Search Results for 'translation'
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December 2, 2009 at 7:57 am #57875
In reply to: My BP plugin ideas; anyone want to develop with me?
Paul Wong-Gibbs
KeymasterAchievements coming out this weekend. Just going to see if I can get some translations done first. Mainly a compatibility release with current BuddyPress and a few changes to admin interface. Plan is to get another version out just after BP 1.2 with more changes.
November 25, 2009 at 7:49 pm #57463In reply to: Search-Engine-Optimization plug-in ?
ParticipantALT tags and title tags of the images that appear on the home page and sub pages of buddypress sites should be taken into to consideration for an SEO plugin, or future core development. Currently my BP site rank far below other sites when you google for the actual dot com, which is also in the title in big letters with the new default bp theme. Unfortuanelty google sees a majority of my site as
“home” and “group avatar”
there should be a way to change / add title and alt tag to the large site title, and the small title in admin bar. I would also experiment with appending the site tite to some of hte other images.. it would be better for me to have:
my-dot-com-group avatar
right now if type in my dot com into google, another site shows number one result, and that site is completely blank – just an empty dot com folder – that’s my first clue that bpress seo is in need of help –
Svenl77 – even with poor english translation – you are very right about all of that – you have certainly done your seo homework!
I know some of the issue is the text content showing in recent sitewide posts is not helping, but pretty much everything else on the page is gravatar images and others that are not helping the front page to rank for it’s keywords – I could take groups and recent active members off the front page and see the effects.
I would love to know where in the theme or code it is controlling the “home” as title of my site title, and group avatar, and blogs, etc – To those alt and title tags are the second biggest seo mistake with buddypress right now –
November 24, 2009 at 5:40 am #57341still giving
ParticipantI don’t think it is a problem with volunteers. Automattic could just pay people to do the work, or hold an account with a translation company. It is not as though it is a huge piece of work to upkeep. Look e.g. how Mediawiki or PHPBB handles it. It only account for 10s of kb.
(Actually, in my case, Automattic has recently hired bi-lingual Japanese staff and I will be interested to see how they are used).
The problem of language files seems to be a problem that needs addressed at the core of WP, centralized, made much easier to handle and more effective.
Now that Buddypress is part of the stable, I am hoping it is also developed as an international device. I am glad to read that there is awareness of this on the development side ….
what responses about it do you get back from the main developers?
November 16, 2009 at 7:50 am #56753In reply to: languages (again)
Paul Wong-Gibbs
KeymasterIf you’re using a standard installation afaik you don’t have to do anything with the bbpress file. Have a look at the translations page on this website (under Codex) and see what other people have done.
November 15, 2009 at 8:51 pm #56736In reply to: Translation not working?
InactiveLooking forward to help on the language’s. I’ve got buddypress translated to dutch and that works fine. After that I activated bbpress but cannot figure out where the language files for bbpress go ?
bb-config says: * bbPress Localized Language, defaults to English.
* Change this to localize bbPress. A corresponding MO file for the chosen
* language must be installed to a directory called “my-languages” in the root
* directory of bbPress. For example, install to “my-languages” and set
* BB_LANG to ‘de’ to enable German language support.
define( ‘BB_LANG’, ‘nl_NL’ );
Where is the root directory of bbPress when one installed it with the one-click install from within buddypress ? e.g. where does the .mo file go ?
November 14, 2009 at 6:00 pm #56700In reply to: Translation not working?
ParticipantGot it working, hacked bp-core.php and made it a static link (to the .mo file).
November 14, 2009 at 1:51 pm #56687In reply to: Translation not working?
ParticipantIn continuation of this, I ran into a fatal error on the buddypress settings page in the admin area.
Fatal error: Call to undefined function bp_core_get_buddypress_themes() in /customers/ on line 105
Edit: Nevermind, using “define ( ‘BP_IGNORE_DEPRECATED’, true );” in your wp-config isn’t allowed apparently..
November 14, 2009 at 11:32 am #56684In reply to: Translation not working?
ParticipantCheck your messages, I figured it out.. but it wasn’t easy… I think we should write a new tutorial of how to translate for BP because information about this is quite hard to find and not well documented.. I’ll try to write a quick tutorial for this soon
November 13, 2009 at 4:22 pm #56653In reply to: New Plugin – BuddyPress Links – Beta Support
ParticipantJust tagged version 0.1.3
* Fixed bug where Comments was not showing up in link list nav bar
* Many l10n fixes, big props to Chouf1
* Added support to control voting behavior with config constants and filters
* Added Spanish translations, props to laloma
* Improved Fotoglif support due to changes to their API
November 13, 2009 at 11:42 am #56645In reply to: Achievements throwing error on BP 1.1
Jean-Pierre Michaud
Participantneed help to support these, DJPaul ?!… i’m available… and i will provide a translation in the next days for french language too… would be good if you provide a .pot … thanks!
November 11, 2009 at 9:44 pm #56500In reply to: Saving translation gives errors
ParticipantHaha this is weird.. I was trying to help you solve the problem and googled for the line:
missing `msgstr[]’ section
Came across this post.. I’m glad you found it, because I was about to give up.. Now when I select the language in WPMU it does not seem to work..
November 11, 2009 at 9:31 pm #56499In reply to: Saving translation gives errors
ParticipantFound the buggy lines, kind of weird because poEdit said that I was done translating. Anyway, edited them and now I can easily open it.
Now just finding out why buddypress doesnt copy the wpmu language setting.
November 11, 2009 at 9:15 pm #56494In reply to: Saving translation gives errors
John James Jacoby
KeymasterThese kinds of errors can also be caused by forgetting the variables (%s, %d, %1$s, etc…)
If the original string has those, the translated string must have them also. The numbers in the error messages are which lines in the po file contain the errors. Open the .po in something that has line numbers and see what’s broken in them.
November 11, 2009 at 8:52 pm #56488In reply to: Saving translation gives errors
ParticipantXevo, it is written: missing `msgstr[]’ and found 9 fatal errors
This means that you forgot to translate 9 strings ! The lines are indicated in the warning.
Sometimes strings have plural form and you did’nt see that beacause the poEdit window is too small by default on his bottom frame…
To be sure, open the po file in a text editor, it’s easier to read and to search the lines (poEdit did’nt search lines). When found the errors, do the correction and save. Open in poEdit and save also to generate a new mo file.
November 9, 2009 at 1:05 pm #56257In reply to: New Plugin – BuddyPress Links – Beta Support
ParticipantIf you need a dutch translation MrMaz just send me the translation file and I’ll be happy to translate it for you!
November 8, 2009 at 11:21 pm #56223In reply to: New Plugin – BuddyPress Links – Beta Support
Participantfrench version is avaible here
Some files have been modified to allow translation and the .pot file is also a bit modified (due to missing strings at this time) from the original file in 0.1.1
November 8, 2009 at 8:40 pm #56219In reply to: New Plugin – BuddyPress Links – Beta Support
ParticipantThanks for the kind words!
There is another developer, GIGALinux, from #buddypress-dev that is working on a German translation already! Maybe you can contact him and work on it together?
Also a word of caution that this plugin is still in heavy development, so please don’t put your reputation on the line with it yet! I do plan to create different branches if development could introduce instability or backwards compatibility issues, so you are probably safe from a theming standpoint.
If you find any layout or CSS issues while theming, please let me know so we can make improvements!
November 8, 2009 at 2:40 pm #56194In reply to: New Plugin – BuddyPress Links – Beta Support
ParticipantTranslation is actually not working with your locale function “bp_links_load_textdomain()” in bp-links.php line 138
Instead of the function, a simple if statement is enough and works
if ( file_exists( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/buddypress-links/languages/buddypress-links-' . get_locale() . '.mo' ) )
load_textdomain( 'buddypress-links', WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/buddypress-links/languages/buddypress-links-' . get_locale() . '.mo' );If you wanna translate:
Erase (or comment) the function and use the code above instead
Name your .mo file (xX are your country code)
November 6, 2009 at 9:21 am #56056In reply to: New Plugin – BuddyPress Links – Beta Support
ParticipantHi, if you send me ( the pot file I’ll make italian translation for your link plugin.
November 5, 2009 at 8:14 pm #56021In reply to: New Plugin – BuddyPress Links – Beta Support
I read your post about i18n, and followed it to the letter
Thank you for saving me the leg work.
Every string is already in the text domain ‘buddypress-links’ (great minds think alike). I guess it must be up to the translators to use their translation tools in a way that avoids duplicate work, because it seems like a tall order for a plugin developer to monitor which strings are duplicates and constantly add and remove strings from their custom domain as the parent plugin changes (in this case BuddyPress and WordPress).
I really need to read up on this, lol.
November 5, 2009 at 8:02 pm #56019In reply to: New Plugin – BuddyPress Links – Beta Support
John James Jacoby
KeymasterMrMaz, if you need help getting your plugin i18n friendly, let me know, I’m happy to kick through the code and clean it up.
Basically just make sure all of your text uses a textdomain like “bp-links” or “buddypress-links” then use a program like po-edit to comb through the source folder and it will sniff the strings and compile them into the po/mo/pot file.
Textdomains are important because if you use “buddypress” for your textdomain, and the buddypress-en_US.po/mo file doesn’t have a translation for it, it won’t get translated. It’s important to use your own. The only reason NOT to use your own is if the string matches EXACTLY the BuddyPress or WordPress strings already.
November 5, 2009 at 7:30 pm #56012In reply to: New Plugin – BuddyPress Links – Beta Support
ParticipantI am happy that you are interested in helping with the translation of BuddyPress Links. I am new to i18n and I want to make sure I am doing it right.
I have a .pot file, but many of the strings are the same as the ‘buddypress’ text domain. Is there a way to avoid this when generating the .pot file, or do the translation tools automatically ignore these overlapping strings?
I would like to send you the .pot file so you can go over it and give feedback, what is the best way to get you the file?
November 5, 2009 at 6:30 pm #56006In reply to: New Plugin – BuddyPress Links – Beta Support
ParticipantHi, great work !
Is it possible that you provide a .pot file for further translation work ?
November 5, 2009 at 5:11 am #55950In reply to: Translating, but already old translation avaible
ParticipantFound out how it works in poEdit, this’ll make my job easier.
Instead of the full 100%, I only have to do about 30% translation.
November 5, 2009 at 1:12 am #55940In reply to: Translating, but already old translation avaible
Boone Gorges
KeymasterHere’s a really helpful guide to translating using poedit:
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