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  • #324109

    In reply to: topic marked as spam

    waris Khan

    You can not use/mention promotional stuff in your posts rather you can ask or answer someone’s questions. Promotional stuff can be like promoting your website, social account, or something else.



    I did not want to show some things in the activity stream. After searching a long time I did find a snippet what did work.

    function bp_activity_dont_save($activity_object)
    	$exclude = array(
    	'bbp_topic_create', //bbpress
        'bbp_reply_create', //bbpress
    	// if the activity type is empty, it stops BuddyPress BP_Activity_Activity::save() function
    	if (in_array($activity_object->type, $exclude)) $activity_object->type = false;
    add_action('bp_activity_before_save', 'bp_activity_dont_save', 10, 1);

    Is this the best way to do this? Or do you have a better sollution?
    I cannot find the right term to exclude when someone updates in a group, does someone know that one?

    Then, I want to get rid off the options in the drop down menu on the activity stream. I did find some code what almost did the trick.

    `add_filter( ‘bp_get_activity_show_filters_options’, function( $filters ) {
    unset( $filters[‘bp_doc_created’] );
    unset( $filters[‘bp_doc_edited’] );
    unset( $filters[‘bp_doc_comment’] );
    unset( $filters[‘bbp_topic_create’] );
    unset( $filters[‘bbp_reply_create’] );
    unset( $filters[‘created_group’] );
    unset( $filters[‘joined_group’] );
    unset( $filters[‘updated_group’] );
    return $filters;
    } );

    I think there should be a better way, so I hope someone can advice me with this.

    Now i have a strange thing. The Forum topics and replies are not visible anymore in the dropdown so thats good.

    The group creation and the group joining are not visible anymore so thats good.

    I cannot find the group update term. Does someone know what Term i need?

    And, the bp docs are still visible. This is strange because they are not showing anymore in the activity feed, but i cannot get them out of the dropdown menu.

    Can someone help me to achieve this? Or give me a better sollution??

    Sorry for any bad English

    Thanks in advantage


    Good day all!

    I have a request to use a third party hosted membership database with specific group levels required to use the BuddyPress/Youzify platform we have created.

    Instead of sending an invitation email, we would like to “automagically” register and create the profiles of these users with their information AND credentials from the membership database.

    Is this possible? If so, please provide a basic layout of the steps. I can get the database info into any form desired, but what process would I use to create and populate profile info and credentials?

    Thanks in advance, and I will answer any additional questions if you have them.

    Wishing you Peace Profound


    In reply to: How to use bp hooks?


    There is already a filter with that name:
    apply_filters( 'bp_members_signup_error_message', '<div class="error">' . $error_message . '</div>' );
    It passes only one argument. You need to write a custom filter hook with a different name.

    also – these are the forums for BuddyPress.
    Please contact BuddyBoss for questions specific to their codebase.
    This thread is now closed.


    I’m creating a new BuddyPress site that will be primarily organized around Groups. Each Group will represent a city, and each Group needs to have multiple Forums (such as for neighborhoods within the city). Two questions, please:
    1) How do I create multiple Forums for Groups? When I set up a new Group, it asks if I want the Group to have a Forum. But it says nothing about having more than one Forum.
    2) I’m confused about the difference between a BuddyPress user registration and a BBPress Forum user registration. Do I need both? Does the Forum registration just register them for one Forum, or for use of the whole BuddyPress site? If they register in BuddyPress, do they also need to register to take part in a Forum?

    In general, I don’t understand why BuddyPress and BBPress are separate plugins. It would make a lot more sense (and be less confusing) if they were all in one plugin, wouldn’t it?


    Hi guys,

    we have a big networks which keeps growing and growing – currently 20k users and still going strong. We want to try to tweak and improve every tiny screw / setting and we are just optimizing the database. Because: The DB is already 1.5GB and it’s growing fast.

    We identified a LOT of “default” metadata with every update / activity / post, hence this questions arise, I dig deep already 🙂

    1. Is it safe to delete the activity data where _link_embed=0 and _link_preview_data=”” (empty)? It comes for EVERY activity. 60% of ALL 100k activity rows are those “default” settings.

    2. Is it safe to delete the meta-data for sent messages which do NOT have a media, e.g. gif_raw_data or _gif_data or bp_media_ids empty values? In wp_bp_messages_meta

    3. Wouldnt it be possible to convert ALL userid fields (in messages, activity, users, friendship etc tables) to INT instead of BIGINT? This would reduce storage, index sizes, index scan time etc … We will never have 4 million of users…

    4. Would it do any harm when deleting “deleted” messages? I.e. messages from wp_bp_messages_messages where Subject==”Deleted” and message empty?

    5. Is it really necessary to store the subject of a message thread redundently? So for one thread within wp_bp_messages_messages we sometimes have 50 entries, all with the same subject.. (varchar…)

    6. the table wp_postmeta grows huge, because unfortunately, all uploaded attachements are handled as posts, hence quite some plugins like WPML or ELEMENTOR hook into it and save their metadata for every damn single uploaded attachement 🙁

    Thanks so far, hope we can get a really good discussion going here!!!!


    Hello all,

    I am working on a site called for record collectors-

    This site has a database of records. I’d like to add functionality to give users a “Wantlist” and a “Have list”. I’d like them to browse through records and click “I have this” or “I want this”. That will then update their “Wantlist” and “Have list” in their profile area. I’ll also need to figure out how to add “Wantlist” and “Have List” as pages in their buddypress account.

    So the two questions are:
    1. How can I have a button on my website add to a users’ buddypress account? (When they click “I want this”, how do i add it to their “Wantlist”?
    2. How do I add buttons/sections of their account so that they can access this area of their account?

    Thanks so much for the help!


    In case this is helpful for anyone, I was able to get an Avada child theme to enqueue BP Nouveau styles conditionally based on code detailed here placed in my child theme’s functions.php file and making sure BP Nouveau’s /css/ directory sits in the same directory.

    function register_nouveau_stylesheet() {
        wp_register_style( 'bp-nouveau-enqueue', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/css/buddypress.min.css' );
    add_action( 'init', 'register_nouveau_stylesheet' );
    function conditionally_enqueue_nouveau_stylesheet() {
        // only enqueue on members-directory page slug
        if ( is_page( 'members-directory' ) ) {
            wp_enqueue_style( 'bp-nouveau-enqueue' );
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'conditionally_enqueue_nouveau_stylesheet' );

    Unfortunately, logged in users will end up loading the Nouveau stylesheet twice so I’ll have to update this code further so it checks for login status and possibly user role. Hopefully, I can find a way to conditionally enqueue BP’s styles for the directory only as well. I don’t need those styles loading site-wide!


    Thanks @danbp for that toggle snippet, nearly five and a half years later and still works a treat!

    Two questions if I may:

    1 Is it possible to default to hidden?

    2 Is it possible to move the button to another position?

    Toggle move

    I’m testing Youzify which may complicate things as it appears where I want to move it to is behind a Youzify component that only appears once a comment has been posted.

    From what I understand (which in coding is very little sadly) your code searches for the “Comment” button and inserts the toggle button after it:


    I tried modifying that line in your code to target the Youzify component which has a div class of “youzify-post-comments-count”, but alas, no joy.


    Any pointers would be much appreciated.


    Edit: image doesn’t appear to be showing but can be seen here


    Please send your questions to the creators of the buddyboss forms plugin.


    For bbPress questions, please use their support forums.


    For bbPress questions, please use their support forums.


    In reply to: Close own forum topics


    For bbPress questions, please use their support forums.


    Please send questions re youzify to their support forums.
    And / or send your issue to the creator of whatever theme it is that you’re using.
    Your chance of finding a solution on the BP forums is very small

    btw- you can use your browser’s inspector tool to examine the css in context.


    These are the forums for BuddyPress.
    Please send your questions to BuddyBoss and / or the creators of the BuddyX theme.


    In reply to: BuddyPress 8.0.0

    Mathieu Viet

    Hi @b4ureye,

    Ok, can you reply to the following questions:
    – What is the name of your active theme?
    – If it’s a child-theme, what is the name of the parent theme ? You can find this information into the template: header of the style.css file of your child-theme.
    – Does this theme contains a members directory or a buddypress/members directory?
    – if so does this directory contains a register.php file?
    – if so can you share on the content of this file?

    Thanks in advance for your replies.


    These are the forums for BuddyPress.
    If you are using the BuddyBoss plugin – you need to contact them with your questions.


    The activity search only does exact string matches, not single words.
    So ‘amazing PIZZA’ or ‘pizza’ will work but not ‘pizza receipe’.

    also – please do not double post your questions.


    BuddyPress is free – there is nothing to purchase.
    Youzify replaces most of the BP templates – you should send any questions about that to them.
    BP activity search does not use key words, it only uses an exact match on the text as a substring.


    Hi all,

    I’m trying to modify the BuddyPress activity loop for my BuddyBoss site. I have quite a specific outcome in mind, but any help towards attaining this will be very welcome. I have a rough idea of most of the moving parts but I’m finding it difficult to pull it all together so any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I’m trying to make a loop that shows forum replies and discussions which have an image uploaded to them and are posted with a specific word or hashtag.

    I have two major questions:

    1. Does anybody have an example of a working loop which could be placed into a PHP shortcode creator so I can experiment with the different things the loop can be modified to show? I’m having trouble even creating a working loop right now.

    2. I know I can search through loops via keyword to filter out the hashtag, but is anyone aware of how to only return replies or discussion posts with images attached/uploaded? I can’t seem to work this bit out.

    Any information very much appreciated.

    Thanks in advance!


    I have two questions:

    1 Is it possible to redirect registration to the root blog of WP multisite? (BuddyPress is network active and root blog is in the main site of the WP installation.)

    2 Is it possible to disable BuddyPress on one site (blog) in the network?



    I was wanting to create a button link in elementor to the BuddyPress user view profile page. I’m struggling to find the correct info.

    There’s basically a link field in elementor available just like this

    The closest I found was the following:

    Using Ocean WP theme, Buddypress 7.1.0 (v latest at time of post)

    Kind regards

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