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Search Results for 'private'

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  • #263238

    Hi there,

    I need to, with the user that is logged in, both create a group and add said user as the admin of the group. I’m able to create the group, But when I try to add the user, it just doesn’t want to work.

    if any kind soul would help me on this I would greatly appretiate it 🙂
    _________________code used________________________
    //create group
    $candidate_id = bp_loggedin_user_id();
    $defaults = array(
    ‘group_id’ => $this->job_id,
    ‘creator_id’ => $candidate_id,
    ‘name’ => ‘asd’,
    ‘description’ => ‘sdf’,
    ‘slug’ => ‘dfg’,
    ‘status’ => ‘private’,
    ‘enable_forum’ => 1,
    ‘date_created’ => bp_core_current_time()
    groups_create_group( $this->job_id );

    //add user to the group
    groups_join_group( $this->job_id, $candidate_id);



    it’s not an issue but eventually an enhancement.
    As nothing new appeared in the plugin sphere, and if you don’t know further, follow Shane’s recommendation.

    To monetize your BP, perhaps you can consider MyCred ?

    Closing this tread now.


    Hi all,
    I’m using the latest version of BuddyPress & found a bug in the private message modul.
    When I write a new message to a member and forget the subject line there is an error message to fill out the subject line –> that’s correct.
    But after fill out the subject line and send on the “send” Button, there is another error message, that the username is not correct! –> that’s the bug. When I fill out the subject line and the body-text in one step, the message can be send without any problems.

    Is this a general bug in BuddyPress?

    Best regards


    @pixelpushermama @julia_B did you fix this, or is it still a problem?

    I just upgraded from BuddyPress 2.3.4 to 2.7.4 (WP 4.7.1) but now we seem to have a problem with the mentions. Users used to get an notification-email when they were mentioned in the comments on one of our sites. That doesnt happen anymore. But the emails from private messages or replies on activity-updates do work…


    Hi there,

    We recently updated BuddyPress 2.3.4 to 2.7.4 but we seem to have a problem with the mentions. Users used to get an notification-email when they were mentioned in the comments on one of our sites. That doesnt happen anymore. But the emails from private messages or replies on activity-updates do work, so it seems not a problem with the webserver or something like that.

    I have searched a lot of files/source and it looks like the function bp_activity_sent_mention_email is responsible for these mails, but I cant find this function anywhere.. Does somebody know where I should look to find the problem? Where can i hook into the mention-emails to see whats wrong?

    PS: I also added this code, but that didnt help

    add_action( 'bp_email', function( $email_type, $email_obj ) {
    $email_obj->set_from( "", "Custom Website Name" );
    }, 10, 2 );

    Hi, Is it possible to add a “private message” button in the members’s directory page.
    I have found this

    but it is not working when I put it in the “bp-custom.php” file.

    Any other ideas?

    Thank you.


    Hello, I am new to using BuddyPress. I have a client who is interested in setting up a social platform. For the most part I understand how BuddyPress will handle most of the functionality that they need.

    However, there is one aspect that I am curious about. When a user is logged in they will have a private user page with options to manage their profile as well as a public profile page to be viewed by other members. In addition to this – my client would also like to include another Private profile type page that keeps track of the users progress and saves info/where they left off.

    To clarify this further, each member will have a journey dashboard. The journey dashboard is an area that will have a step by step “program” where users can go in start with step one and be able to take exercises/quizzes. If I create this/or use a plugin, will I be able save/link what they have done to their own account so that when they log back in they will only see their own progress and so on.

    It is also important to link to their account because I want to display certain aspects of this element on their profile pages. (Example – what step they are on – and recent exercises they have taken.)

    Thank you So much.


    In case anyone runs into this forum topic looking for a similar fix. I needed to do two more things to get this perfect (thanks @danbp for the great start).

    Under each field, the default privacy is displayed, so you need to make sure that for every option you add, the default is either “All Members”, or “Only Me” so that “Everyone” doesn’t appear as a default under each field, despite the fact that you’ve hidden the option to chose it once the user hits the Change button.

    Additionally, under the name field, “Everyone” is the default, and it can’t be changed. This isn’t really accurate if you site is private, so I have hidden the line that says that the Name field is visible by Everyone with an additional CSS snippet.

    /* Remove Everyone option from Profile Fields to ease confusion on a private site */
    li.public {display:none!important;}
    #buddypress div#item-body div.profile form#profile-edit-form.standard-form.member-information div.editfield.field_1.field_name.required-field.visibility-public.field_type_textbox div#field-visibility-settings-toggle-1.field-visibility-settings-notoggle {display:none!important;}

    In reply to: Spam via messages.


    something like the may be helpful if you really want to stop 99.9% of it.. that one is premium / costs $19.. but it’s more of a hindrance to the spammers than just the spamshield.. which I use and think it stops 90% of them.. so is the other 9.9% worth the premium.. situations vary..



    Is there a way to remove e-mail IDs and consecutive numbers from private messages sent between users?

    This code was found online for email IDs. Can someone please advise? Thank you in advance.

    /*remove email addresses from private messages
    Buddypress remove email id from private messages
    */ function wdw_remove_email_from_private_msg($message){ $replacement = "[removed]"; /*if you dont want any replacement text, replace the above line with $replacement = ""; */ return preg_replace("/[^@\s]*@[^@\s]*\.[^@\s]*/", $replacement, $message); /*the code is short and works in most cases but not full proof. Check*/ } add_filter('messages_message_content_before_save', 'wdw_remove_email_from_private_msg'); add_filter('messages_message_subject_before_save', 'wdw_remove_email_from_private_msg');
    Integral Media

    Is it possible to create a daily private journal for every user on Buddy Press, where they can pen their private notes (and make them public if they want? – like on

    If not, is there a Word Press plugin that can do this and work with BuddyPress?


    do you remember that in the user profile appear as buttons to write private or public messages?
    I would like to add more buttons (and I did it – I do not remember which files have changed…) but I wish these buttons are only visible in your profile and not at all (thus the reverse of what happens to the buttons of the listed messages above). How can I do? thank you


    I’m running WP 4.7, BP 2.7.4, site url is
    I have Twenty Twelve activated

    I have a static home page set as the “Register” page (because the site is private). Once people register, I am using the BP Login Redirect plugin to redirect them to the “Activity” page.

    The problem exists when I click on the header to go to the homepage, or type in *after* being logged in, it takes you to the “Member” page. I want it to go to the Activity page at that point. But I can’t set the home page to the Activity page because it has to remain the Register page.

    Please help!


    Does anybody use bbpress in private bp-groups with this phenomenom?

    Thanks for your reactions.


    disclaimer, I am not a bp dev, just a long time user, and my knowledge is far from complete.

    1 -each Profile / Member offered a separate gallery or media library?
    This was a problem from the very beginning, and perhaps the biggest problem for bp aside from lousy filter options for the activity stream. Initially it was handled by the ‘bp-album’ plugin – which was later abandoned amidst some drama – rtmedia is kind of the standard for handling this now – but it’s bloated, important functions have gotten expensive, and it’s not well supported in core or themes – it’s terrible at keeping things separated like comments on media and galleries –
    There is a new bp media like experimental thing that looks promising, and some attempts at making placeholders for bp media have been made in the past year, new hooks for bp attachment, etc. Some code has appeared on github showing a great start at possible core bp media handling – but not enough devs on that.

    if you must have media with bp I suggest getting the premium “press permit core” and ask for support in limiting what other users can see in the media library. God forbid you have a problem with users trolling other users – and you have media – as you can purchase the buddyblock plugin which will prevent most abuse user to user, but it does not hook into the separate commenting system that rt-media creates. I strongly encourage you to try the other media plugin and hope that works for what you need before getting stuck with rtmedia and no way to export it’s data to something else.

    2 a cap on how many Mb’s a user is allowed to upload for the total amount of media space
    Wordpress has a setting for this when using multi-site setup – but I think it affects only what gets posted to the user blogs aka sites. I think rtmedia has an optional purchase-able plugin for this if you use their system to allow for the media uploads – not sure if the other competing system has such functionality.

    This is a problem, and a solution should include a way for admins to look at users who have uploaded media, not just by user and space taken up, but also by date. There should be more control for deleting content with various parameters as well. I pity you if you find one day a user has uploaded 100s of photos that violate… terms.. and you have to delete each one at a time. If you find a way to handle this better with rtmedia I’d love for you to share it.

    Currently I have tons of photos and videos that users have uploaded and no good way to look at or remove, aside from going profile to profile and manually checking what shows up there. A better way may exist, I have not found it yet.

    3 – Why do all members have to be Authors in order to be able to Post because this was the only method that worked for me.
    When you say post, that sounds like posting a post to a blog – either their own multi-site blog, or perhaps to a group blog. This is how worpdress is and is great for controlling things with blogs. If you mean a user needs to be an author in order to add to thier “activity stream” aka wall or profile or whatever, I do not think they need to be a blog author in order to do so… “What’s new” activity posts work fine without being a blog author.

    4 – BuddyPress and BB Press how should I set up my .htaccess file – this should be documented somewhere around here. Wish I could tell you, I don’t have any bb press running with any buddypress installs any longer.

    If you don’t want robots to crawl your site, search for forums for making buddypress private – you’ll want to lock down your site with a password required to view anything – if you really want to block bots.. if it’s just the nicer bots you are referring to, like googlebot, yahoo and bigbots – then you can setup a robots.txt with something like

    robots *
    disallow /
    allow index.php

    but I don’t think having the main engines index your index.php is really helpful with most WP themes.. you’d probably be better with “allow /about-us/” for example.. as most wp sites I’ve worked with dont have a good ol’ index.html

    your experiences may vary..

    With BP you eaither have lots of time to code, or you take everything as is for the most part. Auttomatic has not funded bp well since the first dev Andy left – it’s basically abandoned like unwanted bastard child that gets (almost) no support – and has been for years. Instead depending mainly on volunteer contributors that obviously have to do other things like earn a living and pay bills.

    Some great people do amazing things making bp better – I appreciate those that are making the documentation better and fighting the good fight of dealing with all the wp core changes and how they affect bp when it updates – and other work to make it better. However what is seemingly most important to many webmasters and end users may not be on the roadmap for future releases – and finding developers to mod up BP is not as easy as one may hope either.

    custom fixes today may well be broken with future updates, and no one has thought about the laws in Europe for privacy and users being able to export data you have them.. all kinds of things..

    consider bp a huge mix of free code that is very experimental, and in my humble opinion should be removed from the wp plugin repo if automattic is not going to fund it properly – it certainly should not be on the first page view of plugins – anyone installing it likely has no idea what can of worms they are getting into.

    If you are thinking of the future and how you may need to moderate user’s uploads and such, I strongly encourage you to test out the mediapress alternative – but realize in order to get core functionality with bp right now you will have to add on a walled garden from one place or another.. without any import / export options – before you invest too much of your time and your user’s pictures and videos into silos you may never escape, you right as well look into and test out peepso ( )- as they seem to have more skin in the game and have made at least some import / export things if I remember correctly.

    again, I am not a bp dev. also I have not used mediapress yet – although I would with a fresh install – rtmedia has not met my expectations, although not a total fail, it is only 60% of what it should be. I have not used peepso yet either. Just a guy that’s been running a few bp installs for a few years, and my knowledge is fuzzy at best. surely, others thoughts, and your mileage may vary.


    I have my site set up so that people can register and create their username which can be their email address. When composing a private message to such a user I’ve noticed if I manually enter their email in the To field it says “Message could not be sent because you have entered an invalid username. Please try again.” If I go to the user’s profile and click send Private Message it autofills the To field and lets me send it that way.

    Is this a known issue or am I missing something?

    Thanks for your help!


    Hi BuddyPress,

    I want to keep my site as private as possible.
    I would like to disable access to non-logged in users to the members directory or any other profile related pages. If they do try to access then they get re-directed to homepage.

    Please could you send me the php I need to add to my functions.php to achieve this??

    Many Thanks


    This code allows you to sort activity from most favorited activity to least favorited activity.

    class BP_Loop_Filters {
    	// Constructor
    	public function __construct() {
    	// Filters
    	private function setup_filters() {
    		add_filter( 'bp_activity_get_user_join_filter', array( $this, 'order_by_most_favorited' ),     10, 6 );
    		add_filter( 'bp_activity_paged_activities_sql', array( $this, 'order_by_most_favorited'),      10, 2 );
    		// Maybe Fool Heartbeat Activities!
    		//add_filter( 'bp_before_activity_latest_args_parse_args', array( $this, 'maybe_fool_heartbeat' ), 10, 1 );
    	 * Ninja Warrior trick to reorder the Activity Loop
    	 * orders by most likes highest to least
    	public function order_by_most_favorited( $sql = '', $select_sql = '', $from_sql = '', $where_sql = '', $sort = '', $pag_sql = '' ) {
    		$r = $select_sql;
    		if ( empty( $r['meta_query'] ) || ! is_array( $r['meta_query'] ) ) {
    			return $sql;
    		} else {
    			$meta_query_keys = wp_list_pluck( $r['meta_query'], 'key' );
    			if ( ! in_array( 'favorite_count', $meta_query_keys ) ) {
    				return $sql;
    			preg_match( '/\'favorite_count\' AND CAST\((.*) AS/', $sql, $match );
    			if ( ! empty( $match[1] ) ) {
    				$sql = str_replace( 'ORDER BY a.date_recorded', 'ORDER BY '. $match[1] .' + 0', $sql );
    		return $sql;
    // 1, 2, 3 go !
    function bp_loop_filters() {
    	return new BP_Loop_Filters();
    add_action( 'init', 'bp_loop_filters' );

    with query args like this:

    	// order activity by favorited. 
    	$query_args = array(
    		'meta_query' 	=> 	array(
    				'key'     => 'favorite_count',
    				'value'   => 1,
    				'type'    => 'numeric',
    				'compare' => '>='

    Does anyone know how to add a new parameter argument for this? instead of favorite_count, I would like something like orderby_favorite_count.

    The reason is, I’ve got custom pages where I like to manipulate the activity loop in a variety of ways, and if I don’t use that class BP_Loop_Filters, then this query args code:

    	$query_args = array(
    		'meta_query' 	=> 	array(
    				'key'     => 'favorite_count',
    				'value'   => 1,
    				'type'    => 'numeric',
    				'compare' => '>='

    will get activities that have been favorited at least x amount of times, but ordered by date_recorded.

    So I would like to be able to
    1. order activities from most favorited, to least favorited, and
    2. order activities by date with activities that has been favorited at least x amount of times.

    At the moment I can only do one or the other.

    Any help appreciated.


    Yes, my BP brothers, there’s a plugin called BP Simple Private and I think it will solve your problems, without having to work with robots.txt

    Prior to using BP Simple Private, my site’s member pages were way too accessible.. You could type <- and you’d see the whole members directory.

    Prior to using BP Simple Private, you could type, and you’d jump straight to my profile.

    With this plugin, people (or search engine bots,) will be redirected to a page of your choosing, and the member pages will not be displayed.

    If you already have the issue of member pages being displayed in search results, there’s nothing you can do to immediately fix that, but make the change (get the plugin) and wait for those bots to crawl your site again, but next time, they won’t find those pages.

    It works for me..


    Thanks Venutius…I was breaking my head for few days … looking all over for a solution.!!!…But your ticket is to hide the forum…I don’t want to hide…forum title has to be visible in index page ..Once a non-member user try to join the forum it should show a message as “you need to be member of the group…”

    I was referring this

    Have to try if it help as a work around on my requirements..?


    Hi…I have BBpress and Buddypress in my WP…I had cerated couple of private groups and also created corresponding private forums which linked to the respective private groups…I had listed the forum index in a page…When a non member try to click on private forum its auto redirect to home page…It will confuse the users…My intention is if a non-member click a private forum should show a message like ” you need to be a member of this group to access this forum” or redirect to a page which i can show the message…Is it possible…?.. m using latest versions of BB and BD press.Pls help wth your expert advices.


    I was in the midst of creating a “Help & Support” page for my users, when I realized something weird (weird to me.)

    I viewed the member list, and I clicked on a member. Then, I clicked “Private Message,” to send the member a private message. Then, this is what transpired: (PLEASE ZOOM IN TO SEE THE BOX I’M TALKING ABOUT)

    help muh pleaze!

    So, I was sending a Private Message to “Ketzita,” and an input box appeared to the right of her name. I assumed this was a Carbon Copy type deal, so just to get a feel, I typed “fdsgd” in that box, to see what would happen.

    Then, I typed a subject like “This is a test,” in the subject box, and I typed a brief message, and clicked “Send Message.”

    Here’s what happened: She recieved the message, and I recieved no error message for typing “fdsgd” in that mysterious box.

    I think I was wrong about the Carbon Copy thing. That box seems functionless to me; I mean, it does nothing. What is that box for? (The box to the right of the name of the Private Message recipient.)

    Ultimately, I will be aiming to do these things: 1) Remove that seemingly functionless box that appears to the right of the Private Message recipient. 2) Remove the “Subject” box as well, in an effort to make the Private Message process extremely quick & simple.

    If anyone can 1) explain to me what that box to the right of the recipient is for, 2) explain how to hide/remove it, or 3) explain how to hide/remove the “subject” box for “subjectless” Private Messaging, I will be blessed by your help, and will appreciate any element of this help very much.

    Thanks in advance, and peace be with all of my Buddypress comrades!

    dev grl

    Wouldn’t checking this feature called user groups maybe achieve what I need? But it would still be up to the user to join this group? The definition is allow your users to organize themselves into specific public, private or hidden sections with separate activity streams and member listings.


    How can I configure Buddypress to prevent users from adding more than 1 recipient to the “Send To (Username or Friend’s Name)” field on the compose private message page? I would like to do this to reduce the ability of users to spam multiple users at once.

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