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Search Results for 'buddyboss'

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  • assal0le

    I’m Using wordpress, BuddyPress, BuddyBoss and myCred. In the myCred hook panel, there is an alert: User photo uploading is not enable.

    My question is, Where can I enable user photo uploading?


    Hey everyone,
    First of all, thanks so much for the work and effort you put into BP. It’s amazing what you all do.

    I recently updated to the latest BP and WP versions (the details you requested are below).

    Issues #1 – when someone initially posts into a group, not a reply to a comment, users who have requested All Email option from the BP Group Email Subscription Plugin receive an email using that BP Group Email Subscription plugin’s email template vs. the new BP email templates. If someone replies to the comment, then the new BP email templates work perfectly.

    Issue #2 – the email mentioned in #1 is from while the others are sent from

    Thanks for any advice you can send my way.

    1. Which version of WordPress are you running? 4.4.2

    2. Did you install WordPress as a directory or subdomain install? subdomain

    3. If a directory install, is it in root or in a subdirectory?

    4. Did you upgrade from a previous version of WordPress? If so, from which version? From 4.3.3

    5. Was WordPress functioning properly before installing/upgrading BuddyPress (BP)? Yes

    6. Which version of BP are you running? 2.5.2

    7. Did you upgraded from a previous version of BP? If so, from which version? 2.4.2

    8. Do you have any plugins other than BuddyPress installed and activated? If so, which ones?

    Advanced Cron Manager
    Black Studio TinyMCE Widget
    BP Group Hierarchy
    BP Profile Search
    Broken Link Checker
    BuddyBoss Wall
    BuddyPress Activity Plus
    BuddyPress Global Search
    BuddyPress Group Email Subscription 3.6.0
    Select BuddyPress Groups Extras
    Select BuddyPress Members Import
    Select BuddyPress Message Attachment
    Select CCL Salesforce Connector
    Contact Form
    Easy Google Fonts
    Events +
    Google Analytics by Yoast
    Google Doc Embedder
    Google Maps
    Invite Anyone
    Page Builder by SiteOrigin
    PHP Code Widget
    PHP Snippets
    PopUp Pro
    Post Tags and Categories for Pages
    Private Community For BP Lite
    Search shortcode
    Shortcodes Ultimate
    Simple Follow Me Social Buttons Widget
    UberMenu 2 – WordPress Mega Menu Plugin
    User Role Editor
    Wordfence Security
    WordPress HTTPS
    WPMU DEV Dashboard

    9. Are you using the standard WordPress theme or customized theme? BuddyBoss

    10. Have you modified the core files in any way? Nope

    11. Do you have any custom functions in bp-custom.php? Yes

    12. If running bbPress, which version? Or did your BuddyPress install come with a copy of bbPress built-in? Not running

    13. Please provide a list of any errors in your server’s log files. None

    14. Which company provides your hosting? BlueHost

    15. Is your server running Windows, or if Linux; Apache, nginx or something else? Apache

    Thorsten :-)


    I reported the issue many times and the issue still exists in BP v2.5.2

    If I want to compose a new message and click on ‘Message | Compose’ from my welcome menu I get a form field for ‘Send To’. If enter there some letters BP shows me users (only friends connected). After clicking on a user found by BP the name will be placed but – unfortunately – not correct

    Please see image 1 and image 2 I attached:

    I tested with WP standard themes and the BuddyBoss theme I use. Reported to the theme developer too but they also say it’s a BP bug.

    I made a video already in my post for demonstrating the issue, see

    Please can anyone confirm this bug too?

    Thank you,


    Hi @neijisly, I tried your updated code but had no success with it. Thank you for trying though!

    Hi @shanebp, your code works great. Thank you! I don’t have any other plugins apart from BuddyBoss Global Search and BuddyBoss Edit Activity. So unless your code affects the functioning of another part of BuddyPress, then there shouldn’t be any conflicts.

    While looking at messaging I have just noticed that Private Messages don’t send when you select a recipient via the autocomplete dropdown (get a failed message saying username is incorrect). However if you manually type out the same username, the message sends fine. I haven’t yet searched the forum on this matter though so there may already be a solution out there. I’ll have a look.


    WordPress 4.4.2
    BuddyPress 2.5.1
    BuddyBoss Theme 2.1.3

    For header issue please see:

    One request: It would be great if “font type” could be changed or a Logo Image could be inserted into “Header” area.

    Best regards,


    In reply to: Few Issues

    David Cavins

    In reply to: Feature Questions


    @mrunal2989 Already using BuddyBoss…
    But I want to Create page functionality in our website that user can Add own page and other user can like that same like facbook…


    @mdbhojwani Google BuddyBoss theme.. They have amazingly crafted theme that looks similar to FB


    In reply to: wall page


    The activity filter can be removed from the template.
    Ask BuddyBoss which one you should adjust and how.


    In reply to: wall page


    BP does not provide a ‘wall’ tab.
    You are using a custom plugin or theme – perhaps BuddyBoss?
    Have you tried asking them>


    You must check out BuddyPress Member Types.

    BuddyPress Member Types lets you create and manage member types without having to code. You can also allow users to choose their Member type while signing up and also through their profile options.


    I wish the developers/contributors would add a post on profile button to show user posts in the next update. It makes sense to have this function as it incorporates WordPress and Buddypress respectively. There is only one plugin that I found which accomplished this feet:

    BP Posts On Profile

    by Huseyin Berberoglu. The plugin is out of date and it takes tons of modifications to get it going with an up to date Buddypress install.

    The second method is a block of code placed in functions.php

    function importSomething(){
    return include_once 'bp-custom.php';
    add_action( 'bp_setup_nav', 'buddyboss_child_bp_nav_adder' );
    add_action( 'bp_template_content', 'profile_buddyboss_child_loop' );
    bp_core_load_template( apply_filters( 'bp_core_template_plugin', 'members/single/plugins' ) );
    function buddyboss_child_bp_nav_adder() {
    global $bp;
    $post_count = count_user_posts_by_type( $bp->displayed_user->id );
    'name' => sprintf( __( 'Posts <span>%d</span>', 'my-poems' ), $post_count ),
    'slug' => 'Articles',
    'position' => 250,
    'show_for_displayed_user' => true,
    'screen_function' => 'buddyboss_child_list',
    'item_css_id' => 'articles',
    'default_subnav_slug' => 'public'
    function buddyboss_child_list() {
    add_action( 'bp_template_content', 'profile_buddyboss_child_loop' );
    bp_core_load_template( apply_filters( 'bp_core_template_plugin', 'members/single/plugins' ) );
    /*------- This is end of the code for above function ---------*/
    function profile_buddyboss_child_loop() {
    $myposts = get_posts(  array(
    'posts_per_page' => -1,
    'author'         => bp_displayed_user_id(),
    'post_type'      => 'post'
    if( ! empty($myposts) ) { 
    foreach($myposts as $post) {
    setup_postdata( $post );
    if (has_post_thumbnail( $post->ID ) ):
    $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ), 'sidebar-smallthumbnew' );
    else :
    $image[0] = &quot;;;
    echo '<li class=&quot;sidebar mostpop post-' . $post->ID . '&quot;><span id=&quot;postimage&quot;><a>ID) . '&quot;><img src=&quot;' . $image[0] . '&quot; /></a></span><div id=&quot;postinfo&quot;><a>ID) . '&quot;>' . get_the_title($post->ID) . '</a></div></li>';
    echo '</ul>';
    } else { ?>
    <div class=&quot;info&quot; id=&quot;message&quot;>
    <p><strong><?php bp_displayed_user_fullname(); ?></strong> has No posts.</p>
    <?php }
    /* This is end of the code for above function */
    function count_user_posts_by_type( $userid, $post_type = 'post' ) {
    global $wpdb;
    $where = get_posts_by_author_sql( $post_type, true, $userid, true);
    $count = $wpdb->get_var( &quot;SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb->posts $where&quot; );
    return apply_filters( 'get_usernumposts', $count, $userid );

    This works fine but it’s quite limited. It also messes with Buddypress updates rendering the two latest Buddypress updates useless (Star message, and Upload Background image).

    Guys please get around to integrating this ability in Buddypress so one doesn’t have to spend hours searching and trouble shooting for a function which I believe and others should be an already main component.


    Try creating it as a function such as something like below or download the free plugin BuddyPress Reorder Tabs

    function re_order_my_tabs() {
      global $bp;
      $bp->bp_nav[‘Activity’][‘position’] = 30;
      $bp->bp_nav[‘profile’][‘position’] = 20;
      $bp->bp_nav[‘notifications’][‘position’] = 10;
      $bp->bp_nav[‘messages’][‘position’] = 80;
      $bp->bp_nav[‘friends’][‘position’] = 70;
      $bp->bp_nav[‘groups’][‘position’] = 60;
      $bp->bp_nav[‘media’][‘position’] = 50;
      $bp->bp_nav[‘settings’][‘position’] = 40;
    add_action( 'bp_setup_nav', 're_order_my_tabs', 999 );

    @stockton – do you mean BuddyBoss theme?
    You should ask the theme authors about your issue.
    If you’re using multi-site, be sure to tell them that.


    I’d vote for boss theme too. It looks awesome and is specifically built for buddypress network sites. You might want to check its live demo.


    they sound as helpful as a chocolate watch at buddyboss.

    I dont use/like their plugins so can not help on that, but there is a very good plugin called “BuddyPress Like” which is brilliant and easy to use.

    Paul Bursnall
    Quinn Goldwin

    Buddyboss support told me to do this… RESOLVED

    Set WP_DEBUG to false define(‘WP_DEBUG’, false); in your wp-config.php file, this is a known issue. It will not break the plugin functionality.

    Henry Wright

    Try checking the order using the TwentyFifteen theme and if the order is as expected, then that means there might be a problem with the Boss theme. If that’s the case, you should let the BuddyBoss team know so they can hopefully release a fix.


    Base field name can be modified (from Name to Whatever), you’re right there are no visibility settings for this (required) group.

    If you made some custom work, (in bp-custom or theme’s functions.php) it’s important to revert back to original code first.

    You use Profildetails as group title. Is this the modified Base name ?
    On Boss live demo, Name is appearing.

    Have you tested with another theme like 2015 ?



    Thank you for responding.
    I tried a few other themes including twentythirteen & Mesocolumn – no difference.
    Then today I disabled all plugins except buddypress & bbforum.

    #1. The mentioned links worked.
    #2. I then first activated a number of security plugins + Hyper cache plugin. Problem back, of page not found, until I deactivated Hyper cache.

    This was solved by reading this article => & doing this:

    By default this plugin will cache all of your site’s pages, including your BuddyPress-specific content like activity posts and forum posts. This is not good, as your BuddyPress content is constantly updated and needs to remain fresh. To fix it add the following lines into “URI to reject” in the “Filters” settings panel of Hyper Cache:


    … I think current plugin terminology is “Exact URIs to bypass” & “(Starting with) URIs to bypass”, which I did and clearing the cache.

    #3. As I continued activating, I discovered the used also causes if I try to go to my profile page or for example /members/user-x/, etc to re-direct to site front page, with no error.

    I have to look into this later. The other plugins I had tried before caused some issues, so I was happy with this re-direct plugin.

    Will report back, at least if I get a response from author or get a plugin not causing issues, someone could recommend one ;).

    Thank you & regards.


    Yes it is related to “Messages > Starred”. There is nothing wrong with the new feature. It’s this function that I found online that’s causing a conflict.

    /* ——————————Start BP Post in profile code for function——————– */
    function importSomething(){
    return include_once ‘bp-custom.php’;
    add_action( ‘bp_setup_nav’, ‘buddyboss_child_bp_nav_adder’ );
    add_action( ‘bp_template_content’, ‘profile_buddyboss_child_loop’ );
    bp_core_load_template( apply_filters( ‘bp_core_template_plugin’, ‘members/single/plugins’ ) );

    function buddyboss_child_bp_nav_adder() {
    global $bp;
    $post_count = count_user_posts_by_type( $bp->displayed_user->id );
    ‘name’ => sprintf( __( ‘Posts <span>%d</span>’, ‘my-poems’ ), $post_count ),
    ‘slug’ => ‘Articles’,
    ‘position’ => 250,
    ‘show_for_displayed_user’ => true,
    ‘screen_function’ => ‘buddyboss_child_list’,
    ‘item_css_id’ => ‘articles’,
    ‘default_subnav_slug’ => ‘public’
    function buddyboss_child_list() {
    add_action( ‘bp_template_content’, ‘profile_buddyboss_child_loop’ );
    bp_core_load_template( apply_filters( ‘bp_core_template_plugin’, ‘members/single/plugins’ ) );
    /*——- This is end of the code for above function ———*/
    function profile_buddyboss_child_loop() {
    $myposts = get_posts( array(
    ‘posts_per_page’ => -1,
    ‘author’ => bp_displayed_user_id(),
    ‘post_type’ => ‘post’
    if( ! empty($myposts) ) {
    foreach($myposts as $post) {
    setup_postdata( $post );
    if (has_post_thumbnail( $post->ID ) ):
    $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ), ‘sidebar-smallthumbnew’ );
    else :
    $image[0] = “…/wp-content/themes/Starkers-Child-2/images/vidimage.jpg”;
    echo ‘<li class=”sidebar mostpop post-‘ . $post->ID . ‘”><div id=”postimage”>ID) . ‘”></div><div id=”postinfo”>ID) . ‘”>’ . get_the_title($post->ID) . ‘</div>‘;
    echo ‘‘;
    } else { ?>
    <div class=”info” id=”message”>
    <p><?php bp_displayed_user_fullname(); ?> has No posts.</p>
    <?php }
    /* This is end of the code for above function */
    function count_user_posts_by_type( $userid, $post_type = ‘post’ ) {
    global $wpdb;
    $where = get_posts_by_author_sql( $post_type, true, $userid, true);
    $count = $wpdb->get_var( “SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb->posts $where” );
    return apply_filters( ‘get_usernumposts’, $count, $userid );
    /* ——————————This is end of the code for post in profile above function——————– */

    It adds a new button on the user activity page and when the Message-Starred button is clicked it takes the user the lists of post page that the above function creates. How can I stop that fro happening. I really want to keep the starred message function and I don’t want to lose the lists of WordPress post in the user Activity page.


    thank you @mercime I did try the 2015 theme after deactivating all plugins except BuddyPress, and same issue. Yes I can upload images and see thumbnails with 2015 theme and with my BuddyBoss theme. I still have the problem with profile images not working. I also have a new issue where private messages no longer work from inside BuddyPress. I am hosted with inmotion.

Viewing 25 results - 476 through 500 (of 674 total)
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