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I just took those steps to translate bbpress, but encouter internal server error(only with bbpress)
1. download the chinese translation file from buddypress: (.mp /.po)
2. add those two file into wp-content/language/plugin and rename it
3. the translation works fine
4. but when I use loco translation plugin to edit some text in translation plugin, sync and save , it shows ” Internal Server Error</span>” shows again.
here is the php log: [29-Sep-2016 07:48:55 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Method Loco_gettext_Data::__toString() must not throw an exception, caught Exception: Truncation error in vhosts/bpteach_dev/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php on line 0
<p class=”p1″>[29-Sep-2016 07:51:56 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Method Loco_gettext_Data::__toString() must not throw an exception, caught Exception: Truncation error in vhosts/bpteach_dev/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php on line 0</p>Hello, I am looking for buddy press a language file for the latest version 2.6.2. I can not find. I hope you can help me.
So, I’ve translated everything in *.po file, uploaded it and corresponding *.mo file into the proper directory and I’ve got disappointed. Some of the text aren’t translated, like: Notifications (number), Groups (number), etc. I’ve took a look at the files and found out that the working ones are using
__( "Foo %s", "buddypress" )
and the wrong ones are using_x( "Foo %s", "Blah blah blah", "buddypress" )
. I’ve replaced _x( 3 vars ) with the __( 2 vars ) and translations started to work.The problem is: the next update of Buddypress will erase my fix and everything will get back to previous state.
The registration email works just fine in English. The site is translated with WPML, the WPML settings say that BuddyPress Emails should be translated. I went to Emails -> All Emails and translated the “Activate Your Account” email, leaving the exact same formatting as the original one.
Now when a new user registers on the French site, it says to check for an email to activate but the email never gets sent. Even if I go in the back-end and resend the email I get no error message but the message doesn’t get sent.
What did I miss?
Topic: Chinese Translation
I can to contribute to the translation. Just that I need to know how to do it. I have also download glotpress but dont know how to use it. I need more advice on this both matter thanks.