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Search Results for 'activation email'

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  • #265091

    BP is being added on top of an existing system with its own HTML emails and unsubscribe text and link. This is done by adding a filter to wp_mail which sets the content-type to HTML and adds an unsubscribe link. We have our own custom HTML versions of welcome, reset password, email verification, account activation emails and some more. bp_email_use_wp_mail has been set to true so it sends via our wp_mail implementation.

    The problem is that the BP emails are not being sent as HTML and it seems that the plaintext email templates strip out all HTML tags.

    Is the option here to override the existing BP emails with our own versions or can we make BP use its HTML templates with wp_mail?


    For unknown reason I suddenly started getting a page asking me for activation key every time after I register myself as a pretend new user and after clicking on the activation link in the email.

    I read a post with the same problem saying the activation key is in the email. I tried that so this is an example of the link,


    I tried zhG7gX5p4mtAnSv91K1ePhgBO3V3laWh
    and the entire url,
    but none of them work.

    In fact, the new user was never created because I checked the Users at admin backend, the new user was never there.

    A participant in the post said BP Autologin on Activation plugin solved her this problem but I tried it and it did not work. I think my situation is different from other members in that post because their newly registered members was actually created but mine wasn’t.

    I don’t know why this would happen because it never had this problem before.

    My site is still localhosted, if that matters.

    WP 4.7.3
    BP 2.8.2

    Please help.

    Thank you.


    Hi everyone,

    Great plugin so far. I was just wondering is there any way to send the activation link via sms too? I have added the function in the bp-custom.php. Posting it here below:

    			function send_sms($recipientno, $key) {
                            $ch = curl_init();
    			$msgtxt="Thanks for registering! Please use this link to complete registration: http://localhost/gcs/activate/".$key."/"; 
    			curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_URL,  "");
    			curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    			curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
    			curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "user=$user&senderID=$senderID&receipientno=$receipientno&msgtxt=$msgtxt");
    			$buffer = curl_exec($ch);
    			if(empty ($buffer))
    			{ echo "<p style='display:none;'>buffer is empty</p>"; }
    			{ echo "<p style='display:none;'>".$buffer."</p>"; } 

    I am calling it in the bp-members-function.php

    		if ( apply_filters( 'bp_core_signup_send_activation_key', true, $user_id, $user_email, $activation_key, $usermeta ) ) {
    			bp_core_signup_send_validation_email( $user_id, $user_email, $activation_key, $user_login ); 
    			send_sms($recipientno, $activation_key);

    It is not sending the sms though. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



    I am using buddypress register , It works fine. But I want to know some more information. User should get email with the following message after registering.
    Hi Clara,

    Thanks for registering!

    To complete the activation of your account, go to the following link:

    I would like to add / edit some more text. May I know which path/file. I searched many files I did not get. Please help me.


    Hi there,

    I would like to change “Reply-to” email address and use “” in buddypress activation email.

    However i am using a plugin “WP Mail From II” to change the default email to “”. It worked like a charm! but i noticed that it didn’t changed “reply-to” email address and the user can reply to the admin email. I would like to change that email to as well.


    Did you tested without any additionnal mail plugin ?
    Have you found this topic ?



    I am a wordpress developer. I need to detect if the current page is “Activate”. I am trying following code but its not working when any user click on their activation link from their email address:

    function my_redirect() {

    if ( is_page( array( 38, ‘activate’, ‘Activate’ ) ) ) {
    //Do stuff here..

    add_action( ‘template_redirect’, ‘my_redirect’ );

    Is there any other way so that I can detect if the current page is Activate or not?

    Thanks in advance.


    Good Afternoon All,

    Thanks in advance for any support…it’s much appreciated this is an amazing piece of software. I am using BuddyPress with S2Member free version and can’t seem to fix this tricky issue.

    Wordpress Version: 4.7.2
    Site Template: MSocial
    BuddyPress Ver: 2.8.0

    My website uses PayPal buttons set via S2 member at 4 levels of paid membership 1-4…I have set Open Registration to NO in S2 Mmeber as I am not offering any free users.

    Problem 1 Open Registration NO: After Payment via PayPal the user is directed to ‘Create an account’, after completion the message presented says ‘User registration is currently not allowed’. Here a user has been recorded by WordPress and user emailed activation link. Can the message presented be changed or user redirected to my welcome page?

    Problem 2 Open Registration YES: After Payment via PayPal the user is directed to ‘Create an account’, after completion the message presented says ‘Check you email to activate your account’. I check my email and have been sent an an ‘activation email’, after selecting the message presented says: Invalid Activation key. In this instance if I set ‘Open Registration to Yes’ each paying member is allocated as a free subscriber in WordPress and I have to manually edit each user to the correct paid level.

    Problem 3: Whether Open Registration is set to YES or No I check my email and have been sent an an ‘activation email’, after selecting the message presented says: Invalid Activation key.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    With regards



    Hi, I’m having an activation email issue. I’m running exactly the same install as I was on a another site 2 weeks ago (before upgrading to WP 4.72) that worked fine. With this one, I can’t even send messages manually. I’m a plug and play person; no coding skills. If these things don’t work, I don’t know where to begin. Guidance is appreciated.
    WP 4.72
    WP default 2017 theme
    all plugins disabled except BP


    In reply to: Pending Activation


    Hi, I’m having the activation email issue as well. I’m running exactly the same install as I was on a another site 2 weeks ago (before upgrading to WP 4.72) that worked fine. This one I can’t even send messages manually. I’m a plug and play person; no coding skills. If these things don’t work, I don’t know where to begin. Guidance is appreciated.
    WP 4.72
    WP default 2017 theme
    all plugins disabled except BP


    In reply to: Pending Activation


    Thanks for the response, djsteveb.

    Every thing is using my own dedicated server. Therefore, I have access to all functions.

    With buddypress deactivated all works and its the same theme that is working on the old site. Also, I do not think it could be a theme issue since that I can resend the activation email from the backend but it is still not coming. Also, I see not error message in my log unless that I am missing the message, which I am going back to test again.

    I suggestion that I have in mind could be a compatible issue between Buddypress 2.7.4
    and WordPress 4.7.2 but since buddypress was set-up on the old site when wordpress was version 3 and when through the many upgrades it still works on that old site.

    I am just having thoughts since I cannot see the issue and from the searches this issue goes back a long time and there seems to be no one fix.

    I have tried with and without Easy WP SMTP.





    We’ve been experiencing problematic issues with BP Email notifications.

    As stated on the subject of the post, our BuddyPress installation went ok and each time a new user register. He’s been sent an activation mail (as the situation stated it).

    We are managing group members from the wordpress back-office. Actually, no action (except the registration/login) is performed client-side.

    We (the admin) invite as a member or promote any registered and activated user to any group. This action is performed in the back-office. As stated on the various Email Situations, the recipient should receive an email if the action is performed but this never happens.

    We eventually tried to disable plugins and resetting things but we’re out of luck. We also tried the following plugin BP Default Email Notification Settings Control Version 1.0.1
    to force email notification with no success.

    Thanks for any efficient help,

    Below our configuration:
    WP 4.7.2
    plugins :
    Advanced Custom Fields Pro Version
    Beautiful taxonomy filter Version 2.1.0
    BP Default Email Notification Settings Control Version 1.0.1
    BuddyPress Version 2.7.4
    Contact Form 7 Version 4.5.1
    Contact Form DB Version 2.10.26
    Intuitive Custom Post Order Version 3.0.7
    JS & CSS Script Optimizer Version 0.3.2
    mobble Version 1.6
    PDF Image Generator Version 1.5.0
    Theme My Login Version 6.4.6
    WP E-Mail Debug Version 1.1.0
    WP Maintenance Version 2.8.2
    WP Super Cache
    WPBakery Visual Composer
    Yoast SEO


    Buddypress: Version 2.7.4
    Wordpress: WordPress 4.7.2 running MesoColumn theme

    Hello Forum, I have being searching and reading the many threads about the Buddypress activation email not being sent and is not coming up with a solution and it seems that this issue goes back very far.

    With out Buddypress activated I am able to get the registration email. I am also using Easy WP SMTP.

    Is there any input that can guide me?

    Many Thanks



    I know this is an old topic and I have read all of these including all the comments.. My problem seems to be pritty straight forward, when I click activate link from the email it says Invalid activation key and ask for a activation key.
    I am using latest version of both wp and bp.
    I am using wp smtp, I tried all the usual like deactivating all the plugins and themes etc etc. But the problem remains the same.

    However, I found out in my database under wp_user the user_activation_key field is empty.

    On the other hand, on wp_signup table looks like activation keys are getting generated..

    Only thing I didnt do yet is reseting the database. ( Dont wanna do it unless its absolute necessaray. )
    I am not expert, but I can follow with a little bit of detailed instruction.. Can anyone help me out here? Everything else is ready but this..


    WP 6.4.1
    BP 2.7.3
    twentythirteen -child

    When click on the Activation menu, nothing happens.

    I searched for a fix and found one that was dated this year, but beyond my understanding and involved a lot of php.

    I found another that seemed quite easy – copyinig a bit of php code into a functions.oho file, but it was dated 2014, and I figured it may not still do the job.

    Please help.


    Ive read through a dozen or so threads about this and tried many things to no avail. The users register, get their email, click the activate link in the email and go to the website. However the website says the activation code is invalid. The user can log in but no one thinks it worked because of the red letter error on the activate page. They have an account and are active but the error code is the deal killer.

    I set up smtp email plugin and that works. The users get their emails fine but the activation page says the code is invalid.

    I tried removing all the plugins and uninstalling BuddyPress and reinstalling from a zip file too instead of the WP installer. Cleared cache on my browser. I don’t know what else to try. I have seen multiple similar problems and some say they’ve been resolved but I havne’t been able to resolve mine.

    I have:
    Wordpress 4.7
    BuddyPress Version 2.7.3
    bbPres Version 2.5.12
    SimpleHelix hosting
    Apache Version 2.4.16


    There are some plugins, do a google search.

    you can also use this code but you will get spam if they can get in without email conformation.

    add_filter( 'bp_registration_needs_activation', '__return_false' );



    I need to change the content of the buddy press directed forms /pages and i dont know how?

    Im using WMPLS theme and i need to change the activation and registration directed pages.

    Also I need to have the registered customers as confirmed without sending confirmation email, is that doable on Buddypress?

    Thank you


    In reply to: members not showing


    When someone registers it is no longer sending activation emails. is there a place to check why?



    When a new user registers using the standard Buddypress user form, they receive the activation email and that all works great! However, they are automatically logged in to the site when they click complete on the register form and can continue to use the site as a standard user. If they are to log out, they cannot get back in. But we recently had someone spam our site with logins and comments and votes using this exploit.

    Any ideas on where to look to solve this? Essentially, i don’t want the register form to automatically log the user in..

    Any help you be much appreciated. Thank you.


    Have you tried asking on the WordPress forums? the activation email is a feature inherited from their so they might have an idea

    dev grl

    Any idea if there is a way to confirm activation to the user’s email after they have been manually approved rather than automatically letting them get approved. I can’t seem to see a code to use to implement an email to go to the user after sign up when they’ve been manually approved from the backend.


    When a new user clicks his activation email and is brought to the Activate page, which says, “Your account is now active!” — if he then goes to his Profile Page the same message is displayed only that one time.

    I’m trying to find the function that checks that this is the user’s first visit to his Profile Page or that he has just come from the Activate page, or however it works.

    could someone please give me a hand with this?

    many thanks


    Hi, i just installed buddy press using latest versions of wordpress, X and wpgeodirectory.

    The Activation URL I get in the email after registering is dead.

    Can you help?

    dev grl

    I want to manually approve user registrations in our backend rather than letting them click a link to activate their account. I was able to remove the activate link on their end in the email they receive, but am wondering how the user can get an email notification once I’ve either activated or deleted the account request from the backend? As of now it does nothing when I activate it. I also want to change the verbiage that appears on the page after they submit their user registration information and cannot find out how.

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