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Search Results for 'translation'

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  • danbp


    it’s because you didn’t right.
    The translation, or word change, use a msg ID which contains the original string and a msg string, for the new wording.

    In your case, you should use

    msgid "Site Wide Activity RSS Feed" // the original string
    msgstr "Rich Site Summary" // the custom string

    Note also to get this to work, you need to compile the po file to mo file.
    And if you don’t want to redo that after each BP update, i recommand you use this plugin, so your custom language file remain untouched, while the default language will be updated.


    – I know nothing about Loco translate as i never used it. And i can’t read chinese, so i can’t help you with this specific translation.

    – I never seen a error 500 after modifying a translation.

    – The only thing i’m sure (because of the error messages) is that it is Loco who doesn’t find a file or can’t access to it properly.

    – Re-check Loco Settings and try another path option… Or maybe use a custom path called MyTranslation and use the plugin only to translate. Once done, deactivate Loco and move the mo file manually to the right folder. By doing this you eliminate the eventual plugin issue and still have a mo file you can use (hopefully).

    – Ensure your BP’s po/mo files have correct file extension and use the correct path to file:

    /wp-content/languages/plugins/ & buddypress-zh_CN.po

    Personnaly, i use poEdit and only on my computer and never directly on a site.


    Thanks for you reply.

    Sorry, it is my typo………… my problem is with buddypress translation instead of bbpress.

    I have contacted with the loco team, but they asked me to contact buddypress, as the the problem is only with the buddypress that I download from

    could you please help me?



    you are on the BuddyPress support.
    bbpress questions should be asked on bbpress support.
    And as you use Loco Translate plugin, and apparently have an issue with it, you have to ask on the LT plugin support.

    To get more about chinese translation, help and much more, please read the Polyglots blog.



    all you have to do is to use a custom translation for BuddyPress !
    This can be done with help of this plugin.

    Actually, WP uploads automatically all available translation for itself and any of his dependencies: themes and plugins(when exist) accordingly to the site language. Ie. brazilian portugue (

    In your case, while using the plugin, WP will remain in portuguese and as you will use or as custom translation, anything related to BP will be in english.

    Of course, this behave will always be used even AFTER an update of WP or BP and both updated to portuguese.

    The avantage of the plugin is that you haven’t to struggle with complicated domain settings and hacks, because he does it for you by using a different path for any custom translation (in your case, BP’s english version). The file is stored in /uploads/wpt-custom-mo-file/

    You simply need to remember to download manually the english BP version.
    Translation files can be downloaded here.

    Hope to be clear. 😉


    I just took those steps to translate bbpress, but encouter internal server error(only with bbpress)

    1. download the chinese translation file from buddypress: (.mp /.po)

    2. add those two file into wp-content/language/plugin and rename it

    3. the translation works fine

    4. but when I use loco translation plugin to edit some text in translation plugin, sync and save , it shows ” Internal Server Error</span>” shows again.

    here is the php log: [29-Sep-2016 07:48:55 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Method Loco_gettext_Data::__toString() must not throw an exception, caught Exception: Truncation error in vhosts/bpteach_dev/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php on line 0
    <p class=”p1″>[29-Sep-2016 07:51:56 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Method Loco_gettext_Data::__toString() must not throw an exception, caught Exception: Truncation error in vhosts/bpteach_dev/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php on line 0</p>


    @henrywright Thanks, yes I would like to be able to use translation files and have tried in the past too but for some reason I can’t get them to work. I suspect it might have something to do with BeTheme as this theme has caused me lots of issues in the past. I will probably try to get to the bottom of it again sometime but for now I’m really glad I got the templates working anyway 🙂



    For some reason all the above methods don’t work for me. I even tried uninstalling and re-installing PoEdit but no joy. Below is the .mo file that was automatically created using the above method. Note the translations are there but it all looks a bit messed up with nonsense at the start. Is this what an .mo file should look like?

    Þ• L|¨x©’”qµŒ’h´Ÿw½þ5þ4‚3‚¶Registering for this site is easy. Just fill in the fields below, and we’ll get a new account set up for you in no time.Thanks for registering!

    To complete the activation of your account, go to the following link: {{{activate.url}}}Thanks for registering!

    To complete the activation of your account, go to the following link: {{{activate.url}}}Your account was activated successfully! You can now log in with the username and password you provided when you signed up.Your account was activated successfully! Your account details have been sent to you in a separate email.Project-Id-Version: BuddyPress 2.6.2
    POT-Creation-Date: 2016-09-26 13:45-0700
    MIME-Version: 1.0
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
    PO-Revision-Date: 2016-09-26 13:49-0700
    Language-Team: ENGLISH <>
    X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.9
    Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);
    Language: en_GB
    Registering for this site is easy! Just fill in the fields below and we’ll get a new account set up for you in no time!Thank you for registering with Skewen Angling Club!

    To continue, please verify your email address via the email we have just ”
    “sent to you.</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></”
    “br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>Thank you for registering with Skewen Angling Club!

    To continue, please verify your email address via the email we have just ”
    “sent to you.</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></”
    “br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>Thanks for verifying your email address! Once your account has been approved we will notify you via email with your login details.Thanks for verifying your email address! Once your account has been approved we will notify you via email with your login details.




    hi Henry @henrywright,


    this path is the one used by GlotPress’s official automated translation updates for BP (and any other plugin translation if it exist). Same behave for the languages/themes/ directory.

    If you add a customized po/mo there, it will be overwritten at next update !

    Since i18n new improvements in WP 4.6, the only way to keep the integrity of a custom translation actually, so far i know, is to use this plugin: wpt-custom-mo-file, who allows you to override and use your own translation files for any WordPress themes or plugins.

    Just to let you know. 🙂


    i checked the hebrew translation available on GlotPress. It seems to me it is correctly translated.

    Copy/pasting RTL strings doesn’t work here… anyway here what i get (href is LTR here – but is ok in poEdit)
    החשבון שלך הופעל בהצלחה! אתה עכשיו יכול <a href="%s">להתחבר</a> עם שם המשתמש והסיסמא שהכנסת כשנרשמת לאתר.



    1. presuming you dl the translation file (po & mo) ?
    2. what have you renamed ? Normally there is nothing to rename for po/mo file names.
    3. which code did you added to functions.php? Usually there is nothing to add there for translation.

    See here for details:

    Note: Hebrew language file ( is uncomplete (72%), that’s probably why your register page is still in english.
    There is also no PTE for hebrew which makes difficult for users to get the awaiting for validation strings.

    The only solution for you is to download what is currently available in hebrew and to complete this translation yourself or to get in touch with this guy.

    Perhaps you want to contribute to translation in your language? Read here if interested.


    Yes,my WordPress is in German. When I use the translation, then my WordPress is in English and Buddypress will not be translated.


    Strange ! Is WordPress in german ?
    Dashboard > Settings > General > Site Language

    BP translation file goes to wp-content/languages/plugins/


    Hello, I am looking for buddy press a language file for the latest version 2.6.2. I can not find. I hope you can help me.


    FYI, minutes vs. hours ! 🙂

    When you search strings, open the .pot file provided with almost any theme and plugin for translation.
    In this text format file, you will find (if exist) the string and ALSO the file and the line # where it is used.

    The default profile content


    In reply to: Chinese Translation

    Petya Raykovska

    Hey @idichoo,

    It’s awesome you’d like to help with BuddyPress translation! Happy to help you get started with translating on I’m Petya on wp Slack.

    If you’d like to get started on your own, this is the best page:

    BuddyPress could use a Project Translation Editor for Chinese as well, so if you’d like to become one, you can post a request on and we’ll put you in touch with the Chinese General Translation Editors so they can add you as a project maintainer.

    P.S. If you’d like to help the team with something quick, you can give us a hand with translating the WordPress 4.6 release video to Chinese!


    Yep, you’re right, the forced translation comes only if you reload the page.

    That’s the dark side of a dirt trick. 😉

    Now, in a very real use case, this wouldn’t happen very often for not saying never. Most users will (hopefully for you) favorite activities, but i don’t believe that many will favorite and suddenly decide to unfavorite all their stuff and will restart immediatly to fav…

    If you don’t agree with this, you still have the possibility to change text in the template or to use the po/mo file.

    In witch language is your site ?


    Don’t hack core files. (never !) Which language do you use ?

    Where have you done this ?
    I’ve took a look at the files and found out that the working ones are using __( "Foo %s", "buddypress" ) and the wrong ones are using _x( "Foo %s", "Blah blah blah", "buddypress" ).

    Actually all BP strings are working. If you need custom translation, you have to do that in po/mo and to use preferably the original strings. For example, if you build a template and want to use the notification count on it, you copy the original string to your work. If you don’t do that, you nedd 2 po/mo ! One for BP and one for your custom work. Which is certainly not the best and easiest solution.

    The notification count is defined in wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-notifications/classes/class-bp-notification-component.php

    The counter itself is inside a span and is defined separately.

    /* translators: %s: Unread notification count for the current user */
    _x( 'Notifications %s', 'Profile screen nav', 'buddypress' ),
    	'<span class="%s">%s</span>',

    The bla bla bla part you mention is a comment for translators who indicates him the context. This comment appears in the pot file like: Notification %s [Profile screen nav]

    That’s BP’s default coding. You haven’t to modify this. Use it as is.

    If you have difficulty to translate such a string, you have to check your theme or any custom function you added (by hand or another plugin).

    The corresponding custom string should reflect the original one as gettext function wouldn’t translate a string which is not identic.

    __( "Foo %s", "buddypress" ) and _x( "Foo %s", "Blah blah blah", "buddypress" ) are both working, and do technicaly the same thing (foo = something) which let you modify “foo” in both case, but as the original string is _x( "Foo %s", "Blah blah blah", "buddypress" ), you couldn’t replace it with __( "Foo %s", "buddypress" ). It is the translation prefix (_x or __) which is the important thing here.

    Hope to be clear. And you’re right, unfortunately your changes will be overwriten at next BP update as you hacked core files.



    So, I’ve translated everything in *.po file, uploaded it and corresponding *.mo file into the proper directory and I’ve got disappointed. Some of the text aren’t translated, like: Notifications (number), Groups (number), etc. I’ve took a look at the files and found out that the working ones are using __( "Foo %s", "buddypress" ) and the wrong ones are using _x( "Foo %s", "Blah blah blah", "buddypress" ). I’ve replaced _x( 3 vars ) with the __( 2 vars ) and translations started to work.

    The problem is: the next update of Buddypress will erase my fix and everything will get back to previous state.



    The registration email works just fine in English. The site is translated with WPML, the WPML settings say that BuddyPress Emails should be translated. I went to Emails -> All Emails and translated the “Activate Your Account” email, leaving the exact same formatting as the original one.

    Now when a new user registers on the French site, it says to check for an email to activate but the email never gets sent. Even if I go in the back-end and resend the email I get no error message but the message doesn’t get sent.

    What did I miss?



    In reply to: Chinese Translation

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    (I’ve asked to reach out to @idichoo to help get started with translations)



    I have the same problem here. I use WP 4.5.3 and the Theme Woffice from ThemeForest and BuddyPress 2.6.2. I translate all with the plugin Loco Translate but some translations are not working. There ist nothing to repair. What can I do? Any idea?

    Best regards



    In reply to: Chinese Translation


    Get in touch with the chinese translation team:

    Translation Teams

    You don’t need to download GlotPress, you can translate BP online. Just go to and log-in.

    And read the translators handbook to learn more about translating WordPress, plugins and themes.

    If you prefer to read in chinese, see here:


    I can to contribute to the translation. Just that I need to know how to do it. I have also download glotpress but dont know how to use it. I need more advice on this both matter thanks.


    Please don’t double post! You already asked for this and get an answer here:

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