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  • #51252
    Jeff Sayre


    We need more detailed information about your setup. Please start a new thread by posting your issue and including answers to these questions.

    Jeff Sayre


    Seeing how you have not received a response from mattyabsley, I suggest starting a new thread and answering these questions.

    Jeff Sayre

    Two questions:

    1. Does this issue go away if you switch to the default themes that come with BuddyPress?
    2. Are there any errors showing up in your log files?



    I tried the code you provided:

    If I browse to my p2 user blog while logged out, it does not show me anything in the userbar. I would like to provide the user the option to log in from the user blog itself. Is the code supposed to show the BP log in/signup links in the userbar?

    If I browse to my p2 user blog while logged in, it shows the user avatar, member profile link and logout link. If I click the logout link, it takes me to the standard WP login page with the message ‘you are logged out’. Can you suggest a way to have it redirect to the same page on the userblog frontend except with the user logged out?

    I hope I am being clear about my questions. I am a novice at programming so only have a basic understanding of what the code is doing.

    Thanks again for your help.


    Thank you, DJPaul. I’m starting to get a clue lol. Just one question – Say I use “Kubrick” for my home/blog theme. How do I get a login/password field in the sidebar? I noticed it’s not one of the widgets. Do I have to grab the code from the admin bar on top and insert it manually into the sidebar?

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    You can use any WordPress theme for the home/blog theme, yes. You’d only need a customised or Buddypress-specific theme for the member pages.


    Thanks, Ray.

    So if I’d like to have a two-column site, would I be able to activate the default Kubrick theme and use it as the blog portion (front page) of my social network? I’d like to have my blog on the front page just like ReadWritePoem. Or would I need to use a theme made for Buddypress like the ‘home’ theme?


    “themes” is a themes folder for WordPress(MU); whereas “bp-themes” is a themes folder specific to BuddyPress components.

    To be more specific, “themes” styles the blogs; “bp-themes” styles the member profiles and groups.

    ReadWritePoem’s blog posts is from the main, primary blog… it’s a simple template loop from WordPress… nothing elaborate there. In fact, looking into it further, they do not have member blogs! So if you’re familiar with regular WordPress, you’ll know how they placed the blog posts on the front page.


    In reply to: External Blogs

    Maybe the current discussion isn’t out of date, but the discussion and assumption that Nicola is developing this is.

    I can’t speak for DJPaul, but in the general clean-up that I do, I try to keep the conversations as focused on what is currently relevant as possible, to avoid confusion for newcomers and to let any old-schoolers know questions are being addressed.

    Does that make sense? I’m sure Paul will chime in and slap me with a trout if I’m wrong. :)

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    I’ve renamed this thread jorrie so the title covers both questions which might make it easier for people to find in future.


    Hello Mates, I know I went M.i.A for a while.

    but I wanted to say thanks for the good responses

    before it got way too late.

    I got focused into developing our BP site

    and have been searching through the forums

    for all kinds of questions and possibilities.

    I’m sure I’ll be posting about them soon.

    But for this, I think we’ll start working with group / blog mods first

    and try out the multi-site url solutions.

    The BP integration still seems like an interesting challenge

    especially as the single wordpress BP installs come into play.

    John if you have more details about the functions.php solution,

    please contact me.

    and if there are any other ideas about this,

    or possible plugin solutions,

    I’d love to hear them.


    – Jeff –



    Oops… trunk of course! it’s been a long day… got it working the old fashioned way :)

    The other point I was making though is that this is linked off the main installation instructions:

    The reason I probably didn’t even look at the URL is because of that. I’m sure lots of people will do the same, and if they are new to buddypress they won’t be aware of the usual way of installing it and either post questions here or maybe even give up!


    OK – here’s where I’m at. *deep breath*

    I’m kind of scared to install buddypress 1.0.3 fresh, which is probably the only way I should do it at this point since that last install totally went awry. Thing is… WPMU is working great right now – and bbPress is still working great too. Will a fresh install of 1.0.3 pick up where I left off? Or do I need specific files from 1.0.2 in order for all the friends lists to work in the bp? I’m terrified that if I do a fresh install that it won’t pick up all that information automatically. OR… is all that information stored in the database and not a file? If it’s stored in the database I should be good to go, right? Or will there be malfunctions with bbPress and will I need to input the required cookie codes in order for things to pick up again? Or will the database (if it’s all stored in there) just be intelligent and see it?

    Just wondering if anyone has ever done this before and knows the answers. Sorry for all the questions, just scared the blogs will flame up again and cause even more user emails to me asking why this and that. LOL

    Thank you thank you!!!


    Ray, this is more than a pointer – it works as is. Awesome.

    Couple of questions for my ongoing education… it seems that ‘init’ is a WP hook after everything is initialized. So you are using it to ensure we replace the function *after* bp has added it?

    Secondly, is there a particular reason that you didn’t add the new function inside the override_bp_core_settings_nav() function?

    Thanks very much.


    Hi and thanks for your answers. I’ll try to remove the plugins and see if I can find out the one causing the issue.

    Meanwhile, here are the answers to the common questions.


    1. Which version of WPMU are you running?


    2. Did you install WPMU as a directory or subdomain install?


    3. If a directory install, is it in root or in a subdirectory?


    4. Did you upgraded from a previous version of WPMU? If so, from which version?

    Yes, from 1.5.1 through 2.6.5

    5. Was WPMU functioning properly before installing/upgrading BuddyPress?


    6. Which version of BuddyPress (BP) are you running?


    7. Did you upgraded from a previous version of BP? If so, from which version?

    No, first install

    8. Do you have any plugins other than BuddyPress installed and activated?

    Many. I won’t list them here. I’ll try first to remove them to find out if it may cause the issue.

    9. Are you using the standard BuddyPress themes or customized themes?

    Standard, we haven’t customized anything yet

    10. Have you modified the core files in any way?

    11. Do you have any custom functions in bp-custom.php?


    12. If running bbPress, which version?

    No bbpress (yet)

    13. Please provide a list of any errors in your server’s log files.

    Jeff Sayre

    Okay, let’s start with the basics. Please answer these questions.

    You’ve already provided the version of WPMU and BP that you’re running, so you can skip those questions.


    Just launched a new BuddyPress based site for a client who was running a normal WordPress based site before hand:

    The site has been set up as a music community site for people who use the music service Spotify and want to do more than ‘just’ submitting their playlists.

    Lots of issues and things we have learnt about BuddyPress, WordPress MU etc during the delelopment and hopefully now the site is launched we might have more time to get involved answering questions on these forums rather than asking them ;)



    Thank you for your code, the single sign on worked brilliantly!

    I’m building a Game Studies social site for the new media field (hopefully new media academics, ludologists, etc will take to it) for the University of Wyoming, and a wiki was a major concern. the WP wiki plugins aren’t up to the task, so this really helps.

    Few questions if I may.

    When I enable the site wide update plugin, my mediawiki page goes blank. Thoughts?

    Also, how did you manage to make CUNY look so integrated, a mediawiki theme I suppose? I’ve never themed (or worked with really) mediawiki, is there a good theme site where I might be able to download something to modify, or is it a group up kind of thing?

    Thanks for your hard work!


    I’ll look into your plugin when it comes out, but will it do anything more/different as Boone’s code is rather complete in what it does. Also, beta?

    Mohit Kumar

    I am aggregating some good questions to make UI better , which have already been asked so that you dont need to ask again..

    How to remove excerpts from site wide activity?


    Ok, this is working for me too. I see that updating the BP “Name” field also results in an update to the “display_name” field in the wp_users table.

    FWIW, I’m not using deep integration.

    Thanks r-a-y.

    BTW, I have some questions regarding the perf impact of deep integration, but I will start a new thread for that.

    Andy Peatling

    Help out then. Report bugs, fix bugs, submit patches, program new features on the roadmap, write documentation, answer questions on the forums.

    Sitting there twiddling your thumbs wondering when things are going to be done doesn’t help the project.


    In reply to: Possibly a bug with BP


    @ Burt:

    It might be. The site was running fine and out of nowhere, the problem began occuring. To answer your questions:

    [Before the problem came up] –

    Does bp live in /wp-content/plugins/buddypress? (not /mu-plugins)?

    -> Yes. Absolutely. I’m aware that post RC1 BP got shirted to plugins directory. It was & is in /wp-content/plugins/buddypress folder.

    Have you activated bp sitewide?

    -> Yes. The plugin was active sitewide and everything was working fine.

    Does it activate properly?

    -> Yep. Users could perform all the activities.

    I’m facing a strange problem. I’m running WPMU 2.7.1 (latest) and when I enter my admin credentials, I get logged in as a normal user. Therefore, I do not see ‘plugins’ section or ‘buddypress’ in the admin panel. Also, I’m unable to activate/deactivate themes.

    To fix this. I’ve removed BP (Plugins and Themes) using FTP. But the problem still persists. No admin options for me! What’s going wrong now? :(

    Jeff Sayre


    Please read this thread on the most effective way to ask for support:

    It may be necessary for you to answer all the questions in the link in that thread, but here are a few to get started:

    1. Are you using the new default themes that come with BP 1.0.2 or old themes?
    2. Do you have any plugins (besides BuddyPress) installed in the site with which you have issues?
    3. Did you reselect the member theme in WPMU’s backend under “BuddyPress > General Settings”?


    Hey guys,

    apologies if these sound like newb questions

    or far fetching ideas,

    but I’m really looking to find some creative solutions

    to integrating multiple buddypress portals

    so we can develop a good strategy and

    service options for some clients.

    Please let me know of any solutions out there already,

    what could be possible, or in progress.

    or let me know if anyone would like to join a team

    to work on these kinds of solutions.

    Look forward to hearing from you.

    – Jeff –


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