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  • #123257


    Seems that the 1.6 upgrade won’t be as tooth pulling as I had imagined it might be :)

    In the meantime, I think that while my current setup is running ok, when I find some time I’ll set up a test environment for the new uprades – so as not to have a jumble for my users when the time comes.

    Boone Gorges

    > What are the differences and similarities as to how the buddybar and the WP adminbar are configured? What will be lost and what will be gained and how configurable will it be?

    The BuddyBar will still be there, though it will be turned off by default in favor of the WP Admin Bar. (In BP 1.5, that’s reversed – you can enable the WP admin bar manually with
    `define( ‘BP_USE_WP_ADMIN_BAR’, true );`
    in wp-config.php.)

    BP’s WP Admin Bar implementation has:
    – a logged-in user dropdown menu (links to logged-in user’s groups, activity, etc
    – admin links for current group
    – admin links for currently displayed user
    – Notifications

    There is ‘Visit Random’ button in the current implementation, though it’s worth an enhancement request on

    In any case, it will be completely customizable. The BuddyBar is mostly hardcoded HTML. The WP Admin Bar is built using an easy-to-use API, making it far easier to customize to your liking. If you don’t like the search, it’s easy to remove. If you don’t like the appearance, it’s easy to modify with CSS.

    > Does anyone know yet if BP 1.5 will run on WP 3.3?

    It’s mostly fine. The WP Admin Bar, which changes a lot between 3.2 and 3.3, does not work all that well.

    > Is there any way to create one nice big CSS for the whole BuddyPress shebang, so it won’t be so difficult to figure out the where, how, and why of formatting?

    Most of bp-default’s CSS is in bp-themes/bp-default/_inc/css/default.css.

    Lara Schenck

    I am having the same issue paging through a category on a group home page. I’ll post any solutions if/when I find them.

    And upvoted your post on StackOverflow and, hopefully you don’t mind, I posted it on WordPress StackExchange as well:


    well, I just met your post by chance and the word author attracted me to read it, as I’m myself a beginner writer, who have exactly the same combination as you describe, WordPress and buddypress :)
    I can say all you want exactly can be done by buddypress, all that features you mentioned are built-in without any need for plugins, but for few options there is this plugin wanted:

    subscribe2 ( if you don’t have already )
    subscribe to comments ( like in wordpres )

    for the theme, I may suggest the default theme which I use, or the new Frisco theme.
    for media need, of course the new buddypress media or bp-Album

    perhaps other friend can give you more details, have a nice day :)


    @Firynze @Witi

    Are the emails in the spam or junk directories?

    Some hosts need an extra plugin to work with wordpress mail, such as the one suggested on the following page:

    I have used which has a useful debugging feature….

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    bbPress (plugin) will see further integration in BuddyPress 1.6 & bbPress 2.1.

    bbPress (plugin) should detect BuddyPress and support @ mention and activity stream integration. If those aren’t working for you, you’ll need to report a bug on the bbPress site.


    IF wordpress isn’t sending any emails (ie they’re not in spam or junk folders) it may need an extra plugin – see
    Or try to help diagnose where the issue is and add some extra settings to fix it…

    Brian Bowman

    I’ve added extended fields per buddypress’s capabilities; however, they don’t show up in my registration process….any idea why not and what I need to do about it:

    Here is a completed profile where someone actually went back into their EDIT PROFILE and finished adding all the data:

    Yet, even then – not all the REQUIRED fields are showing up on EDIT mode.

    And here is the URL to register…and you can see that just a small bit of those initial fields actually during a new registration process – and my REQUIRED fields don’t show up either:

    Any ideas what I’m doing wrong? I’m asking this here because I’m getting zero responses after 3 weeks in the HOW-TO section having asked the same questions and this can’t be that hard to answer….

    Much thanks.


    Hey echoman,

    I just stumbled across your questions through Google and thought I’d offer you a little help. Do you see in your Fatal error where it says “is_site_admin()”? That’s where your problem is. You will need to open the bp-album-core.php file, scroll down to line 305 where it says “is_site_admin()”, and replace the word “site” with the word “super”.



    Please answer some troubleshooting questions posted


    Thank you, I will test!


    Try this tutorial:

    Please test on a dev environment first!

    Just so you’re aware, there are a few 1.5 bugs that have popped up regarding multisite installs:

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Image, title, and link of… what? Posts from your blog(s)? If so, that’s all standard WordPress theming and has nothing to do with BuddyPress making it any harder.

    I think the first example at will get you started! :)

    Mary Jane

    No, thanks you :) lol

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Ok thanks

    Mary Jane

    the box is super small not like ive seen on othere sites

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    I hope to check BP Labs soon. What’s the problem? Do you get a box appearing, or nothing?


    Hi folks sorry, coming back to this after a while.

    I submitted my findings/questions to bp trac. They say that avatar upload during registration is going to be discontinued in bp 1.5 default theme. So, it may be a good idea to think about doing avatars after registration.

    Personally, I can see their thinking.

    1) Why let people who aren’t yet committed users get access to your file system?
    2) registration is really complicated by the fact that you don’t yet know the user’s user id.

    Still, I may be looking at this some more …

    Boone Gorges

    2 – You would have to write some javascript that does the refreshing. I don’t know of any ready-made implementations.

    3 – There’s no automatic way to filter these out in BuddyPress at the moment. You could write a function that would take them out of $activities_template when hooked to bp_has_activites.

    Mary Jane



    Your site is unbelievably awesome. I have two questions I really hope you can help me with.

    How can I add a social bit like you did in the upper right? Like, Tweet, +1? I’d almost rather the LinkedIn share instead of Tweet but whatever, what you have there would fit my site perfectly!

    Also…your login box and Facebook compatibility? Is that a widget or custom? It’s beautiful and perfect.

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    There’s no end difference between installing and upgrading. Existing child themes should continue to work, as should those guidelines on the codex. It’s possible someone updated the codex incorrectly, or for an earlier beta version where we fiddled with child theme style sheets a bit (and then added more compatibility code in). Feel free to update the instructions; log in to wp-admin on the codex site and find/edit the Page.


    Also… I just wanted to comment that it would be really nice if the documentation for Buddypress is more organized. Currently there is information about 1.5 mixed in with 1.2 and even earlier. Is it that difficult to separate major versions and keep it organized?

    I came across an article in the codex talking about enqueued CSS, with lines of complex code including instructions to update a variable when changes are made to bust cache.

    I am sitting here waiting for some answers without working any further on this project, thinking to myself WTF does enqueue stylesheet and bust cache mean, I cannot even get comprehensible answers googling them, and hoping that I did not waste numerous hours working on a pre-1.5 project powered by BP.

    i do appreciate all the hard work put into BP, but just because it is open source doesn’t mean there is no need for any logic behind it. Obviously there is no expectation for serious projects to use it out-of-the-box with the default theme and default components, so in my opinion, it is essential to explain to your users what the next version means and what needs to done for a smooth transition. Instead of publishing several articles about an unreleased version, perhaps it would have been wiser to have done that instead. If I had the knowledge, I would have gladly offered that.

    I really hope I don’t move to another platform as I love WP and really liked BP’s usability when doing my research.

    Mary Jane

    and any answers on the other?

    Mary Jane

    Hmm i tried it but it didnt seem to work if you go and se maryjane420s profile and the comments i made you can see it didnt work

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