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Search Results for 'notification user id'

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  • #108205

    @linkyou, add this to your theme’s css:

    /* Inherit the default theme styles */
    @import url( ../../plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/_inc/css/default.css );

    /* Inherit the default theme adminbar styles */
    @import url( ../../plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/_inc/css/adminbar.css );

    And put this in your functions.php

    `// Load the AJAX functions for the theme
    require_once( TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/_inc/ajax.php’ );

    // Load the javascript for the theme
    wp_enqueue_script( ‘dtheme-ajax-js’, get_template_directory_uri() . ‘/_inc/global.js’, array( ‘jquery’ ) );

    // Add words that we need to use in JS to the end of the page so they can be translated and still used.
    $params = array(
    ‘my_favs’ => __( ‘My Favorites’, ‘buddypress’ ),
    ‘accepted’ => __( ‘Accepted’, ‘buddypress’ ),
    ‘rejected’ => __( ‘Rejected’, ‘buddypress’ ),
    ‘show_all_comments’ => __( ‘Show all comments for this thread’, ‘buddypress’ ),
    ‘show_all’ => __( ‘Show all’, ‘buddypress’ ),
    ‘comments’ => __( ‘comments’, ‘buddypress’ ),
    ‘close’ => __( ‘Close’, ‘buddypress’ ),
    ‘mention_explain’ => sprintf( __( “%s is a unique identifier for %s that you can type into any message on this site. %s will be sent a notification and a link to your message any time you use it.”, ‘buddypress’ ), ‘@’ . bp_get_displayed_user_username(), bp_get_user_firstname( bp_get_displayed_user_fullname() ), bp_get_user_firstname( bp_get_displayed_user_fullname() ) )
    wp_localize_script( ‘dtheme-ajax-js’, ‘BP_DTheme’, $params );`

    Should put styles of the buddypress default theme into your theme. I would go into plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/_inc/css/default.css and remove all the contents of:

    `/* > Global Elements

    /* > Admin Bar

    /* > Header

    /* > Navigation

    /* > Container

    /* > Sidebar

    /* > Content



    Ok… so @brajesh was able to point be in the right direction on this…

    The problem is that I was looking for a user ID of the person that sent the request that was trying to join the group… what I needed to do was SEARCH for my User ID in the wp-bp-notification table… this had the user’s id making the request listed as an ITEM not a userID (as the user ID was mine)…. once I deleted that it went away…

    FYI: You can find User IDs in the tables themselves or you can use a plugin called REVEAL ID to find IDs in the WordPress back end…

    Thanks Brajesh!



    To remove the notifications subnav item, add the following snippet to your functions.php file:

    `function remove_notifications_subnav(){
    global $bp;
    if ( $bp->current_component == $bp->settings->slug ) {
    bp_core_remove_subnav_item($bp->settings->slug, ‘notifications’);
    add_action( ‘wp’, ‘remove_notifications_subnav’, 2 );`

    This is a simple function taken from this post by @mariochampion

    Hope this helps! :-)


    You need to override the new user admin email function:

    Then you need to call on some BuddyPress functions to grab the xprofile data.

    xprofile_get_field_data() (located in bp-xprofile.php) will help.

    If all this is foreign to you, short answer is “it’s possible, but requires coding” ;)


    What I’ve found finally:

    (It’s based on this article:

    So if you just set your adminbar to be hidden in css rather than completely disable it in the wp-config.php, you could use to call the notification menu.

    If you’ve completely disabled adminbar, then use the following code instead(it’s copied from bp-core-adminbar.php):

    global $bp;
    if ( !is_user_logged_in() )
    return false;
    echo '<li id="bp-adminbar-notifications-menu"><a>loggedin_user->domain . '">';
    _e( 'Notifications', 'buddypress' );
    if ( $notifications = bp_core_get_notifications_for_user( $bp->loggedin_user->id ) ) { ?>
    echo '</a>';
    echo '<ul>';
    if ( $notifications ) {
    $counter = 0;
    for ( $i = 0; $i < count($notifications); $i++ ) {
    $alt = ( 0 == $counter % 2 ) ? ' class="alt"' : ''; ?>
    <?php $counter++;
    } else { ?>
    <li><a href=&quot;loggedin_user->domain ?>"></a></li>
    echo '</ul>';
    echo '</li>';

    And as I have found out, the js effect (what you called the “mouse over” effect) is dealt automatically by bp-themes/bp-default/_inc/global.js

    In my case, I’m building a child theme of bp-default, so I don’t have to worry about js, just copy and paste css codes from bp-themes/bp-default/_inc/css/adminbar.css and adjust selectors accordingly.

    If you are not building a child theme of bp-default, then maybe you can try search in the global.js and make some copy and past.

    Good luck !


    In reply to: Hide General Settings


    Add the following to your theme’s functions.php:

    `function ray_bp_remove_settings() {
    global $bp;

    // removing the existing settings tab
    bp_core_remove_nav_item( $bp->settings->slug );
    add_action( ‘init’, ‘ray_bp_remove_settings’, 0 );

    function ray_bp_readd_settings() {
    global $bp;

    // add a new settings tab to use notifications as default tab
    bp_core_new_nav_item( array( ‘name’ => __(‘Settings’, ‘buddypress’), ‘slug’ => $bp->settings->slug, ‘position’ => 100, ‘show_for_displayed_user’ => false, ‘screen_function’ => ‘bp_core_screen_notification_settings’, ‘default_subnav_slug’ => ‘notifications’ ) );

    // bug in bp_core_remove_subnav_item(), we have to hack the screen function so it displays the notifications screen when you land on /settings/
    if ( $bp->current_component == $bp->settings->slug && $bp->current_action == ‘general’ )
    add_action( ‘wp’, ‘bp_core_screen_notification_settings’, 3 );

    // add back the subnav notifications tab
    $settings_link = $bp->loggedin_user->domain . $bp->settings->slug . ‘/’;

    bp_core_new_subnav_item( array( ‘name’ => __( ‘Notifications’, ‘buddypress’ ), ‘slug’ => ‘notifications’, ‘parent_url’ => $settings_link, ‘parent_slug’ => $bp->settings->slug, ‘screen_function’ => ‘bp_core_screen_notification_settings’, ‘position’ => 20, ‘user_has_access’ => bp_is_my_profile() ) );
    add_action( ‘init’, ‘ray_bp_readd_settings’ );`

    Tested lightly. Encountered a few bugs, but this will work…


    — if you want just a nav item for <i>inbox messages</i>, than a simple slug would be easy to add.

    If you want the entire notification tab there… same type of thing as before,

    function bp_adminbar_notifications_menu() {
    global $bp;
    if ( !is_user_logged_in() )
    return false;
    echo '<li id="bp-adminbar-notifications-menu"><a>loggedin_user->domain . '">';
    _e( 'Notifications', 'buddypress' );
    if ( $notifications = bp_core_get_notifications_for_user( $bp->loggedin_user->id ) ) { ?>
    David Carson

    The next thing I’d do is deactivate BuddyPress to see if you’re still not getting new user notifications. If you can’t do this on your live site maybe create a test install in a subdirectory. This would help isolate whether it’s a BP or WP thing. You might want to check out the WordPress forums, too –

    Did you ever get these new user notifications? Or is it something that just started happening recently? Maybe it’s a plugin or customization issue specific to your setup.


    Hi David, thanks for the suggestions.

    I double checked that my admin email was correct on the Settings page. The email account is hosted on the same server as the website (e.g.

    I am receiving friend requests, etc., so the email is working. I’m just not getting the New User Registration notifications.

    I also tried to change the admin email to a gmail account. Still no luck getting the New User Registration notifications.

    Alex Azimov

    hi Avi M,

    I am having the same problem. Also with Bluehost and initially I had a problem with activation e-mails. Nothing was sent and the new user could not activate the account as there were no e-mail of notification. Then I was advised to set up an e-mail account with them and still the problem persisted. After that I had install the Configure SMTP plugin which solved the activation e-mail problem only. Still there are no e-mails/notifications being sent sitewide. Can not figure out what I should do.
    Can you tell me if you installed any additional plugin for this at all? How did you set up an e-mail address from Bluehost. Before I set an e-mail address and started using the Configure SMTP plugin, the general @box… e-mail was used which apparently was the default address.

    Please share with us what you have done with bluehost.
    thanks in advance.


    I’ve experienced this problem as well, here is my work around. This fixes my particular grief with this defect, but is not particularly kosher (modifying core plugin files, be careful with your updates) so your mileage may vary.

    In /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-friends/bp-friends-notifications.php edit the variable $all_requests_link on line 14. This is the link sent in your friend requests e-mail that breaks if you are not logged in.

    What you will attempt to do now is change this variable to include /wp-login.php?redirect_to=the_link_you_want_to_login_redirect to. reauth=1 is added in case the person is logged in, they will be redirected to the correct place also and not bypassed.

    In the end your line 14 variable $all_requests_link should read:

    ` $all_requests_link = “;.bp_core_get_user_domain( $friend_id ) . BP_FRIENDS_SLUG . ‘/requests/’; `

    Please change in this variable to your actual domain.

    Good luck and lets hope this defect gets fixed the right way, soon.

    See official bug trac for more updates on this bug:


    I would also like to know how this works,. I’ve been wrecking my brain on it for some time now. I think its a lot easier for the user to have everything in one place.

    @boone i read where you said they wuld hve to go thrugh the same html form, but what if you tabbed the pages so that you could still use the appropriate forms? Maybe a ajax call to load the static form

    @patrik, hey let me know if you come up with anything. I’ll do the same :P

    i know im late on this post lol, but still :)


    if ‘User A’ is admin of two private groups (B and C)
    when members request to join those groups, the notification is sent to ‘User A’ with multiple notification
    the notification may look like this: “2 requests group membership”
    the problem is the link of notification is just only one of two group, when click that notification, it will redirect to group admin request (B or C), and notification will gone.

    brief: request is both B and C but notification link is only B or C
    So, I’d like to change multiple notification to each single notification or any idea to fix above problem, please help.


    Thanks for your reply, I actuly tried something different last night and it worked out ok. I am using the “BP disable Activation” and in a menu I chose the option “User accounts may be registe4rd” Before I had it on “Both sites and user accounts can be registered.” And it was causing the mix up with the plug in on MU. Users would be able to type their password but with the blog activated, the system gave a new password (that people probably would not see, thinking the password was what they typed in) Then an email would send a notification with the activation link. The link would not work saying the error message with the activation key. However teh activation key was in the link to click but would not work when clicked. Sorry for the rambling just trying to make it clear what I did.

    But now a user can register with out activation (which I think is nice, but no blog) But what I like is, that I can create a blog for a user and give them access by just putting their user email in the “ad site” for multi user and it shows up under their account.

    I guess it could be nice if this could be a future feature maybe let people sign up with out a blog with an option in the email sent to create one or maybe a notifification to a new user in the admin bar or something. (it would help with sploggers)

    Thanks again


    @hnla, sorry, by “BB” I mean BP. And no, I do not have a separate copy of Buddypress. All I did to test it out is deactivate the BP template pack, and activate the BP Default Theme, thinking that would for-sure fix the problem. It did not fix the problem, checking off the list that it is not the theme that is causing the problem. Another Solution I did try was deleting buddypress plugin, and completely reinstalling it. Still does not fix the problem. I have set up a new installation for the forums several times, and I am just so lost on where to go!!! :(

    More Information:
    What do you mean by site setup? (I will list anything)
    I am using Buddypress version:
    Arras Theme Version:
    I am using Godaddy Hosting. Godaddy Interface.
    Buddypress Related Plugins:
    BP Group Control
    BP Group Documents
    BP Group Reviews
    BP GTM System
    BP Profile Search
    BuddyPress Announce Group
    BuddyPress Better Pagination
    BuddyPress Community Stats
    BuddyPress Group Email Subscription
    BuddyPress Group Tags
    BuddyPress Like
    BuddyPress Links
    BuddyPress Moderation
    BuddyPress Share It
    Easy Albums – Buddypress users create and share images, video and audio albums – the easy way.
    Enhanced BuddyPress Widgets
    External Group Blogs
    RS Buddypress Activity Refresh
    TDLC Birthdays
    User Name Availability Checker for wordpress/buddypress

    (Yes, I did try deactivating them all)


    I have upload buddypress at my website when i send a friendship request from other ID and try to accept from respondant ID then the notification page do not open my buddypress url is you can check a notification with this id USERNAME: mudaber Password : 123456 please help me Thanks


    In reply to: Notification Problem


    I have upload buddypress at my website when i send a friendship request from other ID and try to accept from respondant ID then the notification page do not open my buddypress url is you can check a notification with this id USERNAME: mudaber Password : 123456 please help me Thanks



    Thanks. I had found that same post yesterday and already applied it. Works great!

    I like it because I get the benefit of “post on wall” type usability, and I still get the email notifications, which I think is an important feature. I now simply wish to have “ @username” tagging (mentions) to continue to work as always, yet I want to tweak the look of the site so user’s who don’t want to try to understand it don’t feel like they have to. :-)

    Also, regarding my #2 point above: The user who is doing the posting never has to type an “ @user” and cannot delete it from the posting form, because it gets added behind the scenes after he or she posts. Nice! Like I said, now I just need to tweak the site design to make the “mention this user” button go away, and perhaps rename the “mentions” filter menu choice.

    Maciej Skrzetuski

    Yes, /httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-forums/bbpress and all the *.php files exist.

    I use the default buddypress theme. I don’t use any plugins besides buddypress. My httpdocs is chmod 777 for installation. BP has written the following into .htaccess:

    # BEGIN WordPress

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index.php$ – [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

    # END WordPress

    bb-config.php has the same config for database as wp-config.php.

    I have following tables in my db.

    wp_bp_activity 0 MyISAM 1.0 KB Creation: Sep 26, 2010 at 02:28 PM
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    wp_bp_notifications 0 MyISAM 1.0 KB Creation: Sep 26, 2010 at 02:28 PM
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    wp_bp_xprofile_data 1 MyISAM 4.0 KB Creation: Sep 26, 2010 at 02:28 PM
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    wp_bp_xprofile_fields 1 MyISAM 7.0 KB Creation: Sep 26, 2010 at 02:28 PM
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    wp_bp_xprofile_groups 1 MyISAM 3.0 KB Creation: Sep 26, 2010 at 02:28 PM
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    wp_commentmeta 0 MyISAM 1.0 KB Creation: Sep 26, 2010 at 02:25 PM
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    wp_comments 1 MyISAM 7.2 KB Creation: Sep 26, 2010 at 02:25 PM
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    wp_options 155 MyISAM 344.3 KB Creation: Sep 26, 2010 at 02:25 PM
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    wp_terms 2 MyISAM 8.1 KB Creation: Sep 26, 2010 at 02:25 PM
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    wp_term_relationships 8 MyISAM 3.2 KB Creation: Sep 26, 2010 at 02:25 PM
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    wp_term_taxonomy 2 MyISAM 4.1 KB Creation: Sep 26, 2010 at 02:25 PM
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    wp_usermeta 15 MyISAM 7.6 KB Creation: Sep 26, 2010 at 02:25 PM
    Last update: Sep 26, 2010 at 02:29 PM

    Is it a problem if you are running BuddyPress in a subdomain like


    Hi Paul,

    I just tried this fix, but it didn’t work:

    Below is a list of my active plugins. But I’m not sure if it’s a plugin issue because the cropping works in Firefox. Is it an IE8 compatibilty issue? If so, how can I get around it?

    Here are my active plugins:
    * Advanced Permalinks
    * AJAX Login Widget++
    * BP-NotificationWidget
    * BP Disable Activation
    * BP Hide Widgets
    * BP Member Filter
    * BuddyPress
    * BuddyPress Album+
    * Buddypress Widget Pack
    * Capability Manager
    * Dean’s Permalinks Migration
    * Enhanced BuddyPress Widgets
    * Fast Secure Contact Form
    * Fluency Admin
    * IE7 Compatibility
    * Invite Anyone
    * Media Library Gallery
    * My Comments Manager
    * NextGEN Gallery
    * NextGEN Gallery Sidebar Widget
    * Nicer permalinks for Vietnamese
    * oEmbed for BuddyPress
    * ourSTATS Widget
    * Peter’s Login Redirect
    * Plugin Central
    * SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam
    * Simple Trackback Validation
    * TDLC Birthdays
    * Theme Switcher Reloaded
    * Top 10
    * Transposh Translation Filter
    * User Permissions
    * Visitor Maps and Who’s Online
    * Welcome Pack
    * WordPress Admin Bar
    * WordPress Database Backup

    Thanks for your help!


    Well currently if “User A” makes a status update and then “User B” replies to his update, “User A” receives a notification in his email inbox and sees what “User B” said. Currently, if “User A” wants to respond to “User B” he has to log back into the social network, find the update, and then type in the message.

    It would be easier for a lot of mobile users instead to hit “reply” in their email inbox and then just type in their response and then click “submit”.

    The more I think about it though, it seems like “reply-by-email” would actually be a separate plugin. It would be useful not only for mobile users but also regular computer users. Although I think it would help mobile users the most.

    Anonymous User 96400

    When you setup the globals of your plugin you can specify a notification function like so:
    `function log_setup_globals()
    global $bp;

    // some stuff here

    $bp->logbooks->format_notification_function = ‘log_format_notifications’;

    // some more stuff here
    add_action( ‘bp_setup_globals’, ‘log_setup_globals’ );`

    This function might look something like this then:
    `function log_format_notifications( $action, $item_id, $secondary_item_id, $total_items )
    global $bp;

    if( ‘new_dive’ == $action )
    if ( (int)$total_items > 1 )
    return apply_filters( ‘log_multiple_verifications_notification’, ‘loggedin_user->domain . ‘logbook/verifications/” title=”‘ . __( ‘Verifications’, ‘logs’ ) . ‘”>’ . sprintf( __(‘You have %d new logbook verifications’, ‘logs’ ), (int)$total_items ) . ‘‘, $total_items );
    return apply_filters( ‘log_single_verification_notification’, ‘loggedin_user->domain . ‘logbook/verifications/” title=”‘ . __( ‘Verifications’, ‘logs’ ) . ‘”>’ . sprintf( __(‘You have %d new logbook verification’, ‘logs’ ), (int)$total_items ) . ‘‘, $total_items );

    do_action( ‘log_format_notifications’, $action, $item_id, $secondary_item_id, $total_items );

    return false;

    You can then remove these notifications with a function like this:
    `function log_remove_screen_notifications()
    global $bp;

    bp_core_delete_notifications_for_user_by_type( $bp->loggedin_user->id, $bp->logbooks->name, ‘new_dive’ );
    add_action( ‘log_verifications_screen’, ‘log_remove_screen_notifications’ );`

    For this to work you have to place the do_action call to log_verifications_screen on the page that is linked in the notification.

    To record a notification you call this function like so:
    `bp_core_add_notification( $dive_id, $user_id, ‘logbooks’, ‘new_dive’ );`

    I copied the above from a plugin I’m working on at the moment. Also, have a look at the skeleton component and the various BP functions.


    Boone Gorges

    @bmunch Your suggestion (groups can be created only by users of a certain level) would be much easier to implement than true moderation of group creation. You’d just have to wrap some of the “create a group” elements in the UI in a `if ( current_user_can() )` check, and maybe add a few such checks at the top of some key group creation functions.

    With real group moderation, a lot of admin overhead is required: a UI for admins to see pending/approved groups (Group Management doesn’t do that, but it could be a step in that direction, as BPGM has all the necessary hooks and filters); a notification system to let admins know when a group is pending; a notification system to let users know when their groups have been approved; the backend functions necessary to create and check a piece of group metadata saying whether the group has been approved. This could conceivably be accomplished with a plugin (though I can think of one or two places where additional filters would be required in BP’s core code), but it would take a lot of work. Maybe one of you is up for the job :)

    Abbas Khalil

    The “Mail From” plugin solved my issue of not getting activation emails when users signed up on my website. A million thanks for the advice!

    NOTE: I did the ‘One Click Installation’ and the plugin works fine with this. No need to go through the manual installation as stated by some!

    I’m using WP 3.0.1 and BP

    Hosting: Hostmonster



    I dont have a sitewidenotifications screen , I composed a message and clicked send to all. Any clues?

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