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Search Results for 'spam'

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  • #173534

    Spammers will find any way to get into a site, nothing new there. If you know exactly how registrations are getting through then email it in.


    I hate to break the bad news but spammers already know about it. The problem is no one here seems to care.

    Others have also reported this:

    Boone Gorges

    @dennish The installation of bbPress that is packaged with BuddyPress contains a file at buddypress/bp-forums/bb-config.php. When you attempt to access the bbPress installation directly as you describe, the bbPress bootstrap loads this bb-config.php file, and sends a 403 Forbidden header to the browser. Thus, it should NOT be the case that users are able to create accounts (or do anything else) on these pages. If you are finding otherwise, it could be because your buddypress/bp-forums/bb-config.php file is missing or corrupt.

    In the future, when you find what you believe are security issues in BP, please do not post them to the forums, but instead send an email to Thanks.


    Having the identical issue as above. Spammer registers for site, activates and then I find them in a private group. No request to join, no approval by Group Admin. The only clue I have is that when looking at their profile it says they belong to the private group but the button to the right still says “request permission”. Somehow bypassing the approval process.


    Those 2300 must not have logged in the first time. If they have not, they will not show up in the members directory. If they have not logged in yet I would imagine a good majority of them are spam accounts. Good luck!


    @bphelp I haven’t been able to test this for you yet but I did notice yesterday that non-activated users get given a URL which is visible to anyone. For example, if you completed the registration form on my site and chose username ‘bphelp’ – even before you click on the link in the activation email you will be able to go to

    Here you’d see: Your name, the mystery man avatar etc.

    Imagine a site that has lots of spam signups. They’d have hundreds if not thousands on unused URLs.

    How is this currently handled by BP?


    I am not sure I am following you but if you deactivated that plugin and a new user can register and activate an account and login successfully then this is not a BP or bbPress issue. It needs to be taken up on that plugins support forum if you insist on using this plugin. Otherwise you may want to look into alternatives! I have used:
    It forces a user to complete the required xprofile fields before they can interact with the site and seem like a good deterrent against spam registrations.


    Hi @bphelp

    Its looks like its the following plugin;

    At the moment I want to moderate membership signup which the plugin provides to cut down on spam members. Would I be best speaking to the plugins forum?


    1.) You do realize BP is a WP plugin right? It is not its own entity therefor if the user registers with BP activated, they are also registering with WP.
    2.) By default if a user enters a wrong password they are then redirected to wp-login.php if you want to include the lost password link there may be some login widget plugins that includes that link, other wise you could get that link from wp-login.php and hard code it into your child themes sidebar.php which may not be a good idea until you get a little more experience. Try searching for plugins that will accomplish this before going that route.
    3.) You may want to check the spam folder to see if the activation email went there. If not then check your servers error logs and report back.


    @hnla; thanks.

    ; i have checked all the spam folder of the emails used, no such mail as the activation email.

    Thanks all
    _ Samuel


    In reply to: Search for user role


    Spam did not solve my problem, no.


    @asieger A rather basic question: Have you checked the Spam folders in your email accounts?

    Halo Diehard

    @cpagan2000 thanks SO much for coming back and posting that code! I have literally searched for hours to try and fix my problem that my site, which has been running over a year spam free, all of a sudden was getting SLAMMED with spam registrations because BuddyPress hijacked my registration page and I couldn’t figure out how to make it stop.

    For anyone else who finds this thread, you have to create the bp-custom.php file and put it in your wp-content/plugins folder (contrary to all the other information out there on the web – – SO CONFUSING!!) I tried to put in in my functions.php and it just wouldn’t work. You can find more information on customizing BuddyPress by following the link above that @bp-help posted above.

    This information should really be easily accessible. No one should ever have to search this hard to fix this type of issue. That is why I made a point to come back and thank pagan and add the missing info that I had to track down to fully understand the situation.


    Thanks! There it is 🙂

    So there appears to be an issue with my user receiving emails from the site. I triple checked my profile email address with no luck. No messages to my spam folder or anything. Any idea’s what might cause all notifications for my admin user to be disabled?


    In reply to: Stopping Spammers

    Ben Hansen

    try wangguard it definitely helps


    No they don’t have to create 2 accounts. What I want is for the god awful registration page to go away and get bacl my normal wordpress login and registration page back. I have social sign ins and want to be able to use those and also a captcha for spam.



    Just out of interest, if I use the capabilities page to mark a user as a spammer, what does that actually do? Delete the user from the site? Banish them into a black hole? etc


    Screen for marking a user as spammer to start off. Alternatively, while in users’ area, there’s an “Edit Members” dropdown menu in WP toolbar for site/super admin where you can set User’s Capability as well.


    Here is more information about our installation.

    8. Do you have any plugins other than BuddyPress installed and activated? If so, which ones?

    All In One SEO Pack
    Version | By Michael Torbert

    Antispam Bee
    Version 2.5.9 | By Sergej Müller

    Version 1.3.4 | By Sergej Müller

    Version 2.4 | By The bbPress Community

    Better WordPress Minify
    Version 1.2.2 | By Khang Minh

    Broken Link Checker
    Version 1.8.3 | By Janis Elsts

    Version 1.8.1 | By The BuddyPress Community

    Contact Form 7
    Version 3.5.2 | By Takayuki Miyoshi

    Duplicate Post
    Version 2.4.1 | By Enrico Battocchi

    Google Analyticator
    Version 6.4.5 | By Video User Manuals Pty Ltd

    NGFB Open Graph+ Pro
    Version 6.8 | By Jean-Sebastien Morisset

    Revolution Slider
    Version 3.0.7 | By ThemePunch

    Social Login for wordpress
    Version 4.8 | By LoginRadius Team

    TinyMCE Advanced
    Version 3.5.8 | By Andrew Ozz

    W3 Total Cache
    Version 0.9.3 | By Frederick Townes

    Widget Importer & Exporter
    Version 1.0 | By Steven Gliebe

    WordPress Social Share Buttons
    Version 1.1.3 | By Lee Chestnutt

    Version 1.2.1 | By Alex Rabe

    WP Sliding Login | Register Panel
    Version 2.3 | By Kyle Powning @ The Factory

    Version | By WPMU DEV

    9. Are you using the standard BuddyPress themes or customized themes?

    I’m using another theme callet BulletPress from HB-Themes

    10. Have you modified the core files in any way?

    I haven’t modified any BP related files, but I do use a child theme with a custom functions.php

    11. Do you have any custom functions in bp-custom.php?


    12. If running bbPress, which version? Or did your BuddyPress install come with a copy of bbPress built-in?

    Our theme came with bbPress, see above for version.

    14. Which company provides your hosting?



    In reply to: SPAM groups


    I know that I can use “Site/Super Admin” however the group created right after clicking on “create group and continue” it’s a BIG MISTAKE.

    It’s necessary to solve it.



    In reply to: SPAM groups


    @laboratorio35 The group creation was not stopped. It was created right after clicking on “create group and continue” link after filling up group name as “X” and description as “x” in the first group creation screen that’s why you see the group in the Group Directory oage. At this stage, you as Site/Super Admin can always delete the group if you wish.

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Probably it’s just in the spam folder. The activation email quite often seems to be marked as spam, unfortunately.

    Mail server configuration can be tricky and I’d suggest you also contact your web host for support, as there may be other configuration changes that you or the host could make to improve the chances of the email being received correctly.


    Did you check for the activation email in your spam folder?


    Oh wow, thanks so very much @shanebp for this. Limme test out to stop the filthy Spam scourge.

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