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Search Results for 'translation'

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  • #66092

    In reply to: BuddyPress Like


    Full translation support is coming in 0.0.6, if you are interested in translating the plugin into your language please let me know and I can create the translation set over on my GlotPress install which will allow you to easily translate the strings.

    I’d like to do the italian translation. Thanks.


    In reply to: BuddyPress Like


    Full translation support is coming in 0.0.6, if you are interested in translating the plugin into your language please let me know and I can create the translation set over on my GlotPress install which will allow you to easily translate the strings.

    Michael Berra

    @blackphantom Hmmm – strange thing. Yesterday it just worked fine, now, no tweets are coming in to BP anymore… I think it stopped, when I uploaded my localization. Could that (a translation) cause that?


    Firebug is a must, other is optional.

    System: Lenny (debian), Apache, MySQL, PHP

    Desktop: XFCE

    PC: my old slow Pentium III

    Firefox Browser: Firebug, Web Developer, Color Picker, Measure It

    Editor: Geany

    Image: GIMP

    FTP: Filezilla

    Database: PhpMyAdmin

    Command line: $ msgfmt (translation), and $ svn

    CMS: WordPress ;-)

    Framework: None. BuddyPress Core… perhaps someday

    w3school , I always looking for css reference.

    Guess.. my brain is no compete for those ever growing reference.

    And last…

    My sister’s notebook to test css in ie6, ie7, chrome.

    ~epsi — Learning WP since 23 Dec 2009

    Peter Hofman

    @snark, will look at the error.

    @mmeide, tnxs :) strange that tweetdeck does that will check it out :)

    translation is almost ready indeed in next update i hope to release some multi-language support with extra language files.


    In reply to: BuddyPress Like


    @hempsworth Great work so far!

    Any thoughts on translations or custom messages? So members can ‘love’ or ‘dig’ something instead of ‘like’ it. May be best done through the back-end.

    As soon as custom messages are possible, I’ll definitly start using this.

    Michael Berra

    @blackphantom – I think your plugin is just awesome and gets better and better! WOW! The settings are already great!

    Some little suggestions:

    – @mentions from BP to twitter are still @ in twitter. Why not make a similar setting: “Export tweets containing @names

    – Set a personal filter in the frontend like “only import/export tweets with … in it” and “never import/export tweets with … in it (say I twitter alot about buddypress in twitter, but my BP Users are not interested in that at all…)

    Would be even more great (if that is possible :-)

    And did i get that right – is it already translatable? How has the file to be names? (I will make a german translation)

    PS: I like, that we can name the twitter-app as we like too!!!

    Michael Berra

    By the way: If I want to translate those plugins – how must the .po file be named, and where does it need to be put (and, I you would like, andy, where should I send the translation)?

    Jean-Pierre Michaud

    now the french translation works well, no more bug with it… *(thanks Chouf1)


    I just tagged 0.3.1 which has only major bug fixes and translation updates.

    * Fixed nasty SQL query bug, big props to windhamdavid

    * Fixed broken category filtering that affected recently active links for single user

    * Updated French translations, props Chouf1

    * Added German translation, props Michael Berra

    * Added Swedish translation, props Ezbizniz



    You are the only person who has reported a problem with the translations. Chouf1 is the person who is my translation expert who helped me set it up. Maybe he can help you?


    Most popular sorts based on a popularity algorithm similar to Digg. The filter you want is Highest Rated.

    I have been getting a TON of requests for minor tweaks that may or may not be useful to everyone. I am making notes of these, but for now my focus is on adding core features. If I spend too much time tweaking the templates development will stall.

    Anyone who needs small changes to the interface I would encourage to play with the templates and template tags. If you think your modifications could be useful to everyone, send me the code and I will adapt it for the core if its acceptable :)

    Jean-Pierre Michaud

    about the translations i don’t mean they are outdated, they are not active at all… just english.

    i pm you my details… play as you wish


    In reply to: BuddyPress Maps

    Karin Johansson

    @grosbouff – Thank you! :-)

    I´m using BP Maps and BP Maps Profile and it works like a charm.

    Will you put it up for localization, at least for user side? I will be happy to contribute with a Swedish translation.



    My focus now is on adding features, as this software is still very young. Just like with BuddyPress I don’t plan to create a huge admin settings page for configuration options that hardly anyone will use (for instance default avatar sizes, etc). In the future I plan to create a settings page in the admin, but not until the software is more mature. Lots of things could change, and I don’t want to worry about supporting lots of old configuration options.

    I can’t help with your redirects issue without a lot more info, and a link would be the most helpful.

    The language files are out of date. I have updated FR and DE translations that will ship with the next version. You can always create your own translation file if you are unhappy with the ones that have been donated.


    I would suggest you setup a german-language-version of and then many people can either send you a PM with language-suggestions or even better yet having a TRAC-ticket-system for language-translation-suggestions.


    The folder ‘trunk’ holds the lastest version that was edited (= buddypress developer version). ‘tags’ are snapshots (tags/1.2 = BP 1.2) and are not edited after tagging. If you using 1.2 stable please use tags/1.2 and if you using the lastest developer version you sould use the trunk version which is regularly updated.


    Hi Dennis,

    which ones are the LATEST version of the german-language translation files ?

    There are 2 download-links available (at least those are which I discovered so far…)

    Many thanks,


    I’m managing the German translation and site. Anyone who has improvements for the German translation should PM me with the suggestions. Thats currently the simplest way. For ‘’ I need a few days more to complete it.


    – where do I find the codex-pages ? I can not see any edit-button.

    – how do I join the “Community” youve mentioned ?

    Many thanks,


    I guess there will be exactly something like that. “sucks” because no one is responsible since Dennis left Inspyde (the guys behind If you are interested in collaboration you could join the community and become a moderator ore something like that.

    As DJPaul mentioned anyone can edit the codex pages (as you can see i did it for german language site).

    You can find the “edit” link in the bottom left corner once you are logged in.

    i’m really looking forward for the site. I’m gonna write Dennis if he needs some help. Hope to see you involved too.

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Anyone can edit the codex pages.


    good to hear that there is going to be a german-language-install at, because the current german version http://www.buddypress.DE sucks.

    I am wondering why there is no official installation like in german language (or any other language) available yet ?

    Why not put up an installation like in german language and collaboratively work on a proper language-translation on such an official install ?


    Hey Erich73,

    it’s Dennis who is working on the 1.2 version. He isn’t hired at Inspyde anymore, but keeps up the work. He is also working on the official new german buddypress site

    I also would like to see some collaboration tool for the laguage files.


    also, the above link is not available at “BP-Docs”:

    German – Deutsch (de_DE)

    Please update in order for people being able to find the i18n download-page (for german language).

    Michael Berra

    WOW – great! It sounds better and better :-)

    About the tabs – nevermind… I would leave them anyway (I have already too many, so that it’s not looking nice anymore…). To me “my links” is enough in the links-directory and I really wouldn’t need it on the main activity-page.

    Another question: Could it be (could you check) if the comment in the stream is translatable. It still says “posted a comment on the link” although I have my translation running (but maybe my translation has errors…)

    So – good night – it’s already pretty late here in Switzerland :-)

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