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  • #263906

    In reply to: Cannot Sign up

    Bradley Ross

    From my previous post, changing AllowOverride None to AllowOverride FileInfo seems to have made the member, groups, and other pages operational.

    The following is a diff of the httpd.conf from the Yosemite version of macOS and my current version. Remember that there are three configuration files: httpd.conf, my.cnf, php.ini

    BradleyRossMacBook:apache2 bradleyross$ diff httpd.conf httpd.conf-YosemiteDefault
    < #
    < # History:
    < # Starting with httpd.conf.pre.update which was dated July 1, 2015
    < #
    < #
    < # The line for was uncommented 17-February-2017
    < # to allow the use of server side includes
    < #
    < # The line for was uncommented on 17-Feb-2017
    < #
    < LoadModule cgi_module libexec/apache2/

    > #LoadModule cgi_module libexec/apache2/
    < # See
    < LoadModule rewrite_module libexec/apache2/
    < #
    < # The two following lines had been commented out as part of the
    < # update July, 2015. They are now being uncommented to
    < # put them back in
    < #
    < LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache2/
    < LoadModule hfs_apple_module libexec/apache2/

    > #LoadModule rewrite_module libexec/apache2/
    > #LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache2/
    > #LoadModule hfs_apple_module libexec/apache2/
    < # Apparently the slash at the end of the Directory open tag
    < # refers to the root of the file system rather than /> indicating
    < # an empty tag
    < # The attribute Includes was added 17-Feb-2017
    < Options FollowSymLinks Multiviews Includes

    > Options FollowSymLinks Multiviews
    < # The attribute None was changed to FileInfo 17-Feb-2017:wq
    < #AllowOverride None
    < AllowOverride FileInfo

    > AllowOverride None
    < # The following two lines were uncommented on 17-Feb-2017
    < AddType text/html .shtml
    < AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml

    > #AddType text/html .shtml
    > #AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml
    BradleyRossMacBook:apache2 bradleyross$


    Try using bp_get_group_id().
    If you can get the group id, then use groups_get_group_admins( $group_id ) to get the group admins.
    Pull out the user ids of the group admins and use the ids to get the user data that you want.

    NOTE: you should be asking LearnDash these questions.
    By asking them here, you are asking volunteers to answer questions about a third-party premium plugin.
    Therefore, you most likely won’t get much assistance here.


    first of all, i’m new to the plugin and wordpress and i am building a website with community features. feel free to tell me about some cool plugins that hook into buddypress to add functionality (i already know about bbpress).

    on the wordpress dashboard in settings, buddypress, components, there is an unchecked feature named “site tracking”. what is this exactly and what does it do?

    i am using the buddypress login widget. the only tabs it has are the user name and the logout button. is there a way to add more tabs to this like friends, private messages, forum topics (when bbpress is installed), etc?

    in the options menu i can enable/disable users uploading profile picture and cover picture. is there an option to limit whether they upload a photo to the site or use a url to post the photo? can i make it so that i can select stock images for user to choose their profile picture and cover picture from?

    i notice there is also support for additional community interaction like grouping and posting on group pages. is there a way for users to have their own personal mini blogs that can be viewed by other users?

    how would i go about customizing the design/layout of user profiles?

    any other advice for me?



    Two questions:
    First, I need a field on my Registration page where the user upload a photo of the necessary identification. Doctors will register in this website and i need this ID photo for legal purpose, any plugin to add that field?

    Second, I wish I could receiva an email with all the registration info including this photo or URL, how?


    Never heard about a dropdown option limit! What is the limit you reached ?

    …nothing accurate in /bp-xprofile/classes/class-bp-xprofile-field-type-selectbox.php

    …or on common forum question.

    Plugin list and theme name could help to help you.


    Please search the forum before asking questions! For ex. “allow html in description”

    Allow HTML Attributes in Profile Description Field


    Hi @luisa227,

    considering your questions, i would suggest you read attentively both WP and BP codex.

    child theme

    bp-custom.php goes to wp-content/plugins/ directory, not into the (child)theme folder.

    such path members/single/swap is related to BP legacy by default.

    But as swap is a custom folder, that custom path means in fact wp-content/themes/child-theme/buddypress/members/single/swap.php, where /child-theme/buddypress/contains copies of all your customized legacy files and your own additionnal files you want to use.

    Hopefully reading the codex will help you to understand a little better how all this works together.

    Jon Fergus

    I’ve seen a dozen support questions on this topic and the answer has always been “another plugin must be redeclaring wp_mail(), so on my test site I disabled every plugin except bbpress and buddypress (and akismet) and still emails are sent in plain text.

    On my live site, the only way I can get the html emails sent is when I have the Buddypress Group Email Subscriptions plugin activated, and then, no matter what other email-related plugins I have active all buddypress emails are sent in html format.

    But, the group subscription plugin has it’s own problem: slows down page-reload when replying if too many members are subscribed to a Topic (can take up to 30 seconds for the reply to process and page to reload on our site), and we haven’t found other solutions to that. So…. we want to disable that subscription plugin, but when we do we lose the html formatted emails.

    Can someone please provide some kind of solution for this plain-text vs. html issue. Like I said, even with no other plugins active we’re still not getting html emails.

    Thanks for the help.

    Our info from our test site (when still getting plain text emails):
    WP version 4.7
    Theme Goodnews 5 Child Theme 1.0
    PHP version 5.6.29
    bbPress version 2.6-alpha-6091
    site url
    Active Plugins Name and Version
    – p1 Akismet 3.2
    – p3 bbPress 2.6-alpha
    – p4 BuddyPress 2.7.4

    Our info from our live site:
    WP version 4.7
    Theme Goodnews 5 Child Theme 1.0
    PHP version 5.6.29
    bbPress version 2.6-alpha-6091
    site url
    Active Plugins Name and Version
    – p1 Adminimize 1.11.2
    – p2 Akismet 3.2
    – p3 All In One SEO Pack
    – p4 bbP Toolkit 1.0.6
    – p5 bbPress 2.6-alpha
    – p6 Better Notifications for WordPress 1.6
    – p7 BP Registration Options 4.3.1
    – p8 BuddyPress Group Email Subscription 3.7.0
    – p9 BuddyPress Sitewide Activity Widget 1.3.2
    – p10 BuddyPress 2.7.4
    – p11 Contact Form 7 4.6
    – p12 Google XML Sitemaps 4.0.8
    – p13 Header and Footer 2.0.3
    – p14 Random Content 1.3.1
    – p15 TinyMCE Advanced 4.4.3
    – p16 User Role Editor 4.31.1
    – p17 WP-Mail-SMTP 0.10.1


    I’m trying to find a way to edit and style the strings of text associated with the password checker. (“Very weak, weak, medium, strong, etc.”

    I have searched through most of the BP template files, and I’ve also searched the language files, but I can not find these strings anywhere.

    Can someone direct me to the files where these strings (or that function) exists?

    Also, to cut down on my questions, can someone point me to documentation which details where stuff like this is located?

    I sincerely thank anyone with some advice.


    I’ve successfully installed BuddyPress and BB Press to create the website I was wanting to achieve.
    I do have 4 questions that I’ve not been able to solve myself.
    I’m using WordPress Version 4.7

    Why isn’t each Profile / Member offered a separate gallery or media library?
    I’ve noticed when a new person joins the site and they go to upload any photos for profile pic or background that they have access to my Media Library. I’ve created a separate profile and was able to see that the gallery’s seemed to be shared with all members.Yes they can add a new gallery but still have access to mine so can this be modified?

    Can you put a cap on how many Mb’s a user is allowed to upload for the total amount of media space allowed.Videos can take up a lot of space.

    Why do all members have to be Authors in order to be able to Post because this was the only method that worked for me.
    Users have privileges that shouldn’t be allowed.

    Last question when using BuddyPress and BB Press how should I set up my .htaccess file

    for robots to crawl as I don’t think they should be able to crawl past the index.php.

    Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions.


    You can create a job listing here.

    If you do, you may want to include answers to the questions that danbp asked above.


    1. Yes

    2. You mean WP posts ? Yes, if you give them permissions.

    3. They can ‘friend’ each other. There is a plugin re ‘Follow’.

    4. Probably – but you’ll need to customize the Follow plugin.

    You should install BP on a test site and start trying different settings and additional plugins.
    After you have done that, you can ask more specific questions here.


    Hope you are well! I have some questions about the functionality of BuddyPress. These may be basic questions but i wanted to make sure before proceeding forward on a project.

    1) Can members to message each other?

    2) Can members create Posts?

    3) Can members Follow each other?

    4) Can the follow function be mentors (Main profile) and mentee ( Child profile that follows a person) instead of follow it would be

    So as members of the site we are called Mentors, then if I want to follow your and/or others post/updates I would click the Mentee button like the follow button?


    You can modify the pagination (example – not tested). BP use the wordpress function paginate_link()


    I was in the midst of creating a “Help & Support” page for my users, when I realized something weird (weird to me.)

    I viewed the member list, and I clicked on a member. Then, I clicked “Private Message,” to send the member a private message. Then, this is what transpired: (PLEASE ZOOM IN TO SEE THE BOX I’M TALKING ABOUT)

    help muh pleaze!

    So, I was sending a Private Message to “Ketzita,” and an input box appeared to the right of her name. I assumed this was a Carbon Copy type deal, so just to get a feel, I typed “fdsgd” in that box, to see what would happen.

    Then, I typed a subject like “This is a test,” in the subject box, and I typed a brief message, and clicked “Send Message.”

    Here’s what happened: She recieved the message, and I recieved no error message for typing “fdsgd” in that mysterious box.

    I think I was wrong about the Carbon Copy thing. That box seems functionless to me; I mean, it does nothing. What is that box for? (The box to the right of the name of the Private Message recipient.)

    Ultimately, I will be aiming to do these things: 1) Remove that seemingly functionless box that appears to the right of the Private Message recipient. 2) Remove the “Subject” box as well, in an effort to make the Private Message process extremely quick & simple.

    If anyone can 1) explain to me what that box to the right of the recipient is for, 2) explain how to hide/remove it, or 3) explain how to hide/remove the “subject” box for “subjectless” Private Messaging, I will be blessed by your help, and will appreciate any element of this help very much.

    Thanks in advance, and peace be with all of my Buddypress comrades!


    Hey guys. I’m building a social media focusing on educational matters but I’m having some problems (as I’m not a dev and have never tried to build anything so complex):

    1) How can I change labes like “following”, “followers”, “follow”, “friends”, etc. sitewide?

    2) How can I make the BuddyPress Login widget for non-logged users I’m using in redirect to a page other than wp-login? (And the same with the Activity widget for logged users)

    3) How can I customize the tabs on the Activity page? (I want to hide some options)

    Thank you very much!


    Is “xprofile component” the feature exposed in “Settings > BuddyPress” named “Extended Profiles” (at the very top of the config page)? (It probably is, but I just want to be sure, thanks.)

    Yes it is !

    it is possible […] to effect the change of either the email or password fields?

    Yes it is ! from here: – the link can be found under the top right usermenu on wp’s toolbar: username > settings > general OR/AND on the buddymenu, when you’re on your profile: Settings ! And that’s it !


    For all other BP related questions, please read through the codex, i really have no time to (re)write all explanations. Sorry, hope you uderstand.


    … and that questions related to bbPress can be asked on the bbPress support forum 🙂


    Hello, i have few questions

    1)-I want synchronize PMP membership package with User members type of buddypress

    2)-I want synchronize PMP register with User register of buddypress

    3)-Your plugin have a login page but it go in wp-login page and let user access to wordpress back-up, i need a front end login page

    4)-I bought wp job manager with buddy press job manager it create 2 members types (employer and candidate)
    In buddypress Profile, it create job manager and resume manager tab, for Candidate how i can remove the job manager tab and for employer how i can remove the resume manager tab?

    5) i can’t manage member type because buddypress job manager create member type without the buddypress member type plugin, when i install the buddypress member type plugin, it don’t fit with the member type of buddypress job manager.

    6) How can i shaw in one page only the list of employer member and in one other page the liste of candidate member in buddypress member ?



    In reply to: Next Page is Showing


    You might want to take a look at my website. It’s for people just starting out with BuddyPress, it might give you some ideas.

    There’s a plugin to force the user to select an Avatar before they user your site –

    Some of your questions you need to ask your theme creator, though if it’s not a BuddyPress theme they may not be much help.



    But unfortunately this does not give me an answer to any questions I have with regards to the above it just sends me to a bunch of custom code that i can add. That’s not what I am asking.

    can anyone break this down so i can understand it a little better.

    1. cover photo –

    a.where can I change the file sizes and where will i find this folder ( the link just had code for the avatar and not the cover photo)

    b.I would like to add some text prompting the user to use to add the correct image sizes for the Alternate Forum template photo and profile image from the get go.

    c. is there a crop feature for the cover photo, like there is for the over photo.

    I don;t have a deal of coding knowledge and asking for some help on where and how i should do this.




    Please do not call out people directly unless they have already responded to your thread.

    You’re using a premium theme and one, maybe two, premium plugins.
    Your questions should be directed to the support provided by your purchases.
    You might find somebody here willing to help you.
    And you have a better chance of getting help if you show what you’ve already tried.
    ( Please use a service like gist when sharing code. )


    WP version: 4.6.1
    BP version: 2.7.2

    Hi all. I’m surprised this solution isn’t easy to find as it seems like a lot of people would want to do this, but I guess most themes have it already. I’m trying to integrate BP into a theme that isn’t BP compatible. It works but isn’t styled for it.

    I moved the user navigation menu from the admin bar to the header so I could get rid of the admin bar altogether. Everything works except the Profile menu item isn’t showing the sub-menu. All the links are under Settings so I could just remove the Profile item. I just don’t know where the code is. I believe it’s pulling from ‘bp_nav_menu’ but I don’t know which file to tweak. Could you tell me where to look?

    Also, the main issue is the styling. I can’t seem to find the CSS code to modify the navigation menu. I’ve been messing with it but a few things I can’t seem to find.

    The code I used was from answer #2 on this link. (#1 didn’t seem to work as well.)

    The php code was fine but the CSS code was kind of a mess and needs a lot of padding and alignment adjustments. Mainly, could you tell me two things…

    1. Where do you add the alignment so the menu items are flush left?

    2. Which section is the styling for the individual menu items (Activity/Profile/etc.) in the dropdown? Thought I found it but the code doesn’t seem to be appearing.

    I know we’re supposed to post the link to our site but the menu only shows when you’re logged in and I’m still working on it so I prefer not to post it.

    Also, I’m not a programmer. I can use Firebug and tweak php code and CSS but I’m still learning a lot of the stuff you guys probably know really well. If I sound stupid, well, in a lot of things I am. 🙂

    Thanks for any help.

Viewing 25 results - 326 through 350 (of 2,230 total)
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