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Search Results for 'activation email'

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  • #101419

    It may also be the perennial problem of them simply not RECEIVING the activation email. Be certain to mention to people registering to check their junkmail folder if they do not receive the activation email within a few hours.


    WordPress, not BuddyPress plugin, handles email activations. It could also be because of webhosting configuration. Deactivate BP and BP-dependent plugins, then double-check if activation emails are sent from your installation. Check for resolutions from forums

    Anonymous User 96400

    Just create a user in the backend and tick the checkbox to not send the password mail. This is the easiest option.
    You can also configure your local machine to send out emails. You’ll find tutorials on doing this on Google.
    The last option is to get the activation key from the database and then navigate to the activation page.


    In reply to: User/Member Management


    @Djsteve Did we jump off the happy truck today? My site is using WP+WPMultiSite+BuddyPress and a dozen or so plugins and, personally, everything seems to be running rather smoothly. Yes, there are a few disconnected pieces here and there – but I have PAID for scripts and plugins that ended up having as many problems if not more.
    And yes, user management and no connection to Akismet or an ability to put CAPTCHA into the signup form seems like an obvious gaffe but …
    I wish users would remember to check spam/junk folders but that’s a people issue outside of our control.
    I am fairly certain that Akismet will be connected in v1.3.
    @mateko No. At this time it is NOT possible to resend activation emails to BP members and nor can admins manually activate members from the console.
    I have not tried it yet, but you may try deleting a member from admin and telling them to re-register and watch the junk folder.
    Hopefully these issues will be addressed in v1.3


    @mercime … Converted my site to MultiSite on Thursday and installed the recommended plugin. No change. My guess is that this plugin work ONLY for multisite blogs that have been created, not overall users. I see this message when I click the link for the plugin “No user activation keys in $wpdb->signups.”


    Here’s my problem right now. I have WP+BP-based site. I soft-launched to a select 100 or so friends. 75 started the process. Of those, a large-ish number did not get the activation email and did not complete the sign-up process.

    The ONLY way I know this is from the few that reported they did not receive the activation email and have asked me to resend – which there is no way of accomplishing this simple task. AND counting the number of users in the admin panel USERS and comparing it to the BP Site Stats plugin that counts the active users.

    Should not the Admin–>User area include some indication whether a user has been “activated” or not? AND give us the opportunity to “Re-Send Activation”? Seems like a logical management tool.


    @mercime Thank You! I will look into it … right now its WP+BP not multi-site.


    @thealchemist if your WP is multisite, you can use dsader’s plugin


    I have a similar issue. I know activation emails are being sent. However, some of these emails get sent ot junk and the member doesn’t know to check. When I go to the “Users” section in the admin I see nothing that indicates non-replies as spam and certain no way to “activate” a member.

    Is there a way to resend activation?


    I have a problem where some are not being received – likely gone into junk folder – and the member needs a new activation setn. Is there a way for me to either re-send the activation email? or simply activate their membership from within the admin?


    you also have a header issue when clicking on the activation link from the email… idk if you were aware of that or not?


    hmmm, I don’t have email setup on my server. I have no experience with servers but have managed to learn enough to have my site up. I thought the point of mailFrom was to address the problem off servers not being configured correctly to send mail through WP?


    the @alienjackhammer solution worked for me, using the Configure SMTP plug in.

    i will check that FAQ as well, thanks for pointing that out.

    Andrea Rennick

    Are they not getting *sent* or are they not getting *recieved*? Becasue those are two separate issues.

    Are you the admin getting email notifies? If yes, then you know the mails are getting sent.

    If some users are not receiving emails, do they have hotmail or comcast addresses?


    I use Bluehost as well, and had similar problems… I tried just about everything, and the only thing I could do was use an SMTP plugin… This is the one I use:

    Here are a couple things I learned, so you don’t have to bang your head as much as I did…

    – use ‘localhost’ as the SMTP hostname in the config file
    – Make SURE you are using an email address that is being hosted on Bluehost for the username/password

    Good luck!

    Hugo Ashmore

    Oh so emails are being sent then!

    As mentioned work in just WP ensure that option to allow user registration is set and test again and send to an account that you has no issues i.e accounts like hotmail can be problematical as they implement iirc SPF records and will likely reject emails coming from a domain they can’t verify so ensure the sending address is real. There are quite a few threads on the support forum on this subject that cover most of what I can suggest and more, so they are worth tracking down although I admit searching can be awkward.


    Hey hnla,

    Could i ask what i should be telling my host to change? They are generally pretty good at getting back to me on things but im a little bit lost on what to do with this one. My emails can reach people when i send them and the site sends me notification emails (to my personal email adress that belongs to another domain of mine). Just no activation codes?


    Hugo Ashmore

    Nearly always a server config issue or a email account one i.e no dns records for account, or a control panel such as plesk playing it’s tricks with email settings enabled but directing to a record that isn’t setup.

    First thing is to disable BP and just get WP working and sending correctly. use an email account that has definite and legitimate credentials so that email servers don’t reject it due to no lookup records.

    You might want to pas this by your server hosts for help with.


    I don’t think it will work with a gmail account (at least without a major hack). It probably has to be Then, you have to make sure that email is setup on your hosting.


    I have my own server, I heard this issue is related to my server not being setup correctly to send mail? If I had more details I may be able to fix it there.


    I have it setup with a gmail account, is that not good?


    Also check to make sure that whatever email you are using in your Mail From plugin actually exists. Otherwise, there are often issues there.


    it just added the new role but im still having activation email problems


    nope it wouldnt activate them and last time i installed a version of buddy press it automatically added a new role called member and it wont send out activation emails i got 4 new members today and i had to un mark them from the spammer list and send them emails apologising

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