Search Results for 'translation'
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June 6, 2009 at 3:05 pm #46857
In reply to: I want to speak Spotlish
InactiveI’ve followed the tutoral “Customizing Labels, Messages, and URLs” for customising text messages and it works but while browsing site an warning message occurs
Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter – headers already sent (output started at Z:homeneoforman.comwwwblogwp-contentpluginsbp-custom.php:1)
my bp-languages folder contains files: and buddypress-nfm.po
my bp-custom.php looks as follows
define( 'BPLANG', 'nfm' );
if ( file_exists( BP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/bp-languages/buddypress-' . BPLANG . '.mo' ) ) {
load_textdomain( 'buddypress', BP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/bp-languages/buddypress-' . BPLANG . '.mo' );
it doesn’t contain any other code.
I’ve started the translation after upgrading to 1.0.1 version of Buddypress.
Could anybody advice me where am I wrong?
June 5, 2009 at 11:47 pm #46827In reply to: bpContents 1.0 Alpha 2 Released
ParticipantCool ! Merci beaucoup
Now I’m waiting for translation please.
June 5, 2009 at 8:24 pm #46818In reply to: bpContents 1.0 Alpha 2 Released
ParticipantOk now i became the right output !
I didn’t use the bpmember theme, but facebuddy…
So i put the bpc template directory into it and it works.
Think to tell in the readme file, that each member theme must be charged with the oci-content folder, not only the default bpmember theme.
So another question: what about translation ? Can you provide a .po or a .pot file for the plugin ? Or a list of all expression, phrase,etc that are already localised, so i can create the pot file myself. I have not much time to search througt all files…
THANK YOU. One beer for you at this time.
June 1, 2009 at 10:05 am #46425In reply to: Translating BuddyPress
John James Jacoby
KeymasterThis will be fixed in 1.0.1. There is a patch for this in the trunk.
In the meantime, try adding this to your functions.php file for your theme(s).
// Load the buddypress translation file for current language
function bp_load_buddypress_textdomain() {
$locale = get_locale();
$locale = apply_filters('buddypress_locale', $locale);
$mofile = BP_PLUGIN_DIR . "/bp-languages/buddypress-$";
load_textdomain( 'buddypress', $mofile );
add_action ( 'plugins_loaded', 'bp_load_buddypress_textdomain', 9);May 25, 2009 at 9:48 am #46012In reply to: Localisation, per user
ParticipantOh, forgot to add…the permalinks don’t work in the translated versions either – i.e. on my test site works in Catalan but returns a page not found error (badly translated except (so far) in the English which I’ve corrected (a nice feature of TransPosh).
Don’t forget to click on the US English (I’m also trying to find/write a British English .mo file so I can put a British flag instead of American, since I’m in Europe (and English!).
The main reason I want to do this at all is to cater for the two local languages, Catalan and Spanish, but have English available too. I also found a neat plugin for setting a different back end language but only managed to get that to work using the Codestyling Localization plugin which I couldn’t get to work completely as I wanted either).
Just thought I’d add that in the hope it’ll help others – here’s the Transposh link FYI, which is not usually mentioned but simpler than the main ones.
May 24, 2009 at 10:04 pm #45996In reply to: What files need to translate?
Participantsee this page: contains usefull information.
May 23, 2009 at 10:18 am #45922In reply to: Problems with sprintf in translation
ParticipantThe only solution as far as I know is to edit the DB via PHPMyAdmin (or something similar).
I’ve also seen one more problem with the way BuddyPress stores the activity. If you edit, let’s say, a comment just after you’ve written it, it will show up as two comments in the same DB table, and thus show up two times in the wire widget. And three times if you edit it three times…
I think it should be possible to edit the DB instead of inserting the same information several times.
May 20, 2009 at 12:40 am #45681takuya
ParticipantYou will need to install two or more language translations under bp-languages, but you NEVER NEED two buddypress installations.
May 19, 2009 at 1:34 pm #45652In reply to: Translation files not being picked up
ParticipantThanks Lance, that sorted it!
It was the second part – the location of bp-custom.php.
Cheers, Phil
May 18, 2009 at 5:57 pm #45609In reply to: Translation files not being picked up
Lance Willett
ParticipantHi Philpeter,
The language files go only in
(do not create this folder, use the existing one) and should not be copied or placed anywhere else.Move your “bp-custom.php” file out of
and into/wp-content/plugins/
.If you are still having trouble, make sure the MO version of the file was created correctly.
May 17, 2009 at 5:23 pm #45536pro102
ParticipantThanks Social. I did upload both language files, even the plugin translations under /wp-content/plugins/bpdev-languages/. (I had to create that folder)
Every time I have the mo file installed the problem appears:
* I select Spanish under Admin > Options = nothing happens (stays English)
* Then select Spanish under settings = the admin panel crashes but does switch to Spanish. I then have to *delete* the mo file to get access back to WPMU.
The site then switches to Spanish (90% translated, still some English left) until I make any change to widgets or anything else, then switches back to English by itself.
Any idea?
May 17, 2009 at 8:29 am #45521pro102
ParticipantI removed the es_ES mo file through FTP and now have access again. The admin panel now strangely displays in English for the most part except for some sections (groups = grupos). The external site also displays in Spanish: for example. This setup could work (if I knew how to make it work reliably).
Question: are we supposed to NOT use the .mo files with Buddypress? Just the translations? It seems the mo file caused WPMU and Buddypress to fail. If so why did the Buddypress translation files alone not work when I installed them, then did start working after I activated the Spanish mo file (which I had to subsequently delete to regain access to the admin panel!)
I feel I randomly got lucky here and have no idea how make this work reliably. Thanks in advance.
May 16, 2009 at 11:53 am #45489In reply to: Multi-language edition
Participanti know i’m a bit late on that topic but i do agree that it should almost be a core feature to be able to switch language file.
I’m not talking about having the content translation feature, but the front/back end stuff, basically anything showing on the localization file.
So a user can decide his default language (among the available ones) for the site.
It only makes sense: MU for WordPress MU, for BuddyPress/WordPress MU, for MUlti users, for MUlti blogs and for MUlti language.
I’ve done some research and could not find a black/white solution. it’s seems to be in the grey zone at the moment.
Has anybody been able to achieve this yet?
May 15, 2009 at 3:48 pm #45415In reply to: Problems with encoding
Jeff Sayre
If I understand your issue, you are having problems localizing BuddyPress into Cyrillic.
Please check this BuddyPress codex page first as there is a translation of BP for Bulgarian.
If you are making your own translation, then you should read the Translating WordPress codex page.
May 14, 2009 at 12:08 pm #45320In reply to: Language doesn\’t update, caching?
ParticipantI also have similar issue. In my case, some Site Wide Activities phrases are still in English, even If i’ve updated the translated version.
I use PoEdit for translations, I’ve translated WP/bbPress/WPMU and never faced such issue. How could be this problem resolved?
May 13, 2009 at 7:19 pm #45273In reply to: 404 errors – fresh install
Participant@JohnJamesJacoby: Is there any possibility to override the bp slugs like members, groups etc.. so they would still work? Because since the problem is pinpointed to that single qTranslated module, I’m having problems with the multi-translations …
or is the progress in the latest svn/trunks ?
May 13, 2009 at 7:09 pm #45272In reply to: Buddypress 1.0 for Vietnamese (vi_VN) 1.0 – Language
ParticipantJeff Sayre
Hello! I speak English quite currency. but hope you understand I want to say below
As you say “There is another Vietnamese translation of BuddyPress.” I understand by the meaning that has translated into a Vietnamese version of my other.
01: This real currency. Because before I posted here is not há» have translated into any other language Vietnamese.
02: I was checking the translations and you say it’s not exist.
I am a new to wordpress so I buddypress song and I do not know how to bring it to share with people outside the post here
I hope you check back. you can see the time I post this and compare it with the time of translation into Vietnamese other. Hope you see this soon and put the translation on my page
Thank so much
Sorry for my bad english
May 13, 2009 at 11:58 am #45232In reply to: Lost bp-custom and translations, read before update.
Lance Willett
ParticipantSocialpreneur, thanks for the note. I updated the Codex page to reflect this; when I wrote the tutorial the automatic upgrade wasn’t an option.
May 13, 2009 at 11:57 am #45231In reply to: I want to speak Spotlish
Lance Willett
ParticipantIs the bp-custom.php file something that I download or create?
You create it yourself, and place it in “/wp-content/plugins”.
What is the ‘mysite’ language translation as defined in the tutorial?
That is a sample definition that I used for the tutorial — you can use whatever you want. Just make it a label that makes sense to you and your site.
Still wondering about the command to convert .po to .mo. How is that run and from where?
Running that command requires that your web server have basic GNU gettext support — if you don’t know if it’s supported, ask your host (it’s pretty standard on most Linux servers).
Running this command also requires command line access to your server via a program like PuTTY (Windows), (Mac), or from inside an FTP program and requires that your server support “msgfmt”. If you do not know how to run commands like this, or don’t have command line access to your server, please see Translating WordPress for other software options for converting language files (like Poedit).
@Craig dean
Also not understanding the conversion of the po. to the mo. using the run command. Is it a ftp app command. Just not sure.
See me answer above. I also updated the Codex page with these notes.
my bp-custom.php file wasn’t loading. Once I moved it out of the buddypress folder and into the plugins folder the language change worked… anyone know why that is?
Yes, as of BuddyPress 1.0 the “bp-custom.php” should be placed in the “plugins” folder instead of inside the BuddyPress directory, as noted by Andy in this thread. Thanks for the reminder — I updated the Codex page to note the correct location.
Note also that if you use the “Automatic upgrade” option to update your BuddyPress install, make sure to backup your language files first since they could be removed during the upgrade process (see this thread).
May 11, 2009 at 6:57 am #45009In reply to: I want to speak Spotlish
ParticipantOk, I see now that I have to create the bp-custom.php file myself.
Still do not know how to run the command to create a .mo file. Do I use cpanel or ftp software for this? Would poEdit, create a .mo file that I can just upload? (Thanks Gilbertc for the above clarification, I’ll definitely look into PoEdit for the long run but currently I only need ‘blog’ to be ‘news’ everywhere
Also, what is the ‘mysite’ language translation as defined in the tutorial?
May 10, 2009 at 6:12 pm #44963In reply to: I want to speak Spotlish
Gilbert Cattoire
ParticipantThe Northern Smurfs called a certain object a “bottle smurfer”, while the Southern Smurfs called it a “smurf opener”.
Language customization is subtly different from language translation but both share similar localization processes, using the same tools.
( & Google for more)
Of course, as Lance accurately stated, using dedicated software is overkill if your intention is to change a small set of frequently used words site-wide (turning “groups” into “teams”, “members” into “players” and so on).
In which case I’d go for the “slugs” method, as suggested by Andy Peatling, rather than tinker with the language files.
As always, scale matters.
If you are interested in managing one or more custom language versions, or if you find yourself willing to change more stuff as it comes, I strongly advise you to consider the software option.
It’s a personal investment which requires you to do your homework and learn to organize your projects accordingly but the learning curve isn’t that steep, and it will guarantee you less white hair in the long run.
PoEdit is a good choice, giving you the full benefit of a precious asset: translation memory.
Once installed on your PC, it creates and maintains databases for each translation project – its original purpose. A feature that can be put to good use for language customization.
Its rather straightforward user interface lets you focus on the language changes you want to make, with a built in “search” feature to locate words or expressions.
There is no built in “find & replace” feature as software translation is primarily based on strings and not single word occurrences, which can be located in different strings with different contextual meanings.
If you really want to batch-replace words, you can achieve this using a text editor like Notepad++. Proceed with extreme caution, though: unexpected replacements using this method are frequent, that you can’t always undo except by hand, which defeats the purpose of the whole process.
Since language files are usually modified with each new release (added strings, modified strings, different string locations…), you’re also better off handling language file updates that way, keeping the language customization logic independent from the file itself, in PoEdit’s TM (translation memory) safe at home on your PC.
When upgrading BP, it will spare you tedious language files comparison and copy-paste hell in a river of strings, and will do the job with more accuracy.
A single mistake in a modified language file can generate cryptic errors which you don’t want to start tracking and debugging in 3,000 + strings distributed in multiple language files.
PoEdit gives you the ability to manage multiple language files using a single TM database (or as many as you wish).
This is especially useful when you know that the number of language files to be handled gets larger as your platform grows (plugins, themes and templates sometimes have their own – and should).
Using PoEdit will give you the required semantic homogeneity among all language files belonging to the same project, seamlessly.
This is where translators make significant productivity gains. And so can you.
What is more, the software approach scales nicely:
If you want to leverage your community’s knowledge for language customization – Klingon, Smurf, slang, professional jargon, secret dialect, whatever… – you may want to install Pootle
( ), an open source collaborative translation platform that does the same as PoEdit, on your server, and upload the languages files for collective customization – the scenario is yours.
May 9, 2009 at 9:14 pm #44907In reply to: localization on subversion – bp i18n
Participanti know john, “to update the italian localization” i mean keep update the translation on BuddyPress Italy site AND on svn … when Andy start this “service” for all the localization teams
May 6, 2009 at 2:04 pm #44598In reply to: Swedish translation done
ParticipantI’m just finishing a translation based on BP 1.0, coming up soon.
May 5, 2009 at 3:10 pm #44511In reply to: Buddypress 1.0 for Vietnamese (vi_VN) 1.0 – Language
Jeff Sayre
Thank you for your contribution.
Have you checked the BuddyPress Language Translations Codex pages here?
There is another Vietnamese translation of BuddyPress.
May 5, 2009 at 12:15 pm #44484In reply to: Problems with sprintf in translation
ParticipantI’m experiencing the same problem.
It’s with a few strings that are translated in the PO file, but do not appear correct.
“created the group”
“updated the”
“created a new blog:”
“wrote a new blog post:”
.. and may be more I can not catch at this moment.
These strings are from the site-wire activity and appear in the INDEX , as well in other pages.. and.. they are pretty key to the user experience.. so it will be nice if there’s a solution on the horizon
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