribed to all but still getting emails. I marked it as spam and it drops the emails there. I’m good with that.


    I’m going to mark it as spam.


    On this site. And you’re getting spammed like crazy so the emails have tripled. I want to unsubscribe from everything on this website. How do I do that?


    Within the WordPress Discussion Settings there is a great option:
    “Before a comment appear: Comment author must have a previously approved comment” (checkbox).

    Unfortunately BuddyPress ignores this core-setting and it is possible to answer within the activity stream without any restrictions.

    It would be great if you can consider this option in a future version of BuddyPress to prevent spam.

    Best regards,


    Hey @maximejobin! 👋

    Sorry for the delay here. The codex no longer auto-roles people as Editors, because spam bots ruined that idea. I’ve added you manually though, so you’ve got the power!


    Urgh. Can someone remove/report that spam comment above? I don’t know how.


    In reply to: BuddyPress 6.2.0-beta1


    stop spamming guys, please..



    I am new to BuddyPress, which probably will explain my question.

    On my new website I have installed BuddyPress 6.1.0

    It is pretty good and I am thankful for its simplicity and yet grand functionality.

    My main membership plugin is Ultimate Membership Pro, which an awesome tool for any membership website. Its authors have an extension to integrate it with BuddyPress – yay. On the BP menu appears another link to UMPs account page. That’s all.

    And here are my questions.

    How can I change the link name of this additional tab, please? It is the name of the plugin, instead My Account or else.

    And the second question, which is more important to me.

    After installing the BP all users are given captcha test by solving some math questions.
    I don’t use captcha, I didn’t enable it and I am trying to find out where this came from. The only sure thing is that it came after BP activation.

    Please advice.

    PS I will address the same question to UMP and to Anti-Spam by CleanTalk, my security plugin.

    Thank you. Stay safe


    The above query fails on an unauthenticated user.

    On an authenticated member the follow query fails:

    FROM wp_bp_activity a
    WHERE a.type IN ( ‘activity_status’,’activity_quote’,’activity_photo’,’activity_video’,’activity_audio’,’activity_giphy’,’activity_update’,’new_member’,’friends_register_activity_action’,’created_group’,’joined_group’,’activity_update’ )
    AND a.is_spam = 0
    AND a.hide_sitewide = 0
    AND a.type NOT IN (‘activity_comment’, ‘last_activity’)
    AND a.privacy NOT IN (‘onlyme’,’friends’)
    OR a.user_id IN ( 360,244,1,274,262,172,128,46,263,270,264,261,105,168,148,155,154,145,146,144,116,133,107,135,137,115,114,118,117,111,82,37,78,93,90,79,75,31,38,41,39,35,15,21,12,10,29,33,28,26,11,2)
    AND a.privacy = “friends”
    OR a.user_id = 2
    AND a.privacy = “onlyme”
    AND a.user_id NOT IN(87,409)
    ORDER BY a.date_recorded DESC, DESC
    LIMIT 0, 21

    1054 – Unknown column ‘friends’ in ‘where clause’

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