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Search Results for 'translation'

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  • danbp

    Check the translation file: buddypress_CN.po (with a text editor like Notepad++) and verify that email text are all in plain text. Those strings shouldn’t contain any html entities.

    Read from here for more details about email customization:


    In reply to: I want to add Spanish!


    Before saying it’s not working, please follow the instruction.
    Read my previous answer slowly and check the path i indicated.


    According to the screenshot, your site use the mexican version of WordPress.

    Unfortunatly, there is no mexican spanish translation avaible for BuddyPress !

    This force you to use spanish (es_ES and NOT es_MX) as site language to get automatically the es_ES BP translation.

    In other words, you can’t use mexican language on main site if you want BP in spanish.

    Translation can be found here:


    In reply to: I want to add Spanish!



    The main site language should be set to spanish first.
    See in WP dashboard > Stettings > General

    Normally, this settings allows automatic translation file upload of BuddyPress and bbPress (if installed).
    If not, you can add manually the language files in the wp-content/languages/plugins/ folder to get:


    Each version of BP comes also with its own translatable strings file, which is at the BP plugin root.


    in an older installation I did the same (I hope so) and it works fine.
    Yesterday I had some issues with the profile header and I reinstalled buddypress. Now, some translations are missing…

    Roger Coathup

    The default BuddyPress site setup only supports a single activity, members, groups directory page.

    One solution is to create your own custom page templates, and embed the code for the activity, member and group loops in the template. You’d then assign it to your duplicate pages. You can read more about coding your own loops in the documentation section of this site.

    You could also look to see if it’s possible to use the language files — dynamically loading the appropriate text domain translations of the BuddyPress text depending which language the user has selected. In this scenario, you’d work with the default ‘single’ page setup.

    Perhaps too late for your site (if you’ve gone down the polylang route), but for all our multi language solutions, we go the multisite approach and using the Multilingual Press Pro plugin. It gives a really clean solution. Remember to enable bp multiblog if you switch to this approach.


    It is working now. It was a bad install of wordpress. After reinstalling it, and re-doing the translation, it worked fine. Thank you for your help!


    oh, 🙂
    thanx a lot. Seems that I was just a little bit confused about the translation.
    Also thanx for the links.


    Hi @thesmartone,

    I even changed wp_config.php, variable WPLANG
    This is no more necessary since WP 4.0

    If your WP is in portugese, BP should be in same language automatically (except if you deactivated this feature)

    BP translation can be found on GlotPress. pt_BR is translated to 96% (see here)
    The po/mo files goes to wp-content/languages/plugins/

    Your comment is awaiting moderation, is a default WP string. In many cases, it can also be in theme. To ensure this, activate 2013 or 2015 and test all translations for WP and BP.
    Deactivate all other plugins while doing this.

    And before claiming about buggypress, check for PBCK. Or better, read the doc before installing something. 😉


    The download link on glotpress is below the content, in the bottm left corner.
    Select the mo format and click on “export” and do the same for po format.

    I’ve heard that the buddypress traduction never fails

    Caramba ! Never trust rumours !

    I can´t believe that nodoby has the same problem

    Search for “translation” on this forum and you’ll be stumped !


    Which theme do you use ?
    Can you test youre install with Twenty Fifteen theme and see if anything is translated ?
    Are the terms not translated on front-end, or also in back-end ?

    FYI, the spanish translation for BP is only completed to 96%, but activity is translated. To ensure you have the most recent copy, download the spanish .mo file from here and install it in wp-content/languages/plugins/


    In reply to: After Registertion


    Something may be getting lost in translation, but if you mean you want the user who has just logged in to be redirected to his/her profile, then check out


    thanks @henrywright for the swift reply … i was struggling with where to place these files, not seeing updates and generally wondering what I had been doing wrong. Basically I had been replacing the messages of the .po files when generating the new .mo translations … instead one should simply add a preferred translation as the following article suggests (

    oh the woes of .po & .mo ‘s … hope this helps someone else though!


    This core function has no filter. The easiest way is to use a language translation file.

    In pot file, the concerned string Members is commented by [ component directory title ].


    In reply to: Groups issue

    Rene Streber

    I deactivated all plugins,
    I checked all permalinks,
    activated the twenty four theme from wordpress instead of the Boss theme (language looked fine),
    activated buddypress (language looked fine, everything is correctly translated)

    activated the BOSS Theme (language is not 100% translated:
    examples: active, all groups, my groups, group has xx members, newly created etc. is not translated
    although we installed the newest german translation (mo/po in wp-content/languages/plugins)

    The same translation problem exists with sidewide activity as well as member directory (here all members, my friends in English)

    For groups (; parent is community, template is default)
    For members (; parent is community, template is default)

    404 error if I try to open any group with wordpress or with the boss theme

    I did not run the last steps, because the issue is still present.

    Ps Every buddypress component has its own unique page



    In reply to: Groups issue


    Hallo @rene-streber,

    First of, i would recommend that you revert to a basic WP install using 2014 or 2015 theme and the WP’s german language activated and all plugins deactivated.

    If you have a local install, suggest you do your test on it instead of the prod site.

    Once this is done, you activate BuddyPress. German language will automatically be uploaded to the right folder (wp-content/languages/plugins/
    The original translation is here. It is complete to 100%. (and also the official translation).
    FYI deckerweb provides a translation for bp 1.9 & 1.9.1. So seems to me it is outdated now.

    Check if anything is correctly übersetzt. Theoretish sollte es jetzt funktionnieren.

    If ok, you activate the main theme. Recheck everything. If ok, reactivate your plugins one by one and check each step to isolate an issue, if ever.

    If everything is correct again, you can handle the specifics for your homepage. But remind one thing: BuddyPress components use a page system which is only in for internal purpose. This means that you can’t apply a page model like for an usual WP page. And if you use a special template just for the homepage, you have to adjust it to work with BuddyPress.

    Each activated BP component should have a page assigned. And this page must be unique and empty, whithout any template or model settings, just a title.

    I see that you have some issue with page names in your menu. Button show community2 and the permalink contains community-4. Check this too, to get community only everywhere. And probably clear your trash as it may contain some duplicates from previous attempts.

    Once this is cleaned, und mit klarer aussicht, simply resave your permalinks to reinitialize all links.


    Ok, I have managed to get the menus changed. But now the only thing that isn’t changed is the buttons that say “Create a Group” on the groups browser page. I installed CodeStyling Localization plugin and looked at the translations and everything is translated so I’m not sure why that one is the only one that isn’t being changed.


    When your custom language file doesn’t contain a correct header version, it will be overwriten at each BP update.

    To avoid this, you have 2 solutions.
    – completely deactivate automatic translation upload, which will affect the whole site: theme and plugins.
    – keep a safe copy and upload it to the site AFTER the update. Tehn if something is missing or no more translated, you can update your version from the pot file shipped with BP.

    If you use a cache, you have to clear it before installing a custom version. You must be sure that your wersion is running, in any case.


    Chinese isn’t working for BP but works for WP.
    Russian is ok for WP & BP

    Have you a chinese translation for BP ?

    The avaible zn_CN po header needs to be completed if you want to make your own version based on it.


    Hi @danbp,

    Sorry I think i may have confused my explanation or something and got lost in translation :s.

    Yeah I’m aware of the difference between the slugs used in the URL/permalinks and the menu/tab names. I’ve already updated the names etc in the PO files useing Poedit. But for one reason or another the: define ( ‘BP_FRIENDS_SLUG’, ‘whatever’ ); isn’t working…


    there is no result

    that’s because you use a wrong file name.
    The language file must be named “”

    If WP site language is set to chinese (general > settings if on a single install), buddypress will aotomagically upload the avaible chinese translation.

    Search also this forum if you need more information, they’re many topics related to translation.

    Leo 777

    I tried to create a duplicate file /wp-content/languages/plugins/buddypress-ru_RU.po
    and gave him the name buddypress-zh_CN.po
    Wrote a couple of test translation, But nothing happened

    Leo 777

    Thank you very much. And what about the Chinese language
    In wordpress has Chinese. And in the Chinese language does not have buddypress.
    Where to write translations? I want to translate their own.
    I added Chinese language on the site

    Henry Wright

    Hi @arturamirov

    See the Languages and Translations article to start with. There’s also the Translator Handbook.

    Prometheus Fire

    Right, so the advice from @shanebp worked.

    As I mentioned above, when originally did the translation, I didn’t use Poedit, I used an online editor (after using Codestyling first). Turns out the they simply aren’t as advanced as Poedit and those source keywords were really important here. As I was going through the strings in Poedit, I was seeing strings I had never seen before in the other software since the other editing softwares probably couldn’t read the strings in the first place.

    I’ve seen various threads where other people have struggled with translating the same thing. Perhaps an update to the documentation including information about these specifics might be helpful for other in the future. The documentation does talk about using Poedit, but leaves out those rather important details needed to get a complete label and message change.

    Either way, this issue is resolved.


    – keep in mind that I’m not doing a full on translation, just this BuddyPress translation to change Friends to Connections.

    you put only those strings into your custom po. If the concerned string is on a template file, you can also hardcode it there, and use a template overload to get in from your child-theme in that case. So you haven’t to struggle with poEdit. In this case also, you have to take care of the details given by @shanebp.

    – does the language define statement in wp-config.php need to be set for this to work?

    This is no more used since WP 4.0. You can remove it.

    – buddypress-en_US.po and files need to be in which folder?

    /wp-content/languages/plugins/ (the po file is not used by gettext, it’s only a human readable work file – you can store it elsewhere if you want. You just have to remind where in that case 😉 ).

    if you put it in /language/ (of course you can), you will see buddypress-en_US as a language setting. Which is of course not the site language.

    But in any case, keep a copy of your work in a safe place outside of WP.

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