Another problem that I find in the Nouveau template is that “Group Administrators” is not translated into Spanish.
In the Legacy template pack if the translation works but the size is very big and ugly.
Please, if you can solve these problems I thank you
We have this fixed for our next release, v3.1. This will be released next week (Wednesday) at the latest. The bug was addressed at
@alpokoskiniva “Repair email” deletes the emails from the “Emails” menu, then re-adds them. You don’t need to do this unless you’ve added a translation to your site after installing BuddyPress, and want the translated emails, or if you’ve made a code change to the email language in the BuddyPress files, which is what @filipponeri20 has done. We strongly recommend that no-one ever changes a core file of BuddyPress, because it will be overwritten when you update.
You should be able to change the wording using the translation file and poedit.
Languages and Translations
I also recommend using WPT Custom MO File to manage your translations.
To change the name of tabs etc you need to look into setting up a custom translation file. All the visible labels are able to be translated, so you can change them how you like.
You can use poedit to create your translation file and WPT Custom Mo File to install the translation onto your site.
Languages and Translations
Hey there,
I am currently setting up a members directory for our alumni association using buddypress (currently Version 3 RC1 from trac). I really love it and so far the feedback from our testers is really positive. I might consider contributing a showcase/case study if there is anything like that for buddypress. I have already contributed several translations and will add more during the weekend!
I have one issue remaining which is related to the search function. We allow our members to hide certain information from other members. For example one member can set their current location to “adminsonly”. Let’s assume this example. We have user Thomas in city Berlin and user Peter in city Munich. Thomas decides to hide his location from other members and sets the field visibility to adminsonly. Now Peter views Thomas’ profile and is not able to see his location. So far everything works as expected. Now Peter uses the search function and uses the keyword “Berlin”. The result set contains Thomas (without displaying any information about the city) although Peter should not be able to know the city.
I would tend to consider this as a breach of privacy for users. That’s why I currently have removed the search boxes from all pages. Technically, if someone knows the URL search strings he/she could still do the search. Is it possible to configure the search so that it only searches fields which are available to the user conducting the search?
Thanks and regards!
The first file;
* @package Boss Child Theme
* The parent theme functions are located at /boss/buddyboss-inc/theme-functions.php
* Add your own functions in this file.
* Sets up theme defaults
* @since Boss Child Theme 1.0.0
function boss_child_theme_setup()
* Makes child theme available for translation.
* Translations can be added into the /languages/ directory.
* Read more at:
// Translate text from the PARENT theme.
load_theme_textdomain( ‘boss’, get_stylesheet_directory() . ‘/languages’ );
// Translate text from the CHILD theme only.
// Change ‘boss’ instances in all child theme files to ‘boss_child_theme’.
// load_theme_textdomain( ‘boss_child_theme’, get_stylesheet_directory() . ‘/languages’ );
add_action( ‘after_setup_theme’, ‘boss_child_theme_setup’ );
* Enqueues scripts and styles for child theme front-end.
* @since Boss Child Theme 1.0.0
function boss_child_theme_scripts_styles()
* Scripts and Styles loaded by the parent theme can be unloaded if needed
* using wp_deregister_script or wp_deregister_style.
* See the WordPress Codex for more information about those functions:
* Styles
wp_enqueue_style( ‘boss-child-custom’, get_stylesheet_directory_uri().’/css/custom.css’ );
add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘boss_child_theme_scripts_styles’, 9999 );
/****************************** CUSTOM FUNCTIONS ******************************/
// Add your own custom functions here
The second contains:
if ( !defined( ‘BP_AVATAR_THUMB_WIDTH’ ) )
define( ‘BP_AVATAR_THUMB_WIDTH’, 35 ); //change this with your desired thumb width
if ( !defined( ‘BP_AVATAR_THUMB_HEIGHT’ ) )
define( ‘BP_AVATAR_THUMB_HEIGHT’, 35 ); //change this with your desired thumb height
@nikbond no need to edit the codes, you can simply translate Media to Photos using Translation strings. To translate within dashboard you can use Loco Translate plugin.
I installed BuddyPress in my website but, the Arabic translation not show !!
Can anyone help me?
my language site is Arabic
It’s got to be a conflict of some sort somewhere, translations are usually very reliable from my experience.
I think the first thing to do is to check there’s nothing interfering with the loading of the translation – unload all of your plugins except BP and Custom MO. Also try it running the 2017 theme.
@niclovelace BuddyPress is translation ready and you can simply use Loco Translate plugin to translate any terms with the desired one from the plugin options.
No need to modify any codes.
@avaiya BuddyPress is translation ready and you can simply use Loco Translate plugin to translate any terms with the desired one from the plugin options.
Whoops, I forgot instructions on how to change the account details fields. Here, I updated it:
To change the text on the regular (Account Details) fields, make a copy of wpcontent/plugins/buddypress/bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/members/register.php and place it in themes/your-child-theme/buddypress/members (a folder which you will have to create).
Then, open that file and replace every instance of <?php _e( '(required)', 'buddypress' ); ?>
with your asterisk (*).
Then, to change the text on profile fields (Profile Details), just add the following code to bp-custom.php (which, if it doesn’t exist, you’ll need to create in wpcontent/plugins).
function bp_change_required_label($translated_string, $field_id) {
return '*';
add_filter('bp_get_the_profile_field_required_label', 'bp_change_required_label', 10, 2);
This function hooks into the function bp_get_the_profile_field_required_label() in buddypress/bp-xprofile/bp-xprofile-template using the supplied filter. It takes the translated “(required)” string and replaces it with “*”. which will also remove any translation – but that should be acceptable for a symbol in most cases.
I know this is an old thread, but for those who are (like me) interested and googling this, here’s a quick solution that requires no language file editing.
Just add the following code to bp-custom.php (which, if it doesn’t exist, you’ll need to create in wpcontent/plugins).
function bp_change_required_label($translated_string, $field_id) {
return '*';
add_filter('bp_get_the_profile_field_required_label', 'bp_change_required_label', 10, 2);
This function hooks into the function bp_get_the_profile_field_required_label() in buddypress/bp-xprofile/bp-xprofile-template using the supplied filter. It takes the translated “(required)” string and replaces it with “*”. which will also remove any translation – but that should be acceptable for a symbol in most cases.
I’m pretty sure you can do this by creating your own translation of the BuddyPress pot file for the field (Required) which is on line 1455 of the pot file. for details of how to do this you could look at buddyuser dot com/changing-the-text-used-in-buddypress-and-other-plugins
I meet 2 worry with buddypress:
1) When a person clicks on “forgot password” an email and sent and arrives in the spam message in the form of SPAM
2) When she click on the link sent by email to reset are password it sends her to the wordpress login page and does not ask her to change password or whatever
Sorry google translation
Hello guys,
using Buddypress with MyCred, there are several strings that are not available to translate like:
%s for new post
%s for new page
Total Reads:
Total Posts:
Do you know of a fix for this?
Thank you so much
After updating Buddypress I ‘v got the following problem. When I change the sorting of the memberlist (alphabetic, newest or oldest) I lose my custom translation and see much more members than belong to the selected group. After refreshing the page (F5) everything turns to normal. This happens every time I change the sorting.
Thanks for your help!
That’s an interesting idea. It seems like it should be possible, because BuddyPress is using a JavaScript library called livestamp
to generate those strings. It relies on moment.js
for localization (localization usually means translation, but could also mean “custom messages”). I think you could change the “relative time thresholds” as described here:
Okay, I’ll check all of the terms “member” and “members” in English with the Portuguese translation (member and members, respectively)
The users get this message when they have yet to activate their account, it’s a basic feature of BuddyPress – each new user gets sent an activation email.
If you got to your wp-content/plugins/buddypress directory you will find the US translation of BuddyPress – buddypress-en_US,po, make a local copy of this and load it into PoEdit, you can then create your own translation, changing the words how you link, just search for the phrase you want to change.
I am running Weglot translation plugin. This plugin put a language link behind the url.
For example if I am using English as the main language and I switch to German it will put ‘/de’ behind the url.
This gives no problem for all the drop down menu items, but only for the activity link.
Where in the function files can I change this?
I would like to add something like this:
$language = Weglot::Instance()->getCurrentLang();
if ($language==’en’)
I am translating my site to spanish so I am using the buddypress-es_MX.po and .mo files.
I have translated the following email notifications strings to Spanish, but they are not being applied and remain in English after the notification email is sent. Notice it’s all in English except the message I posted to another user.
The .po file has been placed in the following locations: public_html/wp-content/languages/buddypress
and also public_html/wp-content/languages/plugins as you describe to do in your instructions.
The file I am using is the Stable ( latest release) one you have on your site so I just started to add more translations myself and posted.
It has been working for all other text on the front end of my site, but for some reason, email notifications are not responding.
“name replied to one of your updates:
“muy bien pero puedo estar mejor.”
Go to the discussion to reply or catch up on the conversation.”
Please help.
We are currently using Buddypress with BuddyBoss theme. We have been attempting to change “Friends” to “Contacts” and have read through 8 years of these support forums trying to find an answer to our issue.
We used Loco translate to change all available strings that mention friends to contacts and for the most part this worked well. Unfortunately there are instances on Site Wide Activity, All Members and in some drop down filter menus/widgets where “Friends” still appears. We’ve gone through Buddypress, Buddyboss theme and all extension plugins we have installed for buddypress using the Loco plugin. We’ve manually changed every single instance, gone through the Buddypress developer resources and all codex articles posted in previous topics and have tried Poedit but this has not changed the above instances.
BuddyPress, WordPress and BuddyBoss are all up to date. Link:
Any ideas would be incredibly appreciated. Thank you!
Thanks a lot for prompt response.
1. Yes I want to use different icons. could you please elaborate which CSS I need to modify. where to find the css where the CSS is written for icons. I have just started using wordpress/buddypress
2. Where do I find translation file
Default sign-up form