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Search Results for 'profile fields'

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  • #64820

    Privacy, advanced xprofile fields and front-end posting have to do with cleaning up loose ends in existing core functionality; access, member management, usability, etc. They are not in the same category as requesting a gallery or event management feature.

    The polls are silly window dressing. The last one was largely ignored. Probably rightly so. We don’t pay Andy’s rent, Automattic does. Don’t pretend like we’re some hippy commune ruled by consensus.



    no, I am not talking as “Polls” being a plugin. There have been user-polls in the past at this very Forum, at which everyone could vote on features they would like to see in the future-versions of BuddyPress.

    In general, all I want to say with my initial post is that we should not loose sight of what kind of features are really important.

    Everybody has different priorities and everybody needs a certain feature, but we should not loose sight that certainly everybody will need “Privacy Features”.

    Privacy might not be very important in the USA, but I can tell you gonna have quite big troubles in running a Social-Network in many countries in Europe, without providing User-Privacy.

    There is a good chance you gonna run into legal troubles – which is quite critical, besides that users will complain about finding their private information on Search-Engines like Google. Just think about running a Dating-website, where users post lots of private information, but literally its not safe for them to use your website.

    The other feature of “Advanced Search & X-Profile Fields” should be also within Core-Code and will definitely enhance every website being run on BP, no matter your niche. Think about -for example- performing a search for the users at your website being “male” and at an age-range between “20 and 30 years of age”. This is currently not possible.

    The necessity of the feature of “User-Blogs-Posts from Front-end” is debateable, most probably not being used by everyone. But did you ever go into the “backend” of Facebook in order to write a post ?

    Anyhow, just wanted to highlight to make sure you still see the forest in a clutter of trees…..


    – X-Profile Fields.

    Surely you can add these at the registration phase – just make them “not required” and then users can fill them in later – so the registraion isn’t 10 hours long


    I think most of the requested and discussed features on this Forum are Plugin-territory, but the mentioned 3 features should definitely be within Core and are essential to run a Social-Network-website:

    – Privacy Features

    – Advanced Search & X-Profile Fields

    – User-Blogs-Posts from Front-end

    I would say:

    STOP feature-polls for BP 1.3 and focus on above mentioned 3 features ONLY.


    Advanced Search for X-Profile-Fields was on the BP-Roadmap for 1.2, same as “Privacy-Features” and “User-Blogs-Posts from Front-end”. However those 3 features did not make it into BP1.2

    I think most of the requested and discussed features on this Forum are Plugin-territory, but the mentioned 3 features should definitely be within Core and are essential to run a Social-Network-website:

    – Privacy Features

    – Advanced Search & X-Profile Fields

    – User-Blogs-Posts from Front-end

    I would even say:

    STOP any further feature-polls for BP 1.3 and focus on above mentioned 3 features ONLY.

    Karin Johansson

    Yeah, but it is worth it… :-D

    I had to create 21 groups (one for each region). It took me a couple of hours. Now it is much easier for people to find each other. I also created a page with an image map and links to all regions. I can see that people have great use of it. Not everybody understand that they can click on profile fields to find others.

    If you need a ton, maybe you should rethink your structure? Because then people also would have to fill in a ton of profile fields? That might scare them off.

    Another argument for creating groups – each group have their own RSS, making it easy to follow.

    Karin Johansson

    Maybe you could get it to work with two plugins:

    First, install the auto-join-groups, but beware, I think it is still the old version (1.0) in and not the new one (1.1) which you can find here: I have tested it with BP 1.2 and WPMU and it works. (It also works on WPMU 2.8.4 with BP 1.1.2)

    You need to create groups that match your profile fields, wheter it is interests or location. Only ‘selectbox’ and ‘textbox’ type profile fields are supported. The plugin work backwards so all existing users will be connected to their corresponding group. Neat.

    Then, I imagine, you can try some of the plugins that will email group members about updates.


    I’ve installed Cimy User Extra Fields plugin. Pluses and minuses.


    thanks for the answers.

    What About the “advanced search” through the fields profile?


    the most important BP 1.3 features:

    – Privacy Features

    – X-Profile Fields

    – User-Blogs-Posts from Front-end

    Hope to see those features as being the winners in the expected BP 1.3 feature-poll.


    Hello everybody,

    I need some informations about Buddypress profile fields.

    I’d like to add some fields as: “User’s Genders” (Male or Female) “user’s locations” and “user’s age”

    I know how to put this fields in “registration form” but I need to allow my users to search for other members using these fields.

    someone could suggest me how to solve this problem?

    I would like users could write their own instant messenger address, but it must be showed to their friends only.

    is this possible?

    Thank you



    In reply to: Custom Types

    Mike Pratt

    to take it a step further – Out of the box assignment of custom member types with corresponding profile meta data (fields, etc0 would be quite handy as many people have niches developed and would like to contour data and experiences around these niches


    I took on a buddypress project that had been worked on by somebody else, and I have an issue in which automatically generated users are being added intermittently to the database every couple of hours.

    Nobody know what is causing this. I would have expected it be a plugin, but I have no such plugin installed and can’t find anything that would do this… It’s awfully strange since we have a captcha and yet they still keep being added.

    The reason that I think they’re automatically generated is because they have values like “QkX3rZf6PPq” inside their profile fields.

    Does anybody have any idea what this is, or how to stop it?



    In reply to: BuddyPress Maps


    @designodyssey :

    yes. there is a core component (buddypress maps) that is used to save/load markers on a map; and then the BuddyPress Maps profile plugin;

    which loads the map/edit map where it does and prefills the marker information with the profile fields. But you still have to save the marker.

    Try to register and edit the Location group on my demo website, you’ll see !

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Hi designodyssey

    Yes I have a solution for this. It’s not up for download (or free, for that matter) so send me a message if you want some details.

    I used xprofile fields as mine is a BuddyPress solution and the Extended Profile is part of BuddyPress but most importantly I had to to achieve related design goals.


    @travel-Junkie and @DJPaul,

    Didn’t want to resurrect this thread, but both of you indicated you had coded a solution and I’d figured I’d ask for you to share. Also, I’d like to understand what considerations to think about when determining to do this with usermeta vs. xprofile fields.


    In reply to: register.php


    does the result get added to usermeta or xprofile fields?


    I noticed that in the admin section under buddypress >> profile field setup there is also a option to extend the group with custom fields? I tryed it and it did not generate the extra fields that i created when making a group. So my question is, should it work like my expectation above? or do i get this the wrong way, and if so, what is the meaning of it?

    And after we handled the above issue, how to genarate custom fields for groups? is there a plugin or should i develop one myself?


    I need to figure this out as well. The xprofile fields are generated (?) with a loop from an array. It looks almost impossible to do anything with a specific xprofile field if you are not an advanced PHP whiz.

    Or could you just hard code the registration fields on register.php, instead of using the ‘profile field loop’? And then use field_2 and field_3 to “do stuff” with? Are there any serious downsides to that to watch out for?


    I’d like to open this one back up. The project is for a local recycling program and I’m having trouble with a form for members to schedule pickups on the profile/index page. It calls XProfile address fields and tomorrow’s date for the default values, and should insert them into a custom table. The plugin creates a table and pulls the xprofile data fine, but nothing is reaching the database. I’ve tried every possible variation based on the bp-core and Travel-Junkie’s example above, but nothing is working.

    Here’s the plugin:

    Plugin Name: Collection Records
    Plugin URI: -
    Description: Adds a table and page for listing and editing Recylable Collections.
    Version: 1.0

    function collect_install_table() {
    global $wpdb;
    global $bp;

    if ( !empty($wpdb->charset) )
    $charset_collate = "DEFAULT CHARACTER SET $wpdb->charset";

    $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . 'collections';
    if($wpdb->get_var("show tables like '$table_name'") != $table_name) {

    $sql = "CREATE TABLE " . $table_name . " (
    sched_date datetime NOT NULL,
    post_date datetime NOT NULL,
    user_id bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
    address_line_1 varchar(150) NOT NULL,
    address_line_2 varchar(150) NOT NULL,
    town varchar(150) NOT NULL,
    state varchar(150) NOT NULL,
    zip_code varchar(150) NOT NULL,
    amount bigint(20) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
    verified tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
    paid tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
    KEY user_id (user_id)
    ) {$charset_collate};";

    require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php');

    /*Launch database*/

    function bp_collections() {
    global $wpdb;
    global $bp;

    /* bp_is_home() Checks to make sure the current user being viewed equals the logged in user */

    if ( !bp_is_home() && !is_site_admin() )
    return false;

    /* Check for new information*/
    if( isset($_POST['go'] ))
    /* Check the nonce */

    check_admin_referer( 'schedule_collect' );

    if( $_POST['sched_date'] && ! $_POST['address_line_1'] || ! $_POST['sched_date'] && $_POST['address_line_1'] )
    bp_core_add_message( __( 'We need a time and a place!', 'buddypress' ), 'error' );
    $error = true;

    if( ! $error )
    $user_id = $bp->loggedin_user->id;

    if( isset( $_POST['address_line_2'] ) ) {
    $address_line_2 = $_POST['address_line_2'];

    $result = $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare("
    INSERT INTO $wpdb->1_collections
    ( sched_date, post_date, user_id, address_line_1, address_line_2, town, state, zip_code )
    VALUES ( %s, %s, %d, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s )",
    $_POST['sched_date'], $_POST['post_date'], $user_id, $_POST['address_line_1'], $address_line_2, $_POST['town'], $_POST['state'], $_POST['zip_code'] ) );

    /* Set the feedback messages */
    if ( $errors )
    bp_core_add_message( __( 'There was a problem calling your pickup, please try again.', 'buddypress' ), 'error' );
    bp_core_add_message( __( 'Thanks for calling a recycling pickup.', 'buddypress' ) );


    bp_core_load_template( apply_filters( 'xprofile_template_display_profile', 'profile/index' ) );
    /* Function to call xprofile Address label */

    function collections_xprofile( $field ) {
    echo bp_collections_get_member_list_xprofile_data( $field );
    function bp_collections_get_member_list_xprofile_data( $field ) {
    global $bp, $site_members_template;
    return xprofile_get_field_data( $field, $site_members_template->member->id );


    And the form:

    <?php if ( bp_has_profile( 'profile_group_id=' . bp_get_current_profile_group_id() ) ) : while ( bp_profile_groups() ) : bp_the_profile_group(); ?>

    <form action="" method="post" id="oncall" class="oncall">

    <label for="address">At</label>
    <input type="text" name="address_line_1" id="address_line_1" value="<?php echo bp_collections_get_member_list_xprofile_data('Address Line 1') ?>" />
    <input type="text" name="address_line_2" id="address_line_2" value="<?php echo bp_collections_get_member_list_xprofile_data('Address Line 2') ?>" />
    <input type="text" name="town" id="town" value="<?php echo bp_collections_get_member_list_xprofile_data('Town') ?>" />
    <input type="hidden" name="state" id="state" value="MS" />
    <input type="" name="zip_code" id="zip_code" value="<?php echo bp_collections_get_member_list_xprofile_data('Zip Code') ?>" />
    <br />
    <label for="date">On</label>
    <input type="text" name="sched_date" id="sched_date" value="<?php $tomorrow = mktime(0,0,0,date("m"),date("d")+1,date("Y")); echo date("Y/m/d", $tomorrow); ?>" />

    <input type="submit" name="go" id="go" value="go"/>
    <input type="hidden" name="post_date" id="post_date" value="<?php $my_t=getdate(date("U")); print("$my_t[weekday], $my_t[month] $my_t[mday], $my_t[year]"); ?> " />

    <?php wp_nonce_field( 'schedule_collect' ) ?>
    <?php endwhile; endif; ?>

    It has to be something simple but I’m lost. I’d really appreciate it if someone could take a minute and tell me what’s wrong with the code.


    Yeah, you can do that. It will take some work. Just add in all the profile fields you’d like to use for the ‘business listing’ and then display those fields in a directory of sorts using custom template files. Or you could style up a member ‘blog’ theme that is formatted as a ‘listing’ with maybe some edit in place ajax functionality that’ll allow a member to enter their business info and restricts them from doing anything else. That way you could use sitewide queries to build a directory of these ‘listings’. I can’t say there’s a cut and paste sorta plugin to achieve this, but the best place to start would be here and here.

    Nick Watson

    Does anyone know how to implement this into the profile fields on buddypress?


    ========== Continued ==========

    Using 1.2 bp-default theme. Based on roles set in classified settings page, I allowed contributors upward to post classified ads.

    Posting Classified Ads from BP frontend

    1. Clicked on Classifieds on Main Nav.

    2. In Classified Ads Directory Page – click on Create A Classified

    2.1 – Classified Details – page has fields for Title and Description, then click on “Create Classified and Continue

    2.2 – Classified Setttings – page has list of categories created per classified component instruction via special new blog and field box where you could add tags, and click on “Next Step”

    2.3 – Classified Invites – page where you can send invites to other members re classifieds, click on “Finish”

    Classified Ad Entry posted appears in Classified Ad Directory Page. The ad was also posted on the special new blog as post entry per my check. In addition, under member Profile Page, there’s now a link “My Classifieds” listing all entries posted in Classified Ads.

    Posted Classified Entry from Special Blog Created for the plugin component

    – Tested posting from the special blog to see if it appears in the BP-installed site. It Does.

    Also, when you post the listing from the special blog, the tags show up in the Classified Directory Page and in single Classified Ad Entry page

    Other Notes:

    1. Classified Ad Entries do not appear in Activity Streams of Member nor Home Page

    2. Site Admin should delete Hello World first post in new private blog set up for classifieds – if not configured to delete before

    3, Created Blog for Classifieds plugin Settings > Privacy was set to Block Google but allow online visitors – but the special blog is showing up in Blogs Directory even when Site Admin is logged out.

    4. Single page for a Classified Ad Entry – does not have navigation back to list of classifieds or have a “Reply” field box for possible interested clients.

    5. Categories chosen and Tags added during set up of Classified Ad Entry, are not showing up anywhere in Classified Directory Page or single page of the Classified Entry.

    6. Feature Request: ability to upload even a small single 150×150 image to go along with the classified ad entry.

    Great job, Grosbouff. Thank you for continuing development on this component. Really Cool.

    Nick Watson

    I was wondering if it was possible to set a limit on the checkbox field (for profile fields).

    So lets say I have “Select 2 of your favorite colors”

    And then when they select red and blue, and try to select yellow a message says “Please only select 2” And it doesn’t allow them to check anymore.


    i am new buddypress user.i make a social website for my university. i create a birthdat field in profile fields. My site completely Turkish, but only the birthday field in English. i control my languages files ,everythings seems fine but it does not work. Please help me

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