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  • #258486


    I’m currently working on a idea for a online diary. Where you can answer questions and write down thoughts and this will be saved and stored for the future. All this need to go against the social trend of today and be totally private.

    I need my members to be able to register to the site and contribute to their diary while not being able to be seen, contacted or such. Is this possible with BuddyPress?



    Hello wodpress gurus!, a fellow wordpress newbie here . I have a couple of quick questions , i couldnt figure it out in couple of days, so frustration is kicking in, maby you could help and clear some things up! Thank you in advance!
    1. I’m now sure what is the best option to translate a website, not posts, just different menu textst and different plugin text by user choise or by locale.
    I’v tried setting up multisite, but it really is a big fuss, since i need, 4 different languages , so creating 4 different sites and managing every pages widget etc. seems a big deal.
    2. Would it be possible having 4 sites, and 1 main site , from wich you can manage all other sites behaviour, for example (A- main site) if i add a widget in site A , then a widget adds in site B,C,D .
    Thats it ! Thank you very mutch for assitance, and sorry for poor english.


    Haven’t you found that plugin ?

    Introducing BP Group Activities Notifier plugin for BuddyPress

    Don’t omit to read the comments too. They’re several questions who can interest you.


    In reply to: Register LABEL


    have you done this ?

    – create a new field
    – enter Birthday as title
    – give a description
    – Under Type section, select date selector
    – save

    When you’re on a profile’s edit page, you should see
    – title
    – date selector (day, mounth, year)
    – This field can be seen by:….
    – the field description

    If you highlight the whole and check his source code, you would see something like:

    <fieldset class="datebox">
    	<div class="input-options datebox-selects">		
    		<label for="field_xx_day" class="bp-screen-reader-text">Select day</label>
    		<select id="field_xx_day" name="field_xx_day">
    			<option value="">----</option>
    		<label for="field_xx_month" class="bp-screen-reader-text">Select month</label>
    		<select id="field_xx_month" name="field_xx_month">
    			<option value="">----</option>
    		<label for="field_xx_year" class="bp-screen-reader-text">Select year</label>
    		<select id="field_xx_year" name="field_xx_year">
    			<option value="">----</option>

    If you can read this code but don’t see it’s ouput on your theme, you have to find which CSS rule is handling the labels.

    Could be a simple contrast issue or something omitted somewhere.
    To get sure of this, try first with one of Twenty’s theme.

    And if possible, answer the questions you already received from Paul and give some details about your install: used theme and plugins at least.


    Yes, that was already clear. But what about the other questions ?


    Please, add autocomplete=”off” to select elements in Xprofiles, because Firefox doesn’t show selected element without it.


    WP 4.5.3
    BP 2.6
    Using UX theme. Issues still occur with the Twenty Sixteen theme.


    I have 2 questions about CSS and I haven’t found the list I am looking for.

    1) Could someone please tell me which is the CSS code I should use to show the hint or field description next to the field name? Or at least very close to the field, below it.

    2) I have a problem with the password meter. It shows too close to the field and moves the one below it (confirm field). Can I disable completely the password meter? Or at least move it somewhere else? Besides it meters ridiculously, eg. “th1sisaPassw0rd!” shows as very weak.

    3) The first field of the groups is shorter than the other ones. What could be causing this?

    I deleted all CSS styles and this happens anyway.

    Thanks in advance!

    Henry Wright

    Forum topics are a bbPress thing. If you have questions related to those, bbPress is the best place:



    We’re migrating from IPB to Buddypress and now I’ve got some questions. With IPB we had the possibility to attach different rights to certain topics/forums. For example: we got a crew-forum, with all kind of topics in it. These topics and forum are only visible for crewmembers, ‘normal’ members can’t see this topics. Is there a way to manage this in Buddypress? Maybe with a plugin or something?

    Thank you very much!



    In reply to: Profile Print


    You’d have to add a custom “Print” button in your template. Or perhaps you could use a WordPress plugin.

    If you go the custom code route, here’s an article that might help:


    Hi everybody,

    i just installed BuddyPress but after installation I got disappointed! The templates and the look of this plugin by default is terrible!
    And also it is not Ajax optimized, every pages got refreshed!!

    Now, my questions are:
    what are the templates files?
    Is there a way to make it more dynamic?

    Thank you very much


    Hi, I’m setting up a buddypress site, and I need to figure out if I can do the following items with private messaging:

    – Send a message to all of my users
    – Send a message to users in a single buddypress group
    – Have a read receipt to know which users read the message
    – Send an email to a user to let them know they have a new private message

    I’m having a hard time finding information about these questions.



    @eli225, please calm down. @sharmavishal is only trying to help you !

    It’s not easy trying to help people asking questions without giving much details. It’s the case with this topic and your previous. Have you even read this before asking ?

    This is not possible: Buddypress Profiles Display In Wrong Order as it is not BP but the site admin who determines this.

    xprofile fields and xprofile field groups (what you call section i suppose ) are drag’n’dropable.

    If despite a correct positionning in the backend, the order changed on front-end, two possibilities: the drag’n’drop was to fast or there is a js error/latentency/cookie somewhere. And this is generally due to the theme in conflict with a plugin (which could be BP).

    Unfortunately, kleo is a premium theme for which you can’t expect assistance here, as we have no access to it’s code.

    For the part related to BuddyPress, note that the actual version works flawlesly with the xprofile component. Nobody related a similar issue to yours recently.

    So back to handcrafted annoying but very related questions:
    What do you call section ?
    Which type of field do you use ?

    Also related to general debug work:
    Have you tested with another theme ?
    Have you tested without any other plugin as BP ?


    Hi Jrzvw,

    Were you able to fix this?

    I can’t find where to start a new questions so i will just add to this one?

    My current site only shows the members that were active. There is 50 WP members registered but only 22 showing on ALL MEMBERS page. I feel the amount of members showing will influence the amount that will join up. SO this one time I would like to have it show all registered members and after it can just add them as they are active.

    I tried : add_filter( ‘bp_get_total_member_count’, ‘bp_core_get_total_member_count’ ); in the theme function.php and also bp-custom.php BUT it did nothing.

    I tried a few other suggestions e.g one that did make the last activity of all users registered to be a certain time, however this made all the Members look as they are logged in. Is there any code I can insert in function.php that will show the members registered and not just the active ones?


    Link to my test site:

    BP 2.6.11
    WP 4.5.3


    Hey guys, I just recently installed buddypress and I think it will be amazing for my community. I have set the activity page as the “front page” of my site and now I have two questions:

    1. How do I disable the title of the activity feed so it does not say “site-wide activity” or anything at all for that matter?

    2.How can I enable the post editor so I can add static content just above the activity feed? Right now any content that I add via the post editor appears to be overridden by the template, which is to be expected.

    I understand enough about WordPress to know that both of these issues are resolved through templates, but I would sincerely appreciate a response tailored for a wordpress beginner as I am new to php edits. I do have a child theme already created but don’t know where to go from there.



    I think ‘bp_init’ is the wrong hook.. Try using ‘bp_core_signup_user’

    function save_wc_address() {
     	if ( wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['bp_settings_general'] ) ){		
    		$user_id = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['user_id'] );
    		//sanitize input data
    		$billing_phone = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['billing_phone'] );
    		//update user meta
    		update_user_meta( $user_id, 'billing_phone', $billing_phone);
     add_action( 'bp_core_signup_user', 'save_wc_address');



    thanks for all the help. I ended up doing something like this in my functions.php child theme:

    function assign_username() {
        if ( isset( $_POST ) ) {
            $_POST['signup_username'] = create_username();
    add_action( 'bp_signup_pre_validate', 'assign_username' );
    function create_username() {
        $i = 0;
        $username = $_POST['field_3'] . $_POST['field_4'];
         while ( username_exists( $username ) ) {
             $username = $username . ++$i;
        return $username;

    However, now I have some weird behavior that is asking me if I want to leave the page when submitting the form (typical window.onbeforeunload event when entering information: although I have no idea what is triggering it on my custom register.php (

    So I think my code above solves my $_POST issue, but now I have another one. Going to run through some tests to debug it now.

    Thanks again for the prompt help. Was hoping people still check out these forums.

    Jeremy Pry

    Thanks all for the quick replies. I don’t mean to ignore all of your helpful questions and suggestions, but those may not be needed anymore.

    After getting a chance to speak with a colleague who’s been out of the office for a while, I was able to identify the problem here. A function from a custom plugin was filtering both the bp_before_has_activities_parse_args and bp_after_has_activities_parse_args filters, and the specific problem was that it was setting $args['include'] to an empty string. This removed the comment ID that was supposed to be part of the query, and resulted in the wrong query. We don’t know why it was doing this in the first place, but it has been corrected and the infinite loop has been fixed.

    Regardless, it may be beneficial to include some checking in this code to prevent the possibility of an infinite loop even for edge cases like this.


    So is this is definite “Object cache doesn’t work inside W3 Total Cache” because it breaks password resets? This seems to be my experience.. I’ve whitelisted registration, membership (Paid Memberships Pro) and activation pages in the page cache but seem to have issues with password reset and account activation since using activating xcache Object Cache within W3.
    So my questions are:
    1) is there a different object cache plugin I could use alongside w3 (which is great for its page cache etc)?
    2) is this issue unique to xcache? Could I use APC instead?
    3) are there any other integrated cache solutions that work with Buddypress that include object cache? The benefits to my site speed have been huge since activating.. It’s just the account activation issue


    also ‘bp_signup_validate’

     function bp_password_beefing() {
     global $bp;
     if ( !empty( $_POST['signup_password'] ) )
       if ( strlen( $_POST['signup_password'] ) < 6 )
        $bp->signup->errors['signup_password'] = __( 'Your password needs to be at least 6 characters', 'buddypress' );  
     add_action( 'bp_signup_validate', 'bp_password_beefing');



    Currently running BP WP 4.53 using twenty twelve child theme. I have incorporated many plugins to get the features desired for my private social network. The more I late about BP and how flexible it really it the more I have been working to apply the best practices regarding plugin use to the development of the site. Leading me to the questions -what features of BP are best extended or custoomized using plugins and what features are best extended customized using code snippets in the available tools for customization bp-custom and functions files?

    Thanks in advance to the incredible people who share their expertise and experiments here for to the benefit of the rest of us. Something I hope to do and my skills in this area develops.


    Hello WP community,

    Hoping someone can help me out. I have 2 questions

    1) Buddypress installed and when a comment is made on a post, I would like it updated to the top of the feed on activity update page regardless of how old the post is.

    Right now when a comment is made on an old post, it updates in activity but not at the top of the feed but on the date in which the post was created.

    How can I change this for both post comments and bbpress.

    2) Is it possible for users to add image and video on activity update in buddypress. if so how can I do this.

    I have the latest WP and BuddyPress installed.

    Thank you in advance!


    In reply to: Members display name


    I have just noticed that I was supposed to answer some questions before posting. I am just waiting for the answers and will post here.




    Hi there! Im trying to make a timeline view for the activity stream. i will like to know which file I have to modify.
    if i add <div class=”timelineBar”></div> in the browser under <div id=”content” class=”site-content col-md-9″ role=”main”>

    and add to the css:
    .timelineBar {
    width: 2px;
    background-color: #BDBDBD;
    display: inline-block;
    position: absolute;
    height: 100%;
    left: 50%;
    margin-left: 10px;
    margin-right: 10px;
    I get this result
    Timeline in activity

    I will like to know where I have to add the <div class=”timelineBar”></div> and get the line to appear in the activity an attach the line to the post by the users.

    this is the link of what Im trying to do.

    Please HELP!!!

    PS: Sorry For my English


    I disabled ALL plugins except for the Buddypress plugin. I am also using the Twenty Fifteen theme. The error is still happening when I go to change the photo (avatar) in the Buddypress group: ““Upload Failed! Error was: That photo is too big. Please upload one smaller than”

    1. Can you please provide more information on how to fix this issue?
    2. You mentioned “cache software”… Should I have a cache software installed to clear the cache?
    3. You also mentioned debugging. When I read the content on the page you provided a link for, it talks about developers and using debugging during development. How does this apply to my situation?

    Kindly address each of the 3 questions above so I can clearly understand what to do.


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