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Search Results for 'translation'

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  • #64209


    Thanks for the kind words. I will respond to your questions later when I have more time,

    @Michael Berra

    The comments ARE part of the activity stream. I am using the activity stream API to create the comments, so they should be showing up on the activity page, and everywhere else. I will PM you later with my e-mail for the translation!

    Michael Berra

    Just found, that everything translates just fine. BUT – I don’t know, if it is because of the translation… in the Links-Directory it now shows me no content as soon as I try to filter… Any ideas?

    Michael Berra

    So, that I don’t just request things… I just made a german-translation… My first-ever :-).

    Hope it works…

    Could it be that some stuff, does not translate correctly (some of the filters etc)?

    Where do you want the translation? :-) (just contact me with pm)

    Peter Hofman

    @MichaelBerra Tnxs for your feedback!

    Translation will come in next version, need to find out how to create a darn .pot file.

    Option for sync from twitter to bp will be there in the next release (to turn it on/off)

    There i no need to create an option to turn off bp to twitter because there is an checkbox that does that already.

    Jean-Pierre Michaud

    i need a .pot here, translation in french !!!



    Ooooh DJPaul, i didn’t expect such an answer :-) !

    I had many out of memory issues in my weblife… it is not a fatality. Some where due to whitespace, i remember. So what here ?

    The problem is i don’t use old stuff, or outdated scripts, this is a pure out of the box experience.

    i can’t acces to php.ini directly or via htaccess instructions.

    My host is ready to sell me a different offer, of course, but i’m not ok.

    Is it normal that a translation, who works well elsewhere, takes so much memory ?

    And i’m not sure my problem is so simple as “if you’re out of memory, you’re out of memory”

    We had an analog problem in the past on WPMU/BP, with 64 bits servers i you remember ?

    subsidiary question:

    Do you know a shared hoster who gives unlimited php memory amount or more than 16 or 20 mo for php scripts ?


    … perhaps this will help you – I believe that author did the translations for Russian. Also, has some tips for translating themes and a bp compatible plugin which may assist in some of the translation of theme elements.



    Thanks for the report on the non-translatable string. I will fix that asap.

    And also thank you very much for the RU translations. I just committed them to trunk.

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    have you a PO files oin buddypress for translate to Other Languages?

    How can I translate to another language


    1. Which version of WPMU are you running? 2.8.6

    2. Did you install WPMU as a directory or subdomain install? directory

    3. If a directory install, is it in root or in a subdirectory? subdirectory

    4. Did you upgraded from a previous version of WPMU? If so, from which version? Maybe :)

    5. Was WPMU functioning properly before installing/upgrading BuddyPress? I Assume so

    6. Which version of BuddyPress (BP) are you running? latest

    7. Did you upgraded from a previous version of BP? If so, from which version? yes, the previous one

    8. Do you have any plugins other than BuddyPress installed and activated? nope

    9. Are you using the standard BuddyPress themes or customized themes? standard

    10. Have you modified the core files in any way? I have installed the italian translation

    11. Do you have any custom functions in bp-custom.php? $bb->bb_xmlrpc_allow_user_switching = true; Is it still needed? Plus italian translation

    12. If running bbPress, which version? Or did your BuddyPress install come with a copy of bbPress built-in? built-in


    In reply to: Rename components

    Boone Gorges

    1. Rename slugs by defining global constants in /wp-config.php. Eg:

    define ( 'BP_GROUPS_SLUG', 'clubs' );

    2. Page titles are generated by bp_page_title(), which is defined in bp-core/bp-core-templatetags.php. It looks to me like they are properly localized, though. Maybe there’s a missing translation in the .po/.mo files? What language are you using?


    Found the translation bug.

    In bp-events.php, line 2831

    add_action ( 'plugins_loaded', 'events_load_textdomain', 9 );

    should be

    add_action ( 'plugins_loaded', 'events_load_textdomain', 1 );

    As it was in 9 priority, it was loaded after

    add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'events_setup_globals', 5 );

    That’s why the other strings loaded but not this one.


    Merci nexia ;-) c’est sympa !

    Of course i can translate directly in the plugin, but i don’t want to do that…

    This said, the plugin needs effectively to be rewriten at his locale level. The function who actually do this is a bit…hum… complicated and .. haaaaaaa….weird. (je reste poli tu vois)

    gettext is ok, some of the people who use it not so much (or as well) ;-)

    WPMU 2.8.6 -> and in june WP 3.0

    WP 2.9.1 / 3.0 alpha -> and in june WP 3.0

    BP 1.2 -> and in june 1.3 ?

    There are so many things to update in the next 6 mounth… yeap !

    Meanwhile if somebody could clean the WP plugin repository from the very old/obsoletes stuff it contains it would be great too.

    Jean-Pierre Michaud

    hum, tu peux pas ajouter directement la traduction?… des fois je me demande pourquoi ils utilisent cette technique pour les traductions alors qu’il n’existe aucun logiciel VRAIMENT fiable pour gérer le tout… c’est un enfer.

    par ailleurs, il y a plusieurs trucs à mettre à jour puisque WPMU est à 2.9, BP est à 1.2… woo tooooo


    Nobody use this plugin in another language as english ?


    Ooooups !

    wp 2.8.6 and bp 1.1.3

    Jean-Pierre Michaud

    ARGH, forget it… the last trunk corrected it… strangely, there was no “My Blogs” menu in the adminbar…

    and the translation is wrong also… looks like i will have to write down a real French international language file… nobody is ever able to read/translate properly… rofl *(Only the creation of an user account is permitted)

    i’ll have to check further more to see if it was just a glitch…


    By the way, Dan (Chouf1) has added I18N translation functionality to the plug-in so that will be a part of the next version as well.


    In reply to: test 1.2

    Andy Peatling

    Nothing like literal translation, love it. I think I get the jist of it.


    In reply to: test 1.2


    You mean that my office smells of machine translation, it is true. I have been following this plugin and have always wished that he had worked on a simple wordpress, but the Internet was not the solution, and wordpress mu I do not like, and I think the engine for social networking little weak (but this is only my personal opinion) , but the plugin itself buddypress can work wonders, but only for a simple wordpress. Of course we are not standing still and slightly altered this plug-in, hard to write him a simple wordpress, but some errors were, and blogs all set up on a different principle. truth will automatically create them failed, but still worked, did not work for some reason, some functions of the transfer of messages between users and groups, and something else. And when I heard that Andrew has decided that the problem of course, turned here, as at present a couple of projects are not ready, just because of the absence of such plagina.Etot plugin will be needed not only to me but I’m sure many other users. I have already raised this issue at one of the forums and site for translators buddypress into Russian Vyacheslav, and very glad that the problem is finally solved


    In reply to: test 1.2


    I sense the presence of machine translation.


    In reply to: Language Translation


    looking forward to run BP in 2 languages. Do not need the language-translation on the fly (like Google Wave) though…..


    How to work with both customized and translation .mo files?

    1. I’ve uplaoded an id_ID translation (mo) file and using the multilingual plugin, it’s works.

    2. I’ve made a bp-custom.php to change ‘wire’ slug into ‘memo’. It’s working on my translation pages, but not with the default english contents (‘memo’ URL’s are fine, but not with menus and ‘wire’ related texts).


    define( 'BP_WIRE_SLUG', 'memo' );


    3. I’ve made a customized PO file (english) to fix this and load the MO language file with bp-custom.php. Now the english language is working (URL’s and contents), but those changes made some of my id_ID translation turns back into english (some ‘memo’ related translation) but the rest translation is fine…


    define( 'BP_WIRE_SLUG', 'memo' );

    define( 'BPLANG', 'memomu' );

    if ( file_exists( BP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/bp-languages/buddypress-' . BPLANG . '.mo' ) ) {

    load_textdomain( 'buddypress', BP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/bp-languages/buddypress-' . BPLANG . '.mo' );



    Did i made any mistake with those steps?

    Is it allright using both customized and translation .mo files?

    please help, thanks!


    In reply to: Language Translation

    I’ve got a plugin that will do this in some places. Search the WP plugin repo for “BP Translate” and you’ll find it in there. I’m actually working on an update to it now, but give it a download on a test environment and see if it does what you want it to.

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